Friday Foolishness – Homeroom Edition

Today’s Music: Van Halen – Hot For Teacher

Well, it’s been a busy week in Guapton. TMWGITU was away for a week. But she came back! And That made the rest of the week bearable.
That, and the great posts I was lucky to see this week.
H.E Ellis kicked off her new published book with interview with Death (and you can click through for interviews with the rest of the Horsemen).
Ashley told a wonderful dating story, with a moral!
ketchup writing prompt, and I can’t wait to read the entries!
Finally, Becaa honored me with a Versatile Blogger award! She’s delightfully bent, so you should give her a look.
And Pudding Girl gave me an award! I’m not sure why, but if you want a re-ward, check out her site – great stuff!

But last week wasn’t just about seeing all the cool stuff in the ‘sphere. It was also about last week’s poll! We asked What should Curiosity rover focus on?
And wow, did you have some ideas! Here’s what you said (As always, my comments are vaccuum-packed in italics.)

Build a Margaurita machine and pipe in Jimmy Buffet. KJ
(What does a Martian parrothead look like?)
Find the other rovers, make sweet, sweet love, and baby rovers. Quirky
(Step awaaaay from the Barry White cds.)
Or find the other rovers and have an ultimate death match! Quirky
(Wait a minute – I smell a screenplay in your two answers…)
Try to understand Venus. (Stacy Lyn)
(That’s going to take more technology than NASA will ever have…)
Get curiouser & curiouser – Benzeknees
(WE HAVE A WINNER!!! And one that encompasses the spirit of exploration!)
make a sliced soup sandwich ~whatimeant2say
(Just doesn’t taste the same in dehydrated food cubes.)
Curiosity should get pimped out. Michelle at Motley News
(Well, they chromed it’s antennae…)
Give Zak a hand getting through the face Maze. (Anyone?)
(I think Zak is just relaxing in the two-headed squirrel cave.)
(Zak note by BrainTomahawk) I ALWAYS forget to sign 😉
(This one might have been better as anonymous!)
I’d say enjoy the silence but it’ll have to listen to – Carrie C. Nerd
(In space, no one can hear you rap-sing…)
phone home! – Lindav
(But not collect – those charges will bankrupt us!)
Take pictures in skimpy outfits and post them on facebook Lisa
(This is the cutting edge technological outfit NASA we’re talking about. They’re still on Friendster.)
Probe Uranus – Hotspur
(NASA. Now run by 12 year olds.)
transform into a health club for Martians so they won’t invade Earth!
(And then we can ship all of Earth’s gym rats off planet!)
Looking for Squirrel Martians.. zannyro
(Is Baldy recruiting?)
MONSTER TRUCK JAM!!! Quick someone tell NASA to send more rovers! –Kari
(Ooh – can they send that one Rover that changes into a Robot? Oh wait, it already does..)
go rogue and go crazy with exploration! ~flame
(They’ve gone nuts already – it’s travelling almost three feet a day! Three feet!!!)
scout martian brothels…in the name of science Stay Abnormal
(It’s a dirty job, but someones gotta do it. Where do I send my application?)
map out the best hiking trails on Mt Sharp, you know, for future reference. Alex
(Just bring your dehydrated astronaut food for a fun day out!)
Making Mars angels (jell jell)
(Or Mars bars!)
do some dune surfing on the Martian sand dunes – sandylikeabeach
(I knew they shouldn’t have hired that Mission Specialist in the Hawaiian shirt!)
search for intelligent life on Earth. Snaap
(NASA doesn’t investigate myths.)
Should have taken Justin Beiber w/ it & rid our planet of the little freak!
(In space, no one can hear you Beleib.)
Satisfy. Elyse 54.5
(Umm…I have no idea if it has that attachment…)
Kill the cat. GingerSnaap
(The Stainless Steel Cat? (Anyone? Anyone?)

Congratulations to Benzeknees for this weeks winning answer! I’ll see if I can’t put together a letter that won’t excite the security agencies that can be sent to NASA.
And from the available choices, the most popular answer, by far, was BUILD A BAR!!! (That’ll get those aliens to stop by!). Because it’s all about finding aliens. What? That’s what I meant, isn’t it?

A serious note before the poll – I’ve been lucky to meet a whole lot of teachers in my online adventures. The job you do is incredible, and you all deserve every honor for doing it day after day, year after year.

Thank you, Gary Larson

But it’s a brand new week. A week that brought the first day of school to most of the United States. And that makes us wonder, are kids learning the right things? Or should the curricula be updated?
That’s this weeks poll, everyone. So break out your number two pencils* and get ready to fill in the answer bubbles.
Fill in the boxes completely,and fill them out often,but fill them out before Thursday, 13 Sept, 2359 EST,because that’s when this one closes.
And if you write an answer in and leave an ID, I’ll link back to you next week.
(*Don’t actually use a pencil on your monitor please.)

And until next week, enjoy this.
Yeah, no theme or explanation. I’m just feeling goofy.

Have a great week, everyone!

66 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Homeroom Edition

  1. Wow! So many good entries 🙂


  2. Thanks for the little push over there EG… surely appreciate that! 🙂


  3. NIce one, Guap. Have a great weekend!


  4. I’ve got no answer to your poll question…I’m just glad they started school.
    FYI, have a look here to see what’s on the agenda for this weekend. Much better than any online poll.

    And welcome back, TMWGITU.


  5. whiteladyinthehood

    TGIF! Enjoy your weekend.


  6. Love that one from Gary Larson! … put I wanted to stop by and say hello.


  7. I guess I forgot to put my name on mine!! I’m such a dope. (I had the skimpy outfit line.)
    The Gary Larson comic is funny because it’s sooo true!! There’s a fine line between idiot and genius – I should know. Unfortunately for me, I usually fall on the idiot side of things. : )
    I haven’t thought about “Hot For Teacher” in a long time! LOL! Remember that cheesy video? haha! I’m gonna take a listen right now.
    Have a WONDERFUL weekend, Guapo!!!!


  8. There was never a doubt you would get the Zak reference. Best video game ever.

    I had that Far Side comic on a shirt back in the day. Wore it well.


  9. free penny press

    Return to Classics, please 🙂
    And on that note I bid you a grand weekend!!!


  10. “Probe Uranus”—So adolescent and yet here I am laughing…


  11. OMG you made mention of Bobcat Goldthwaite and Hot For Teacher in a single post. I love you.


  12. First day of school… the real Mother’s Day! Woo! Learn? That’s easy, how to talk. It’s a lost art being colonized electronics — all manner of devices and LCD screens. How to listen should be tackled in college, but perhaps by then it’s too late 😦 So that’s my pole answer, any or all, you decide! Glad your BTINWISWU is back! what is that?


    • Well said, Laura! Communication skills should definitely be taught from as early an age as possible!

      TMWGITU is The Most Wonderful Girl In The Universe – my wife.
      (The shorthand started quite a while ago on the blog, and stuck. Because to me, that’s exactly who she is.)
      (Because I’m a sap.)
      (Ah well, what can you do…)


  13. *by* electronics. sorry! Oh, and *poll* answer! Man, that Van Halen song had my mind in the wrong type of brain lounge!!


  14. I miss school. I even miss number 2 pencils! We used to pass notes in class in our pencil sharpeners. Clever, clever. Have a great weekend! 🙂


    • Pencil sharpeners? Very nice, Nicole Marie – use the tools of the man against him!
      We used paper airplanes.
      And then just talked in detention.


      • I was suspended once, in third grade. Catholic school. Some friends and I walked across the street during recess to buy some lollipops. It was the best, laziest two days of watching cartoons EV-ER!


        • I got suspended twice in grade school.
          One involved a very small amount of fireworks (honest, no one was hurt!), and the other was a simple experiment was gravity.
          Yes, 30 some odd years later, and that’s still the story I’m sticking with.

          My folks didn’t let me sit around for the time off.


  15. You can never get enough Uranus gags when it comes to the solar system. Brings out the 8 year old in me. Had a good giggle – thanks.


  16. You always have your finger on the pulse of America don’t you? You are a keen observer, a font of wisdom, a guru to us guru’ees…a pied piper to those of us who are “pie-eyed”….I’m exhausted, I’m going to find some chocolate..but well done your Guapo-ness.


    • Thanks, zannyro!
      But I’m beginning to be a bit concerned about your reliance on chocolate. May have to mobilize the ninja squirrels to stage an intervention…


      • Oh I see…this is how it starts..first you suggest an intervention, then the next thing you know I’m being sent to rehab…then I find out it’s a scientology rehab and I’m going to have to marry Tom Cruise..and then I’m forced to start a career as a Movie star….OH CRUEL FATE!!
        See…all this and NO CHOCOLATE WAS EATEN!!
        Maybe a gumdrop or two…but otherwise…hey.,I’m clean man…


        • I think you once said you were over 5 feet tall, so I’m pretty sure you’re too tall for Tom.
          Guess you’ll just have to keep taking pictures and writing books.

          And I believe you about the chocolate. So go get some – the withdrawal is starting to show!


  17. Thanks love ((hugs)) You’re too cool for skool 😉 all of my best friends are teachers. It is the nerd in me.


  18. Haha! It’s hard to type to the beat of Hot for Teacher! But I’m getting the hang of it yeah! yeah! yeah! Yeah! (oh I wish you could see how good I’m typing this to the music. It’s like my finger have turned into Van Halens!)

    I love that you are highlighting blogs you’ve read during the week — I’ve been meaning to tell you that! And Gary Larsen is best cartoonist who has ever lived! 😀 Thanks, Guap for always pointing my weekend in the right direction with Friday Foolishness! 😀


    • It’s my goal to be known as WordPress’ premiere site for Friday Foolishness, Linda!
      As far as the other blogs, Aww shucks – I hope you get to check some of them out!


  19. You’re an incredibly generous blogger. Just sayin’. =)


  20. Not even kidding….LOVE the song of the day! (turns up speakers….rocks out)


  21. Hey, there’s only like 45 comments ahead of me–did you just publish this thing ten minutes ago? Maybe I got here quicker, which goes to show that the spoken word hasn’t robbed me entirely of free time.

    I loved Quirky’s answer (although, honestly, it was hard to find a dog in the bunch; pretty funny this week).

    Every time I hear Hot For Teacher, I think of all the Mary Kay Laterneau stories of teachers molesting their young students, I think, where were these brave women in my day, and I can only hope for a brighter future for my own boys.

    I think I’m joking about that last part, by the way. I’m like 95% sure.

    For this week’s poll, I voted for not naming kids terrible things like Honey Boo Boo, but I really shouldn’t talk. My middle son’s full name (first & last only) are but two letters away from being identical to a fairly well-known alcoholic beverage. I assume that Honey Boo Boo at least has a normal REAL name to fall back on. My grandfather’s name was Glenn, and that was about the ONLY normal name in my family before or since.


    • Break the naming cycle, Smak!
      Or, whenever I suggest a great name for a kid, like Bocephus, my wife says to me “If you don’t like kids, you shouldn’t have them.”.


      • Perhaps I wasn’t clear; the damage has already been done. It will be up to my three sons to break the cycle of weirdo names.

        Bocephus would be a great “working title.” When my wife was pregnant people would ask us what we were gonna name our kids. My thinking is that the child should be the first person to hear his name, so we came up with ridiculous “code names” to tell people if they asked, but we would insist we were deadly serious. It was a fun way to tell people to mind their own bees wax (that’s not normally a term I use; I thought I’d shake it up for you). The code names for my now-almost-five-year-olds were “Monty” and “Narville.”


        • I have to ask, do you or the wife ever slip and call them Monty or Narville?


          • No, but when we chose “Blago” for our third child (during the big Rod Blagojevich scandal)–I had a hard time right after he was born. This time around, everybody knew it was a gag name (they were never 100% sure with M&N), so everyone we knew just called the pregnancy “Blago.” And then he was born and after four months of calling him “Blago,” we had to suddenly start using his real name.


  22. Wow…it’s been busy week!


  23. Thanks Guap – it’s been a long time since I won! I really appreciate it! I’m usually so far behind lately, it’s all over before I get to vote. My alternate answer would have been “Look for all the men”


  24. Is it sad that I come looking for my own entry? I like these. I need to come up with something witty for this week’s when I’m less pooped.


  25. I had this great comment all ready to go…do you see it? I dropped it on the way down.. however..I have ALREADY entered my answer for the poll – so anything I think of later this week if I get here before the cut iff time – will just be gravy.. or sprinkles.. or ..ok I am stalling hoping what I was going to say would show up.. I need to comment first THEN read all the other comments.. Great foolishness as it always is and hope you and TMWGITU have a superdy duper awesome weekend. 🙂 and give her a kiss for me 😉


  26. The pressure of having to fill in the cirlcle with the number 2 pencils that brings up some old trama’s. With Navar teaching I’m often thinking about how the school system in general can change for the better, and how some things are just plain out dated. On the other had there have been some improvements tecnology for one. Hope you guys are having a good weekend.


  27. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Pastry Edition | Guapola

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