Friday Foolishness – Psychedelic Edition

Today’s Music: The Kinks – Superman

Yowza! Welcome one and all, all and one, to the Foolishest Friday on the web!
Well, that’s probably not true. Both Fox News and Huffington Post still have active websites, so I’m probably just a bit player at foolishness.
But forget about them. Here’s some of what was truly great on the web this week!
There was a poetic collaboration between Hasty Words and Hotspur. Prawn and Quartered talked about fun things to do if she had kids.
And Summer Grant got some really good news!

Thanks to them, and all of you for the great posts this week. Being a blog reader is at least, if not more rewarding than being a blog writer.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s turn to what you really want to know: How would you like your burger? That was the question in last weeks poll. And from your answers, your waiters must cringe when you show up.
So here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are grilled in italics.)

Whatever kind of burger David Beckham is eating! Like a GingerSnaap Burger!
(Wouldn’t that be a stop-whining-and-play-your-damn-position-and-not-hurt-yourself-to-miss-the-world-cup burger?)
Cooked by my husband over charcoal. John makes the best. Elyse 54.5
(WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Because I’m an old romantic softie at heart.)
Avo, cheese jalapenpo pepper sweet potato fries
Burger made from ganache dipped in dk chocolate. No bun needed. WG
(Without a bun, it will melt all over you.)
Nephi – It starts with good meat and seasoning it – NOT all the toppings (Frank)
(I start by seasoning with salt. And the tears of my enemies.)
Baron Burger, double swiss bacon & mushroom, Benzeknees
(Smart to include mushrooms. Just tell people it’s a salad!)
Bun. Cow. Bleu Cheese. Bun. Yum. –Kbar3
(What, just one cow? Aren’t you hungry at all?)
recalled due to E-coli threat
(Mine had the brain eating ameoba, so I forgot it was dangerous and took another bite. Mmmm!)
The one that stretches 6″ as you pull it out. Wait, that’s booger.Michelle MNews
(Or as six year olds like to call it, Hamburger Helper!)
I like my meat thick juicy and a bit rigid.
(Sorry, we’re not doing the hot dog poll til next spring.)
remembered as Chief Justice between June 23, 1969 – September 26, 1986
(Little known fact, Justice Warren Burger’s secret identity was Mayor McCheese.)
Pnpple, ppr jack, tryki, sriracha, ranch, lttc, tmto, onion bun. Quirky
(I’m guessing you left out the vowels so it would fit in your mouth?)
One that you don’t have to abbreviate when you type in the other box. Quirky
Don’t you dare bring those pickles near me. Becca 25tofly
(YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE PICKLES!!! Wow, that sounded better in my head…)
burgermeister, meisterburger! (wordsandotherthings)
(And would you like your beverage in the Chalice from the Palace, or the Flagon with the Dragon?
(And I really hope we’re referencing the same guy here…))

The one with triple meat and bacon that uses two doughnuts as buns. – Hotspur
(Wouldn’t it be easier to just donate your heart to someone who appreciates it?)
topped with Canadian bacon with a side of BEER! KJ
(I thought you were a real Canadian. Beer is the entree, the burger is the side…)

Congratulations to Elyse for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was a tie between 12ozgroundpicklesonionsbitofcajunseasoninggrilledraresourdoughbunfreshtomatolettucemustard. Mmmmmmm. And extra napkins. and Covered in cheese, surrounded by fries and accompanied by a chocolate shake. (Says TMWGITU). Because everyone loves the classics!

And this week, we have one special, honorary winner. The answer Served on a paper plate in a dive bar. With extra pickles. is based on the burgers at Corner Bistro. And Congratulations to Brain Tomahawk for catching that. When we go for the burgers, first round is on me.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…

Well, that was a fun and mildly bizarre wrap-up of the week that was. So where can we go for the week that will be? Glad you asked!
This week we travel into the deepest recesses of the mind.
No, not those recesses.
We’re looking for the recesses of the untapped potential within our minds, to do wonderful things. Magical things.
Inane things!
That’s this weeks poll. So unleash your minds and vote. But vote by 2359 EST on 18 October, because that’s when this one ends.

And until next week, enjoy this.
In a comment above is (I think) a reference to a Danny Kaye movie, Hans Christian Anderson.
My response comes from a different Danny Kaye movie, The Court Jester.
This is from that.

Until we meet again, Have a great week!

83 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Psychedelic Edition

  1. I just LOVE this segment!!! Nice work here!!!


  2. That booger one has jinxed any appetite for me in the next few hours. Well done. I’ve been eating too much lately anyway…


  3. The vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true, the…umm…yeah, what were we talking about? Oh! BACON…right.


  4. Oh, how you wound me, Guaperella! My beloved David Beckham only gets hurt when he cannot stop thinking about a GingerSnaap burger!!


  5. I don’t know what it says about me that I almost thought the dark chocolate burger was a THING somewhere….!


  6. How did I not have you followed via email?? I suck.


  7. whiteladyinthehood

    Good one, Guapo! You are one of the funniest writers around! Enjoy the weekend!


  8. I don’t just do avocado, I smear a glop of Guac on a burger – it has the tomato and onion included 😉

    Thanks for the nod. I’m bringing a paper plate.


  9. Man. My Flash is ‘out of date’ which I’m guessing involves a trip to the Mac store for an upgrade of some fashion or another –booo!– has removed considerable gloss from your wonderful Friday Foolies! No video and no music capability for me this week :((( But still, your replies to the poll answers had me laughing out loud, so all is not lost. Wonderful Friday to you! It’s raining here in NM, always a novel and welcomed way to begin any day in the desert. Now, I’ll have to put my mind to next week’s poll and not forget, which seems to be what it’s best at these days. You’ll understand when you’re older. See? I’m rambling… but at least I won’t remember it tomorrow.


    • I enjoy your ramblings, Laura.
      Hope you get your computer sorted without too much trouble.

      Do you get overnight flowers when it rains? Hope you do to grace your weekend!


  10. My 2nd favorite Danny Kaye movie moment after my #1 favorite Danny Kaye movie moment in the “Inspector General” where he sings the song about drinking and dancing….love me some Danny Kaye…he was a gem.


  11. I’m very hungry for a burger now. Carl’s Jr. I will see you at lunch.


    • I’ve never had a Carl’s Jr, Quirky. I don’t think they have them on the east coast.
      Hmm…I think I smell another trip out west coming up…


      • Can’t believe it! They’re the ones who are famous for the extremely tacky commercials of very sexy people eating burgers and getting messy at inopportune times (washing the car, on a beach in a bikini). Paris Hilton, Sara Underwood…. This one is all about making the best bbq sauce.


  12. Great mashup of fantabulousness! All this talk of burgers makes me realize I haven’t eaten breakfast yet!


  13. See me? No….other corner. The dark corner, next to the WAY OUT sign, across from the LOO…see me now? Just so you know…here I sit, quietly, just lovin’ every minute of the week…especially Friday.


  14. I am deeply saddened that we were not on the same page there. I meant this burgermeister!!!!!!!


  15. Extra Pickles? EXTRA PICKLES?! What is this world coming to?!!!


  16. Oh I so enjoyed the Kinks and enjoying all the juicey answerees — along with a side of your wonderfully grilled italics! Very delicious and quite satisfying as usual Mr. G! 😀


  17. Thank you for the mention!


  18. Also, fantastic blog as always!


  19. Guap, in the 1.5 years I have been blogging and in all the entries I have made to contests, I have never won one before. Thanks! And feel free to stop by for a burger any old time!


  20. Love Friday Foolishness – this is my favorite post of the week. I look forward to reading the polls & answers! It’s always light-hearted. Love Danny Kay & Danny Thomas!


  21. I still like TMWGITU’s option best. I haven’t been to the Corner Bistro in years. I must rectify this. And right now I’d like to use my mind to think of a good answer to your poll question about how to use my mind.


  22. I’lll be back 🙂



  23. I GOT A MENTION! I’m somebody!


  24. runningonsober

    I’m digging that Superman song Guap! That’s going on the marathon playlist for sure. With all the hamburger talk though, now I’m hungry (what else is new?). I wish I could use my mind to go fix me a double bacon cheeseburger right now, because my body is too tired to do so. Have a SUPER weekend!


    • Glad you liked it, RoS!
      I would love to be able to conjure cheesesburgers – definitely a skill worth having.
      Going to have a great weekend because I get to surf tomorrow!
      Hope yours is just as good!


      • runningonsober

        My second (and final) twenty miler tomorrow! Guess I need to go get some shut-eye now that the LSU game is over.

        Kawabunga and Surfs Up Dude and all that surfing jazz- hope the waves are swell-tastic for you!


  25. Teleport! Oh, yes, teleport! Take me to Athens, Rome, Paris, London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Rio. Teleport!


  26. Damn,I am craving a good burger now, Guap. We were supposed to go for big, juicy burgers before Opening Night last night, but ran out of time. We may have to remedy that tonight. Yum!


  27. Your comment about Fox & Huffington was the most insightful I’ve heard all day!

    Also, the Warren Burger answer (and your Mayor McCheese riposte) was hilarious. So there was the Hamburglar, Grimace, the Fry Guys, the aforementioned Mayor and that irritating Birdy–what the hell was the cop’s name?

    Believe it or not, I can name only three Kinks songs. Four now.


  28. Thanks for that Danny Kaye clip. I’ve never seen it, and I love Danny Kaye! I must show this to Dimples!


  29. Holy shit. 80 comments? You’re, like, Mr. Community. This is funny. I am clearly out of the loop, but maybe if I keep reading. . .


  30. Not too many Vegans in this crowd? :+) I enjoyed the video clip funny stuff. I put it on my must see movies. I wonder if Pelix Unger was singing this Kinxs song on his jump down to earth?


  31. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Storage Edition | Guapola

Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!