Tag Archives: The Fratellis

The Return Of The Son Of The Cousin Of That Guy Who’s Sister Briefly Dated The Friday Foolishness!!!

Today’s Music: The Fratellis – Flathead
Days Til Spring: 77

It's almost as cool as this guy!

It’s almost as cool as this guy!

There! In the distance, arising like a golden sore on the face of all that is sane! Do you see it? Can you feel it? Does it smell good? (Only it’s body-hair-sculptor knows for sure.)
What can it be??? Why…why…it’s the Friday Foolishness!!!

Here’s how this works. I ask the stupidest question I can think of (because lets face it, there really are such things as stupid questions), and you guys either pick an answer, or write in your own in the Other field. If you do, leave your handle, and I’ll link back to you when I post the answers ahead of the next poll, on alternating Fridays (or random tuesdays, when the mood strikes me). Someone might even win!

There will be some fun, a couple of videos that amused me, and of course, a song. But there’s always a song, so never mind that.
Oh, and I’ll babble a bit. As I tend to do.
I think in the 100+ polls I’ve ran, I’ve deleted a handful of answers, so feel free to say just about anything you want. Just remember, it’s a family blog. So leave your brother alone. He’s a little sensitive. But keep it under 4 answers, so it doesn’t look like we’re in cahoots. (I’m 17 years cahoots free!)
We’ve all just celebrated the new year. But New Years Eve fell on a tuesday this year. Which got me thinking, Tuesday is a pretty good day for a celebration, so lets keep it up all year!
But how will we celebrate it? Well, that’s this weeks poll. Get your answers in by 2359 EST, Friday, 10 Jan.
You’ve got 8 days, so no excuses.

And while you all ponder that, I’ll leave you with these.
First, that marvel of technology, the washing machine!

And finally, what the hell, let’s stick with bears. An oldie but a goodie.
(It’s a bit potty mouth)

Have a great weekend everyone!