Flash In The Pan – What’s “Left”?

Today’s Music: Gaslight Anthem – Diamond Church Street Choir

One thing about blogging: if you’re ever stuck for ideas, there are more than enough prompts, challenges and questions out there as sources of inspiration. One in particular comes from Red at The M3 Blog (neé Momma’s Money Matters), the Flash In The Pan challenge.
Red presents a word, and a word count limit. It’s often up to the author to decide what meaning to assign the word, and how many of the available words they use.
I’ve been reading the entries to the challenges for a while now and enjoyng them. As an added incentive to participate, Red binds all the entries up in her qurterly Flash In The Pan books, published and sold through Redmund Productions.
Check em out, and play along if you like.

The current challenge has a 75 word limit, and uses the word Left.

The projectiles of our enemy heralded their arrival. We fell into position at the forward edges of our lines, Crandell next to me, preaching as always.
“And where will you turn?”, he bellowed against the backdrop of fire. “When the choice is before you – good or evil, life or death, right or wrong – where will you turn?”
A bullet ricocheted past.
“Left”, I replied, unlimbering my weapon. “I’ll turn left”.

We opened fire.

64 responses to “Flash In The Pan – What’s “Left”?

  1. Wow. This is a great response. Very intense. Especially with bullets flying by. Hoping left is the right choice!


    • Thanks. Mostly it’s the flippancy I feel whenever someone is going on like that when there’s something more important going on.
      (Though to be fair, both peoples ideas in the story of what’s important are different.)


  2. Well done, Guap….I may have to check out this challenge too!!


  3. Flash in the Pan author is now on your resume. Well done … and I love the response to continually preaching.


  4. Right behind…no left behind you….tail light blinkers are on and signaling <<< no worries…have got your back.


  5. So glad you didn’t;t go right, Guap 😉


  6. PS: At a recent dance lesson we were introduced to Guapacha timing in Cha Cha …. needless to say, I laughed …. But the instructor pronounced it with a “W” but I will insist it’s with a “G”


  7. And now I’ll exit…stage left.


  8. Great entry. Look forward to reading more 🙂


  9. That was freekin awesome…


  10. I was going to join that flash thing, but it is way too complicated for me.


  11. I like your entry – it was very clever!!! Always go left, right? 🙂 I’ll go check out her page since I LOVE challenges!


  12. Good choice of word on Lefties Day!
    And you made a good story – unexpected twist. Didn’t see it coming… *applause*


  13. Left is always a good choice. Less people that way since most people think it’s easier to turn right….
    Good contribution! And yes, could be a nice little prologue to my war post today. I might have to look into these flash in the pan challenges too.


  14. A nicely written and most interesting first flash, and at seventy three words it is awesome, I can see that your stylish use of grammar is going to be sensational, even my Zombies are impressed and you know what those freaks are like 🙂

    Seriously though, I have really enjoyed your FTP on ‘Left’ and you got it absolutely right, well you know what I mean? 🙂 Have a wicked rest of Tuesday Guap and thank you for offering this one, I am sure that Red will agree with me that you have a fine talent for these FTP challenges and no mistake 🙂



    • Thanks Andro. I haven’t participated in a challenge for a while, but this one just sort of jumped at me, zombie like.
      Well, no, zombie like would have been more of a shuffle, but still… 😉


  15. My dad said in times of war, always turn left… or wait? Was it right? Oh dammit all to Hell. I can’t remember. I guess that explains everything.


  16. Is it just a coincidence that today is Left Handers Day? http://www.lefthandersday.com


    • I hate to say (since it means I don;t have my finger on the pulse, or nose in the zeitgest, or whatever it is) that it was completely coincidental.

      I’m so unhip…


  17. whiteladyinthehood



  18. I love your Todays Music, today, El 🙂


  19. See, I never would have guessed you would set your flash in Albuquerque! Great way to get in the pool, Guap. I hope you will enjoy more of them. 😉


  20. Loved this Guaps! I got the feeling he would have said anything at that point to shut the first guy up.


  21. What a scary picture your story conjures up. I hope left was the right choice but in war, is any choice the right choice?


  22. free penny press

    Very good EG.. short snippets of writing is right (or left) up my alley!!


  23. I like this prompt, Guapo. Nicely done!


  24. Nice writing, El, and thanks for those links 🙂 Wishing you a lovely weekend.


  25. Very nice EG. Crandell demands that he chose from among 6 options, and he takes #7. Nicely played.


  26. So there ARE atheists in foxholes. I knew it! Great Flash.


  27. Yep, another great but short piece from the Guap! Left, indeed. I hope our nation heeds your words (we’re just having an election here).


  28. I LOVE IT! keep on doing it .. cause this was great. and hi to TMWGITU 😉


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