Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your countdowns!!!

Todays Music: The Kooks – Stormy Weather
Days Til Spring: 90

It was harder than usual to wait for today to post this. It’s felt like winter here in NYC for a while now (though tomorrow is supposed to hit 60 F). And Autumn is just too early to start this particular countdown, because I’d go (even) batty(er) with the extra waiting.
So, as I do, on the first day of winter, I post the list of Winter Stupid, and the countdown clock til Spring, over there on your right.

The dichotomy is killing me.

The dichotomy is killing me.

For those who are wondering, or forgot, or blotted it out of your memory, winter and spring start off with the list of stupid things I hope to do that season. So without further ado, I am proud to present
The Winter Stupid:
Ski. I’ve already gotten a couple of days in, but apparently the new thing is that the mountains set up a huge ramp, and an airbag in the landing zone. Laugh at gravity and have a safe landing? Where do I sign?
Ice Skate. This also shows up on the Spring/Summer Stupid list, but why wait?
Experience Canada in mid-winter. Ok, I already have tickets to see John Hiatt and Lyle Lovett together (acoustic). But sometimes it’s nice to add something to a list that you know you’ll be able to cross off.
Surf. As stated before, I plan to be out 1 Jan. Hopefully the weather will agree.
Drinking hot chocolate while watching snow fall. With my arm around my wife, obviously.

Spring is my favorite season, but I’m looking forward to enjoying this Winter.
Anything you’re looking forward to over the next 90 days?

120 responses to “Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your countdowns!!!

  1. El G….in for a treat that John Hiatt/Lyle Lovett acoustic…you and TMWGITU will not be disappointed!!! Saw them in Portland and fell in love all over [again] with Mr. Lovett and…his cowboy boots! And…about doing stupid…
    in the queue a couple of spaces behind you…
    Happiest of every days….


    • I’ve seen them both, and my girl has seen Lyle. When I asked if she wanted to go to Canada, her first words were “Who’s playing?”, so she’s learning!

      I’ll be happy to break your landing when you catch up. I’ll just listen for the trilling laugh and roll under you.


  2. To be honest, I forget what season it is… San Diego doesn’t really have seasons… is it winter already? Again?


  3. Sounds like your weather is like ours. We’re supposed to hit 57 degrees tomorrow. It’s pouring now as we’re driving to a waterpark hotel for the weekend. The snow has melted. So, to summarize, we’ve had snow for almost a freakin’ month and NOW it melts? Right before Christmas? Talk about winter stupid!


  4. First of all, I am looking forward to more Friday Foolishness. Other than that, Christmas vacation (teacher’s delight!!), pruning trees and shrubs, my birthday bonfire….hmmmm. I know there’s more, but I can’t think right now – I’m just so happy to be right here!! ❤


  5. There’s this skiing holiday… But I don’t even dare to count the days…


  6. I’m going to Vegas for Xmas! I’m sure you’ll be proud of me for that one. I like your list. Drinking hot chocolate and snuggling is so cozy 🙂


  7. Great list~ Mine includes biking in the morning when it’s cold, biking long bike rides, hoping for snow in Tucson, biking some more in the gorgeous weather.


  8. brrrr. my list includes: Get snowshoes and pretend to enjoy cold outdoor activities.


  9. How about some hot mulled cider … and fires. I’d like to keep them in the fireplace, though.

    Happy Holidays, Guap. May you have a fun/foolish Winter, instead of just a foolish one!


  10. My next 90 days will include watching the snow fall onto my balcony, then listening to Kelvin curse as he has to shovel/sweep the balcony; repeat; repeat; repeat; repeat. With the amount of snow we’ve already had this season, we’re way ahead of the game, but it’s way better than cold! Merry, happy Christmas to you & TMWGITU & a very Happy New Year!


  11. I’m looking forward to the 90 days ending ASAP. Unless I get to escape to my island in February – then I can survive. I’ll be under my covers waiting.


  12. As usual, you are ready for adventure. The acoustic concert seems like an interesting combo. Looking forward to reading about it from you. For us, the next three months will be about chaos … nothing but chaos.


  13. surf…in january? hopefully somewhere warm EG – altho’ i can easily see you as a member of The Polar Bear Club in Coney Island 🙂 continue…


  14. I just crossed a big one off my list on Monday seeing The Tenors in concert. And since I experience more that anyone’s fair share of winter in Canada, I will refrain from comment!

    I love your spring countdown….it makes me happy to think of smelling fresh earth and seeing the trees blossom again. 🙂

    Best of the holiday season and a very Happy New Year to you and TMWGITU!!


  15. The next 90 days?? I have trouble planning the next 90 minutes!
    Actually today I started a 3 week vacation from work, and I’ll be spending Christmas at ‘home’ with the family this year – for the first time in like 5 years….pretty excited about that. 😀
    Merry Christmas Guapo and TMWGITU, I hope spring comes quickly for you two!


    • I have teh same trouble planning. The list is to circumvent that.
      Have a blast with family, Alex, and a merry christmas and happy new year to the entire extended Autin clan!


  16. 90 days and counting, woo-hoo!

    Hey, bring me back a Canadian monkey, will ya? Hard to believe it’s been a whole year since Darwin the Sherpa-Coated Ikea Monkey.

    No big plans in the next 90 other than avoiding the whiskey and tequila, shedding the Christmas cookie weight, and following your foolishness.

    Happy New Year to you and your wife!


    • Happy New Year to you and yours, and may your next 90 days (and all the days after) bring wonderful words, and tame monkeys.

      (Ok, the tame monkeys are for our benefit, but still…) 😉


  17. I look forward to Christmas being over 😉


  18. whiteladyinthehood

    Drinking chocolate with your girl seems like a mighty fine way to spend your winter days! (I think I’m going to paint my kitchen!)


  19. I’m confused by the hot chocolate and wifey thing? How is that stupid? Hmm. Maybe I need to re-read….I’m feeling so old and lost now….


  20. You actually get spring in NY. Up here, we get four hours of mud between winter and needing a bathing suit.


  21. It’s only 369 days until Christmas 2014!


  22. Happy Solstice 🙂 im baking and thinking I need some sun..been raining. Ive discovered the joy of the auto carwash..the kind that pulls you through the long building and has a tire shine, unlimited washes on the monthly plan. Wanting to boycott xmas because im tired of the bullshit allmighty $ and just watched Megamind. I dunno what any of that has to do so much with Anything. Just sayin hi 😉

    (Hi TMWGITU)


  23. Happy winter, Guapo. I want to go to the snow with my kids and go sledding. We’re planning on it later in the week! Have fun! Happy Holidays! Be safe.


  24. I have a similar winter love, only instead of hot chocolate, I like to have soup. Also, I want to play hooky one day and go to the aquarium. If it snows while I’m there, bonus.


    • As long as it’s homemade soup!
      (Though Campbells cream of mushroom is also pretty good, especially if your clothes are wet from the snow.)


      • I love Campbell’ Cream of Mushroom soup! It’s a tie between Cream of Mushroom & Cream of Chicken for top soups over all! Coming in a close second – Campbell’s Tomato with Rice soup. You said you’re coming to Canada – thought it was BC, not one of the places so badly effected by the ice storms?


  25. EG, a fine list! You’ve already gotten in some time on the slopes? Good man. Didn’t realize you were a member of the Surfin Safari polar bear club, what with the New Year’s day surfing. This brings a warm memories of childhood Christmas breaks . Except I grew up in LA.
    You crazy kid.
    Canada in mid-winter is a favorite of mine, the skiing is grand and I wish they all could be Canadian boys
    John Hiatt and Lyle (and now Ladies and Gentlemen, the Ugliest Man in show Business!) together? Eargasm. Have seen them both separately but this concert sounds kick-ass.
    Solstice to Solstice is the way to live my friend.

    As for moi? Seems this girl’s list is close to identical. Dying to ski. 30 minutes to Sierra at Tahoe and an hour to Heavenly. I feel that being a world class spaz prior to being a gimp gives me an edge. I’m not taking up sledding and dealing with the name change. Bob is so butch.

    Have confidence that you’ll attain all of your goals. There’s nothing that Love, Music, the Mountains and the Sea can’t cure.
    Together? A Sumptuous Solstice Sandwich
    A very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Beautiful Music to you and the lovely Mrs. Guap.


    • Polar Bears are insane. I’ll be in a full wetsuit, with hood gloves and boots so I can enjoy myself for more than 1/8th of a second.

      As for the skiing, hope you get out there, if only to sit at the base, enjoy a hot toddy, and watch the bad skiers bounce off each other.
      (It’s great motivation to get back to fighting shape.)

      Happy Holidays to you and Demon Seed, and glad to know that between us, we have both coasts covered!


  26. John Hiatt! You must go and see John Hiatt!


  27. You know what. It may not be a great idea to “experience Canada in mid-winter” as a snow storm has killed the power supply there. So if you land up there now, you may be howling, ” Shiver me timbers!”
    Would you like to do that, What do you say?

    Merry Christmas.



    • I once went to Chicago in January.
      I’m afraid to jinx myself by saying this, but how much worse can Canada be? 😉
      besides, I’m a slave to the music. Alas.

      Merry Christmas Shakti!


  28. John Hiatt and Lyle Lovett sounds great. As for the rest of these, to each his own. 🙂

    We took a moment to celebrate the fact that starting yesterday, the days are now getting longer, not shorter.


  29. ooo, can’t wait to read this. Off into the freezing cold right now but I’ll be back…. 😉


  30. I hope to go snowboarding at least once in the next couple months. That is the end of my list. One thing… Hmm, maybe I should come up with a few more things and spice things up? Meh, that seems like too much work.


    • You should take the prince with you! Never too early to start…

      (Sorry, missed this one somehow.)


      • (No worries.)

        He’ll definitely go to the mountain with us, but, I don’t think he’ll actually get on a board yet. He hasn’t mastered standing for long periods of time. I think boarding should probably wait a bit longer. 😛


        • He can still go tubing! (In someones lap.)
          (Which is how I prefer to go…)


          • I think that’s all we all prefer to go…

            But, yes, we could take him tubing. That’s a good idea. If we go, I’ll see if I can make that happen.


            • I always get a kick out of (and am a bit envious of) kids that start this stuff early, and grow up with outdoor comfort as a second nature.
              I was way into adulthood before I first went climbing, and the rest went from there.


              • Yeah. I guess I was lucky to start camping and backpacking as early as I did. Definitely traditions I will continue with the Little Prince. I didn’t start snowboarding until I was 25… And I know I’ll never be as comfortable or skilled on the board as the Little Prince, who will start much younger than that. Much, much younger.


  31. Happy Christmas El Guapo!! And yes – I wanna go to the sea, and get in it, and look at it, and get out of it, and…get back in it!


  32. I don’t know you. Are you in NYC? I’m typing this from 55th + 7th Av. Are you nearby?

    The next 90 days are a dead zone for me. I don’t follow basketball or hockey, so there’s not much to distract me until spring training. Skiing requires both being outside in the winter, which disagrees with my system, and loads of cash, of which I am in short supply. It’s my annual conundrum.


  33. Merry Christmas to you and TMWGITU.


  34. I like all of these, and we want pictures of your surfing extravaganza too so hopefully your wife will be snapping away with that camera 🙂 I like the hot chocolate mention too, how romantic of you Guap, your wife is going to love that 🙂 Winter Stupid sounds awesome 🙂 Have a wickedly enjoyable Christmas Guap, i know that you will have and you deserve it 🙂



  35. Oh gosh. I’m trying to prepare myself for a typical California winter Sometimes it rains and our lawn chairs blow over. Sometimes we need a light jacket!! It’s harsh, but it’s what makes us Californians the toughest wusses on the planet!


  36. Well I had an amazing Christmas up in NJ, but am looking forward to getting back to the warmth of Florida. 🙂


  37. Buying a new cactus for the garden, seeing the Milky Way, and sipping a dark rum.


    • The milky way is stunning if there’s a clear view!
      And dark rum is always a pleasure! Sounds like you’ll be celebrating the kind of weather I can only anticipate from here.


  38. It is nearly time to celebrate the New Year Guap
    and I hope that yours is a brilliant one with lots of
    wicked moments, wicked as in good I mean 🙂 🙂

    Happy New Year 2014 My Great Friend 🙂



  39. Lyle Lovett and his Large Band kick musical arse. I see him and them every single chance I get, and it’s not nearly often enough. Enjoy! Love the countdown. I have two stupid initiatives: 1) Write (finish the goddamned book already!); and 2) Date. I figure if #2 goes poorly that can only help #1. The converse is not true but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Happy New Year to you and TMWGITU!


    • I’ve seen Lyle with his band and John solo. But together, and acoustic?
      I might leave my wife for that.
      But I’ll probably be too busy keeping her off the stage.

      Happy new year!


  40. Don’t forget the number one priority of 2014 for you and your lovely wife:
    The Amazing Baby Race!
    You don’t want to let that old man and his whippersnapper wife beat you, do you?


  41. John Hiatt and Lyle Lovett! I once stopped dating a man because he made the mistake of taking me to see John Hiatt and there was no way he could possibly compare- okay well, maybe I didn’t stop seeing him strictly because of John Hiatt but that show is where the end began.


  42. I got cold just reading this! I’m in Tucson where I think it’s cold when it’s down to 70! Glad to not be on the East Coast…


    • While I generally try and be empathetic and understanding of those from different backgrounds, I can’t find it in me to be sympathetic to 70 degree chills. 😉
      I wore a ski hat, ski jacket, scarf and ski gloves to work. On top of a massive heavy poncho, and two more shirts.

      Sorry to not be in the desert…


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