Birthday Drinks: The NutMegan Highland

Today’s Music: Sophie and the Exciters – Heard It Through The Grapevine
Note on Today’s Music: Sophie and the Exciters hail from East Yorkshire, much like the birthday girl!

Everyones favorite psychopathic mother-figure, H.E. Ellis, thought that for Megans birthday, a drink menu would be nice.
It isn’t like Megan doesn’t have her degree. It isn’t like she isn’t building her own life out there in the real world in the wilds of England.
And nothing was said about how well she writes. I’ve been in the sphere about a year and a half. I met Megan early on in my time here. In all that time, she’s been posting her fiction on her blog. Musings, serials, stories that just flowed and stuff she had to work hard at to make as good as it is.
We weren’t asked to mention all of that.
We were asked to make drinks.


I’d like to say I did this because H.E. asked.
And she scares the crap out of me.
But the truth is, I’m honored to asked to help celebrate Megan’s birthday here.
So pull up an easy chair by the fire, go read some of her stories, and enjoy a fine drink.

*Whatever you do after is not my fault.

The Birthday Girl at Disneyland!

The Birthday Girl at Disneyland!

The Appetizer
The Buzzer (This drink was actually made and named for me. How cool is that?)
To start…
Pour 3 parts rum over ice (I like Pussers. Not only does its history tie back to the British Navy, defenders of Megans home, but if I run out of gas after a night of drinking it, I can always vomit in my tank and move on.)
Fill glass with Ginger Ale
Add a splash of Amaretto
Add a cherry.
Sip, enjoy, and repeat until warm all over..

Now that you’re warmed up a bit, lets move on to something to round you out nicely.
One of the things the greater UK(Scotland specifically) is known for is its Scotch.
The history, the techniques, the flavors.
But how to combine this treasure from Megans general part of the world for a concoction worthy of celebrating the anniversary of such a wonderful woman’s birth?
Royal Lochnager had a Royal Warrant to distill for the Queen.
Now, their product is used in Johnny Walker Blue and Black labels.
The Main Course
The NutMegan Highland
Pour one part JWB
Add a dash of bitters (Angostura, because really, how many bitters makers are there?)
Add a splash of orange juice
A few drops of sweet vermouth

Gently float in a touch of lime juice. (You may want to make a batch of these before you start drinking, Megan, or the dashing and splashing may get a bit out of hand.)
Scratch a bit of nutmeg dust on top.

Since we’ve been to the Caribbean and toured the Highlands of Megan’s land, lets wrap up in one of my favorite distilling parts of the world, Mexico, for
At this point, you probably can’t feel your lips. Or your feet. The room is spinning. Your liver has crawled out your ear to have a serious talk with you, but got caught up in the drinking songs and camaraderie, and now it wants to do shots.

I remember the cactus being greener. Oh, wait. That was me.

I remember the cactus being greener.
Oh, wait. That was me.

Shot glass filled with Tequila
I recommend Porfidio Cactus. Not only does it taste great, but when you’re this drunk, you can spend hours wondering how they got that little glass cactus in the bottle.)
(If everyone is drinking the same as you, it is totally acceptable to throw the condiments at any and all.)
Three empty pint glasses/one large empty pitcher (The bartender will appreciate your foresight in having receptacles to throw up in.)

Don’t worry if tomorrow you can’t remember what happened. I’m pretty sure many of your friends have recorded it and uploaded it to you tube!

Happy Birthday, Megan, and happy every day after.
And I hope you find everything you’re looking for!

If you’re still thirsty, have some more delicious beverages here.
Just don’t drive…
H.E. Ellis
Sandy Like A Beach
H.R. Nightmare
Archon’s Den

57 responses to “Birthday Drinks: The NutMegan Highland

  1. WooHoo! Love a party which warms up to finish with tequila! (Excellent choice, BTW). Happy Birthday, Megan!!!


  2. Lovely tribute to our girl Megan, and, not one, but three drinks! You’re obviously a better writer, and drinker than I am. Happy Birthday Megan!


  3. I might have to try that first drink! Wow, three drinks and I had problems coming up with just one, but I guess that is the genius of a naked bar dancing mixicologist! And another Happy Birthday to Megan.


    • A bartender friend got sick of me always answering “Surprise me” everytime he asked what I wanted, so he made this up for me.
      Good thing it tastes really good.


  4. Happy Birthday Megan, just about to go and check out some of your musings 🙂 Thanks for the tip Guapo 😛


  5. Ohh you are all trying to kill me 😉 Thank you Guapola! Have wonderful day.


  6. free penny press

    You throw a great cyber-party.. Now who got the worm from the tequila bottle?


  7. Whew … Feeling loaded and it’s not even noon … oh Happy Birthday Megan.


  8. Not exactly a Mormon friendly post. Haha! But because you wrote it, Guapo, I LOVE it and I will drink all of those lovely virtual concoctions. And who knows, if we ever get a chance to actually meet and make our naked snow angels I’ll be guzzling Buzzers like there’s no tomorrow. That will be a sight to see. 😉
    By the way- a lovely post for your friend. Happy Birthday Megan!! Anyone who loves Disney is a friend of mine.


    • One of the advantages of not drinking (besides the money saved and teh ability to account for most of your time) is being able to laugh at those of us who drink way too much!


  9. How are you even still alive?
    You have a bionic liver, don’t you?



  10. I have never had my liver “crawl out” of my body to speak with me, but I think these drinks would do it.


  11. I don’t know Megan, but heading over there to check her out! Well, her blog, I mean…
    Happy birthday, Megan!


  12. That seems like a horrible thing to do to a good glass of Scotch.
    Happy Birthday, Megan.


  13. Happy Birthday Megan…from this Pacific Northwest side of the world!!!


  14. Those drinks look fabulous, but if you don’t mind, I’ll stick to a beer…

    Happy Birthday to Megan!


  15. whiteladyinthehood

    Happy Birthday Megan!


  16. Happy Birthday Megan! And thanks for the Buzzer recipe… yumm….


  17. Sophie is cool, Guapo. Thanks for turning me on to someone new. As for the drinks, wow, so exotic! The Buzzer one sounds yummy. Not so much the throwing up part. Happy Birthday, Megan!


    • That’s great to hear, Bumble!
      There was (at least) one occasion where I emptied a pitcher, then promptly refilled it with…used contents.
      And didn’t get a drop anywhere else!


  18. Happy Birthday! I’m def gonna get that tequila for the tugman’s return.


  19. Deliberately Delicious

    You truly are a man of many talents. Who knew you could run the bar too? I’m staggering off to get myself a glass of wine now…


  20. Sounds like quite a party. Happy Birthday Megan!


  21. Why did everyone go to Disney without me?

    Happy Birthday!


  22. England has wilds???


  23. My BAC is twice the legal limit after reading this post. Shit man, it’s not like I needed a reason to keep coming back here.


  24. I am pleased that you said that was a cactus in the bottle as someone had their mind in the gutter for about ten seconds, erm anyway I am here to wish Megan a very Happy Birthday with lashings of everything that she could possibly wish for 🙂 Well I only said and guess what I think that I will venture out of my current realm, I mean castle and take a look at her Space, it sounds just up my street 🙂 Have a wondrously enjoyable rest of day Guap 🙂


  25. Tequila is the devil’s urine! The other drinks sound pretty good, though. And you might know this, but were you aware that nutmeg, if ingested in sufficient quantities is an hallucinogen? Absolutely true, but most definitely NOT recommended.

    Happy belated birthday, Meagan!


  26. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!!!! 😀
    How wonderful it is to have birthday party on Disneyland


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