Friday Foolishness – Clima(c)tic Edition

Today’s Music: Parquet Courts – Borrowed Time

Hope you all had a good week! And if you didn’t, well, it’s about to get better, because the Friday Foolishness leads you right into Friday night. Ok, maybe not right into it. But until sunset rolls around, you can always read some blogs, like some of what I read this week…
Nicholas Conley saw the beast, and named it the Self Cannibalistic Creative Monster. Becky talked about the tragedy that is book abandonment, and More Issues Than Time Magazine got a job!
Oh, and check out AR Neal – her book is available (free til Monday)!

Thanks for such fun reading this week, and I can’t wait to see what y’all you come up with next week!
But last week, there was a poll. A special poll, a Birthday Poll. Here’s are the wishes you made to go with Grippy’s cake. (As always, my comments are blown out in italics.)

count all the birthday wishes on this poll… buddhakat
(As long as she does it in her Sesame Street The Count voice!)
wishing herself the happiest birthday ever!!! buddhakat
(Until next year!)
why, submitting na answer to her own poll, of course! buddhakat
(I’d have to pick her as the winner too…)
anything but submitting answer to her own poll! buddhakat
(Wait – people get to submit answers to these???)
All of the above – John Phillips
(Pity this answer wasn’t on the bottom…)
Enjoying a special Wombie party, after the Zombies have gone 🙂 Andro
(Umm…W comes before Z…)
Calling into my realm of wickedness 🙂 Well I only said. Andro
(Ah, so something a bit more lighthearted for her birthday.)
Drinking a beer with Guapo (Frank)
(Isn’t that more of a gift for me?)
Maybe getting reborn. Or rebirthed. Fresh is best! butimbeautiful
(She’s the Birthday Mento!)
obvs she should come to Belgium! NBI
(This non-snarky response is a testament to how little I know about Belgium. Something something Beer something Chocolate? )
or we could all send her some pie – NBI
(I don’t think you want to give that much leeway to this crowd…)
Doing some gripping – Benzeknees
(Hold on…)
Hanging out with her favorite (and only) daughter. – Lily In Canada
(Love the way you rigged the “favorite daughter” contest!)
Maggie O.C.says: Mocking weiners and shopping
(You’re so political.)
ummmmmm…. PMAO
(PMAO speechless is the best birthday gift for anyone!)
Pole dancing in a burka. x, Becca
(Doesn’t one defeat the purpose of the other?)
All of the above, naturally. Kanerva
(Always neglecting the sides…)
Partying on Cloud Nine with all of us and the Kinks! Linda Vernon
(Oh, I think we all know what kind of “cloud” rock stars make…)
Gettin’ nekkid! Rutabaga
(Or just Stayin’ nekkid…)
Saying “I’m 29 of course!” all day and forever (its what i do) Marie Nicole
(But she doesn’t look a day over 28!)
playing Angry Birds on her cell SnB
(She killed someone over Angry Birds?!? Oh, sorry. Thought that said “in” her cell.)

Breakdancing to an 80’s songs while balancing tequila on her head. What? KJ
(Shouldn’t she do something out of the ordinary for her birthday?)

Congratulations to Grippy for this weeks..well…just for being her. And from the offered choices, the most popular was enjoying the hell out of herself, and knowing her online friends appreciate that she’s there. (Hey, they can’t all be funny, people.). To which I add a resounding HECK YEAH!
And once again, Happy birthday, Grippy, and thanks for your company.
And now here we are in this week. Heat, rain, a bit of cool. I know the climate is changing, I just didn’t realize it was changing every day.
So that’s this week’s poll is about.
Answer early, answer often. But answer by 2359 EDT, 7 August, because that’s when this one ends.
(And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you, and I’ll link back next week.)

And until next week, when I hope we all meet again, I hope you enjoy this.

Have a great week everyone!

73 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Clima(c)tic Edition

  1. I always enjoy Jim Gaffigan … enjoy the weekend!


  2. I will now speak whale for the remainder of the day…should go over well with all of ma coworkers. The students, on the other hand, will LOVE it. Have a great weekend Guap! Only 16 more sleeps until we are in NYC, Baby! I’M NOT EXCITED AT ALL!! Yeah.


  3. Unable to craft a clever “other” reply. Sorry….I think all this heat has sapped my last brain cell!


  4. Thank you for the mention! I love the Jack and Jill image. 🙂


  5. made it. Have a great weekend.. week ..and then some ..hi to TMWGITU 😉


  6. Loved the whale routine at the end! Happy Friday Guaps! It’s a long weekend here in Canada, so we get Monday off – whoo hoo!


  7. At least humans top the list of something. I am with you on the case of the hard to amuse. Good choice. Have a magnificent weekend. I have a nap scheduled. I hope it is not wishful thinking. 😉


  8. Okay… turning my speechlessness… an admittedly rare occurrence… into a reverse slam at my own head was awesome.
    I refuse to be silly on a subject as serious as climate change! On the other hand, as the globe heats up, San Diego actually seems to be getting a little cooler, and I hate to be hot, so keep fucking up the planet.


    • adly, I don’t think we could stop fucking it up even if we tried.
      Not that too many people are actually trying though…

      As for your answer, you really didn’t leave me a lot to work with, but I figured you’d take the reply in good fun, as it was intended.
      (I’m sure I’ll catch my lumps soon enough…)


  9. Half an hour later, after I’ve watched videos on eating cake, holiday traditions, the waffle house and MacDonalds…I say Thank You Guapo, for making me laugh as always on Friday morning!


  10. Hooray for Friday Foolishness! My day just got x to the nth degree better.


  11. I made it on to Guap’s blog! Yay!

    Love me some Jim Gaffigan.


  12. It’s always good to spend Friday with you, Guap. And the whales. But I didn’t realize they are responsible for global warming.


  13. Climate is getting scary!!! I hope people wake up. Have a great weekend, Guap. 🙂


  14. Yay for my quarterly answering of a poll! (Mine was the clever, clever answer that starts with “behind…”) Happy Friday and now I’ll go see what all this whaleish is about…


  15. I’ve always wondered about jack and jill going UP a hill to fetch a pail of water, i always thought water was at, well, you know, sea level. unless you’re talking lake tahoe. do you think jack and jill come from tahoe?

    jack and jill really should invest in a reverse osmosis water maker. no more tragic hill climbs, just lots of loud water pump noises… then it would be jack and jill bought earplugs so they could enjoy sitting near their water maker. but it doesn’t rhyme. it’s no wonder they never wrote it that way.

    p.s. sorry, i’m gone now, will stop bugging ya with this long comment, unless you want me to go on, because trust me, i could!


  16. Gosh I enjoyed this week’s Foolishness. But frankly, I never get tired of watching Lisa breakdance with Tequila on her head. But then I’m easily entertained. Loved the links! Jim Gaffigan was a great cherry on top of today’s blow hole theme (and I mean that in the nicest way!) And now I’m off to enter the poll. Is it true next week’s winner gets a new car? “Because that’s goin’ around.” (Okay, it’s only “goin’ around” in this comment but a person can dream can’t they?)


  17. whiteladyinthehood

    All-around great post, Guapo! Funny.Funny.Funny. Woohoo – Friday!


  18. Guapo, I happy to tell you at this moment I’m close to the beach! So, I’m going to hit it. I’ll be thinking of you surfing when I look out onto the waves. Have a great weekend!!


  19. runningonsober

    Another 100+ degree day out here in the land of cows and boys, and I’m so ready for a climate change and an ice cream cone. But don’t ask which one I’d rather have, because some questions are just unanswerable. Hope you have a great weekend!-C


    • There’s a good question – is global warming worthwhile if it means it’s wamr enough to eat ice cream more often?
      Probably not.
      But still, an excellent question.


  20. Sorry, Guap, but there’s just no answer better than BRRRAAAAIIINNNNNSSSSSS!!!!


  21. Lovely weekend to you, El 🙂


  22. The birthday cake is on fire!!!


  23. I have had a god laugh at this one Guap, I decided not to add too many as I would only get into frouble, amd even worse probably not get any birthday cake for being too naughty 😦 I liked the Wombie Zombie / Zombie Wombie mention, very good that and had me chuckling straight away 🙂 lol

    I will be calling round to grab my slice of the Grippy yummy cake later, maybe even as early as tomorrow so make sure that you warn her in good time or it might have all gone 😦 Okay Guap enough of my waffle, I will let you get back to whatever you were doing before reading this one, hopefully it will have been something incredibly wicked that you can get right back into 🙂 🙂 Well I only said 😉 Besides gardening in wellies is all the rage even in 2013 so don’t worry about that, unless they are green wellies and then you had better run, the Zombies have a fetish for those 😦 *gulp*

    Have a fun weekend Guap 🙂



    • I’ve heard of Wellies, but what is this “gardening” you speak of?

      Have a great week!


      • Gardening is a cross between a thrashing on the rack and being boiled in oil, but the willies are a must so don’t be caught without them unless you happen to be visiting Wales and then you may leave them in the trunk of your car 😉 🙂 lmao

        Have a great Monday Guap 🙂



  24. What a funny guy Jim is! I’m talking whale for the rest of the day now 🙂

    As it’s Sunday am now… Enjoy the rest of the weekend !!!


  25. Aw – I missed the birthday cake! Where was I? Oh yeah – visiting with a cupcake. ❤


  26. Jim Gaffigan is a funny guy. I liked his McDonald’s piece.


  27. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Hideous Shirt Edition | Guapola

  28. Jim Garrigan may be the funniest stand up comedian I’ve ever heard – maybe Seinfeld rivals him. 🙂


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