Time Out

Today’s Music: Jen Chapin – Little Hours

Sunset over the #7 tracks in Queens NY – Photo by Chris Goldberg

It’s a beautiful evening in Queens, New York tonight. The air has a cool bite to it. There are a few clouds in the sky, but not enough to obscure the deep blue and deepening orange of the fading sunset.

I have nowhere to be tonight. No errands to run. No relatives to visit. No calls to make, forms to fill out, information to hunt down and organize.
No one to comfort, nothing to attend to.
Just have to figure out what’s for dinner, and have a nice quiet meal with my wife.

Later on, I may watch some of the Presidential Debate. Maybe not. Yes, I’ve already decided I’m voting for Obama. (You’re welcome to criticize below, just be polite about it.) Maybe I’ll turn on the ps3 and play a game.
I might strum my guitar for a bit. There’s a song I’m trying to learn that still needs a lot of work.

At some point, I’ll sit under the stars I can see from our porch and have a cigarette. Maybe I’ll have a beer with it. I’ll read a bit, check my email, but mostly, just sit and relax quietly.
There will be music.

Later on, I’ll go to bed. My girl (TMWGITU) and I will go through our nightly routine. We’ll make jokes about each other. We’ll complain to each other about setting our alarms for tomorrow.
I’ll change out my earring.
We’ll get under the blankets and I’ll put my arm around her.
Her feet will be freezing. I’ll shout when she puts them on me, and she’ll laugh at me.

It will be a quiet night at the Guapo household, like it hasn’t been for a while.

I’m looking forward to it.

The Friday Foolishness posts will continue (as long as I can think of polls – never a guarantee). Other than that, well, I was never a prolific poster. As stuff occurs to me, and as I can set more adventures on the page, or trifectas or beatnik poetry slams, I’ll post them. Just no idea how often.
You’ll still see me on twitter, and on your blogs. As much as I like trying to tell a good story here, I really love listening to all your stories.

So not goodbye, just a pause – a time out.
And if you need me, hey, I’m easy enough to find…

See you out there. I’ll be the one relaxing, enjoying the quiet time.

I think I feel good about that. (Photo by Lizzie Cracked)

El Guapo

117 responses to “Time Out

  1. Sometimes the quiet nights at home are the best. Okay–most times. Enjoy your downtime. 🙂


  2. 🙂 Time to recharge it appears……..it will be exciting when you do post……wave at that palm for me 🙂


  3. I think my blood pressure went down a few tics just reading this, Guap. Enjoy your break AND this lovely evening.


  4. Hazzah to the little things making it all worthwhile!


  5. Enjoy your time out. Your evening sounds a lot like ours, and I enjoyed the description very much!


  6. Good for you, Guap!

    And, hot women always have cold feet!


  7. Sounds wonderful. Enjoying that same starry sky here in Jersey, on our way to the Poconos where we will see it even clearer. What takes do you play on your PS3!? I’m an Xbox nerd myself 🙂


      • Nothing like a clear night with fewer lights around, Nicole.
        Lets see… I just picked up Uncharted 3, Metal Gear 4 and Infamous 2. And I still have Arkham Asylum from way back when.
        Lots to blow up!

        What are you playing?


        • Nope, nothin’ like it. 🙂 Nice! I love Left 4 Dead, Skyrim, Bioshock, Dead Space, mostly things involving zombies or aliens or knights. I’m also thinking of picking up Resident Evil 6; I like to hang in the background once a new game comes out and wait to see what other gamers – or just my copy of Game Informer – has to say about it first, and GI gave it a 8.75. I’ll be picking it up this week!


  8. free penny press

    We all need pauses and life as it happens is important.. Take how long you need and no fear your friends (ME) will be here!!
    remember to smile at least once daily, ok?


  9. When you’re out on the porch with your beer looking at the nighttime sky, take a minute to look for the planet Oopus. Someone who loves you might be smiling from above. Smile back. From both of us.


  10. Aww I have always thoroughly enjoyed you. ((hugs)) I will keep my eyes peeled for new posts. Enjoy your time out and I will be thinkin’ of ya. ((hugs))

    ps…I vote the same.


  11. If I’m not mistaken, that’s the view from the 46th Street station.


  12. Try this arrangement:http://youtu.be/mowIPtHA4JI It has a similar feeling to the essay attached, that I had published last month. Thanks,Allan

    Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 23:36:50 +0000 To: 1167_aw@live.ca


  13. Such sweet and heartfelt words! It sounds like you’ve got a real good start on some wonderful downtime Guap!! 🙂


  14. sigh… since you aren’t leaving forever, I will be understanding and compassionate, supportive and all that muckity goo 😉 if you were leaving for good I would be raising a big stink and running around like a crazy woman – good thing I am not crazy right? No…,I mean good thing you are taking a break ..hahaha I got that mixed up. Take care my friend and may you have peace in your calm… 🙂
    I love that sunset picture btw – really cool..


  15. You’ve earned yourself a break, Guap. I’ll miss you, buddy.


  16. Liking what Madame W. and Carrie said…adding to that my own…
    well done! Going to miss you…..


  17. But! But! I just got here. Well, enjoy what I see from your blog is a well deserved break. I have to admit your plan for a aimless evening sounds pretty fine.


  18. You know, Guapsterola, my dear friend. I’m wondering if blogging is a “been there, done that” thing. When i first started, I followed several wildly successful people (like yourself) who signed off. I was so disappointed because I’d just found them and wondered how could anyone ever give up the great posts and following they had. But…now I understand. Sometimes it’s time to invest more in other areas. see more places, travel, read, volunteer, build something tangible. Or…just relax. Several of my favorite bloggers have shut down for a while, recently. For every time there is a season. Now’s the season. Enjoy yourself. It’ll make me smile to think of you, sitting back and watching the skyline.


    • Yeah, I’ve seen some favorites log out completely too, Barb.
      I’ll keep chugging along with the Friday posts, just going to fall off any sort of race to post more or more frequently – I want to be able to maintain the…distinctiveness…of my posts.
      No plans at all to ditch this completely.

      And on the same note, it’s a pleasure to see you posting more frequently again!


  19. Enjoy your time out! In the meantime you can catch up with my pictures 🙂


  20. Enjoy your break. Sitting smoking and drinking is my favourite hobby (it counts).

    Glad you will still be around, many bloggers who leave cut off completely which is always sad.

    Along with le Clown you are brilliant and connecting people together and getting people involved making it a much better blogging experience for all so you’ll leave a gaping hole.


    • Thanks Joe.
      The community is entirely a group effort, one I love being a part of.

      Now if we could just find someone to pay us to smoke, drink and blog.
      Is RJ Reynolds hiring?


  21. Everyone needs to relax every now and then, even though it’s sad for us that you need to ;).
    No, seriously, it sounds like a great plan, Guapo. O, and with the little knowledge I’ve got from the American politics, I’d vote for Obama as well. Just sayin’.


  22. Your post delivered a wonderful sense of calmness, which is perfect during your time out. One has to do what they have to do, so breaks are good. But like Zannyro said, beware of the coconuts!


  23. Have a nice time off, Guap…but…You’re LEAVING ME??!! ugh….Sorry…I had to have my selfish moment there. See ‘ya round the sandbox…. 😦


  24. I was sitting outside looking at the stars and listening to a passing train last night. Sometimes it is good to just sit and be in the moment. Enjoy!


  25. Enjoy your break me old chum!


  26. Guap, that sounds like a perfect evening. I miss those evenings. I have been running around rampant lately. Thanks for reminding me to take a normal night off and enjoy the stars on my balcony.


  27. Peace


  28. Here I am on vacation and still checking in with everyone! Hahaha! Peace to you Guapola just don’t “peace out!” 🙂


  29. I love this little glimpse into your night off, Guap. A slow landing into the Ordinary. Enjoyment of those little routines and predictable habits filling in the space between bigger stories… a wonderful way to live. Thank you for sharing.


    • I was thinking that I should post something, and then this just rolled out onto the keyboard, Laura.
      And reading it back to myself made me appreciate the routine moments that much more.


  30. Enjoy yourself, your wife and her cold feet. Have a blast but come back as often as you want. I find that blogging is more rewarding when I feel like I have something to say than when I’m just posting to get my stats back up.

    Relax and enjoy.


  31. This is my favorite part of the above post: “Her feet will be freezing. I’ll shout when she puts them on me, and she’ll laugh at me.” When you get to this level, you basically share souls. Take as much downtime as you need. We’ll all be here when you get back (I subscribe so I get the updates whenever they come in). Glad to hear you will enjoy yourself!


    • I think she does that bit with the feet on purpose, Asplenia.
      And I wouldn’t have her any other way!

      Thanks, and now I’ll have time to keep up with your posts too!


  32. I’m glad to hear you’ll still have a presence in the blog world as well as on Twitter. The world needs more El Guapos. It would be a better place.

    Enjoy every minute your respite. You certainly deserve it. We’ll be waiting for you here when you get back.

    I’ll bring the cheese.


  33. Well, I think you SHOULD feel good about that, man. I’ll look forward to seeing your stuff on Fridays and whenever. I didn’t look through the above comments yet, but I’m hoping nobody jumped on your choice to vote for Obama. Now, there’s PLENTY of reasons to give someobdy s*** for voting for either of the major candidates, and if this post were called “Why El Guapo is voting for Obama” such criticism might be appropriate. But that’s not really what this post is about, is it?

    Just the same, I hope you ended up playing video games or guitar instead of watching. Do we really learn anything from the debates except that these two intelligent, good-looking (and deeply-flawed) men can make points off each other for 90 minutes?


    • Thanks Smak.
      Fortunately, it’s a very unpolitical comment thread.
      I ended up watching the debate for minutes, then went for the video games. A nice fun evening.


  34. whiteladyinthehood

    Yes, enjoy all the simple things in life that make you happy, friend!


  35. Love how you write!!!


  36. My feel ALWAYS are freezing And i always put them on Mr Speedy…. It is your men’s cross to bear.

    He usually just gets up, grabs fuzzy socks, and puts them on me like I’m an infant.

    I’m such a grown up. Sigh.


  37. Well, I’m very glad to hear you’re going to keep up with Friday posts, otherwise we can’t be bookends to the week anymore & that would make me very sad! I will miss you Guap, you’ve been so kind & thoughtful to me. I hope you get a great rest & recharge of your batteries. Please keep us up to date when you can & an occasional comment is always welcome.


    • Thank you, Benze!
      One of the things about worrying about my blog less is that I’ll be able to get to all the ones I enjoy. And there’s no way you’re getting off that list!


  38. sounds perfect. felt like I was there snuggling with you both with my own cold feet (;
    where in Queens? I grew up in Oceanside!


  39. Kirsty Higginson

    Sounds wonderful – and I love the picture too. I went to New York in January 2003, the first time I’d ever been on a plane….oh, I think I’ll blog about this memory! Sorry for digressing – your night sounds wonderful, I love it when we get nights like this. What did you eat? 🙂


  40. Quiet time is good, Guap. Enjoy it.

    I have freezing feet, too. ❤


  41. The peacefulness of this post just blows me away. It’s pretty much perfect. And the picture is phenomenal too!

    P.S. My reader misses about 40% of posts, so I’m grateful that you have a kinda sorta posting schedule. I usually know to check once on Fridays and once mid-week.


  42. A beautifully calming post. Thanks for your support, and enjoy your rest!


  43. I relish that downtime. I remember a time in my life when I would have given anything for the noise, the business of other people’s lives. Now, an uninterrupted nap is like heaven.


  44. Everyone needs a break, even super bloggers such as yourself. I used to post every day, now I am lucky if I get one in per week. maybe I take cue from this and take a break as well (as soon as I figure out how to finish my current tale of the Holy Wars). I look forward to reading your comments, they keep me on my toes.
    Take Care and enjoy!


  45. A break sounds good, Guap. I didn’t know. So have a nice relaxing time doing nothing in particular. I hope you see more sunrises and sunsets like that picture at the top!


  46. This one had a beautiful flow to it, buddy. Great work!


  47. When you were talking about guitar, I thought about a song “Hotel California”. 😀 Do you know how to play this song?


  48. If you haven’t watched the songified debates, they’re pretty awesome:


  49. Golden. Hope you enjoy that peaceful easy feeling for quite some time.


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