Friday Foolishness – Masked Edition

Today’s Music: Django Reinhardt – Honeysuckle Rose

Wheeee! And around we go again, to the edge, the lip – dare I say verge? – of the weekend! And what better way to get yourself in a silly shenanigan-esque mood than the Friday Foolishness?
What would the week now ending have been without blog reading? No idea, and I don’t want to find out. Here’s just a tiny fraction of what I enjoyed this week:
Sights N Bytes stretched his writing muscles with a new series, completely different for him. The Girl in the Cat Frame Glasses came back!
And WhatIMeant2Say put up a sarcastically hilarious post about unhelpful advice for the depressed.

Thanks to them and all the rest of you for giving me plenty of great things to read all week long.

And one last note: I’ve gone on (probably add nauseum) about how y’all are the coolest people in the sphere. Last night I was lucky to grab a beer at the Corner Bistro with Brain Tomahwak and Love and Lunchmeat. And now I can say I also know some of the coolest people in the real world.
Thanks, I had a blast!

Something else I did all week long was go through the answers from last weeks poll. We asked What’s In Your Junk Drawer?, and your answers were anything but junk. (As always, my comments are unidentifiable and gathering dust in italics.)
My Ray Gun and a Spare Pair of Evils 🙂 lol Androgoth
(Can I borrow one of those? I used all my evil at the DMV.)
My shameful toys… (I meant Barbies and all the old toys!! Gutter mind…-jill)
(Doesn’t sound too bad. Just hide them under those old copies of Teen Beat you saved…)
Things very “un”vanilla~ Bipolarmuse
(Kitchen junk drawer. Not nightstand junk drawer…)
Whaddya mean junk? That’s my life you’re talking about! butimbeautiful
(In your case we’ll call it a treasure chest…)
Let’s look…Junk, junk… the airplane’s upside down, Stradi-who-vius? ~B_T
(Your teenage son or daughter will think this wishbone necklace is really cool. (Google it.))
My Zombie Cattle=Prod, Now Where The Hell Is It? Androgoth
(Does it zap them in the brains?)
“To open a can of spam” -well it won last week but maybe it’s too soon? Lindav
(WE HAVE A WI– Wait – what?)
My junk. – Hotspur
(Next you’ll be saying you keep the bodies in the freezer. How typical.)
It really is not a whole drawer. It has a false bottom. Secret false bottom. Red
(I was wondering how you stashed a chainsaw in there…Red? RED?!?)
Don’t have one right now, it sucks. Junk scattered – Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(Scavenger hunt for the missing measuring tape!)
priceless..irreplaceable items..awindowintothewoods
(Because after the revolution, twist-ties will be currency.)
Why my Herman Munster slippers of course… Androgoth
(There’s probably a zombie cattle prod snuggled comfily inside them…)
My Rubik’s Cube, Pet Rock and Mood Ring. Michelle Motley News
(So where are you storing disco and your Betamax tapes?)
Dog hair.. When you have 13 dogs, their hair is everywhere. Michelle Motley News (again)
(When you fill the drawer, you can knit an Afghan. Or a Poodle.)
. . . These are a few of my favorite things! Benzeknees
(Please let the kittens with whiskers out of the drawer, Benze.)
My life is kind of a junk drawer, really. I’m a work in progress.
(Your life is a collection of chip clips and crumpled post-it pads? Or is that just me?)
Hahahahaha id,tell you but i.cant open it lizziec
(Pity. There’s a really great reply to this in there!)
Duct tape, a mango pit, nail clippers, and a half-eaten grilled cheese sandwich.
(continued from ducttape grilled cheese): 47 cents, &a mini-mag light.-asplenia
(Ok, ok. We get it , Macgyer)
My bet B.O.B. and a crap load of batteries.
(You don’t call it “Robert”? It’s longer…)
The real question is what’s NOT in my junk drawer. – 25tofly
(Nono, that’s next weeks poll.)
the neighbour’s dead cat, God that thing stinks (SnB)
(Good thing you tested it before you stuffed your neighbor in there!)
All the things I can’t find. Elyse 54.5
The one that has dozens of kickball championship wristbands! 🙂 Quirky
(Those should be on display. NOBODY PUTS KICKBALL IN A JUNK DRAWER!!!)
A dirty old rag and….that’s it. (words&otherthings)
(Mm Hmm. Sure it is…)
my kalashnikovs. Cheap rent for every blogger! NBI
(You want a bunch of bloggers to move into a drawer with rifles? What could possibly go wrong?)
The Big Mac list that is too long for this answer box. (Frank)
(Better in the junk drawer than your stomach!)
A better question: What’s not in my junk drawer? Grippy
(Better? Maybe. Shorter answer? Definitely!)
Funky junk. sandylikeabeach
(Marky Mark would like that back please.)
Michael Jackson’s chimp, Bubbles. KJ
(It’s keeping the skeleton of the Elephant Man company.)
My ego. ~Emily@The Waiting.
(Right there under the commemorative Dave and Busters Grand Reopening whoopie cushion!)
Congratulations to Asplenia for a winning inventory list! And from the offered choices, the most popular was a tie again, between Hoffa’s Teamster ring. and All the bodies I could fit. The rest are in New Jersey. So congratulations to all you happily demented folk as well!

This week, we’re going topical. Like a cream. As you all know, there’s a holiday coming. Yes, St Jude/St Simon day celebra- Hmm? Hallo-what? Is that the one with the shadow? Matzah? What’s that? Candy and monsters? There’s a preschool holiday?!? Ohhhh – Halloween. Why didn’t you say so?
This week, we’d like to know who you’ll be going as. Someone you love? Someone you hate? The real you?
Let us know. Just scare us with your alter ego before 1 November, 2359 EST.
And if you leave a write in, let me know who you are and I’ll link back to you next week.

There you have it,folks.
In closing,, I leave you with this.
Two hilarious versions of the same goofiness.

And just a bit more silly, that I found from from the talented blogger and published author, Carrie Rubin
Updated – Thanks to Starla’s Chat for pointing out embedding was disabled. You’ll have to click the link for the video,but it is entertaining!

Until next time, have a great week y’all!

93 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Masked Edition

  1. Thanks for the smile and have a great weekend, Guap!


  2. Very nice poll last week, sorry I missed it. Although in hindsight, some things really aren’t meant to be shared.

    Sesame Street vs Old Spice. Hmmm, I’ll go for Sesame Street. (I must be one of the few women on the planet not excited by muscly men on white steeds…)

    Have a great weekend!


  3. “I doubt my son or daughter is that stupid.”
    Din’t need to google that 😉

    It was indeed a blast, a good reminder that the real world is a good place to hang out. Sometimes.


  4. I’m glad I’ve been saving bread twisty ties I will keep doing that a little encouragment goes a long way to a hoarder. :+) Well maybe not a full on hoarder. I’m an ornganised person in training.
    I enjoyed the videos! :+) I noticed carries video shows up Embedding disabled you probably knew that just thought I would mention it. Happy Weekend! Wheeeee! Can’t get enough of that Wheeeeeee!


  5. Truly this is the lip that is the slide that is my weekend that ends in a wet splash in a too-warm pool that is the beginning of my work week. Thanks for the shove Guap!


  6. On a normal day, I’d say this was a good post. And this is a normal day. Wow, that was a roundabout way of saying it, huh. So much for pithiness.


  7. Too late for the junk drawer poll but of course: that’s what blogs are [for]. Rummaging through that What’s & What If’s & Has Beens, making sense of it all. Or die laughing trying.


  8. I think I’m going to wear a Sombrero and pretend I’m Mexican, the world’s palest Mexican.

    And it was great meeting you too, as well as anyone else who may or may not have been there…


  9. Thanks for the mention. Very kind of you! And great post as always. You have a wonderful way of spreading the blog love around. And only you could get me to use the phrase “spreading the blog love around.” 🙂

    Loved the Grover clip, by the way. Very funny. 🙂


  10. It’s Fall Festival Time! Hip Hip hooray… cause we can;t have Halloween in school anymore… oh yes the beginning of the hypocritical holiday season….sigh.. BUT (and that is a big but ) CANDY! It is also the best time of year from now til Jan 1 to be a kid. I am so glad I didn;t grow up much .. 🙂 great foolishness always fun and um… foolish? yeah that works.. I love the Old Spice Commercials with that guy but Grover is somehow even better all blue and furry, It;s also time to start baking…well ok next week. Tell TMWGITU I Love her 🙂 don;t be scared geez… and I hope you two have an awesome weekend !!


    • I like the sound of Fall Festival, LizzieC!
      Hope you score all sorts of candy, and even share some with the the kids!

      (stop hitting on my wife.)


      • well no more preschool fall festival and there is only a small window of time befire they are old enough to realize there are no pins sticking out of the candy bars I confiscate… they understand it’s possible but they get suspicious when all the snickers and laffy taffys are tainted….so its all upto them this year how much I score – if they leave it out where I can find it enough times well yea.. we shall see…
        I have no clue what you are talking about … 🙄


  11. I’m am on a horse “moo” cow! My new favorite slogan! Oh,and if nobody wants the rest of that Grilled Cheese sandwich I’ll take it. 😀


  12. Hahaahaha, love the Sesame Street version. But once the video ended, I found myself clicking on another suggested one…and found myself watching Lonely Island videos for the next half an hour. Man, I love them.


  13. Oh Guapo! It wouldn’t be Friday without you! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!


  14. Thanks, Guap. I was having a nightmarish Friday until now. ❤


  15. Thank you for adding my ridiculousness, actually I had forgotten that I had added three on this one, and I always enjoy these kinds of postings as they add to the fun around our WP… Indeed your brand of joviality is second to none 🙂 Thank you for adding these El Guapo 🙂 Oh and do have a frighteningly excellent weekend also 🙂

    BTW – Those Edible Paints Work Really Well 😉 lmao



    • Hmm…I wonder if edible paint works as a food topping…

      Thanks for coming around, Androgoth. Loved your answers!


      • Yes edible paints work exceedingly well
        as a food topping, especially if the platter
        is of a deliciously orientated beauty with an
        array of gorgeous curves to fully enjoy 😉 🙂

        Well I only said 😉 lol

        Have a wicked Tuesday and I hope
        that the ghoulish super-storm is nowhere
        near to you or your family… Keep safe 🙂



  16. No one wants to go as Chewbacca? Well … I don’t mind looking sexy and hirsute! 🙂


  17. Always look forward to these


  18. Could someone please enlighten me on what TMWGITU means? I see this all the time, but I guess I’m too new to know about this?


  19. free penny press

    Know what? I not only enjoy your Friday posts, but also reading the blog names of your many fans. Some are creative as hell..
    In case I miss you on the block, Happy Halloween and BOO!!!


    • Even the ones who claim they aren’t creative are (yeah,I’m looking at you, Frank).
      Happy Halloween to you, FPP,and try not to eat all your kids candy.
      (Let them have a piece or two.That should be enough!) 😉


  20. Gotta love Stumblin’! Have a good weekend and be safe up there …. and then again, surfing conditions for dare devils!


  21. whiteladyinthehood

    Always love coming here for a good laugh! Caught the Stumblin’ video at Carrie’s site – too funny! Mr.SnB – wow! and LOVED the sesame street clip! Have a great weekend!


  22. I love the junk drawer answers! Every drawer in my house is a junk drawer, so my list would be far too long!


  23. So which came first. Old Spice? Or Grover?


  24. Secure the fort over there … be safe!


  25. Those Old Spice commercials crack me up, but my favorite going right now is the VW spot where the bulldog eats the guy’s keys. Love that one. As for the toothpaste, I was thinking of switching it up for the kids this year and going with floss? Grover for President….


  26. Guap! Be careful out there, my man!


  27. Thanks Brian. Trying to stay away from the shores. And the trees…


  28. That’s super-cool that you got to hang out with BT & L&L and share a beer.It was good that you did it last week, too, as I believe post-Sandy, America’s East Coast will start in Ohio.
    Stay dry!


  29. I am so sad I missed that beer session on Friday and what I assume was plotting to take over the world. I blame the subway and the asterisk like intersections of Greenwich village, but that is only because I am not ready to accept the fact that my navigational skills are not as good as I think they are. I hope you’re staying warm and dry and that you kick Sandy’s ass.


  30. You had me at Django Reinhardt -swoon-
    Been missing you my dear


  31. I hope you and your family are doing OK . I hope you are staying warm and dry and out of harms way!


  32. That is so great that you met some bloggers! I’m doing that soon.


  33. I came over, hoping to find you asleep and toilet paper your blog the day before Halloween. But all if find are empties, red cups and a clothes lying around. I missed the party. For that…I’m showing up at your door in a mother-in-law disguise tomorrow night.


  34. I’m so glad all is okay.ish in your neck of the woods, I’ve been worried and even lit a candle! (one of the ones left over after I bought some for Grippy’s house to sell–St Someone or another). I love your Friday posts–full of links and info and good times. Continue to be safe, good sir!!


  35. I am just calling in for a quick visit,
    I hope that your Halloween was scary
    enough for you, and hopefully you
    were kidnapped by a group of sexy
    nurses, noooo not the Zombie one’s
    as they only like injecting fear into
    their victim…, I was thinking on the
    lines of Angelina Jolie in the niff but
    seriously I hope that you got some
    of that, or at least some of the other 😉

    Have a great evening El Guapo 🙂



  36. Hope all is well with you, Guapo.


  37. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – On and on and on and… Edition | Guapola

  38. I just love this edition. Fantastic…Well Done…


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