A head is an awful place to live.

Today’s Music: Ravel – Bolero

This seems to be the time of year when exhaustion, apathy and wtf all collide in a perfect storm inside my head. It happens every so often. Nothing for me to do but ride the wave and find my moments where I can. On the bright side, it finally feels like spring here. Only seven weeks late.

So I’ll be playing with my trains, reading books about Roosevelt and Taft, the Mediterranean, and rereading a stack of books before reading (what better be) the final installment of a ten book cycle.
I’ll still be cooking, and maybe I’ll even try baking bread again.

And eventually, I’ll snap out of it. The Hawaiian shirts, the music, food, stories – all of it adds up, and it’ll re-anchor me to the world. I’ll come back and tell you about the Motorcycle Safety Class, and whatever happened with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. We’ll listen to some great music. Oh, and I’ll try and finish writing the hanggliding adventure. Maybe I’ll give you the story about when Steve screwed his hand to the ceiling. That isn’t a metaphor, by the way – he literally screwed his hand to the ceiling. And there might even be more polls.

The last few months have been exhausting. I’m taking a short break. You’ll still see me reading and commenting on your stuff, because I love the stories, but I doubt I’ll be posting for a bit, aside from the random one-off (I have a beatnik Poetry Slam I don’t want to waste).
Mostly, I’ll be spending time with TMWGITU.

And as so often happens, Shakespeare said it best:
“If we do meet again, why, we shall smile. If not, why then this parting was well made.”

Rock on.

272 responses to “A head is an awful place to live.

  1. We all need a break, Guap. I hope you have a good one and come back to us as refreshed as ever! 😉

    PS – I used WTF on my blog one day and my mother asked me what it meant so I told her it’s what comes after Monday, Tuesday – MTWTF 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have been on an extended break since I started the new job. I can’t wait for summer so I can catch up with everyone again.
    Enjoy your break, and TMWGITU!
    Peace, love, and light.


  3. Sounds like a plan 🙂 Have a GREAT time doing whatever floats your boat!


  4. NotAPunkRocker

    I was wondering how you were doing in general, with job stuff and such.

    Enjoy your time “off”. We’ll expect you to be normal and well-adjusted when you return.


    Almost got through that without laughing! 😉 Seriously though, chill out and rock on.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Guap, the weather is finally tolerable and we all need to get out in it! You will be much missed, but it sounds like a grand idea. I am especially eager to hear what happens with Big Brothers / Big Sisters – my son had a Big Brother for a while…we can exchange thoughts 🙂 Enjoy yourself! xx Kat


  6. Damn. I find you in time for break. My loss. Have a good one


  7. Enjoy your sabbatical. Will miss you!


  8. Hey Guaps hope you feel better soon. Enjoy your time off. I’m thinking of doing the same. You have been and will be missed. Please no, no Hawaiian shirts!! They will not help you to feel better!!


  9. runningonsober

    There’s really been a lot of that blah going around. I think I spent all of April in that funk. A break will be good, as will time with your trains, music and most of all with your wife. 🙂

    Enjoy your break. You’ll get your mojo (spellcheck wanted that to say monkey) back as summer rolls in. Fear not! (Well don’t fear the mojo. Not sure about the monkey.)


    • I’m surprised your spell check doesn’t change every word to “monkey.”
      It must still be learning…

      Thanks. It will be nice to unplug a bit. (I spent some of this evening hula hooping!)


  10. Sloth attack here, too. Oh, the good weather will serve as an excuse.
    (We nail gunned a hand to the wall – does that count? Things stay numb a long time on the way to the urgent care place..nail still there…)
    Gotta love that Shakespeare.
    Gonna wish you fine Hawaiian shirts and motorcycle adventures. Wind at your back – hasta later


    • Unless you started to walk away, then were jerked back by the hand that was nailed to the wall because you didn’t realize it, then no, not quite as bad.
      And you went for medical attention. He went to a bar!

      Thanks so much! Looking forward to some quality outdoors time.


      • It was a ring shank nail….bought so the siding nails wouldn’t easily pull out….they had to cut it.
        Good shot: missed the bones! (we redid houses long before it was on TV…and nursing war wounds since…)
        Everyone outside – just in to pick up water…lots to explore – enjoy


  11. Enjoy your break. We all need them from time-to-time, otherwise this wouldn’t be fun anymore.


  12. I never have a break. I’ve never had a break in- well- since I could legally drink. How dare you! 😛


    • I might be reading this wrong, but I see that as drinking to prevent break ins.
      (I hope I’m not reading that wrong, because now I’m inspired!) 😉


  13. My best to you. I’ve been feeling much the same way.


  14. Guap, I really appreciate the support you have given me, amigo.

    Juega la fria, ese. <—Tex-Mex for "be cool, bro".


  15. Enjoy your time off. We are hitting 80 tomorrow. Whoo hoo! Look forward to when you return.


  16. I don’t know what I like better, your ability to point your eyes and tongue in the same direction, or that shade of yellow behind your head! I hope you have an invigorating, replenishing, inspiring spell with your trains, books, and lovely wife. Can’t wait for the details at some future moment… rock on. 🙂


    • I can roll my tongue too!
      My wife picked out the color for the walls. I’d have gone fluorescent.

      Thanks Laura. And now I’ll have no distractions from the next kiln report!


  17. Sad to see you go, but will happily welcome your return. =)

    What Roosevelt book are you reading ? =)

    Enjoy your quiet time, the blossoming sunshine and your girl… catch you on the flip side ! =)


  18. Enjoy the break and the sunshine. We all need to regenerate our mental batteries and what better time to do it than Spring/Summer especially after the long slog of Winter you guys have just had? Take care.


  19. Will there still be the #SundayNightCookOff still? Regardless, enjoy the time off. I think we all tend to do that in the blogging life at some point. Recharge them batteries!



    • The cookoff will continue, irregularly as always. I’m not disappearing from the online-liness.
      Just not going to post for a bit, and spend a little less time in the sphere.
      And I’ll have more time for reading too!


  20. Your picture + Bolero = surreal man.

    Baking bread – dude, have you tried baking beer bread? It’s the shizz! Also, now that spring has sprung, will you take your board out finally? I can hear it screaming (your mental health depends on this taking place) The surf at the beach where I normally hang out in Mexico has been so wild apparently (I miss it) that there is pretty much no beach right now, it’s all overtaken by killer waves.

    Now as I type this in, I am racking my brain trying to remember WHAT movie made this song SO popular… wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, LES UNS ET LES AUTRES! Not sure if it’s translated or not, but I’m sure it is. Watch it. Then ago surfing. Better yet, go surfing with a beach pik-nik and the lady with the long acronym, then watch the movie holding her hand, then go surfing again.


  21. I hope you have a good break, Guap. Rest, recharge, and have fun!


  22. I wanted to dislike this post, but there was no option to do that, so I caved and clicked like. I don’t like that you’re taking a break because I’ve come to rely on your crazy weekly summary posts and polls. 😦

    Hey, does your taking a break from the blog also mean taking a break from meeting fellow bloggers? I’m headed back to NYC Monday afternoon, staying through Wednesday end of day. Let me know if you’re up for a coffee or beer!


  23. You will be missed, but I totally get it. Be well. Looking forward to your return!! 🙂


  24. Have a good break, Guap. I am not going to be around as much myself – work is cre-a-zayzy.


  25. Guapisimo! I am feeling kinda depressed about this. I totally get it but selfishly I don’t know how I will survive! Please stay on Twitter because I love your posts and all your cooking shows. Wish I had had this pic of you when I did your makeover! Enjoy TMWGITU!! Adios for now. Sniff…sniff…


  26. We all need a break sometime, enjoy yours. I think I am coming back from mine now. LOL


  27. Enjoy your break, Guapo. Maybe that’s something I should consider, too.


  28. Whatever it takes to recharge. We all need a break. I’m with you in spirit, Guapo! I’ll still be here, doin’ my thing as best as I can. Hope you might find the time to take a peek every now and then, to tell me how I’m doin’! You have great ideas. Enjoy you-know-who!!:-)


  29. kraftycatcreations

    Have a wonderful respite! Re-find yourself. We will wait for your return and greet it with open arms. 🙂


  30. Phooey..I just came back.. But I get it I really do. Ya know I read and commented on last foolishness..thank you for the shout out too by the way and idiot me didn’t hit post and its shit like that when I think wth am I even doing here.. Do what ya gotta do …my inbox is always open to you.. If you make it a long break.. Don’t just disappear.
    It was 78 here today after near hundred days..spring doesn’t seem to know what it wants to do but I’m glad you are finally feeling it..

    I miss you already..and for awhile now really..my best to TMWGITU and to you my dear friend..
    lizzie ♥


  31. I so know the feeling. Go get ’em. 😀


  32. cougarconnecting2011

    rock you


  33. Have a good break, Guap! I think I’ve been half on break for at least a month now, probably would have been smarter to take a full break! We’ll see you when you return!


  34. Guapo, it’s totally understandable to take a break! I’ll still be here when you return. Enjoy the time with your bride and I hope you come refreshed. Be well.


  35. Guap, enjoy the break and rest up. Looking forward to your return! Much peace x


  36. You’re a very talented writer. I’ll miss your posts, but look forward to your return. I hope your break is relaxing, rejuvinating and everything you need. Take care!


  37. Enjoy your break and ride the rails!


  38. Have a good break… Maybe also try holidaying somewhere else more natural and artistic… I guess that what is needed for a writer. To come back with fresh thoughts… go on…. enjoy…. btw please take a look at my blog… You might like some of my inspirational articles and poems… Heres the link http://pratheekreddy68.wordpress.com/


  39. Love the Shakespeare quote. Enjoy your break. We will be here when yiu get back. Rock on!


  40. Bolero! I haven’t listened to that for years. Nice work. Thanks for the reminder.

    Has the new-boss vibe settled in yet? Or is everyone still feeling each other out? Like a pack of wolves sniffing each other.

    Don’t stay away too long. What play is that quote from? I’m too lazy to Google this morning.


  41. Rock on, man. 🙂


  42. Dear Guapo,
    As far as baking (and breaking) bread–you are at the top of my list of people I’d like to do that with. Take some time, take care of yourself and have fun with your girl.
    I have a non-blogger buddy who once asked me (when I was stressing about being behind on my writing and reading) How can you write when you don’t even have time to live? If you don’t take time to live, you won’t have anything worthwhile to write about.” I told him he should be a blogger 🙂

    Enjoy your time off and know that you’ll have open arms waiting when you get back!

    PS: I’m totally stealing your Shakespeare quote with a friend today.


  43. Have fun doing what it is you need to do. My need to run is great sometimes, especially with the home situation. Sadly the gammy leg foils my escape:)

    We shall keep a seat and the teapot warm for your return my honorary eejit: 🙂


    • I will wear my honorary eejitness with pride, wherever I roam!

      Maybe get avatars for those giving you stress and paint them on the bad guys in Call of Duty!


  44. Recharging is a good thing … so do what you must. I know you will enjoy yourself, and I look forward to the updates. …. and cheers to Bo Derek for popularizing Ravel’s masterpiece.


  45. Snoring Dog Studio

    Taking breaks is not a bad thing at all. Rest, have fun, get well, re-energize. I’ll be back to check on you.


  46. Time out for recharging and doing things that make you happy and put a smile on your face?? Smart man. Go forth, Oh Tenth wonder of the world, (tell me again, how any wonders of the world are there?) and walk into the warm embrace of all that life has to offer.
    El Guapo stands for JOY, so get yourself out there and find some.
    YOU’LL BE MISSED…sniffle, sniffle, sniffle, SNIFFLE, SNIFFLE, SNIFFLE, SOB! SOB! SOB!
    (Turn your ear to the west and you’ll be able to hear some first class WAILING!!)
    Love ya Guap! Take care!!


    • I lost track of the wonders after Alcohol, Chocolate and Potato Chips.
      (If I can’t eat em, I’m just not interested.) 😉

      Sheesh, I’m not dying! I’ll still be there to read of the constant travails of the woodland creatures.


      • I feel the same way about “THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD”…although I am interested in sharks teeth..I count them as, “A WONDER OF THE WORLD”!

        I get a little carried away from time to time…Consider my extravagant expression of sorrow retracted.
        I did however, have woodland creatures lined up at the door concerned that you weren’t going to be coming by….oh yes…they know ALL about you.


  47. I completely get where you’re coming from, but I’m ridiculously envious of your ability to relate the feeling in such a groovy facial expression. Come back when you’re ready, and feel free to bring fresh-baked bread. Peace.


  48. Enjoy a well deserved break, recharge, observe, find joy, be happy, be peaceful. I am impressed with your ability to stick with a ten book decology (that’s not a real word, I just don’t’ know what you would call it. A triple trilogy + one? Enjoy.


  49. That sounds like a lovely break. And I’m intrigued by this ten book cycle of reading!


    • Stephen R Donaldson wrote The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (books 1 – 3) in the late seventies. The Second Chronicles (books 4 – 6) came shortly after. (Both series were about a year between books.)
      He started the last four in 04, with a book every few years, the last one in paperback next year.
      so at this point, I have no idea what happened before. But I remember they were mostly fun reads.


  50. Fridays won’t be the same without your foolishness!

    Be well, live well, my friend!


  51. Quite a few are taking a break, is everyone going on a joint holiday and I wasn’t invited! That would be some resort..


  52. I join you in that state of mind. There’s a shitload of work to do next to all the work. And don’t forget the stuff I still have to do.
    I hope you will soon find joy in Hawaian shirts again! Enjoy your break! (And don’t stay away for too long :/)


  53. Enjoy your time with that wonderful gal of yours.
    Thank you for putting up the link to help out Rara and Dave!


  54. uh… I have some new Hawaiian shirts now…


  55. I’m sorry to hear you won’t be posting for a while, I look forward to Friday Foolishness (although I’m often late lately). I hope you take the time you need to heal your wounds, reaffirm how wonderful you are & come back in your usual happy go lucky way! I will miss your support & friendship (they are welcome & often so insightful). Please take care of yourself & TMWGITU! Know you will be in my thoughts often.


    • Thanks so much, Benze! I’ll still be there to read your posts.
      As for these pages, I’m just going to enjoy putting it down for a while.


  56. Ah, haha love the photo there! Not sure if you’ve posted other selfies (yes… selfie…) but this is the first I’ve seen! I really assumed you were some young redhead female in a cabin in the woods.

    I understand needing a break. I think the winter thoroughly ruined us this year, we need to retreat and regroup and get ready to reattack this life.

    But mostly I want you to reattack so I can hear this story about screwing ceilings.


  57. Hey Guap-
    I know the feeling of needing a break. I feel like I take them all the time – little mini ones. Blogging is exhausting.

    I’ll miss your blog, but I look forward to playing with you in Tweetlandia, and elsewhere in the sphere!
    Peace out,


  58. Take your break Guap! When I was reading this…and you said ‘books’ in ‘rereading a stack of books’. I thought it said BOOBS. So now I think you should re-read some boobs. It might help! Take care!!


  59. See you on the rebound mate, enjoy.


  60. Guap, my muse, I was first sad when I read this, then woke up and understood. I have taken more breaks than a chain smoking government worker in my short blogging life. 😀

    Enjoy the spring, the Hawaiian shirts, the food, the reading and most of all, have fun with TMWGITU.

    We will be waiting patiently for you to come back, and anticipate your thoughtful comments in the meantime. Cheers! Lynne


  61. Spring is here EG! It’s what you’ve been waiting for all winter. May you enjoy it to the fullest in whatever way brings you the most happiness.


  62. I want you to know something, something true and sincere–you make my day a better day when I read your words. Thank you for that gift.


    • Thank you Addie! Getting to know you and others, through posts and comments, is the best most worthwhile part of this – both the funny stuff and the support we give each other.


  63. Enjoy the R&R. Will be waiting for you when you get back.


  64. Have fun creating even more memories with the wifey! Relax, enjoy the weather. Looking forward to more stories!


    • Thanks Nicole. So far, I’ve been spending my off-time hula hooping a little while each day, and playing with my guitar.
      Also, more (and better) time with the wife!


  65. E.G., I have long wondered where your energy comes from. Maintaining your blog requires not only generating a ton of independent content, but also reading so many other blogs in search of suggestions that are worthy of your considerable readership. You add so much to the blogosphere, and it’s high time we give something back to you, like the break you richly deserve.


    • Why thank you! Not sure how long I’ll be away, but I’ll still be reading and enjoying.
      It will be nice to let everyone else do all that “composing and coherently communicating”! 😉


  66. Wait–if I understand this right, you have model trains and you’re a Big Brother.

    Dude, you really are the coolest human alive.


    • Actually, I haven’t hard back from the Big Brother people. I sent them a follow-up email a few days ago.
      Hopefully they’ll respond, if only to tell me what the background check turned up that caused me to get bounced.

      (But I do have model trains.)


  67. “Oh no! Please don’t go, we’ll eat you up, we love you so!” Somehow, the idea of you baking bread, helps with the Guapo missing. Hope you come back refreshed, centered and feeling good, friend. You have so many people who love your humor and grace. Count me among them. xo


  68. The sun, hawaiian shirts and reading are bound to make anyone feel better! Enjoy your break and come back to us all rejuvenated and full of amazing stories. I really want to hear about the nail in the hand, in the ceiling.


  69. I think we are glasses twins. Don’t worry, mine are men’s so it’s okay if we’re wearing the same pair.


  70. Love the picture…that just made my morning much happier. Enjoy the break….my brain hasn’t been the most fun place lately and I’m trying to get back into a good space. I shall wear my Hawaiian shirt in your honor and hope you feel the good vibes!!


    • Nothing wrong with just riding it out til you feel better. Sometimes it just takes a while to snap back.

      And I bet you are rocking the hell out of that Hawaiian shirt!


  71. It happens, Guap. We all take a break, but we have forged the friendships, and they don’t go away. I post now when I have the time, but I don’t anxt over it like I used to. It can’t be a chore. Have fun with your wife and whatever the rest of TMWITOEITECUTELD means. 🙂


  72. I’ll miss you and your positive blog-iness! But I hope you find some peace, some happiness and all around good stuff. You put so much good out there, it’s sure to come back to you! And I’ll be here waiting to be thoroughly entertained when you decide to visit your wit upon us again…


  73. Hope the storm calms soon…


  74. Hope your break is really awesome, and for our sake I hope it’s not too long – we need good reading material!


  75. Everyone needs a break sometimes, enjoy!


  76. Well, I will miss your foolishness while you’re away from blogland, Guap. I’ll probably be taking a writing break myself, so see you when one of us gets back! x0


  77. everyone needs a break, even Superheroes who write blogs in their spare time! We will be here when you get back.


  78. Introduced to you today via RARA and I have to say I love your blog! The title of this post and the music well…..if you could only see inside my mind you would see the crazy visuals this is inspiring in me. Thank you! Keep on going!


  79. Have a very relaxing WP-less break.
    P.S. There is a chance that I might see this face in my nightmares tonight – but on the other hand, that would also mean that I’ll be thinking of you. 🙂


  80. So I finally get around to reading…and you are taking a break. Sounds about right 🙂 But I obviously understand a need for a hiatus. Sounds like you have a wonderful life waiting to be lived. Enjoy!


  81. Take good care of your head – you probably only have one. 🙂


  82. You can change it a bit by bit to be a better place to live by reading a sutra 😀 hee hee


  83. spending time with TMWGITU is a very good idea! Embarking on a ten part serial, not so good…have a lovely break!


  84. Well, if I typed, “take a break, refresh yourself, come back stronger. We’ll miss you” Then I’d be repeating what a hundred other bloggers have already said. To avoid redundancy, I have chosen to instead leave you with the only dirty joke I know. It’s immature and ridiculous, just like me. Enjoy.

    Why do women like hunters?
    Because they go deep into the bush, they always shoot twice, and they always eat what they shoot.

    badum-bum. 🙂


  85. I appreciate the visit to my site. I’m not too sure how I can even begin to top bethteliho’s comment. As she is before me and I have no one yet after me. Oh, dear…she has put in a spot regarding clever comments:~)

    BTW you always know a good blogger when they say “I’m taking time off, but I’ll still be visiting.” Do enjoy your time off, okay?


  86. “This seems to be the time of year when exhaustion, apathy and wtf all collide in a perfect storm inside my head.” — that line gives Shakespeare a run for his money! And when I think of thee I shall think of thee thus as thee looks in thine picture that thou hast posted! (Wait is that Shakespeare or the bible?) I think that perfect storm is colliding in my head as well! I haven’t been on much lately, but have been thinking of you and the gang fondly. Have a wonderful, fun-filled, melodious spring with tmwgitu! And we will all look forward with great anticipation to reading about all the adventures and especially misadventures that our most beloved Guap manages to get himself into as usual!!! xo!


  87. I was wondering where you’d disappeared to, El G. Enjoy the break, and a veryhappy summer to you. 🙂


  88. Holy crap man, I haven’t been around much of late but you… you went and got all out for like a month! Hope you’re relaxing and getting that reading done, and recharging. No one can be up and full bore all the time. Balance is impossible: we’re programmed for ups and downs with brief stretches of vigorous somnolence. Be well, Guap, hope to see you back and posting.


  89. Been there, just done that, twice i think.


  90. Gray Dawster

    Not you too Guap, I have been AWOL for
    well over two weeks now but gradually getting
    back into the swing of things… I must admit
    though I was surprised to find you on vacation
    from blogging like me, I guess great minds think
    alike when the inspiration fades a little, but both
    you and I will be returning here soon and just
    think of all the mischief that will entail? 🙂 😉

    Have a cool break from blogging but come back
    with a spring in your step and a pen ready for action,
    or should that be a finger, on your keyboard I meant,
    not sticking up in my direction 😉 lmao



  91. Hey, thought I’d pop in and say hi 🙂


  92. Gray Dawster

    Have a great start to your week Guap
    and enjoy your time off from WP 🙂 I am
    not back here yet but just wanted to call
    in and wish you well my great friend 🙂



  93. Have a good break! Sometimes, we all need one. I look forward to your return. CHEERS!


  94. I saw your face!! Have a great break. We all need one


  95. Handsome- Enjoy your break for however long and wherever it might take you. And umm, I hope someone’s been checking on Steve. Poor guy, hanging on a wall, talking to that fly that ALWAYS seems to know everybody else’s business……


  96. We’ll be here when you get back — I was thinking of taking a break myself for a bit. Enjoy the summer! Did you hear Action Park reopened? That sounds right up your alley (jumping off cliffs into water, etc.!). Hope you rally soon. (I see you cooking on Twitter & making my mouth water so that’s awesome!)


  97. Hope you have gotten a crapload more relaxation from your hiatus than I did from mine. Squeeze up on TMWGiTU from me 🙂 an ❤ to both of you.


  98. Gray Dawster

    Thanks for calling in Guap,
    hey I keep calling into your G+
    and leaving bits, but I guess
    you don’t frequent there very
    much, your last posting was
    a long time ago but if you are
    ever in the vicinity call into
    my page, I am sure that there
    will be something to whet
    your appetite, oh yes fore sure 🙂 lol

    Have an awesome Hump Day 🙂



  99. And now it’s my turn to check back here to make sure I’m not missing posts. At least you’re on Twitter!


  100. Hope you are doing well 🙂 I just wanted to check back to make sure you hadn’t posted and I had missed it! Rock on!


  101. I totally understand – happens to me also from time to time. I hope you’re baking bread and reading books and enjoying yourself. We’ll all be here when you get back : )


  102. Come back! I miss your words!!


  103. Hope you had a good break, and I think you have a lovely smile… : )


  104. Love your Shakespeare quotation and look forward to smiling when we meet again 🙂 Have a good break – we all need them.


  105. I hope the break is doing you well.


  106. dayum!
    it’s been far too long. no?
    maybe no….
    hope you’re having fun


  107. This title sounds like something my Sponsor would say! 😉 Here’s hoping your “break” is refreshing… And (selfishly, on my part) here’s also hoping you might be moved to write some more. 🙂


  108. Just dropping by to tell you I miss you, hope you are well, and look forward to future encounters with you here.


  109. Hey Guap! I just came put of hiatus to find that you are on hiatus too ! Miss reading you and your challenges ! Hope you are doing good. Wishing you best and hoping to see you soon back here !
    Much Love, Zee ❤


  110. Is it time for another posting yet Guap?
    Well I only asked, by the way I have added
    some more Steampunk for you, not on the
    leading page, oh no, those are in the header
    and the 18+ section 🙂 How do you mean
    you will be right over? Oh okay, just don’t
    get your spectacles steamed up in the process,
    that’s if you have any spectacles yet? 🙂 lol

    Have a wicked Thursday Guap 🙂



  111. Now I understand why the inbox has been so boring on Fridays 😉


  112. Believe this: I was just thinking about you a couple of days ago and VOILA’ (French for….oh, I forget…) your comment in the box called “Jot’s Comment Box” came buzzing through!!!!!!! That’s a true story. Glad, actually, more than glad you dropped by. Now I know you are OK. Me, too. Appreciate you asking. Actually, more than appreciate. Did you get that hug I sent to both you and TMWGITU? Here’s another………R.


  113. Wow, long time no post. I haven’t been reading blogs for several months, and I expected a long evening to catch up.

    How are you?


  114. Woooowzers. You’re popular. With a name like El Guapo why wouldn’t you be? Hope the continuing break is still full of Hawaiian shirts.


  115. Have a great start to your Monday Guap 🙂 😉



  116. There are so many distractions inside our heads which all can be expelled by being mindfulness.
    Have a nice weekend to you 😀


  117. Hey, you!! I’m alive and well and not blogging…email me?




  118. I will be waiting patiently for your return…and bring your head with you.


  119. I feel like etching the words “Kayjai wuz here” You are missed.


  120. Deliberately Delicious

    Thinking of you, El Guap. A break is a very good thing. Hope you are well.


  121. Happy New Year to my much missed blogfriend


  122. Dude… just saying hi.


  123. Guapsterola…I’m just coming off of my hiatus and you’re going on yours. Aaaaah. The season of recoup and refill. I notice the Music choice today is Bolero. That’s the same tune repeated 14 times. If that doesn’t mend your rest…then..start with the “A” artists and proceed through the alphabet. Take care of yourself.


  124. That’s why my spirit animal is the Slow Loris. I live with my spirit animal inside me head, and we only creep out into reality when it’s dark and no one’s around…just to get enough reality to fuel our daydreaming.


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