Friday Foolishness – Lowest Common Denominator Edition

Today’s Music: Peggy Lee – Fever

For the first time in a long time, this week went fast! Life zips along when you don’t sleep at all. (I especially enjoy the exhaustion hallucinations.)
But you know what I didn’t hallucinate? Blogs! Here’s some of what I read…
Christopher De Voss put blooging on tv. Undercover L had some very strong thoughts on parenting, and No Blog Intended looked at her life through the lens of The beige pants.

Thanks all around, for an interesting week of reads.

All the worlds a bakery,'s delicious!

All the worlds a bakery, and…it’s delicious!

But there was one other burning question last week. Well, more like a toasting question. It was last weeks poll where we asked What could be better than sliced bread? Here’s what you said.
(As always, my comments are sandwiched in italics. With the crusts cut off.)

my little camera – I love it! MBT
(You can take instagram pictures of your sandwich!)
Sex! I think I remember . . . Benzeknees
(Wait til you try sex with sliced bread!)
(Use extra mayo.)
(Trust me.)

I don’t know what’s better, but Wonder Bread was the first ever sliced and that’s where your phrase came from! Thanks WonderBread! live clay
(Much better than the usual sources of the things I say!)
Chocolates 🙂 Andro
(On biscuits.)
loafing around of course 🙂 Andro
(Is that good for the buns?)
A night in with Elvira 😉 Andro
(She gets stale faster…)
Caviar on Crackers… In the cleavage perhaps? 😉 Andro
(Wait – there’s cleavage and you’re thinking about BREAD???)
Unsliced bread and having a minion to do the slicing for you. – rossmurray1
(Are minions trustworthy enough to have knives in your presence?)
Sharp Little Pencil says, Shredded Chocolate.
(Shredded for cake? Chocolate cake is a form of bread, you know.)
(A delicious form…)

Sipping pina coladas and getting caught in the (g)rain? (UndercoverL)
(*sung with (a) flour in her hair*)
Bacon, duh – BrainRants
(Hey, if it weren’t for bread, we wouldn’t have bacon pizza!)
A nice MLT–they’re so perky, I love that!(Addie)
(Just wait 30 minutes after eating it…)
Damn!! I didn’t see option two on my first read!! (Addie the blind)
(Oh my god! It’s true! It does make you go blind…)
Well-bred sliced bread – Calahan
(Sounds like it’s got a lot of dough…)
bread covered with moose meat and mayo (SnB)
(Tastes just as good on the way up as it does on the way down…)
Everything bagels. The Waiting
(Something lox)
Me… naked on a blue plate… PMAO
(I’ve just sworn off eating. Forever.)
Diced Chapacabra con Pollo — Linda Vernon
(So much better on Mexican bread. Like a burrito.)
Pork Butt – Rutabaga
(What about cow? What about sheep? You’re such a Butt-ist.)
Those Hawaiian sweet rolls. Still conveniently sized too! Or Oreos. –Quirky
(That’s just the pregnancy talking…)
Sex! Or so I have heard…(Not A Punk Rocker)
(Sorry. We’ll have them soundproof the walls next week.)
Unsliced fresh from the Oven bread. Elyse 54.5
(Only amateurs bake their bread before they slice it.)
pre-grated processed cheese product – Alex Autin
(Even better on white bread with mayonnaise!)
I got nothing, so I’ll just say some good, dirty sex. – Twindaddy
(Aren’t those adjectives redundant?)
Beer. GingerSnaapper
(A good sourdough makes an excellent sponge for the condensation.)
Music by Rocco Flamefart & the Ultimate Death Trip Chinese Icebox Jug Band (Frank)
(They were legendary for turning “proofing box”into a sexual metaphor)

Alas, no winning answer this week. Because the correct answer was NOTHING! NOTHING IS BETTER THAN SLICED BREAD!!!. (It was a trick question.) And from the offered choices, the most popular was Loaves! and Fishes! and Water! and Wine!. Which is probably about as close to religion as I’ll get around here…
I know that many of you come just for the brilliance of the polls, considering their socio-political implications, and how they help define the role of mankind in the cosmos.
And when considering deep, ponderous qquestions such as these, the old saw comes to mind, “there are no stupid questions”. But what if there were?
Well, that’s this weeks poll. But there’s no question that this one will close at 2359 EDT on 4 Sept, so vote by then! (And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you, and I’ll link back next week.)

And what do you say we go out the way we came in – with a much…different…form of fever.

86 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Lowest Common Denominator Edition

  1. “What could possibly go wrong?” is not a stupid question – it’s the promise of a great adventure!
    Thanks once more for linking to me – this kind of thing always puts a smile on my face for a few hours! Aren’t you a great person?
    (Now that’s a stupid question, as everyone knows you are.)


    • It is definitely an adventure starter!
      But I know what some of my adventures entailed. It was definitely a stupid question if only because we already knew the answer!

      (And you’re welcome. I enjoyed the thoughtfulness of the post.)


  2. Gotta love Fever …. and the Rita Moreno/Muppets version is a good take with a laugh. I recently saw an interview with her as she is now in her 80s and still full of spunk. Have a good weekend. Time: The Musical sometime next week … Hour(s) … .enjoy the weekend!


  3. It’s 6:00 in the morning here. All of my questions sound stupid. **snore**


    • It’s 940 here adn I’m at work. all the questions I’ve heard so far (including mine) have been stupid.
      At least you’re up early enough to be able to take a nap midday!


  4. My children watch that episode at least one marathon a week. They adore the Muppets. Here’s hoping your Friday leads to a fabulous weekend.


  5. Geesh, I had a hard time coming up with an answer worthy of the unquestion this time! Have a good labor day weekend, Guap! We shall be getting ready for the onslaught of university and school mayhem. Good times.


  6. Thank you for the nod! Much appreciated!


  7. I can offer you some of my sleeping medications. Hallucinations can do a number of you, Guap! 🙂


    • When I’m driving and i’m too tired, I hallucinate joggers passing my car, and every tree branch looks like a bridge three feet above the road.

      Definitely not fun.


  8. I love FEVER! Especially sung by Lux Interiors


  9. That was a great Friday video, Guap. Happy weekend to you!


  10. I remember that goofy dude in the question mark suit. He was the “Get Gub’ment Money!” I’m wondering now why DC comics didn’t sue him for appropriating the image of the Riddler.

    I really try to be a “No Such Thing As A Stupid Question” guy, but my five-year-olds are putting that to the test.


    • When I thought of the poll, that guy was the first thing to pop into my head.
      I saw him recently on something. No suit, but he was still doing the same routine.


  11. Yay… my answer… while boring… does not contain the words: ‘penis’ ‘naked’ ‘me’ mine’ or ‘blue plate’… I feel so grown up!
    In case it gets lost in the votey boxey thing, my answer was: Does this taste funny to you?


  12. Perfect weekend video. Animal is my favouritest thing of all time.


  13. These polls are getting harder and harder! I don’t know what a stupid question is! Man I should’ve done last week’s poll. I knew that nothing is better than sliced bread! Bread is delicious!


  14. Your poll question reminds me of one of my favorite Pearls Before Swine comic strips.

    Pig: I have a stupid question.
    Rat: There is no such thing as a stupid question… Only stupid people asking questions.
    Pig: Is that me?
    Rat: Don’t be stupid.


  15. Tricky, tricky Guapo! Last week there was no right answer and this week you’re looking for the stupid question. Why do I feel we’re bring set up for something?? (And no, it’s not at all unlike me to have unrealistic expectations.)

    Have a great weekend!


  16. Last week I saw someone advertising the sale of “pure bread goats.” I would have mocked her publicly but she’s the parent of one of my daughter’s friends.


  17. I’ve read all 3 od the posts you mention Guap – a first! Never liked the muppets though.


  18. Guap, you are the winner because your sandwiched comments were brilliant!


    • Why thank you, Sir!

      (That made me think of Chaz Palmienteri in There Goes The Neighborhood, inspiring some children by looking into the distance and saying “I…am a winner”.)


  19. Another fine example of your wit and
    wickedness Guap, now what was the
    question again? 🙂 lmao

    Have a great afternoon and be awesome 🙂



  20. NotAPunkRocker

    I love the Muppets, but Doctor Teeth and all of the Electric Mayhem rock (not just Animal).

    My question this week was based solely on what I was doing at the time, which sounds more exciting here in the comments than it actually was.


  21. My finger got a cramp and then I got a Fever and that was even before I got to the poll! And Fever was made of Rita Moreno, she really delivers it.


  22. No winners this week?! Perhaps you’re right. Nothing is better than sliced bread. Hey, my answer wasn’t in there, Guapo! Perhaps, it was too stupid…which leads to me to this week’s poll. Certainly, I should be able to come up with something. Have a great weekend!!


    • Gah! I’m sorry, I didn’t see yours.
      (It’s very very rare that I do any alteration or censoring of answers. In fact, i think it’s only been done twice, and on at least one of them, I let the person know why I was dropping answers, so there was no misunderstanding.)

      Looking forward to what you come up with!


  23. It’s the best plan of action, having no plan.
    Since there were no winners this week, there should be two next week. Those two should fight to the death.


  24. whiteladyinthehood

    Happy Labor Day Weekend, Gaupo!


  25. Time is ticking so fast. A week ago felt like yesterday!!


  26. Guapola is blocked by the smart filter at work, so I can now only check at home for the brilliance of your blog. I mean, really…..why would they do that? ❤


  27. Those polls are way over my head 🙂
    Hope you have a good week, El.


  28. My girlfriend baked up some beer bread for me. It’s like the perfect bread (for me) because I can satisfy my hangover food craving WHILE I’m getting drunk. She’s really smart like that.
    Now I’m gonna go apply for a grant that will allow me to study porn at home. To think . . if I was a politician, I’d already be there!


  29. And as far as Peggy Lee goes, what a great way to break up with summer. How inspired.


  30. Oh Guaps . . . you have so many comments, it’s hard to write anything original! But even though I’m late to the game, I love Friday Foolishness! I once broke my toe due to lack of sleep & didn’t even know it! Take care of yourself!


  31. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Warm Milk Edition | Guapola

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