Friday Foolishness – Storage Edition

Today’s Music: The Jezabels- Trycolour

Damn straight. Friday again. The day where we realize Yes, we just may live through this week after all. You know what helps me get to this point?
Blog reading! Here’s a tiny fraction of what I enjoyed this week:
Smaktakula graced us with another edition of WTF Headlines.
In a great entry for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Love and Lunchmeat put up a very strong thought provoking post at Black Box Warnings.
Edward Hotspur came up with a romantic challenge that I hope you all check out!
And The Waiting would like to know who should play you in BLOG: The Movie.

A lot to laugh about this week, and a lot to think about this week too.
Thanks to them, and everyone else for making the ‘sphere the interesting, entertaining place it is.

Which brings us gently into last week in Guapotonia. Despite my declaration of hiatus, there are responsibilities. And one of those is bringing you the foolishest 15 seconds of thought you’ll have during the week, in the form of a “dear god, why is he asking that?!?” poll. Last week, it was What would you do with powers of the mind? And wow, all of you have the power to make me laugh! Here’s what you had to say. (As always, my answers are suggested subliminally in italics.)

stop wars and bring world peace (Sightsnbytes)
(Instead of mental powers, wouldn’t you just need massive speakers and a loop of “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing”?)
Think up a really clever response to this poll.
(That answer is aweso- OH MY GOD!!! You do have mental powers!!!)
End this damn election! (Frank)
(Wouldn’t work – I’m pretty sure there are no working minds in this election.)
End this damn election! (Frank)
(Obviously, this is a deep, psycho-political commentary on the repetitive nature of the repeated sound bites and zingers of this campaign.)
Magic, which should be able to cover everything – Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(Magic is the duct tape of the psychic world.)
Hypnotise you. So do I win? – Adrogoth
(Your trophy is behind my eyes. Look into them…deeper..DEEPER…)
make people verbally ejaculate.
(So your psychic power is to pour tequila?)
Find another brain cell. Then there’d be two of us! butimbeautiful
(Ok, but stop when you get there. Remember, three’s a crowd!)
Make a living napping, surfing blogs, & sipping cocktails. (Betty Rants)
(So you want to be Arianna Huffington?)
graduate. And to control other people’s mind 😀 NBI
(If you put controlling other people’s minds first, graduating would be that much easier…)
Control my bodily functions, basic motor skills, social and cognitive endeavors.
(I rely on Depends. And twitter.)
Stop me before I do something stupid. Motley Michelle
(I tried that, but I think I overestimated the power of the mind!)
make a living, Benzeknees
(As long as it’s not by making people do the chicken dance…)
End world peace. Or get it. One of the two. Elyse 54.5
(As long as you’re keeping your options open…)
To open a can of spam! Lindav
Make my long johns appear as dress pants so I could wear them to work. 25tofly
(Wouldn’t it be easier to just buy tasteful pajama jeans?)
to get Gangham Style out of my head Stay Abnormal
(I think you definitely overestimate the power of the mind!)
Make my husband do what I ask. Wait, that’s what the other end is for. Quirky
(Are you saying your brain is in your as- Ohhhhh…)
Become Telekinetic so I can be even more entertaining at parties. KJ
(If by entertaining, you mean psychically grabbing all the wine, then yes, definitely!)

Congratulations to Lindav for this week’s winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular were Teleport! and Pick the fast checkout lane at the grocery store.. Yeah, I couldn’t pick between the two of those either…

This week, we’re going from the metaphysical to the mundane! We all live some place – motor home, house, apartment. Narnia…
And in all our homes, we have that one drawer. Possibly in the kitchen, maybe in a desk someplace. The junk drawer. rubberbands, scissors, twist ties. Wine bottle stoppers, key rings, a key to god-knows-what. Old letters, coupons from before reconsruction.
And other…things…
That’s this weeks poll, folks. Cram in your answers, but do it before 2359 EST, 25 October, because that’s when this one closes.
And if you write in an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you so I can link back to you next week.

And until we all meet again, wherever that may be, I leave you with this:
Steve Martin hilariously extolling Paul Simon at Paul Simons Kennedy Award ceremony.

And slightly cruder, here’s Lewis Black explaining why you don’t want to spend 14 hours on a plane. With lots of profanity.

And I’ll see y’all…out there…

79 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Storage Edition

  1. OMG!!! I almost peed my panties when I red your blog today…You are TOO funny!!! Have a great weekend…


  2. OMG, I made it into Friday Foolishness! This is major! Thanks, Guap. You make me blush. And smile. You make me blile. (Note to self: NEVER use the word “blile” ever again.)


  3. He’s right about the flight to New Zealand!


  4. I spent 14 hours in coach going to Australia. It is a very long time to be on a plane. And he’s so right about the scoliosis seats!


  5. I’m not sure that you were able to circle back and catch my casting for the role of Guapo on Emily’s post. I had you down for the love child of Eddie Van Halen and Benjamin Bratt. I know, it’s perfect.
    An easier question, perhaps — What’s not in my junk drawer?
    Have a great weekend, my friend!


    • Van Halen! Now, there’s a compliment! I still say Owen Wilson, but I may revise this. Honestly, I can’t even figure out what most of the doo-dads are in my junk drawer. I suspect some of them are defunct child-proofing devices, but I’m too scared too throw them out…

      Oh, and I saw the ping back. Thank you!


    • I did see that, Grippy, Thank you! And I was laughing throughout that whole thread – it kept popping up at the top of me email.


  6. Thanks for the laughs! See ya around, friend!


  7. Nice tune to play in the background for reading this. Gotta love Steve Martin’s Kennedy Center bit! But dang! I was hoping my campaign announcement would make it. Oh well … on to the junk door.


  8. I’m glad that even during your hiatus, you’ve decided that Friday needs foolishness. We on the other side of cyberspace count on it. ❤


  9. It’s good to see you here though you’re supposed to be chilling out :).


  10. Hahaha, loved the Lewis Black video. As a bartender in the airport I get to hear all about the 22 hour plane rides and squeezing your own head. Yay.


  11. I love Lewis Black, but I made the mistake of thinking I could listen to one of his audio books while traveling long distance with my kids when they were younger. Wrong.


  12. I am giving this a “hehe” because it was giggleworthy. This is becoming one of my favorite posts to look forward to. Keep it up :).


  13. I always love your posts. ((Hugs))



  14. Haha, my favorite option in the voting poll: “my humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps.” haha!


  15. El Guapo! I will be eating Spam in my Pajama Jeans and listening to The Jezabals until 8 a.m Monday morning in honor of winning! I laugh really hard at the Steve Martin clip! Sooo funny. (I could go on and on but this is neither the time or the place!) HA! Hilarious! So glad you shared it! 😀


  16. As usual, your posts inspire a variety of responses from me.
    First of all, thanks for the shout-out. ‘WTF Headlines/Journalism” is awesome. Mind if I swipe that?

    Re: last week’s poll–I think Frank’s answer should have been included a couple more times.

    I’ve never previously heard the Jezebels, but you typically post good music, and this is no exception. I think the video age was made for bands of attractive people. Groups like Radiohead are the exception.

    Is that a photo of your personal junk drawer? You’re not a fan of the Broncos, are you? There’s nothing wrong with that, I just don’t see it. But then, you’re full of surprises.

    Lewis Black is a funny guy. I think his salty language helps with the funny sometimes. I hate to fly period, so a 2 hour flight isn’t that much different from a 12 hour flight (I’ve never taken a 22-hour flight, so I can’t really say), because it’s not the actual flight itself I dislike so much, but most everything else about the experience. And I guess the flight, too.


    • Pretty isn’t always enough, Smak. After all, don’t you remember poor Billy Squier? His pink-shirt video pretty much ended his career.
      No, that isn’t my junk drawer. I can’t get mine open.

      I actually don’t mind flying so much, as long as I get an aisle seat. 6′ isn’t the tallest, but it’s tall enough for the space they give you in coach.


  17. Loved Lewis Black & of course your post today! Hope you are chill right now!


  18. Yes i know, it’s Friday already and I only added one idea on you last outing, however I am very pleased to find that it was good enough to be listed here, thank you for that one El Guapo 🙂 I am definitely going to do better this week 🙂 Noooo seriously 🙂

    Have a funtastic evening 🙂



  19. runningonsober

    Joan Osborne AND hysterical laughter all in one day? I think I’m in love. In a totally creepy Internet stalker platonic way of course. Nothing to worry about.

    Have a great week my friend, hope you catch some more waves soon!


  20. whiteladyinthehood

    Great stuff, Guapo! I think I may have many many junk drawers and even a junk closet!


  21. Majorly needed my dose of foolishness. My answer to last week’s poll was a non-starter. I already do, just for evil. *grins*


  22. Hey, Guap, just wanted to thank you for the mention. It doesn’t just name-check me, but hopefully Romance itself. Thanks also for the lulz. I hadn’t see that Steve Martin intro for Paul Simon before. It reminds me of the times when he used to be funny. Great weekend!


    • I’m hoping everyone checks out the Monday event, Hotspur.
      I still kind of like Steve Martin,even though I’m not a huge fan of banjo music.
      Well,there’s Bela Fleck. But besides that…


  23. Love the Steve Martin piece! I had such a crush on him as a kid… humor is like kryptonite for me. Thanks for another round of Friday Funnies Guap!


  24. ok. I have missed being here a time or two – answered the poll already and yes I stifled my urge (as I am sure many people were thinking or even did answer) to say…JUNK! 🙂 I wonder do you think that qualifies as overly honest – in a way? I mean think about it..or..don’t 😉 lol… ok glad you are still doing the foolishness 🙂 if you find yourself in need of a poll – just to keep it going which I think won;t be a problem so much – a poll about the poll – or I got a few ideas.. that are printable..


  25. I am looking for someone called El Guapo, he was last seen with tin foil and a large pan on his head but I’m not about to let anyone in on his little secret so hard lines 🙂 lol Have a great rest of weekend El Guapo 🙂


  26. Great blog updates and reccomendations!


  27. Funny poll, funny poll answers and funny videos! Thanks for the smiles!


  28. True stuff. I love my time capsule drawer.


  29. So I kind of ambled over here, not expecting anything but the gate to your abandoned site, swinging back and forth, blowing in the wind.
    And there’s music coming out of the saloon doors, and people laughing, and the clink of beer glasses. Did you just tell me you were taking a vacation, kind of like how I tell Peckerhead Carl that we’re not having a meeting this week, (even though we really are)?


    • I love that image, Barb!
      I still enjoy doing the Foolishness. These will probably my only regular posts for a while, unless something really needs to get out of my head.
      You know, like the thing from Alien.


  30. I want to marry Steve Martin and have his babies! AS for that other guy, maybe not. Why do all Republican presidential hopefuls have such chiselled faces? Is there an actual chisel involved?


  31. Thank you for always making me laugh!


  32. I’m glad you have that little calendar and that I have finally found it b/c I kept hitting refresh and home and where are his new posts?! oh, there haven’t been any. sigh.


  33. oh man…you had 69 comments. I ruined it. Now you’ll have 70. Great place, super fun, lots goin on!! I’ll be back El Guap!!


  34. I’ve been expecting for Friday since Monday, and when that day comes, the feeling of joy fades away as the expectation is no longer exists…


  35. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Masked Edition | Guapola

  36. So cool that you get to meet up with other bloggers! So jealous of your life!


  37. Thinking of you and hope you are making it okay amid the destruction of Sandy. I hope the news media is making it sound far worse than it is. Take care and be safe Guap!


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Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!