Friday Foolishness – Advanced Edition

Today’s Music: Chantel Claret – Bite Your Tongue

Sun rises, sun sets, calendar turns, and it’s Friday once again! And while I’m all about the foolishness here on Fridays (well, all the time, really, but due to the terms of my release, I can only express it on Fridays), there was some great stuff out on the blogs this week…
Sage Doyle gave great strength to a poem on being destitute. Lizzie Cracked felt that love is love, and Behind The Mask Of Abuse hosted DJ Matticus sharing thoughts for his son.

Another great week of reads, from them and everyone else out there!

He's dressed for making ALL the babies!

He’s dressed for making ALL the babies!

But the Foolishness cannot be restrained for long! And it was running through the whole week, starting from last weeks poll when we asked for the best method of contraception. And wow, if you guys didn’t…come through! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are indiscreet in italics)

watching 19 Kids and Counting
(Wow! That’s like two Octomoms and a Brady!)
I’m dating another woman – zero chance of procreation – Steph from She Said What
Easy. Just have kids! The Bumble Files
(What’s easy about that?!?)
Unicorns pissing rainbows
(Will the magical properties of unicorn pee never cease to amaze?)
Marriage! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA – Hotspur (just kidding)
(Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the crying…)
There’s no time for sex when you’re watching TV marathons. – Lily In Canada
(But I’ve already seen every episode of Law & Order. 73 times.)
watching a Miley Cyrus video (words&otherthings)
(I wish Billy Ray had read this poll first…)
Keep your legs crossed 🙂 No Hers I Meant… Andro
(Sex can be such a religious experience.)
Keep it zipped 🙂 lmao Andro
(Do women like men who are that fast?)
Babysitting my flesh eaters. She Has Snaapped!
(Then I’ll want to breed an army for protection.)
the word “moist” during foreplay. Liveclay
(You have no idea how turned on I am right now.)
two words: sparkly vampire. thematticuskingdom
(Is that more effective than “cheekboned werewolf”?)
become a Zombie, brains can’t reproduce. thematticuskingdom
(These polls make my brain split in two weekly.)
what’s her name? something Bobbitt? thematticuskingdom
(Isn’t she the spokesperson for Staples now?)
re: my previous answer, that’s probably the worst. thematticuskingdom
(If there was an award for worst, you’d be a Congressman!)
a brand new, spoiled puppy – calahan
(Soft…fluffy…enthusiastic…wet and slobbery…Crap! Not working!)
Wearing a onesy with no flaps…anywhere.
(Not near as good a deterrent as my leisure suit.)
One tequila, two tequlia, three tequila, FLOOR (polysyllabicprofundities)
(Dorothy Parker would disagree…)
have sex with post menopausal women. sandylikeabeach
(Menopausal, Awkwardpausal…I’m not picky.)
pmao… six condoms… one right on top of the other…
(Stacked like pancakes! Covered in syrup. Warm…hot…gooey…Sorry, what was the question?)
Imagining what the kids does to the vajayjay on its way out. Twindaddy
(I think just using the word “vajayjay” is quite enough.)
separate bedrooms
(And separate kitchens, and separate cars, and separate-every-place-else-we-can…)

Congratulations to Steph from She Said What for this week’s winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was a three way tie between David Brinkley singing the Yugoslavian love songs of his youth, along with wearing lederhosen. In public. and romantic accordion music
You know, when you combine all of those, it sort of has the opposite of the intended effect.
Or is that just me?
Wow, good week! Fortunately, there’s still more foolishness! This week, it asks about next week. Or maybe the weeks after that. Since the new iPhone is gracing us with it’s presence, we couldn’t help but wonder what would come next. And that’s this weeks poll. (Wow, what a foolish way to introduce it!)
So answer for the future – but don’t answer too far in the future, because this one closes Wednesday, 25 Sept, at 2359 EDT. (And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you, and I’ll link back next week.)

And before I step into the future (travelling at a rate of 1 sec/sec), I leave you with these.
First, I have no idea what’s going on here. But I’m sure the subtext is fascinating.
Unless you live in Minneapolis…

79 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Advanced Edition

  1. Vertical lines are more flattering than zig zag, but I’m loving the orange and the shoes! You would look quite Guapo with one of those. Congrats to Steph! 🙂


  2. I am moving to Minneapolis just to vote for that guy. He had me at “I will not even go to the strip clubs anymore.” Now that’s a campaign promise. But if he really should employ orange suit guy for fashion advice, despite the obvious risk that suit guy will impregnate him.

    Happy Friday!


    • He reminds me of someone who ran for Mayor of NYC as head of the The Rent Is Too Damn High party. He got about a dozen votes, but there was definitely something good about his message.


  3. Holy lefse. I’m in a burb of Minneapolis and have never seen this video. The subtext is simple – we love our lakes and everything that comes out of them. Apparently.
    We’re trying to solve an invasive species problem – we apparently need to drop studies on Zebra Mussels and get to work on the random angry men drinking coffee in our lakes problem.


    • Im just wondering if Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks will get behind him, just for the coffee plug.
      Maybe he an also sell them naming rights to the lake to fill the coffers!


  4. So fun to read through those responses. sandylikeabeach’s response, “have sex with post menopausal women” made me laugh out loud. She’s got a good point. It’s pretty fool proof!


  5. Here’s a scary thought – I’ve actually thought about running for some local political seats… I certainly couldn’t do a worse job, and I’m very excited about all the kickbacks and other perks… but then I remember I hate politics and all the free meals and golf rounds wouldn’t be worth it.


  6. Interesting video and I too, have no clue what he’s talking about. Have a good weekend, Guap!!


  7. I would like him as a mayor. We had a governor like that. He repealed the helmet law while he was in office (because he refused to wear one, even when it was the law) and had it reapproved as his last law when his terms were over.

    I am so glad I am not the only one to have seen all of Law & Order… again.

    Happy weekend, Guap. {HUGZ} for TMWGITU.


    • For the state that had Jesse Ventura as governor, this guy probably fits right in.
      Though using the position just to be able to ride helmetless is pretty impressive!

      Have fun this weekend!


  8. “WAKE THE **** UP!” I like his pledge not to go to the strip clubs any more. That’s something we can all get behind.


    • Makes me wonder why he said no strip clubs after listing other sources he wouldn’t get money from.
      And now I’ve got an image of someone putting dollar bills in his wet shorts.


  9. Wow, that political ad thing is beyond creepers! I was mesmerized by those clingy, wet blue underwear, which makes me feel like I’m the one who needs a dip in Lake Minnetoka now! With soap! But thanks for sharing… I loved your opening paragraph this week, too! Have a great weekend Guapers.


  10. I want them to switch our cars to those bumper cars you drive at amusement parks. They aren’t fast, but we could all drive drunk and ram each other.


  11. Thanks for the.shout.out.Guap!’im coming back to properly comment in a bit. After I throw this phone thru yon (der?) Window. It will make me crazy trying to comment intelligently.
    Hey.. what? Oh tht I heard a snicker back I will. 🙂


  12. What a bizarre video. Love that suit, huh? Technology is already moving too fast, Guap. It’s time we just upload our consciousness, take a chill pill. Have a great weekend!


  13. Jeff Wagner scares the shite out of me – what was he drinking at the end of the ad?


  14. I must have missed last week’s poll somehow! Oh crap!


  15. whiteladyinthehood

    That’s a heck of a suit! Who said purple and orange couldn’t go together? Ha!
    Double Yay for Friday!


  16. I don’t know why, but today’s Friday Foolishness just made my spleen feel weak with laughter. Maybe it’s the leisure suit birth control, or perhaps it was hitting 88 miles an hour (with my pancreas) or maybe it’s just the Friday Foolishnessness of it all, but I’m going away from today’s post feeling good both externally as well as internally. And for that, Guap, from the bottom of my kidneys, I am now and always will be extremely eternally internally grateful.


  17. Pingback: Meeting Inception | Edward Hotspur

  18. So great to see Sage mentioned–I adore him and his work.

    It’s a happy Friday in Texas as we’ve been enjoying a slow, steady and very much needed rain all day today.

    Hope you’ve had a happy day too!


  19. No. Magical unicorn rainbow piss will ALWAYS be awesomesauce.

    In fact, that’s how it’s made.


  20. That ad makes me want to move to Minneapolis just so I can vote for him. Well, not really. But it may be the best political ad I’d ever seen in me life.


  21. Best tips ever… For the moment my face/personality will do.
    I keep telling myself everyone’s too overwhelmed by me, hehe;).


  22. I would wear those baby making duds- not the shirt, that’s too much. I blame my lack of fashion sense on the ’70s. Is it possible to bring a class action lawsuit against a decade? As for the Jeff Wagner spot, I was wondering what happened to Aquaman!


    • I think people are too traumatized 70s clothes to even bring charges.
      I know bell bottoms had a comeback not long ago. I just hope that doesn’t mean 70s earth tones are next.


  23. Oh…those days…..


  24. Oh my! I am so glad to be really young when gabardine and double knit and elephant pants were the IN things. I hope they do not come back.


  25. Thanks so much for including me here. I’m honored!


  26. I still like turtlenecks, Guap. Just sayin’. 😛


  27. Guap, thanks for all your encouragement these past weeks during my depression. The Jazz comment had me going… we’ll close down the place together, right? As for the Dapper Dan on your page, YIKES! I think I dated him in the 70s… Thank God I used protection, ha ha ha. HE looks like half a Howard Johnson’s. Amy


  28. I don’t usually choose from the offered poll responses, but the porn one was so obvious this time.


  29. I cannot tell you how disturbing I found the caption underneath the photo of that orange and purple eyesore. And I have to give you big props for your responses to last week’s poll answers. They’re inspired.


  30. Your Friday Foolishness postings are always funny but this one is classic for your inventive genius, which easily translated means that I enjoyed it a lot 🙂 Hey have a wicked rest of evening Guap and if I am not too late I will quickly add something to the latest poll 🙂 Have fun now, I always do…



  31. I forgot…
    Sorry Guap



  32. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Jeopardized Edition | Guapola

Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!