Stir crazy. Possibly fried.

Today’s Music: Calexico – Two Silver Trees
Days Til Spring: NINE!!!

And if you can, please help out Merbear.===========================>>>

(*A note – Seasonal Affective Disorder is a serious malady that effects a lot of people. This isn’t intended to mock those that suffer from it, or to make light of a very real condition.)

The snow is still melting, but the real warm hasn’t shown up yet.
It’s grey outside, threats of rain and snow.
We went to Canada last month, and found an indoor Monster Mini Golf (glow in the dark!) this weekend.

Can you believe the dragon was only a par two???

Can you believe the dragon was only a par two???

And yet, as this interminable cold and gloom continues with no end in sight (except the ticking of the calendar into a new season), I find myself with the less serious version of Seasonal Affective Disorder: the dreaded Cabin Fever.
Soon... (Or else!)

(Or else!)

It gets me towards the end of every winter – the knowledge that spring, sun and warmth are coming coupled with the fact that they aren’t here yet has me gnawing at myself for a way to escape.
So in the interest of preserving whatever sanity we still have, here are some (whatever the opposite is of) Sure Fire tips for beating SAD.
Defend yourself from the invasion of this dreaded condition! Outside light (especially grey) looks much better when diffused through flannel sheets strung a few feet above the floor.
Immerse yourself in stories that take place somewhere else, preferably somewhere warm.
Your insurance may cover a Netflix subscription to stream the Complete Gilligans Island!
Look, you know you’re going to do it anyway. Why not use it to repair your mental condition? (That way you can also get a medical waiver to do it at work!
Seriously. They exude spring, summer and warm weather climes. Plus, if it’s a good one, you’ll need to wear your beach sunglasses so you don’t blind yourself.
Who doesn’t love a picnic? Plus, fewer ants!
(If that’s not the case, I don’t want to know.)
(Nor do I want to come over.)
My old ones are here and here.
My next one will be up next week.

If I last that long…

188 responses to “Stir crazy. Possibly fried.

  1. I feel bad saying Spring sprung over the weekend in London, people were in shorts and vests, I sat out in pub beer gardens. It was lovely, it;s grey and cloudy again now. Roll on next year!


  2. I cannot wait for spring!!! We are due anywhere from 8 to 20 inches of snow tomorrow into Thursday….when will it end???? UUUGGGHHH!


  3. As always, your timing is impeccable. I worked on my own SAD/storm piece last night…for hours! After getting rid of every bad weather metaphor I could, I finished the second rewrite and am trying to find a good title. Perhaps some time in a pillow fort will inspire me!! I absolutely love your idea of making a list–genius!


  4. Hysterical ! =) My foxling and I are going to have that picnic today, inside the fort, no less ! =) She says you are so clever…

    That dragon is a beast, to be sure… what a cool adventure !


  5. PS: I hope you don’t mind if I pingback to your article. It fits with mine!


  6. NotAPunkRocker

    I love the spring/summer list.

    Today the high will be 78. Thursday it will be 45. :-/


  7. The Hawaiian shirts scare me…buttons (gag) and bright colors (ahhh!). I think I have seasonal affective disorder in the opposite way, too much sunshine depresses me. But since I like you – I’ll be happy for you ‘Spring’ time..


  8. The Hawaiian shirts scare me…buttons (gag) and bright colors (ahhh!). I think I have seasonal affective disorder in the opposite way, too much sunshine depresses me. But since I like your – I’ll be happy for you ‘Spring’ time..


  9. um…’youR Spring’ – I gotta learn to type.


  10. When we moved away from Hawaii (after 2-1/2 years) I realized that winter that I was a victim of SAD. However, Vitamin D has gone a long way to alleviate my symptoms. I encourage people to get their Vitamin D levels tested, then supplement (Vitamin D3, actually), then do everything on Guapo’s list! đŸ˜€


    • Vitamin D tastes better in a pillow fort!


    • Spot on, man. That’s what I did– I was *definitely* low and had to take a bolus dosage (50,000 IUs a shot every week) in green softgel pills. They are a little bigger than the softgels used for D3 supplements, so I dubbed them “power pellets” and the supplements “dots”, i.e., Pac-Man references.

      I have full-spectrum lighting at my desk and a lightbox (that my father-in-law built me) with 16k lumens aimed at the shower. It’s really helped.

      Ironic that it took so long. I manage bipolar symptoms with psych medication, BUT it took many years to get that alone figured out properly before my med nurse asked about D levels and… everything I said earlier came to pass. Before, they’d medicate me in the winter and I’d be slightly manic by summer. By the way– D is not actually a vitamin– it’s a hormone!


  11. I don’t think I could ever make myself wear a Hawaiian shirt….even in Hawaii.


  12. I really feel for you, El G. Hope the Spring appears soon for both you and my son. He’s just had a week in Puerto Rico, but I think he’s already forgotten about it. đŸ™‚


  13. Dude you cannot complain on a day like today! I ran outside at 6:30 am without a jacket!
    Whoa! Wait a minute. Who was that running in Manhattan??? Me!!! Evidently I can! [Feeling like such a bad ass despite my pathetically slow run.]


  14. I long for winter like Justin Bieber longs for talent. It is sweltering here. That said, when summer came the mango cocktails and pool were fantastic. Soon, Guap, soon.


  15. I live in Florida and we barely had a winter this year. That in itself has made me sad.


  16. Guapisimo! I think your remedies will work better than the Happy Lamp I bought! It’s too blinding! Hawaiian shirts and indoor picnics are my faves. Better yet, I could have my indoor picnic while naked. That might work too! đŸ™‚


    • Turn the heat up, and a fan to simulate those warm summer breezes!
      (And sunglasses, for the hawaiian shirt!)


    • At the risk of repeating myself, my father-in-law built me a lightbox and we installed it to shine all 16k lumens into our shower/tub combo, so I can have bright light + nakedness without anyone save Cimmy risking an eyeful.


  17. You forgot Nyquil. That helps a lot, I mean, there’s a reason why bears sleep through that season, right? Am I right or am I right?

    And what are you waiting for, you’ve already visited my two Canadian home towns, come visit my American one: San Diego! I only complain of the cold to keep the stupid people away!


  18. It almost hit 60 yesterday – honest to goodness, people were out in t-shirts and shorts (although it wasn’t THAT warm.) They’re calling for a snow storm tonight, 3 – 5 inches. Can’t even stand it anymore. Gathering pillows for that fort and I’m not coming out until May.


  19. Let’s not put Florida down; we still have the best winters; however, as far as August is concerned, “on the other hand…” says a great deal. It’s not only August, but July, and September and October that are the most humid. But, it’s an acceptable trade-off for the (oh, no, not another snow storm and below freezing) winters of the north.

    Love your list. Except Hawaiian shirts. What about Florida shirts? It’s closer and you get to wear your sunglasses every day of the year, too.


    • I’m not familiar with Florida shirts.
      Always thought those would be short sleeve golf shirts (with colors).
      I’ll stick with Hawaiian! (It’s a “frame of mind” thing.)


  20. Now I almost wish we had a winter… almost


  21. Monster Mini Golf would be completely awesome after smoking a giant fatty. And if you were carrying a few whippet canisters? All the more thrilling. That dragon would rate more than just a 2-par.

    You’d best get your ass outside today. It’s spectacular and it ain’t gonna last.

    My 12-year old daughter and I watch Gilligan’s Island all the time. On the surface, it’s an exercise in father/daughter bonding. Deep down though, it’s a revisit to a young boy’s awakening. Ginger or Mary Ann? Do you like your love in the dark or laid out in the sun?


  22. Did Mark really just talk about whippets and a fatty? I think he’s been hanging around the wrong blogs…

    It’s 60 degrees today! And gorgeous! If you talk to me about snow, I. Will. Cry.


  23. Poor you! Our spring has already begun. But thanks to last year I’ve been having nightmares about sudden snowfall as well… Since that’s exactly what we got last year.
    Good list though. I would LOVE to make a pillow fort and just sleep, sleep, laugh, sleep.


  24. All of us trapped by winter are feverish. But the sun is shining here today and though snow is forecast for later this week, maybe they’re wrong. Maybe spring is just sitting out there, trying to break through the lingering ice. Mebbe.


  25. I’m longing for spring too but…..NO HAWAIIAN SHIRTS PLEASE!!! I have a s.a.d. lamp that helps a lot!


  26. Seen Calexico a few times! Always great.


  27. Great ideas for sure. I need to stop watching dramas that take place in Chicago, New York, and Boston and switch to a sunnier setting.

    Brace yourself for another snow storm (New York and Ohio will take a wallop tomorrow). But spring WILL come. I hope.


  28. I love this prescription! I think I would never survive in Seattle because of the gray as you describe… I’m sorry I can’t really relate because our gray days are kind of limited (and therefore cherished, at least by me) but I think i’ll try a few of your remedies to battle Teenager Hormone Blues, which are interrupting our lives with alarming regularity these days…
    Hoping a hike and green chile will help!


  29. It’s coming! I’ll have to try pillow forts. A few weeks ago we jacked up the heat and drank fruity drinks and listened to grooves while wearing Hawaiian stuff. It worked for the night…but I’m ready for warmth too.


  30. Eish! That’s an untranslatable South African expression of empathy….


  31. I use a S.A.D. light in the winter- I get my glow on for 10 minutes in the morning and it helps me not to murder anyone!! FTW!


  32. I lived in NYC for 20 years. For 20 summers I swore I was going to get tickets to see Shakespeare in the Park. Do you know how many times I went? 0. Zip. Zilch, none. But I still make lists, especially about things to do in the warm weather when the kids are off school.


    • It’s funny, the residents here are the most jaded people on Earth.
      Other than working there (as King Kong) for a few weeks, I think I’ve been to the top of the Empire State Building twice in my life.


  33. Guap, just do what I did…move South! Although we had a few days of sleet & freezing rain. Not enough to make me go ga-ga (as in crazy, not Lady). We’re now in to our official Spring. 70’s, rain, sun, rain, sun… You get the picture. I’ll do rainy days over snow any time.


  34. That par 2 looks suspiciously like a GWAR show.


  35. Especially Hawaiian shirts. Tropical drinks with those little umbrellas?


  36. Ah Guap, we had a blink of spring, everything started blooming, and tonight it’s going to freeze again…no snow, but still, come on!

    Sunday we were out on the Grille’s front porch overlooking our lovely historic square having breakfast with no jackets. It was AWEsome!

    And don’t forget to add doing the water-jet-pack-thingy to your spring list, even if you have to come to the deep south to do it! I’d buy tickets, heck I’d probably try it too! đŸ˜€


  37. You had me at Hawaiian shirt đŸ˜€

    Summer is nearing the end here and I’m saying ‘Bring On Winter! Although I’m cheating a bit because I live in the tropics and winter is very pleasant indeed. We’ve got a cyclone below us and one above us at the moment so I’m hoping they’ll scoot off and hit elsewhere đŸ˜‰ They should be the last ones of the season…


  38. The last time we went to Hawaii, I tried to find a duvet cover made of that crazy shirt material. First, I had to describe what a duvet cover was (maybe not an American thing?) I explained that this would be a wonderful item for people living in dark and gloomy places, but the lady at Hilo Hattie’s wasn’t buying it. Maybe I have really bad taste in interior decorating, but I think Hawaiian shirt bedding would rock in the winter time!


  39. You are almost there, Guapo! Countdown begins. Those are great suggestions. Thanks so much for supporting my son’s blog! That’s so very nice of you. I appreciate it.


  40. Guap, it is perfectly OK to laugh at people with SAD. Isn’t that like turning their frown upside down?

    In full disclose here, I have poop probs and laugh myself sh#*less constantly about it.


  41. Niiine days, ah! I need it. I like the indoor picnic idea– I did that with the boyfran when we first got together. Might need to break that one out again. Additional bonus if you picnic indoors: You don’t even have to wear pants.


    • Wait – there are times pants aren’t optiona?!?

      We have a picnic in the living room every so often. Mostly because it just amuses the hell out of us.


  42. I think your March 13 list and evening walks in the warm is spot on. We are three weeks away from that glorious moment hopefully.


  43. Pingback: Storm Chaser | MamaMickTerry

  44. whiteladyinthehood

    I’m sorry you have such a bad case of cabin fever! Spring really will come, just hang in there!!


  45. pennylaneseriously

    Those are some good ideas. I have been pillow fort-ing my way through this season. I have had too much T.V. I think I need a Hawaiian shirt… I think that is the answer to everything.


  46. Everyone is talking about spring and we’ve had a pretty mild winter compared to yours!


  47. Get a glow stick and tape it to your forehead, it will cheer you up…I hear that this is an actual “thing” in some countries…(I’m not sure, I may be making this up)…I think the deer are getting cabin fever too…I saw them bedded down in the woods after… THE FREAKING SNOWSTORM… blew through…afterward the buck got up off the ground, rousted another one out of bed and then he got them all to play…WHAT IS HE NUTS?? If I actually succeed in getting some video on my blog about this…notice the part where he can’t seem to get out of the woods….DON’T LOSE IT GUAPO…WE ARE ALL CLINGING TO YOUR COUNTDOWN TO SPRING…YOU ARE WHAT IS KEEPING US GOING…YOU ARE OUR FEARLESS LEADER…”I WANT A PONY!”


  48. OH, does SAD suck. It’s dissipating slowly now but it’s such an ass at the start of fall/winter. I can’t wait till summer. I’m gonna learn how to paddle board.


  49. Absolutely LOVE the poll answers this week, and of course, your wizardry in italics! Burquini…. hilarious. You always have such great music too, stuff that I’ve invariably never heard of that works as a find soundtrack while reading. So ready for the weekend now!


  50. You and tMWGITU need to move out here to sunny California where the sun hangs out! You can still do your cabin fever activities only outside!


  51. Pillow fortes rock! Somehow, the kids and I always seemed to make them for black outs… even better. Here in the land of easy winters, we just don’t struggle with the whole winter blahs as much. However, my husband has SAD every year… and he’s too tall for pillow fortes. Poor guy. I’ve been working my way through your blogroll, Guapo… you need to do some updating. Calamity is not posting at that site anymore, and Amy as silenced Bumble Files… for Amy Reese Writes. I love following your bread crumbs. đŸ˜‰ Have a wonderful weekend darlin’!


  52. I would also suggest you get your blood checked for Vitamin D deficiency – I was so low, they could barely measure it & I am currently on a high dose of Vitamin D. I used to sit in the sun for 5 minutes every day when I worked, but it seems I don’t bother now I don’t work, hence the supplements!


  53. PILLOW FORTS! YES!!! Why didn’t I think of that? I’ve been throwing indoor picnics for years and, frankly, needed a little variety. How sad that, even though spring is less than a week away, I’m apparently going to get a chance to test my pillow fort architectural prowess tomorrow. Sigh.


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