Tag Archives: molly hatchet

Friday Foolishness – Early Riser Edition

Today’s Music: Molly Hatchet – Flirtin’ With Disaster
Days Til Spring: 11!!!

So much to cover, so short an attention span. So before I get distracted by snow monkeys, we should probably dive right in.
Many of you have heard of or participated in any of numerous writing challenges in the sphere.
Here’s one a bit different you might like – Vina Kent wants to do a Storie Game that’s new (to me), and could be a lot of fun.
edrevets explained to me very clearly why expatriates are weird, and morezennow took me to see possibly the worst doctor ever. Oh, and Lizzie Cracked put up a handy dandy checklist that is in your best interest to check out. (*UPDATE she got Freshly Pressed for this!!!)
Thanks to you guys and everyone else – you made it an interesting week!

But what you’re really wondering is DEAR GOD, WHY HAVEN’T THESE AWFUL POLLS STOPPED?!? What magnificent responses came in to last weeks I like my brains with… question?
Well, I’ll tell you! (As always, my comments are in italics.)
Open skulled Ray Liotta’s conversation.
(Wait a minute – I was supposed to listen to the dialogue in that scene???)
Scrambled eggs…which is what my brain feels like after a visit here. Alex A.
(Highest. Compliment. Ever.)
Beauty John Phillips
(Throw in a little “beast” and you’ve got a deal!)
A nice orange sauce
(Because you can never go wrong with a classic!)
no brussell sprouts, brains stay in the head, + I’ll take a tall Black&Tan 🙂
(It’s ok, I drink when I write these too.)
brussell sprouts, sauteed in butter with garlic; tall Black and Tan… janet
(see, the answers are much easier before the drink!)
Pinky, a hose and a rubber duck. Red.
(The boobs of the beast?)
I will need melba toast with mine..
(Ok, I’m in my 40s, so it’s time to ask, WHAT THE HELL IS MELBA?!?)
Tone naaa! Linda V
(But wouldn’t Tony sell the brains to pay his gambling debts?)
over medicated and marinated in irish whiskey with a side of retort. lizzie
(Do you mean pickled, lizziec?)
wait….pickled! or did I say that? lizzie
(Are you sure you haven’t been prepping your brain with this recipe?)
I have brains??!!?? Clearly you haven’t spoken to my mother!
(I have, and she is a lovely woman. And says I should tell you to call her already.)
…no, i actually don’t like my brain right now.
(I know how you feel. Mine occasionally crawls out of my ear and punches me in the face for some of the things I make it think…)
Head Cheese…great on crackers (sightsnbytes)
(Yep. They do things a little…differently in New Foundland…)
over easy with toast for dipping.
(This attraction to brains on crisp breads is a little disturbing…and mouthwatering!!!)
a side of humor and a cold beer. sandylikeabeach
(Yes, definitely need a sense of humor Around here. And the beer makes the polls go down so much easier!)

Here comes spring!!!

Also, the most popular choice form the ones offered was deep thoughts. And chocolate. So congrats to everyone who picked that. And for disturbing me even more. And congrats to Red for winning this week!
Ah, but fame is fleeting (trust me on this one!). Which means it’s time to move on…

As you all should know by now, Spring is my favorite season, and the first day of Spring is a big day on my calendar.Soon, the air will warm up, the sun will stay out deeper into the evening, and we’ll all be able to open our windows to let in the fresh air of renewal, the fragrant scents of new blooms, and of course, the sounds.
Which brings us to…

Voting closes Thursday, 15 March, at 2359.
And to send you on your way, video of people that have embraced the transition from Winter to Spring.
Have a great week, see you all on the flipside!