Tag Archives: Edward Hotspur

Justin Guarini Has Nuthin On Me!

Today’s Music: Billy Idol -Rebel Yell

I’ve competed in Trifecta. I’ve jumped off bridges. I’ve even danced naked in bars!
But I’ve never undertaken a real challenge.
Until now.

Yes, I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for Blogger Idol!

“But why, Guap? Why would you do that?” come the cries from the furthest corners of the blogosphere.
Two reasons:
1 – It sounds like it could be a lot of fun!
2 – Ginger Snaap twitter-shamed me into it.

Now I know many of you voted ofr Edward Hotspur, and I understand. I’ll probably vote for him too.
But there are 12 slots available for the competition.
So go in and vote one for the Guapper. I don’t know where I’ll be then. But I’ll know about it, and I’ll be happy.

Oh wait – I’ll be checking their comments. but yeah, I’ll be happy!
(Thanks for the full quote, Lisa.)

And while you’re voting, stick around and enter yourself too. There are great prizes, ranging from a Samsung Galaxy to kiddie Boogie Wipes!
You can also find their twitter and facebook links there too.

It could be fun. Y’all already have my vote as the coolest bloggers anyway!

Hot And Spurious

Today’s Music: Rupert Holmes – Escape
Note on Today’s Music: Because I know he hates this song. hehehe.

(if you’re wondering what’s going on, check here.)
Many of you follow the refreshingly bizarre Edward Hotspur. So you already know he has a thing for Unicorns pissing rainbows. Here’s why. Sorry Hotspur, had to borrow your style for this one.

He was sitting around a campfire, enjoying his gassy beans- no wait, he was enjoying beans and then the gas that followed. He’d taken off his riding boots to relax, setting them to warm next to the fire. A unicorn burst into his campsite setting off mayhem among his compatriots.
They ran around in confusion, dodging the uriney torrent of warm rainbow issuing from the unicorn’s nethers. Only Edward kept his head about him. He reached for a boot, still with its spur on.
Billy Joe Bob Mellissa Jr yelled “You can’t drive off a unicorn with spurs!”
“You can when they’re red hot!” shouted back Edward. He took the boot from the fire, and jammed the red hot spur into an engorged opalescent unicorn testicle.
The unicorn turned bright red, squeaked, and darted off into the woods to find some bactine.
And that’s why he’s known as Edward Hotspur.
True story.

Now let’s take a musical break, from someone I was recently introduced to by Mr. Hotspur.
This is Miyavi. He is the hottest chick I’ve seen in a while. (Yes, it’s a guy.)

Scenes From The End Of The Post
I’m writing this at my desk as the sun streams through the windows. You’d think it would be wetter if it was streaming. Unless you’re streaming porn. That could be wet. Unless it’s home improvement porn. Lots of sandpaper. Probably not so wet.
Hold on, boss wants me to do something. Ok, I did something. I told him I wasn’t going to do it. That’s something, right? Might be the last something I do here, but still.
So where was I? Oh, at my desk. So it’s where I am. Can you have been somewhere and say you were there if you’re still there without having been gone anywhere?
Wait – My brain hurts.. I have to stop channelling Edward Hotspur, today’s flashmob victim honoree before my head explodes.

You should check him out. It’s like no other blog you’ve seen.
Rock on Hotspur, and keep on blogging!

Oh, and buy His Book

In closing, I would just like to say…
Salma Hayek.