Tag Archives: Billy Idol

Trifextra – Three Thirds Of Cheesey (In Thirty Three Words)

Today’s Music: Billy Idol – Cradle of Love Live
Note on Today’s Music: Check the lyrics at 1:58. Yeah, describes the post perfectly.

Today marks the first day of Autumn, my least favorite season. Not that there aren’t things to do in the fall. but the cooling of the weather and the turning of the leaves always makes me a bit melancholy.

So to perk myself up, why not totally misinterpret another Trifecta challenge?

Actually, it’s a great challenge, and I hope you all check it out and enter your own responses. But shoot for the top – I’ve pretty sure mine already wins the race to the bottom.
(And by the way,thanks to the magic of twitter, this is HER fault. Follow that link for a great example of how these shouldbe done!)

Here’s the challenge:
Describe something that is three different things at the same time. – Trifextra

The possibilities are endless!

Here’s my entry. Apologies in advance.

I empty the package, split it in thirds.
Children use a third for interpretive wall art.
One third crushed, mixed with water. It makes a perfect spackle.
I eat one third.
Mmmm. Cheetos…

And I hope you have a great weekend!

Justin Guarini Has Nuthin On Me!

Today’s Music: Billy Idol -Rebel Yell

I’ve competed in Trifecta. I’ve jumped off bridges. I’ve even danced naked in bars!
But I’ve never undertaken a real challenge.
Until now.

Yes, I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for Blogger Idol!

“But why, Guap? Why would you do that?” come the cries from the furthest corners of the blogosphere.
Two reasons:
1 – It sounds like it could be a lot of fun!
2 – Ginger Snaap twitter-shamed me into it.

Now I know many of you voted ofr Edward Hotspur, and I understand. I’ll probably vote for him too.
But there are 12 slots available for the competition.
So go in and vote one for the Guapper. I don’t know where I’ll be then. But I’ll know about it, and I’ll be happy.

Oh wait – I’ll be checking their comments. but yeah, I’ll be happy!
(Thanks for the full quote, Lisa.)

And while you’re voting, stick around and enter yourself too. There are great prizes, ranging from a Samsung Galaxy to kiddie Boogie Wipes!
You can also find their twitter and facebook links there too.

It could be fun. Y’all already have my vote as the coolest bloggers anyway!