
I hate paperwork.
Even virtual paperwork.
But every so often, it has to be done.
So here it is:

I’m Looking to enjoy the hell out of myself before real life finally catches up with me…

So far, I’ve managed to ski, surf, skydive, hanglide, kayak, scuba dive and see alot of great live music.

Since I’m married to the most wonderful girl in the world, and I have a decent job, I’m guessing I’m ahead for the moment…

One day I might manage to decide what I want to be if I grow up.
But mostly, I just can’t see the point in growing up…

This blog is maintained/arranged/updated by El Guapo (the handsome one).
(As I keep telling myself).
He can be contacted at

Posts are made irregularly. Mostly because I want to say something worth saying (at least to me), as opposed to just adding to the general cacophony. My Reader(s?) deserve better.

Pictures are added as needed to express a point, clarify a point, or to amuse the author (again, me).

Today’s Music may be what I’m listening to at that moment, or something I feel is appropriate to the post, or an act I want to highlight. Check them out, you might like them. And any musical suggestions are always welcome.

Comments are allowed instantly, but are checked regularly, as I find myself not wanting to do my job when I am there, so I poke around online instead.
With that in mind, please be respectful. You can be as passionate as you like in expressing your point of view, but please don’t descend to immature name calling.
Or I will summon the Flaming Balls of Zoltan upon thine comments. Sadly for the justice system, I am the court of last resort around here.

I do read all comments, and do my best to respond to/answer questions raised in them. If you’re shy and want to ask me something, feel free to email.

My philosophy is that we should all enjoy the bejeezus out of ourselves up to the point where we infringe upon the ability of others to enjoy themselves.

I enjoy sour and half-sour dill pickles, but not the “bread and butter” ones.

I think that covers it.

Let me know if I left something out.

*This will probably be updated as soon as I remember what I forgot.

106 responses to “Adminisilliness

  1. I think you’ve pretty well covered it here. All the important stuff, at least. This is a great idea for a blog page. Once again, you’re making me look bad by comparison.


    • Thanks Brian. It’s only by very carefully filtering my brain as it sends taps to my keyboard that I manage to hide the totalitude of my ass-hattery.
      Doesn’t stop me from making up words though…

      Maybe I will post it as a regular page…


  2. Well, it appears your ass hat filter works pretty well (most of the time).

    As you can see from much of what I write, impulses go unchecked from my brain to the interwebs (via fingers, keyboard, my MacBook, etc.)


  3. Have you ever heard of the band “They Might Be Giants”?


  4. Hola Guapo,
    I landed here by accident, I guess. Liked what I read so far and decided to come back for more. I am now following your blog, thanks to “freshly pressed”.


  5. Your ranting and babbles have often amused me in the past. I’m happy to see them enshrined here. Will be checking back for more!


  6. Pingback: Hawaiian SPaM « H.E. ELLIS

  7. I think that you made an excellent job of this one El Guapo, right down to the half-sour dill pickles and noooooo not the bread and buttered one’s 😦 lmao Have a great start to Wednesday El Guapo and one of these days I am sure that I will get around to commenting a bit more frequently 🙂 🙂

    Be Good, Be Wicked…
    But Above ALL… Behave Yourself 🙂 lol



  8. Pingback: Pimp My Blog | 25ToFly

  9. Spoken like a true prophet. Have I mentioned that I love to blindly follow people who like to have fun?


  10. Keeping safe Guapo??? Kick that Sandy in the pants..:)


  11. Are you still there Guapo? I hear it’s blowing 80 miles an hour there..we’re only at 50 or so…Hope all is well…


    • Yeah. It’s been picking up though. Lots of wind, not so much rain.
      they say the peak will be between 8pm and 2am. Con Ed said they may shut down the power…


    • Is the 50mph causing mayhem by you?


      • We live surrounded by the woods…so it’s really roaring..Right now we still have power….I’m sure we’ll have trees down in the morning..what’s got me most concerned is that at this very moment the triplet deer fawns are here…but no mother….lots of falling branches…so you never know..what’s it like for you?


        • Still just the wind by us.
          High tide starts to roll back in an hour. Lower manhattan is under water – rivers are pouring into the tunnels and subway system. It will probably take a few days for the city to get its legs back under it. Wednesday will probably be a limited commute day for most, thurs or fri should be normal.
          It’s actually quieted here a bit in the last half hour I think, but not over yet…


  12. Yeah,but the govt seemed to handle this right, with all the warnings and suspending services.
    This too will pass…


  13. Hoping you’re surviving the aftermath o.k!


  14. Pingback: Hunky Hugo Unfortunately Answers Your Questions | Speaker7

  15. El Guapo, It sounds like you have a wonderful, exciting life with all your fun activities! I look forward to your irregular posts. I get it…I don’t have a schedule either. As soon as I had one, I would stray from it.


  16. Merry Christmas El Guapo!!


  17. Pingback: Doodle Poetry: Guapola | rarasaur

  18. Pingback: A™ Madame™ Weebles™ Magnificent™ Birthday™ | A Clown On Fire

  19. Pingback: Post of the Week: The Mercenary Researcher | The Bumble Files

  20. Bravo! I like the ‘live life to death’ attitude.
    You go, brah!


  21. ciao!luvFAB blog. in the now:)


  22. Pingback: Keep On Shining | Stuphblog

  23. Pingback: Bite on this! | Doggy's Style

  24. Pingback: Shine-y | thematticuskingdom

  25. Pingback: Blunt Life Coach™: The Beast Inside | Stuphblog

  26. Hi Guapo,
    Would you be willing to participate in something we are doing for Susie Lindau on Friday morning? I am contacting as many of her followers as possible. My thought is that we all post on our own blogs on Friday with the same title, “Susie Strong”. The content would say something simple like, We are thinking of you. I haven’t known Susie for long but this blogging world is such a family. I thought it would be nice for her to see this message from as many of us as possible. Her husband is going to be updating us after her surgery. He can tell her or she can see it once she is up to it. Are you in? Thanks, Maria aka brickhousechick


  27. Pingback: More Blog Bling!! | Stuphblog

  28. Pingback: Awards – I love you ALL | She Said What?

  29. Pingback: The 80′s Need You (I, I, I, I, Need You!) | Running On Sober

  30. Pingback: On Tributes | A Frank Angle

  31. Pingback: revis and matticus save the kingdom chapter 4 | 33 Grams of Blog

  32. love your’s sharing 🙂


  33. You’re amazing~ 🙂


  34. Pingback: Premature Acclamation | Stuphblog

  35. Just found your blog… I hate flaming balls and bread and butter pickles suck.. I wonder how many bloggers know what “El Guapo” means. I love it , I call my husband ” Senor Guapo” Have a wonderful week !


  36. Pingback: What comes after tears? Gratitude and choosing not to be insane. | Human In Recovery

  37. Not many people out here (Pacific Northwest) seem to make the distinction between sour and half-sour pickles. But I love ’em both, too! So far it seems like Vlasic for sour and Claussen for half-sour have been good choices, but can you recommend any others to me? Possibly ones I might be able to find around here?


  38. Dear Guapola, pleased to meet you. We seem to have friends much in common, so I thought I would stop by. I’m sure you hear this all the time, but I was hooked by that photo of the Greatest American Hero. I loved that show, probably because I also have problems with instruction manuals.


  39. Was that you that just donated 20 quid? You’re the only El Guapo I know… Haha so if it was THANK YOU SO MUCH and if it wasn’t, I feel like a bit of an idiot 🙂


  40. I nominated you for my shout out award! Your blog is awesome and deserved the recognition, so go here to get your award


  41. Terribly sorry to inform you the El Guapo title is already taken. In fact I’ve had it since 1978, when I was born. Besides it’s not available to people OUTSIDE Spain… :p


    • The title El Guapo was bestowed on me by the Barber of Seville.
      Not a barber of Seville mind you, but THE Barber of Seville. Horace, as we call him.

      It’s also possible I just misunderstood him. There was a lot of paella and Hierbas Ibicencas that night…

      And nice to meet you!


  42. I love your take on the “About” page, much more entertaining than most!
    Cheers, Lynne


  43. I am one of those shy ones…but you seem to have brought me out of my shell! I’ll most probably become a regular liker & commentator on your future posts…and when I have time, your previous ones. But you seem to have many of those. Nice to have met you Senior Guapo!


  44. Pingback: Striking a Pose in the Twitterverse | Amy Reese Writes

  45. I agree. Not a fan of bread and butter pickles either. You’d think from the description they’d be delicious. But not so. Dill all the way!


  46. Pingback: Did You Know Jesus Has Many Names? | History of a Woman

  47. Pingback: I’m still alive and breathing | She Said What?

  48. Pingback: throwing it down in May | my year[s] of sweat!

  49. Pingback: 5×5 With The Hook: MamaMick Terry. | You've Been Hooked!

  50. Pingback: Hunky Hugo Unfortunately Answers Your Questions | 50 Shades of Grey

  51. Pingback: monthly challenges recap: May edition | my year[s] of sweat!

  52. Pingback: A Thank You To All « 33 Grams of Blog

  53. Pingback: Life in 6 Songs: Winners Announced | Running On Sober

  54. Long time no blog, El Guapo. You’re worse than me! No, hang on, you’re better, because instead of posting when you get a spare moment, you go look at other people’s blogs. Hope 2015 is treating you well!


  55. As you commented on someone else’s blog, absurd is underrated. Hold that thought, because the world keeps tossing absurd at us. By the bucketful.


  56. Pingback: Blunt Life Coach™: The Beast Inside – Mental Defecation

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