Tag Archives: John Erickson

Even Better Than The End Of The World – The Beginning Of A Year

Today’s Music: Eric Clapton – Rock and Roll Heart

Back when I started blogging, I found a lot of the blogs I follow by reading the commenters on other blogs. Good comments led to a link click, and to some of my best online friends today.

Except for one guy. He was on a lot of the blogs I read, commenting, back and forthing with other comments. But his link was just a gravatar pic.
One of the first things I learned about him in those comments was that he loved goats (seriously).
I kept an eye on him. Because he’s weird.
Then one day, the blogosphere was awhirl. Atwitter. Agog, even!
After months of gentle berating and cajoling, this whackadoodle got his own blog!
But it wasn’t all things animal. For instance, he doesn’t speak cat. For goodness sake, he drove a Vega!

Vega! Don't laugh.
Well ok. But not too hard.

Vega! Don’t laugh.
Well ok. But not too hard.

But before you mock him too harshly, he’s one of the few I know who’s successfully used vomiting as a pickup technique. And there was a sci fi convention involved, so he’s got that in his favor too!

He has a deep knowledge of history, and important world events. But mostly the world wars.

Yep, John Erickson got hisself a blog.
And to go with it, he’s having a birthday.

A boy and his goat

A boy and his goat

Happy birthday John, and many more to come! Stay entertaining. Stay irreverent. Stay yourself.
I’m happy to just come along for the ride.

And they are too!
Doggy’s Style
A Frank Angle
Fifty Four and a Half
Life Of Jaimie
The Idiot Speaketh
Madam Weebles
WhiteLady In The Hood