33 Word Trifextra Challenge

Today’s Music: Sebadoh – Skull
Days Til Spring: 23

From the Trifextra Challenge:
“For this weekend’s Trifextra Challenge, we are asking for a 33-word response to the picture below. Make what you will of it; there are no rules. Poetry, prose, comedy, drama–just give us 33 words, on the button. Have fun with it.”

“I tell you about how much I loved this man, and you say a bowling ball?!?”

“Of course! If I just file this down here, can you imagine how well it will roll…”

I’m probably posting this too late to get in on it, but hey, it’s the internet. Who pays attention to details like deadlines anyway…

46 responses to “33 Word Trifextra Challenge

  1. Excellent use of 33 words! I hope they accept your link, too.


  2. Hey, Guap — the head was used for polo first. Didn’t you see “The Man Who Would Be King”?


  3. now now -don[t go away disheartened just yet… i can see it…I can..it might even improve my bowling score…quite a creative ..analogy? why the hell didn’t I think of that?

    it;s interesting that the guys entries I have read point to the skull being the man she loved ,,,or ass…granted I have only seen yours and E. Hotspur.. so I say put a little twist and say the woman he loved and the new wife is saying: …. she was a useless twat in life so let’s put her to work now…..yeah you can have that piece rolls better without n anyways…
    oh how lame.. but there now you can not feel disheartened. 🙂 good luck! on the challenge.


  4. I’m fairly certain The Dude (aka Jeffrey Lebowski) could take the Pepsi challenge and roll a decent set of frames with a skull but that one seems to be broken.
    I love how your mind works, guapowski. I hope it wasn’t too late!


  5. Good point! 😀 Only few people would pay attention to the details like this …


  6. Hi,
    I did this one earlier, and I still say they are trying to work out how to super glue the 4 teeth that fell out, (which the guy has so kindly put on a piece of paper) back onto the skull. 😀


  7. Ha ha!! El Guapo, funny!! It should win! And if it somehow misses the dealine, the entire site will have to be deconstructed and reconstructed so that the international timeline will be affected in such a way as to reverse the polarity of the earth setting the clocks far enough back so that your 33-word Trifexta will not only meet the deadline requirements with flying colors but take it’s rightful first place position. Either that or you could post it on your blog. Well I guess you already did that . . .Ok, nevermind.


    • Linda, I’m getting a sinking feeling that you’re trying to destroy the internet.
      Can I play too?!?


      • Shhhhhh .. . I think Al Gore is tapping my computer .. . uh what ever gave you that idea Mr. El Guapo who I just stumbled upon by accident and have never plotted to destroy the internet with? HA HA! You are quite the jokester!

        (That ought to throw him off!)


  8. “See? – It says right here; “Genuine neanderthal skull – not made in China.”
    “It’s worth a fortune then.”
    “Yes, Pawn Stars might be very interested in this.”
    “We could fund Santorum with the money”


  9. Well. It looks like it didn’t make the deadline. Though the fact that I’m still here, reading, may well prove your point that deadlines don’t matter much. We have another challenge on Monday-Thursday. Maybe we’ll see you back for that one?


  10. For fuck’s sake! I wish he’d quit with this skull crap! Does he not have a clue how hot he looks in those shorts?! Can I not possibly sit any closer to him?


  11. Haha, that was awesome!! I would never have thought of that. Love it.


  12. Interesting…I better not say too much, cause I’m still in over-ananlyzing mode.


  13. I love your answer to the challenge, my friend!


  14. A good funny and challenge … but because I’m running late and a commitment upcoming … unfortunately I’ll pass … but it seems like an interesting challenge. Hope you had a good weekend.


  15. Pingback: Trifecta Challenge « H.E. ELLIS

  16. Ping, ping, PIIIING! Ricochet Ellis!


  17. Ok, dude, that was funny. Nice.


  18. LMAO. I like the way your mind works.


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!