Frankly my dear, I don’t give a Foolishness.

Today’s Music: JD McPherson – North Side Gal
Days Til Spring: 34

Snow. Rain. More snow. Sleet. Oh yeah, freezing temps. How to survive a winter gone mad? Why, read blogs of course! Here’s some of what I saw… GingerFightBack blew me away with The Norton. Brickhouse Chick used a very scientific sample of one for her survey on What Women Want, and Exploring Pixie wrote a strong post about women and Google Suggestions.

They, and all of you, were in great form this week!

But last week, there was foolishness, in the form of asking the stupidest question yet (probably), who should be the next antihero? And wow, were your heroes…anti. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are apathetic in italics.)

A fat bloke in a pink and lime green thong… Andro
(Or as I like to call it, my college years.)
Chris of Wombania… Andro
(The wine gums keep him surly.)
Dog the Bounty Hunter’s Aunt Freda… Andro
(She trained Dog well. Except for the slobber.)
The Soup Nazi. Hey, Seinfeld is making a comeback. (or King Kong) ~ RoS
(He uses croutons to pelt his enemies into submission!)
(And no monkeys!!!)

the last great hero flipped inside out? butimbeautiful
(Wouldn’t that be “the first average meh”?)
Beiber after Miley frees him from the clutches of Selena Gomez. ~merlinspielen
(Pay no attention to the Lindsey Lohan behind the curtain.)
devilishly handsome and unbelievably sexy.
(Hmm…never thought of myself as an antihero…)
Peter Parker’s Aunt May – John Phillips
(Behind every great superhero is an aunt who wishes he’d clean his room.)
Walgreens, for continuing to sell tobacco products next to the vitamins.
(That’s got to be the silliest thing I’ve ever heard! Who would ever suggest that???)
Did the Walgreens comment go through? That was mine! Erin E.
(Oh…um…HI THERE!)
To the muncher in the 4×4 behind me who is honking because i refuse to ice dance 1 Jaded 1
(You were their only hope to beat the North Koreans at Sochi.)
Ron Paul~~Addie
(Able to bring government to a grinding halt! It’s Two First Names Man!)
Dennis Rodman.
(Or as he’s know in North Korea, Tall Annoying Man.)
PMAO… Dick Cheney
(Dick Cheney is a wonderful man. HEAR THAT, NSA???)
Any govt official who gets to decide who gets benefits & who doesn’t – Benzeknees
(I thought those were all former DMV agents?)
Death. As in The Angel Of. I hear he’s on GO DEATH!
(When did he break up with Taxes?)
Death. I get so excited I forget to reveal myself – Marie (cyber house rules)
(But you look so good in the intimidating black robe with the hood…)
Hipster-man. He solved that crime before you even heard it happened. BT
(If only he looked as cool in his fedora as Kojak.)
Effervescent Banana Man —Linda Vernon
(He…peels his opponents apart and defeats them while they’re…split.)
Men who slide naked over bars. (Carrie Rubin)
(Oh, like anyone ever does that.)
Olivia Pope. I couldn’t help myself. I love her. Deanna from MMV
(Versus her mortal enemy: Nielsen Ratings Man.)
Rush Limbaugh – Twindaddy
(Anti “hero”, not anti “Christ”.)
Obama. He’s already the anti-Christ, right? Elyse 54.5
(Obama and Limbaugh are the same person??? So much is clear now…)
Toting beer and bacon..obviously a Canuck! Kayjai
(It’s Canadian Bacon. DARN YOU, EVIL WIZARD!!!)
Theses guys

(But can they get out persistent stains?) (Full disclosure: My comment stolen shamelessly from something Rutabaga said last week.)
Pull my finger, and I’ll tell ya… come on, do it – Rutabaga
(Sure, but…why are you wearing a gas mask?)

We can’t name the winner, because antiheroes shun the spotlight. But they’re out there… And from the offered choices, the most popular was the guy who writes these polls. Thanks!…I think…

This week, love is in the air. At least, that’s what Hallmark and the jewelry companies would have us believe.
But for those of us that don’t buy into that, what can we do? Well, that’s this weeks poll. Answer often, but answer soon. Because while love is timeless, this poll closes Wednesday, 19 Feb at 2359. Please don’t go over 3 write-in answers, and if you like, leave a name on your write-ins, and I’ll link back to you next week.

And as we head into a (probably not any) warmer weekend, enjoy this – greatest product ever!

Have a great week, everyone.

148 responses to “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a Foolishness.

  1. Wait, it’s Valentine’s Day?! Why didn’t someone tell me?


  2. Awww! It’s the first time I’ve been featured in your Foolishnesses (? did I spell it right?)
    Also, colour-blind Corgi was just sent to my sister who has one. She loved it.
    Finally, that video finally convinced me to buy an iPhone.


  3. Oh, man! If I didn’t have a car to pack I’d love to sit down and read this. But as it is, it will probably need to wait until I’m in a semi-decrepit roadside motel somewhere to catch up. But something to look forward to, yay! Stay warm, Guap, and thanks for making Wyoming a little more fun (when the time comes).


    • I’ll get on WP to develop a test-to-speech tool so you can listen o my mellifluous tones whilst you drive.

      No, wait – then I’m in trouble if I bore you to sleep while you drive…

      Hope your drive is easy and warm!


  4. Gracias, Guapo! I am glad all that hard work and research has paid off! Phew! I hope you can use those tips with your LOVE today. 🙂 Looking forward to reading the other featured posts. Feliz Dia de San Valentin!


  5. I love it when you shame me – oh wait… I mean shamelessly quote me 🙂

    And it *is* a persistent stain so I’ve heard.


  6. (Anti “hero”, not anti “Christ”.)

    Potato, potahto…


  7. Happy Friday, Guapo, and I love that JD McPherson song!
    I would comment – but I have to run out and get a iPhone 5S 🙂


  8. Great Denton House vid … and special cheers to you and TMWGITU on this day. Enjoy your weekend.


  9. Obama and Limbaugh could be long lost evil twins.


  10. Supposed to be 80 here this weekend. I’m thinking about going to the beach… but, might not… it’s too hot.

    *evil grin*


  11. So…. is there really a lot of snow out in the east? I thought it was just some wag-the-dog propaganda. You’re all just kidding us right? I mean, when I look out my window blinded by the sun peeking through the palm trees I find it absurd that it could be colder than the inside of my freezer anywhere in the world…

    p.s. do you have any remedy for a freezer that can’t get cold enough to keep ice cream frozen? this is earth shattering news here.


    • That thud you hear is the sound of my head smacking against my desk.


      (What? It’s the only possible way I could feel your pain.)


      • I’m ever so grateful you are behind my cause. It’s a worthy cause. Imagine a world where ice cream melts. How am I to refresh myself after sweating it out in the sun?

        p.s. was that bitchy?
        p.p.s. it was bitchy right?
        p.p.p.s. am I off your Christmas card list?
        p.p.p.p.s. What? I wasn’t ON your X-Mas card list? I’m offended.


        • While I truly enjoy your company and talking to you, I am also quite amused by our conversation above that I apparently didn’t even need to be present for!

          (I was going to send you a mangrove clipping for Arbor Day.)
          (How am I supposed to shop for xmas stuff in time if they don’t start advertising til three months before thanksgiving???)


          • I’m running off to google “arbor day” so i’ll know what to get you.

            p.s. having conversations with myself can be fun because there’s nothing one-sided to them
            p.p.s. mangrove clipping? sounds like i’ll be getting toe nails in the mail
            p.p.p.s. want my address? i want those toe nails, i need them in my collection.


  12. Thanks Guap! And on Valentine’s Day to. I am all a flutter. The League of Gentlemen is a class skit!


  13. I don’t need valentines day to have a party with Ben & Jerry! They are my homies ya know. They get me….they really get me!!! They understand a girl’s needs….


  14. Happy Vagintines Day El Guapo!


  15. I will be seeing Cirque du Soleil’s Love, with my love, tonight. 🙂


  16. There’s nothing I love better than a conversation I don’t have to be present for. (Especially if I’m holding up my end of it.) I think I have one of those Iphone Sames. I bought it because it not only does it have an “I”, it also has a “me”.


  17. “Rush Limbaugh – Twindaddy
    (Anti “hero”, not anti “Christ”.)”—-Hahaha! Loved your response. Probably would’ve worked for Cheney, too, but you’re right; we don’t want to smack talk Dicky. Not when the NSA might be listening…


  18. Ah, my Friday feels right again with just the proper amount of foolishness. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s day to you and TMWGITU!!


  19. Yeah, I really love Valentine’s Day. Sigh, I have nothing clever to offer to the conversation today.


  20. Not just Hallmark and jewelers; don’t forget about the poor florists. Among all the retail and service businesses during this Valentine’s holiday, florists suffered too. Can you imagine having frost-bitten red roses sent to your love?


  21. Oh Guaps . . . you & TMWGITU better have a great Valentine’s Day!


  22. Anyway, I wouldn’t mind getting a dozen red roses, even if they were frost-bitten a little bit!!


  23. But last, but not least, HAVE A GREAT VALENTINE’S DAY!!!


  24. Torturing my husband by saying “No, it’s okay we don’t have to do anything. I know you’re busy at work. No, really…’s FINE.”

    That poor man.


  25. I think instead of celebrating I will be going to the doctor to clear up that annoying rash left over from the last romantic holiday I celebrated…


  26. LOL @ the I5same. My son fell for this one. He always have to have the latest in toys. I love Valentine’s Day. Not sure why though. 🙂


  27. Have a happy Valentine’s Day/Presidents’ Day weekend! Chocolate and appliances for all!


  28. whiteladyinthehood

    Have a great weekend with your girl, Guapo!


  29. Ugh. Cat pictures. Kinda cute ones. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.


  30. These Friday posts have quickly become addictive! It’s so amazing that you do all this work Guapo! Bravo for you, and Valentine hearts. ❤


  31. This has been a brilliant read as always
    Guap, thanks for all the laughs my great friend 🙂
    Now I am looking forward to next weeks poll 🙂

    Have a wicked weekend…



  32. This is absolutely the funnest thing ever – reading all the answers to your weekly poll – now, if I were to answer it, I just put it in that gray box, with my name?
    Wow. That IS a lot of work for you. Do you have an assistant?
    And might I just add that the sheer variety of craziness –
    Spanish, vagina, Twindaddy spelling potato and patahto phonetically – just dazzles the mind…
    you win the Internet.
    I hope you had the best Valentine’s Day. xo


    • Thanks Samara. Just write your answer and name, I do the rest.
      It was a good Valentine. Taking the wife out Sunday when the streets are quieter. (And holiday weekend!)


      • Yes, that’s the way.
        Celebrating on actual Valentines Night is not good strategy.
        Jewelry, however, IS.


        • Ha! When I buy jewelry for her, it’s at the store after I’ve seen something catch her eye, while she’s standing right there.
          (Too easy to buy the wrong thing if she isn’t!)


          • OMG!
            My Ex hated that I liked to “pick out my own jewelry”-
            He never understood that I’d rather have something I adored than something he picked out and I never wore.
            You sure you don’t have any brothers?


  33. Poor you! Winter hasn’t even arrived here – though rain and wind definitely did. I almost feel over while driving my bike today. Yay. Good luck surviving there!


  34. Well, I cheated on the question because I’m writing from the future like a time traveler.


  35. Gosh, your readers are so clever! I loved all of those anti-hero suggestions!


  36. The VD ref was mine…not the VD. Hope you had a good Valentine”s Day.


  37. You’re smart to defer the celebration. I’m ambiguously involved with someone who isn’t into the forced fun of Hallmark holidays but just does nice stuff on a regular basis, as it occurs to him. Turns out I like that better. (It probably helps that I hate to shop and could care less about jewelry…)


  38. Terrific post, Guap. Whatever it was about!


  39. When I heard the forecast for the end of the week promises temps in the 50’s, I cried. If not for mall security, I would have kept on crying, too.


    • My wife asked what the noise was when I cheered after seeing the forecast for next week.
      (Next time, tell the mall cops you’re crying over the absence of Orange Julius.)
      (They’ll understand.)


  40. I am seriously needing to finish my coffee before I read anymore posts here, you are so hysterical, I spilled my java way too close to the laptop for comfort !!!! =) =) Wanted to check out your blog because of all your thoughtful comments on LDG’s and Punky’s blogs… =) LOVE finding a new blog to read, have a great weekend ! =)


  41. I missed Valentine’s Day. On February 13, hubby sent a couple of sweet notes from work. I wrote back, “Not interested. Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. Talk to me then.” Tomorrow came and went with nary an I Love You. Hmmph.

    Old style rock and roll – North Side Gal. Very nice!


  42. You ALWAYS make me smile 🙂


  43. I love what a community place to be you’ve created with Friday Foolishness. Hope you had a great weekend, Guap.


  44. I thought this was your funniest post ever. Obama and Lindbaugh being one and the same person – tee hee. Each entry funnier than the one before! 🙂


  45. The Grumpy Justice League is a thing of beauty as is the typically color-blind corgi.


  46. Answering your last question, my idea about Valentine’s Day is, why send roses? Wouldn’t it be more romantic to deliver a dozen orgasms?
    Thanks for the tonne of info above!


  47. I’m late this time! Sorry, ’bout that…hope you are having a good week. See ‘ya around !


  48. Hahaha, Grumpy cat always gets to me !
    And uugh, I’m one day late to your poll party !


  49. Guap, I have been MIA, both reading and writing, and seem to always get to these polls after they have closed. Funny stuff you gather here, I too, appreciate all the work this must take! I’ll try to do better in the future. 🙂


  50. Pingback: To Be Or Not To Be. That Is The Foolishness. | Guapola

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