When life gives you lemons, make Foolishness!(ade.)

Today’s Music: Beebs and her Money Makers – Hand Out

And if you can, please help out Merbear.===========================>>>

Is there a spring in your step? Did you spring out of bed today? did you remember to flip the mattress? All this and more is on my mind this week, because spring has sprung! But what’s the “and more”? Why, the blogs I’ve read. Here’s some of what I saw… Wholey Jean had some great tips for being a role model to your inner child. Not A Punk Rocker wrote about how some Suicides Are Viewed, and Sean Smithson posted gratuitous selfies to promote his Book (with possibly the funniest dickhead pic ever).

Thank you all, and everyone else for the thoughtful and entertaining posts this week!

And thanks so much to The Sailor’s Woman for bestowing a Liebster Award on me! (Though her chihuahua may have made her do it.)
I hope you all take a minute to check out her great site!

When will it end? WHEN???

When will it end? WHEN???

Last week, we celebrated what we hoped was the last hurrah of winter by asking what you’ll miss most about it.
Based on your comments, I don’t think many of you wanted to make winter feel welcome. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are slowly thawing in italics.)

When it snows, I have something to blame all the white powder on – Revis
(Blame it on the dog! That cokehead..)
Reading this before adding something stupid… Andro
(I read these every week. Never stops me…)
Not freezing my rocks off… Andro
(But it would be rude to freeze someone elses off!)

(I thought y’all just put snow chains on your moose.)
Absofrickinlutely nothing John Phillips
(You sound a little unsure…)
Making fun of Americans John Phillips
(I’m sure we’ll do something mockable soon.)
Having to finally leave Phucket and go back to the States that are United~~Addie
(I thought we were still split over that whole “Team Edward/Team Jacob” thing?)
snow days SnB
(I thought Canada just had snow “months”?)
Living under the SnowDome
(I prefer the SnowGlobe. Except when people shake it.)
The Polar Vortex. I love a good vortex. (Miz Yank)
(Can I interest you in my vortex of debt?)
Those whiny bastages in New York and Jersey. Pull up your big-girl longjohns! ~Miss R
(Umm…what’s the male version of “camel-toe”?)
Watching my husband do all the work! Elyse 54.5
(Just get him a lawnmower!)
Matching sweaters for me and my Chihuahua. The Sailors Woman
(As your chihuahua breathes a palpable sigh of relief…)
maybe I’ll miss snow. I’m crazy like that. JakLumen
(I think if you sit back and weigh the pros and cons, you’ll find that you won’t really miss it.)
I won’t miss it. It hurt. Literally. JakLumen
Everything! (Seriously, everything.) Stacy
(WE HAVE A WINNER!!! For a totally…unique…view of winter.)
Winter I hardly knew ye –Linda “California” Vernon
(It was the season where you lounged while we wept. Good times!)
the way it spooned with me at night. – calahan
(Isn’t a shovel more effective?)
PMAO…I am going to miss doing posts of flowers and sunsets in San Diego that I do solely to drive people who live where it snows crazy.
(I’m going to miss the radiant smog in those pictures…)
getting to be jealous of everyone else’s winter. thematticuskingdom
(Trust me, we’re happy to share.)
the early sunsets. thematticuskingdom
(Nothing more romantic than a moonlit lunch.)
the Christmas cheer. thematticuskingdom
(Only 278 shopping days to go…)
brickhousechick: Eating 300 Oreos during Natl’ Oreo Day 3/6
(This is Madness. NO! THIS IS OREOOOOOSSSS!!!!)
Skiing and my fleece workout pants. Susie Lindau
(Water skiing in fleece shorts!)
Hot toddies.
(cold beer.)
The temp outside matching the temp of my heart. – Twindaddy
(Now your heart will just have to be a seething cauldron of rage.)
The agony of another NO SNOW winter – Rutabaga
(Oh. The horror.)
having an excuse not to take a bath for weeks ! Life ConfusionsLife Confusions
(Once they turn on the fountains in the park, I have no excuse.)
How can I miss it when it’s never going to f*&#ing end?? polysyllabic profundities
(This would have won, but I don’t want to encourage winter.)
complaining about it on my blog – The Waiting
(Wait – does that mean more raisin/poop stories? BRING BACK THE SNOW!!!)
The sound of my frozen testicles banging against each other (Trent Lewin)
(As long as you don’t look for other things to bang them against…)

Congratulations to Stacy for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was Watching the door hit its ass on its way out. So congratulations to all you violent portal users out there! (A close second was being made fun of by Canada, so I think some people need to work on their politeness. I’m looking at you, British Columbia.)

I bet he could melt some butter. But I don't want to know about his nooks or crannies.

I bet he could melt some butter.
But I don’t want to know about his nooks or crannies.

This week, I’m intrigued by breakfast food. The bread in fact. English muffins, to be precise. (It’s the foolishness. It’s not supposed to make sense.) I’d like to know what you think those nooks and crannies are, so that’s what I’m asking. Offer as many scrumptious thoughts as you like, but offer them by Tuesday, 25 March at 2359 EDT, because that’s when this one ends.
Try and keep yourself to three Other answers if you do write-ins, and if you do leave an Other, add a way to recognize you at the end, and I’ll link back to you next week.

And so, until the foolishness brings us together again, please enjoy The Great Flydini.

Have a great week everyone!

114 responses to “When life gives you lemons, make Foolishness!(ade.)

  1. YAYYYYYY SPRING !!!! (even though the forecast says “flurries”, at least the birds are chirping…)


  2. NotAPunkRocker

    I am enjoying the spring-like weather until winter comes back again next week. Hopefully the springy days start to outnumber the others 🙂

    Thank you for the shout-out, Guap.


  3. I was eating an English muffin as I read this. I kid you not. Peanut butter all the way.


  4. Winter? What’s that? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Any memory of such an event has been permanently replaced with thoughts of sunshine, warmth, bees, dead worms on my driveway, more bees, sneezing, pastels, easter eggs and pale arms and legs wanting to peek out from hiding. Congrats to Stacy!


  5. LOVE today’s song – I think I may have seen them last year at the Warped Tour. Fun, high-energy music!

    Can I just say again that NAPR’s FP’d post is ridiculously great? I wanted to do a pingback in the comment section, but alas, I probably have to mess with the dashboard to do so, and I haven’t had enough coffeh (TD) yet…

    Happy Friday!!


  6. OMG…Laughing my butt off. I reached for those English muffins the other day and it felt so wrong to pay for something that advertises their “nooks and crannies.” It makes me wiggly and uncomfortable and I will deny that we ever had this conversation. Now…I’m off to put some butter and jelly in the crannies–all of this talk has me craving breakfast.
    Happy Friday!


  7. Between spooning winter and frozen testicles banging against each other, I’m starting my Friday out with some interesting visuals…


  8. It’s spring And it’s going to snow tomorrow. Yep. That’s spring in Colorado! Have a great weekend too!


  9. YES! Steve Martin birthing eggs from his groin. A perfect start to my Friday!


  10. Frozen Testicles! Yowzer…..Get Trent a hot water bottle for his knackers…..


  11. uh… the smog hold the heat in…


  12. And Americans no longer eat food with the name of another country in them… we call those ‘freedom muffins’.


  13. Thank you for your spring posts! Someone got the message and turned off the rain. We have sunshine this morning! Happy spring!


  14. “This week, I’m intrigued by breakfast food.” has this really been going all week? You’ve been drinking your coffee with intrigue about the plate in front of you? Your life… it is wondrous! 😉


  15. I laughed my way through this one! Where do we offer our thoughts on nooks and crannies, do we email you or something. I’m new to this


  16. Nooks and crannies? Why am I suddenly thinking of Bruges?


  17. Lol, I loved Beebs and her catchy little song! Very springy…

    Now I want an english muffin…


    • Just be aware that dancing with a muffin will make extra crumbs.
      Still do it. Just be aware.

      And have a great weekend!


      • I wasn’t kidding, I went immediately down stairs and had an english muffin, with WARM peanut butter and honey, for lunch. 😀 Crumbs be damned!

        I have sad news for the fans of spring…even here in the south, a hard freeze is predicted for Tuesday. What???

        But, please have a great weekend, anyway, Guap!


  18. Spring?! It’s spring?? Ugh…we’re getting snow on Sunday…have a great weekend!!


  19. Ehm. What’s an English muffin?


  20. Loved that guy on the video. Great sense of humor about snow in Toronto. Really loved his blurb about the Audi. Thanks.


  21. Thanks for the shout out Guap. I thought the selfies would do the trick but you’re right, the dickhead pic trumps all.


  22. Dude, you rock. I’m so glad you’re out here. Good on you for the Smithson shout out.


  23. My old Boyfriend, Erik, was a huge Steve Martin fan. So I saw SM a zillion times during that period. He is a very funny guy. Funny thing is, though, that I often thought of Steve Martin when I lived overseas: He had a routine about how, when you go to France, the first thing you put on is a French accent: “I vould lak to go to zee ‘otel.” It was hilarious (only I cannot find it on YouTube.

    The thing is, that is EXACTLY what you do when you go. All nouns are the same, more or less. The verbs are different, but you can mumble and fake those. “Those French have a different word for everything…” I spent years thinking about how

    Thanks for zee memries, Guap.


  24. LOL – just love the Great Flydini!


  25. I want to go check out Smithson. We’ve become reacquainted and it looks like he has a book out. I had no idea. I missed his last post. Guapo, I’ve been a little out of sorts with the Twitter, missing posts. Oh, how do you keep up? Enjoy your weekend! Hope it’s sunny and nice and springy!


    • I’ve only met him recently, but have been enjoying his site a lot.

      I do most of my online stuff from work, but I still manage to fall behind (a lot). Still, I like to think that every time a delete a post email, an angel gets his wings.
      Relieves the guilt a bit…


  26. You are lucky to have fountains there, I just have to reside on my will power to take a bath (Hint:my will power isn’t that strong)


  27. I’d say I’m not going to miss the rain… But then again, it rains every season here :(. Unless it doesn’t. Then it doesn’t rain for an entire two months or something.

    On the bright side, we have had some great days already :D. How about you? Finally getting your sunlight?


  28. Haha! just love the way yout tied in the English Muffin Nooks and Cranny with Steve’s! You’re a genius Guap!!


  29. I would really miss the snow and being able to ski on Main street. However, even more than that, I wish I were the one regretting that I had to leave Phuket after spending the winter there.


  30. Hurrah for your winter, I mean winner, this week and her…unique (thank you for that word choice) view. ❤ Hey look, WP finally got its emoticons right! You should write a post on that. ❤ ❤ ❤


  31. I love beebs. AND English muffins. But most of all, I loves me my spring time. Something awful. Thanks handsome.


  32. Ah yes! I’ve been meaning to make it by here to celebrate the arrival of Spring. It seems like forever ago that you started your countdown… but I’m a bit confused as to why it’s still ass-chapping cold outside? Who’s idea was this?


  33. Awesome as always Guap,
    now if only I could get here
    sooner for a change 🙂

    Have a wonderful rest of Monday Guap 🙂





  35. At least I was on time this time! I hate being so far behind in my reading!


  36. Dang it, I was too late to enter this week! Tragic, because I just know I would have won. Whether I enter or not, I love me some foolishness!


  37. Pingback: Into The Valley Of Foolishness Rode The Six Hundred… | Guapola

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