Tag Archives: Stupid Stunts

Size Doesn’t Matter. It’s How You Foolishness that Counts.

Today’s Music: Har Mar Superstar – Lady You Shot Me
Days Til Spring: 13!!!
And if you can, please help out Merbear.===========================>>>

As I write this, I’m hearing that today will be a delightful, sunny, pre-spring day with temps in the low to mid forties. The hope that the weatherman is right is what’s keeping me going. Along, of course, with blogs! Here’s some of what I’ve read…
Trent Lewin had some strong words about Manliness. Quornstar talked about Body Image, and Jots From a Small Apartment had a beautiful painting to go with a Difficult Question.

Thanks to them, and everyone else, for all the great reading. Seriously, I could have listed a few dozen posts above and not even scratched the surface.

Oh, and American Injustica honored me with a Liebster Award! Nothing better than a nice steamed Liebster! Or something. Anyway, she has a great site, and I love her Ink photos right along with her writing. Hope you check her out!

No...no, I think I prefer vanilla. Maybe. Hold on...

No…no, I think I prefer vanilla. Maybe. Hold on…

Last time, many of you checked out the poll, wherein we asked to take a look inside the churning maelstrom of your minds by asking you to finish the phrase I think…, and the view was spectacular! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are reconsidered in italics.)

I just killed my last brain cell…1 Jaded 1
(My last was a suicide.)
therefore my brain cramps (Curvyroads)
(Maybe start with the easier suduko puzzles?)
I’ll respond to this poll. – Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(Are you sure you don’t want to rethink that?)
terrible things and then I blog about them. –Aussa Lorens
(Or you could act them out on a reality show!)
you probably shouldn’t have squeezed that.
(But the Charmin is soooo soft.)
This blog makes my butt look fat..zannyro
(I knew i should have gone with the vertical stripe theme!)
therefore I am (thawed out)
(What a chilling thought.)
people suck more often than not.
(Thus explaining the prevalence of porn on the internet…)
Fred Flintstone invented thongs… But can’t sing for toffee… Andro
(But he’ll do a mean lodge handshake for a brontosaurus burger.)
About purple, blue and red, but then blondes are fun too… Andro
(What, no pink?)
Another orgy is called for… Andro
(Not til you finish the last one we gave you.)
0443 is a terrible time to wake up on a Sunday morning in a strange city
(No. That’t a terrible time to wake up in any city.)
that was me in the strange city – Kanerva
(I’m not sure it’s just the city that was strange…)
that Starbucks has a lot to answer for – Kanerva
(And they will answer. At the top of their lungs. Whether the place is full or not.)
the interwebs are overrated – Kanerva
(1.9 billion facebook users would disagree. And then show you pictures of their cats.)
I need another chance to think about this – Benzeknees
(Don’t think of it as a chance to think about these polls. Think of it as a chance to escape them!)
(And take me with you!!!))

therefore I BRRRRAAAIIIINNNNSSSS!!! (I’m pulling out the stops for the win!) Linda Vernon
(NOOOO- That last stop was for the drain in the trophy bin.)

you’re misinformed if you think I think. – Revis
(But…but I read it on the internet.)
…therefore I thinking that I thought. merlinspielen
(And did you ponder the cogitation?)
I think someone should convert phlegm into a biofuel.
(Umm…it’s the thought that counts?)
I think there should be a law against brain freeze. ~Maddie
(The Ice Cream lobby will take it under advisement.)
I’ve just about had it with all this fucking snow and winter shit – Hotspur
(Sorry. I’ll ask the snowmen to tone it down.)
Therefore I write. If I didn’t blog about it, it didn’t happen. (Dawn @ TFTM)
(My lawyer told me the security footage was proof enough.)
I work with idiots when one actually declared “ugh, I just hate thinking”
(We work for the same boss???)
Then, I forget what I was thinking. ~~Addie
Therefore I nap. – Lily In Canada
(What happened that you need to think about that???)
therefore I am a Democrat. Elyse 54.5
(I think we’ve established that there’s no thinking in politics!)
“What can I say about this Elixir? Rutabaga (an answer re-use!)
(That it will turn you into a great googly moogly.)
therefore I will be silly. thematticuskingdom
(Did you think you could avoid it?)
I’ll have some whiskey, 3 fingers, neat. thematticuskingdom
(Whatever happened to garnishing with just olives?)
it tastes nothing like butter. thematticuskingdom
therefore I have BRRRAAAIIIIINNNNNSSSSS!!!! Red.
(Participating in these polls disproves that.)
I think my thinker broke. – aliceatwonderland
(Try duct tape. And tequila.)
I think too much
(Not if you’re participating in these polls…)
If you succeed to fail is a confusing concept… (Dogging the Wag)
(I think you should lay off the fortune cookies…)
I think I’m awesome. Deanna
(You’re not sure?!?)
That Friday is my most favoritist of days! Kayjai
(This is why Monday hates you.)
assless chaps will be the new Uggs.
(I thought shame and regret were the new Uggs?)
I forgot to put my name to the assless chaps–Speaker 7
(Well, it’s not like they’re so widespread that someone would confuse yours for their- Ohh, you meant for the poll…)
Zorro …. no Sasquatch … Confused … yes (Frank)
(Just ask Leonard Nimoy. He already went In Search Of those.)
that rash ain’t gonna go away by itself. Time to head to the doctor.-Twindaddy
(How will you explain the rash got there by itself?)
in technicolor ! =)
(I see in 3D!)
only of hollow, timber surfboards. And it’s all YOUR fault!
(Better than hollow-timber thoughts!)
Can someone else just tell me what to think? Not A Punk Rocker
(Reading the answers this week, I’m pretty sure no one here knows…)

Congratulations to Addie for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular were therefore I am confused and I’ll have the chicken…. So congrats to all of you who can cogitate while you masticate!
(Whoohoo! I’ve been waiting forever to use that phrase!!!)

Oh, this old thing? Just some thing I poured on...

Oh, this old thing? Just some thing I poured on…

This week, with Spring less than two weeks away, we turn to the biggest thing on everyones minds: Bikini Season! So we’re asking, how will you get ready for this important time period? Answer often, but answer soon, because this one ends Tuesday, 11 March, 2359 EDT (Daylight Savings starts Sunday). Try and keep yourself to three Other answers if you do write-ins, and if you do leave an Other, add a way to recognize you at the end, and I’ll link back to you next week.

And to finish up, I thought I’d go with some incredible(y stupid) warm weather stunts.
First, I used this a long time ago and had forgotten it, but Dianne Gray reminded me about it on Tuesday’s post.

And this one I was probably introduced to by Frank

Have a great week everyone. See y’all around the sphere!