An Odder Week Than Usual…

Today’s Music: The Offspring – The Kids Aren’t Alright

So here’s the latest from my corner of the world…
– My boss of the last several years has quit. His last day is this week.
I had a conversation with my new boss. I asked who was my backstop if an issue comes up that I can’t deal with. His response was to kick it along the line to the people taking over. So, great that it isn’t my responsibility, but I’ve spent the last several years with my company before we were bought.
From what I understand, there hasn’t been much of a brain dump from my boss to the new overlords. Which means all the institutional knowledge my boss holds is about to walk out the door.
I don’t mind change, and we have a great product, now under the umbrella of a multinational company, so it can be taken that much farther. And it would be nice to stick around and grow with the new company.
Plus taking a new job is always a pain in the ass. but I’m still waiting to see if we’re all just interchangeable cogs in the machine, or if this is actually an environment I feel like coming to daily.
Jury is still out on that…

Mine is the one that stands out. Obviously.

Mine is the one that stands out.

– After reading stories from CurvyRoads and REDDog, as well as a ton of great pics from Gray Dawster, I’ve decided to actually go and get my motorcycle license. Hopefully, I’ll have my permit soon, then it’s off to the Motorcycle Safety class and a whole bunch of riding lessons. I had an old Suzuki GS 750 decades ago, but never got around to getting a license. I figured this time I’d do it properly.
My wife, (The Most Wonderful Girl In The Universe), is still very against me getting a bike (NYC driving is a full contact sport), but I’d like to be able to rent when we’re in more motorcycle friendly areas.
Plus riding a bike down the Pacific Coast Highway is on my list of things to do.
You know what would look good on this? Me.

You know what would look good on this?

– I still haven’t heard from Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I can only guess that they are trying to sort through the list of all the kids that want to hang out in my awesomeness. I’ll follow up with them later this week and see where that stands.
My work is halfway done already...

My work is halfway done already…

– The model railroad looks a bit like a cross between Three Mile Island, and the Manhattan High Line railroad before they turned it into a park: a mess.
I’m trying to decide whether to just rip up and re-lay all the track, or strip it down to the wood and start again. Either way, I really need to learn how to solder.
If anyone knows any good tips or instruction sources, I’d really appreciate it.
Clearly, I'm modeling the latest tsunami/earthquake/nuclear explosion.

Clearly, I’m modeling the latest tsunami/earthquake/nuclear explosion.

– I took today off (late night last night), and Friday is a day off too. More time with TMWGITU!
And around it goes…

How’s your week looking?

138 responses to “An Odder Week Than Usual…

  1. I agree with your fabulous wife: NO BIKE! đŸ™‚ Great week so far… but it’s only Tuesday…. anything can happen. Good luck with the new boss!


  2. I am waiting for my half day Friday! 4.20 – my 17 year anniversary đŸ™‚

    Good luck with the transition – it’s hard – all those different things that are cropping up – new boss, company change etc… Go surf, you’ll feel better ~


    • Wow, congratulations! My longest job so far is about 10 years.
      I don’t mind most of the confusion, but its a little unsettling at work. If they can’t keep an eye out for a whole business division, how are they going to treat employees?


  3. Do it brother!


  4. Sorry to hear about the weird, but what’s also weird is that my boss is also quitting and will be taking the knowledge with him and I have no idea where I stand for now. Odd developments, indeed! Good luck.


  5. Guap, I am still looking for the “LOVE” button!!! But I liked this post, because I couldn’t find it. đŸ˜€

    Don’t listen to the haters. Get trained, watch out for the other guy, and enjoy bucket list rides wherever you can get them. PCH is on my list too.

    Sorry you are going through corporate hell. It is a fact of life, give it a chance, cause the grass is not greener in any other corporate situation, in my experience.

    So wonderful that you are taking time with TMWGITU!


    • As long as I get the training and don’t ride like an idiot, I should be ok. I’m really looking forward to it.
      As long as I can make it through the next few months, hopefully work will even out.


      • You will get the training and ride like the smart guy you are, and you WILL be ok. I am SO excited for you, I didn’t even realize this was on your radar.

        And as for work, we have a saying in rat-race-land: “This too shall pass”.


  6. I’ve been with companies that went bankrupt (5 of them over the years) and a few that were taken over by larger corporations. Garry went through more than half a dozen changes of ownership before he got zapped by the last one. As the Arabs say, “Trust in Allah, but tie you camel.” Get your resume out there. Maybe you’ll be fine, but then again, maybe not. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.


    • Last company I worked for, we went bankrupt and were bought for times. But in terms of the work, all that changed were the email signatures.
      Still, not much fun at all.

      Consider my camel tied!


  7. Sorry to hear about the job. Transitions like that are always difficult.


  8. A change in bosses is always messy. I’m sure you will find your way to the light…just watch out for the furniture stumbling around in the dark. As for the bike, safe riders make safe bikes. Enjoy it…a lot of people love the way a bike feels on an open road. Just watch out for the bugs..ewww…


  9. I realize this has very little to do with anything, but I really like the shade of TMWGITU’s nail polish in that picture.

    Hope the two of you have TMWDOE (The Most Wonderful Day Off Ever), even better than that Ferris Bueller kid’s. đŸ™‚


  10. Lots going on in your life. My big question of the week is what’s so wrong with dried cranberries that they had to make them blueberry flavoured? My problems are invisible to the naked eye.


  11. Are we all just interchangeable cogs in the machine? Abso-fucking-lutely Guap. When I walked out the door of the technology behemoth, I had 10+ years of tribal knowledge, and was running a $35m business unit. Life went on. But I’m not bitter or anything. đŸ™‚

    Don’t get a motorcycle. They are scary. And you might die. Just don’t.

    Yay for playing hooky today with your wife. đŸ™‚


    • Oh, we’re still negotiating on actually owning a bike. So far, I’ve offered her anything, and she’s flat-out said no.
      It’s an improvement from her earlier position!


  12. Please be careful… I have lost so many friends on bikes…


  13. Get that train rolling!


  14. Have a great time off!


  15. Oh dear lord, now he’s getting a donor…I mean…motorcycle. But I know you’ll wear a helmet, right?…

    I’m just ribbing you. Do what you want, but be safe doing it. As for the work shake-up, I hope it goes well. I know how frustrating it can be, but you seem to have a good attitude about it. There’s not much we can do when it comes to change other than jump aboard and help make it happen.


    • Why yes, I did sign my donor card! Not sure if they take diabetic organs though…

      I’m not looking forward to the next few weeks of the re-org. Just the last few days have been a mess. Not sure if the guy next to me will snap and bail out.
      Fun times…


  16. You on that motorcycle with that Hawaiian shirt?! Too much awesome in one city.


  17. Aw, sorry about the turmoil at work. I think you’re right in just waiting to see how it feels once the transition is more in progress. I love the picture of your Model Tsunami! And that you have the better part of a room to dedicate to it.
    Have fun on your day off! I just got back from a whirlwind funeral in Pittsburgh (my uncle lost his MWGITU, the second wife lost to cancer), so I’m all for spending more time with great people in our lives and less time engaged in unfulfilling tasks! Have fun….


  18. NotAPunkRocker

    Sorry to hear about the job stress.

    I love that last picture!


  19. Spent a few years tooling up and down the PCH on a Ducati… ZOOM-ZOOM

    Miss the wind and warmth… cannot remember today why we ever thought it was a good idea to leave CA… =)

    Good luck with the bike… cannot say I would like to drive in The City ! =)


  20. Changes at work suck when you know and like what you’re doing. Wishing you an easy transition.

    In Switzerland we lived by the best road for motorcycle riding. Hairpin turns, not much traffic. In fact, the only traffic on that road was motorcycles and ambulances. Lots of both. We started calling them pre-wheelchairs. (I know I’m such an old fart)


  21. That’s a lot of guapness going on at once! Your new bosses better recognize what they have in you or I will personally go over there and hit them over the head with one of my mighty bricks!

    Regarding the motorcycle, I’m with your better half. NO ME GUSTAN!!! However, I can’t think of anyone else who would look as good as you, wearing banana briefs while doing wheelies on their new bike.


    • Maybe I’ll get a bike with a sidecar so my esposa can chastize me on the road!
      I think my new boss understands and is amused by the mess the coroporate overlords created.


  22. Well, my advice for the work situation would be to watch both seasons of the office with Ricky Gervais. I don’t know if there’s anything in there that would apply but at least it’s fun to watch! Seriously though, I hope everything works out okay and you don’t have to change jobs.

    I had to laugh at the hammer in your model railroad picture! LOL!

    (I’m afraid I have to side with TMWGITU on the motorcycle though.)


    • Ha! Well, as long as I don’t watch it at the office, I suppose…

      The ‘sphere seems to be balanced heavily on my wife’s side as far as the bike goes…


  23. Please be careful when you’re out there on that bike — it’s not the driver of the bike but the other cars that just don’t seem to see them that make it dangerous (plus the weather). Get something that’s a good quality and has lots of safety features. Since you’re taking a safety course, at least I know you take this seriously and probably know all of this anyway.

    Hope the job thing works out and you get awesome stock options and retire in a year! Hey I’m an optimist at heart.


    • I’ve already promised my girl I’d be as careful as possible on a bike, and not as an idle promise either. It can be very dangerous.
      But it’s also something I really want to do, and I think the joy of riding will outweigh the risk.


  24. Bikes scare the crap out of me but that is directly related to an unpleasant incident in Texas. I’m sure riding around the countryside would be much more enjoyable, but please be careful!!

    I hope your work environment doesn’t change too much. I left my job of 20 years last May for a similar reason, but the new bosses seem more intent on changing the entire model of the business and I couldn’t follow the lies after a while. I was scared to make a change, but it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made in a while. Best of luck, friend!! And have a great long weekend. đŸ™‚


  25. These work shake-ups are always nerve-wracking. I went through a few before staying home with my little monsters, I mean angels. Seen my man go through it a few times. Always a nail biter but seems like it usually worked out to be a better situation once everything settled in.

    As for the bike.. I don’t blame your wife one bit. *sorry* It’s just an indication of how much she loves you, right? đŸ™‚


    • I could never not know how much my girl loves me. No matter how many times she says “yes dear” when I say I want a bike. đŸ˜‰
      The work adjustment would be a lot easier if the people in charge knew what the hell was going on….


  26. Woot on the motorcycle license! My Hubby plans to get me back on my dirt bike this summer after I had minor accident a few years ago. I haven’t had the chance to get back on since.

    I hope the job thing works itself out! I hope that you hear back from BB! Have a wonderful time off with your honey. đŸ™‚


  27. Bikes are great fun! Even if they’re optional in your state – always wear a helmet!

    Sorry about the job issues. Of course, if it was always happy and fun, they wouldn’t call it work.


  28. That model railway pic is beyond scary! It is however not as scary as all those little office boxes. Good luck with the new boss. Hope nothing changes too much under new rule. I’m not a fan of bikes, but at least you’re thinking safety rather than macho, first. đŸ˜• Enjoy your long weekend.


  29. You Know i should also go and get my motorcycle license. It would make riding more relaxing in the vicinity of traffic cops!! Truth is my husband is still restoring our Vespa scooter after 16 years!! And the other 2 I got to ride are also out of action now!! Hmm. Perhaps it can wait…


  30. Started reading all the great comments, and then started wondering about the Big Brother thing, and as I scrolled down – there it was! They are being careful, to be sure, as they should. Of course, they will HAVE to choose you. You will be great.
    Wishing you an easy transition with the new owners. I’m thinking that maybe your new boss is feeling somewhat the same as you – drifting and feeling unsure as to what is coming next. He/she is in a new position also, and has to get acclimated. Every relationship is a 2-way street, right?
    Anyway, I’m so glad you will be getting more time in with TMWGITU! Laura’s uncle just lost his, and her advice is spot on. Enjoy, Guapo!


    • I think my boss didn’t like the way he (or our company) was being treated. He’s going to investigate some options in Austin TX. That’s quite a hike to get away…

      I love every moment I get with my girl!


  31. Sounds like a good time to put it in float at work. GIve it some time and observe a bit to see how it meshes. Starting over somewhere else is a pain…unless working at the old place is a huge pain.
    Pacific Coastal HWY! Yes! We did it in a mustang convertible, but a bike would be even cooler….Kid nixed the bike, said she’d glued together too many bikers in the ER …but maybe if we showed her the safety course certif …. Renting a bike in certain areas sounds like a good idea…around here in daily traffic? no way.
    It’s been a while. Last time I hopped off the bike just before it went through a ditch. Seemed sensible at the time….should have never told her that story.
    Will be interested in what you have to say about the course


    • I’ll let you know how the course goes. Just saw that NY State will take completion of that course in lieu of a road test, so it should be thorough,in both the class part and the hands-on.

      I suppose as long as they don’t try to kill me, I can carve out my own niche at work. But we had a good system where everything was getting done smoothly.


  32. Enjoy your time together! My wife is visiting her parents halfway across the country this week and I’m having to play bachelor for the first time in a long time. I’m realizing how spoiled she has me. đŸ™‚

    Hoping your job situation works out.


  33. runningonsober

    Oooh could be some interesting days ahead at work. Ride that horse as long as you can, my 2 cents, known evils and all that jazz. Besides when that horse dries up, you can ride hogs. Just not in the City of bumper cars.

    Can’t wait to hear about your little!

    I’m back to running this week! Had a good two mile today–with the white dog. She may end up being a perfect running partner. Spot was always more of a couch potato, but her sister loves to run. Oh and saw Draft Day today, pretty good show.

    Love the wedding pic! Hope y’all have a great week!


    • Wow! Hogs, horses and bumper cars. Not sure if you’ve just mixed a metaphor there, or put it in a blender. đŸ˜‰
      Glad to hear your pooch kept up. I bet it made the run a lot more fun!


  34. Dude, Guap. Work in or around cubicles, new bosses or old, is never good for the soul.


  35. Good luck with the new boss. In my experience, getting a new one is either really good, or really really bad. Hope you get a great one who appreciates your awesomeness!

    Save the model railroad for a project with your little devil, er, brother and never tailgate when you’re riding your motorcycle and you should be fine.


  36. As long as your new boss doesn’t want to reinvent the wheel all should go okay đŸ˜‰
    I totally agree with TMWGITU – bikes are dangerous! (said with my ‘worried mother’ voice) đŸ™‚

    My week – writing (hopefully) and finishing my last book trailer and eating loads of chocolate xxx


    • Having dealt with my new boss the last couple of days, I think he just wants to get the work done, in as practical a manner as possible.
      I hope that’s true.

      Congrats on what sounds like a great week for you!


  37. Bikes are dangerous. But terribly fun. And probably a good Big Brother activity, amirite? Shit, no one should have left me in charge of children. Sorry to hear about the job change up; that is always a bit of a mess when companies engage in holy matrimony. As for the train set, I have no advice, other than I appreciate your dystopian vision of the railway future.
    My week is just limping along until I can finally dye some eggs, hide them, and forget where they are. Like a squirrel making a cache for winter, except more terrible.


  38. How’s your week looking?

    Well, it looks like this
    backside layout


    • If all goes according to plan, that’s looking pretty damn good.
      (Need to get over to your place and get updated.)
      (I’ve sucked at reading this week.)


  39. Good luck with the licence and be careful when you get it!


  40. Whoa! You’ve had quite the week! First of all, good luck with the upheaval at work…hopefully everything is fine and you’ll have a seamless adjustment period.

    Second…I’m with the TMWGITU…I vote against putting your little gray cells in danger.

    Thirdly…What the ?#$@# did you do to that train track?


  41. How cool that you’re building a model railroad town! You are a busy guy. Hope the work stuff smooths out. I can so relate. Change at work often stinks, but you always have options.


  42. The last 8 weeks have put my mind into a fog … thus must return recording all to-do items!

    Bummer news about the workplace … as if it is not stressful enough! Good luck.

    Well done on the tsunami wreckage. Sorry … I’m like Sargent Schultz from Hogan’s Heros .. I know notting!

    Good luck on your motorcycle test … and enjoy Friday.


  43. I don’t want a pickle..
    Just wanna ride my motorcycle
    And I don’t wanna die
    Just wanna ride my

    Lots goin on Dude . Enjoy your time off. Extra points if you sang the above in your head..or out loud in the subway even .. đŸ˜‰


  44. When in doubt…
    – start over (the rail road track)
    – jump on a motorcycle and drive into the sunset
    – make love to that most amazing girl in the world (or insert proper acronym)
    – tell new boss he better be up to par to old boss or you will test your soldering skills on his balls…

    Can balls even be soldered? Where the hell am I getting these visuals? My new frozen blueberries are really big. Like steroid big. And blue. That’s most likely where my visuals are coming from.


  45. DO IT!!!! All of it!! You might as well,…See, I have the answer to all of life’s problems. JUST DO IT!! I guess NIKE came up with it first,..but whatev’s. I say, give the motorcycle a try for a bit, …at least you could say you did it. The train…um, well,…yeah…maybe Vodka! It might clear things up for you , then again it could do the opposite as well. Vodka can also help with the job situation. You might need it very early in the morning, like with your coffee.


    • Yes – definitely motorcycle before vodka.
      After vodka? Well, I’ll have to check out the police reports to find out what happened.

      (Told a new coworker it was time to stash a bottle of tequila in my desk.)
      (He agreed.)


  46. I am so down for the ride. Hope you don’t mind if I’m in a convertible. Oh and Greg can teach you how to solder…


  47. Are you changing addresses? I might be.

    Good that you specified BB/BS. No mistaking it for a cheap show this time.

    I didn’t know you did model railroads. People are crazy passionate about it. I think Neil Young loves it so much he bought Lionel.


    • Rod Stewart is also into model trains. He’s been featured twice on teh cover of one of the magazines, said it was dearer to him than being on the cover of Rolling Stone.

      No address change yet, but it might be coming depending on how things shake out…


  48. whiteladyinthehood

    You are very busy, Guapo! Good Luck with everything. (and sweetest picture ever)


  49. My best to you that you’re still doing that “in the business world” thing. At least you have TMBGITW (did I get it close?) I missed the Big Brothers event. Are you participating as one?


    • I applied as a Big Brother. Did the interview, and they sent out the reference questionnaires. Still waiting to hear back.
      Sounds like you’re out of the corporate world.
      Congrats, and I’m slightly envious…


  50. I always imagined you riding a motorcycle . . it’s so Guapola- the living embodiment, really. And the Pacific Coast Highway would be one hell of a chill ride. Big Brothers/Big Sisters, huh? You’re a natural, and I’m jealous. I want a brother like you!
    Best of luck on the lessons, Kemosabe.


  51. Bit of a worry about your boss moving on with all the knowledge eh.. BUT it also sounds like you have a fair bit of knowledge.

    I hate it when there is a turnover and no handover of information, such a pain the posterior!

    Are you roads going to be safe with you racing around on a motorbike! No hooliganism business eh… đŸ˜›

    I’m with your wife on this one!

    Sadly I rarely catch up with my brothers. 4 of them are step and I have absolutely no idea where they are! My youngest brother lives interstate so that make it a little difficult at times too.

    Your railway line looks like the aftermath of the 2012 movie.

    My week has BEEN AWESOME and.. I am going for a mini vacation tomorrow – where I hopefully I will NOT encounter any of these….

    Oh Crap.

    (Fungus Toilets)

    We have Junior Thunders tonight (I coordinate a Mini Football team) AND so I just got all their Guernseys pegged out on the line to try (over 50 of them)

    Also, I have tackled a prickly bush, broken my whipper snipper, cut my leg and been attacked by suicidal pop up sprinklers jumping into the blades of the mower (how dare they)

    All in all.. Fabulous week so far!



  52. Good luck with the new boss!!!


  53. Helena Hann-Basquiat

    Sucks about the corporate take-over, darling. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I once went away on vacation and when I came back, there was new stationary on my desk with a brand new letterhead and company name. Who knew that could happen?
    I love the IDEA of a rumbling machine between my legs, but the actual thing scares me a little. I’m more comfy driving a convertible down the PCH. (Great drive, by the way. I could live there and drive it professionally if one could do that kind of thing.)


  54. Tough to see all that knowledge go out the door because it increases the load on those left behind.
    There are lots of things I want to learn how to do, but soldering isn’t one of them. Good luck with that.


    • Old boss and I were talking to the new boss about the brain drain.
      “Yep. That sucks” he said.
      Well, at least he was honest and has a sense of humor.


  55. Good luck with all the changes, Guapo! Change can be exciting, but also daunting and frustrating in the beginning. Enjoy the sunshine. I, too, am against motorbikes, but I can see why you have PCH on your bucket list. Have fun with your girl!


  56. Sounds like a busy time in your life? Of the things, go and get that bike! WOW!!!


  57. Wait- did I comment already? I read this days ago, but I can’t remember if I did.
    It’s a fabulous plan to have a motorcycle license for renting bikes, which is precisely what I did with my Ex, when we traveled. And specifically to drive the PCH, which is an incredible ride.

    Cubicles. Ugh. I have a guest post coming up for a blogger, and I mention them. The antidote? Motorcycles.

    By the time you read this, your Friday Foolishness will be up!



  58. The best gauge of how the management will work is to see which costs they cut first.
    You do realize that if you get hurt on the bike (broken leg, etc.) your wife will be the one helping you recuperate. She will not be happy.


    • My wife has made it quite clear how doomed I am if I hurt (but don’t kill myself) on the bike.
      That being said, this is something I’ve wanted for a long time. It finally occurred to me to do it before I’m too old.


  59. I spent most of my teen years on the back of a bike – all my boyfriends had bikes! I was in an accident where we rear-ended a car at 30 mph, I flew through the air & landed on the roof of the car we hit while my sandals flew off my feet & landed 5 lanes over on the windshield of 2 other cars minding their own business, just driving down the road. Happily no major injuries. Layed the bike down a few times too. One of my ex-boyfriends took a couple layers of skin off the entire outside of one leg when he layed it down on the highway – thank goodness he was wearing denim. All these accidents occurred before helmets were mandatory. Now I know why my parents were so worried all the time! Save the bike riding for tropical destinations is my advice!


    • Egad! Glad they were all ones you could walk away from.
      I’ll restrict my riding to good weather on quiet country roads, at least to start.


      • Best idea! There is nothing like riding down the road with the wind in your face (& the bugs in your teeth – be careful because they really hurt when they smack into you!).


  60. I wish you the best with the new bosses. I hope all works out well for you.


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