Intro To A Blogger – My Beautiful Things

Today’s Music: Tori Amos – Take To The Sky
Note on Today’s Music: With the subject matter, you’d think I’d be inclined to use David Bowie – Suffragette City.
No. It’s anot appropriate here.
And David Bowie sucks.

I watched Wendy Davis, Texas state Senator on a live stream the other night.
For about eleven hours, she stood and filibustered a bill to restrict abortion rights in Texas.
I caught a documentary about the doomed Space Shuttle Challenger, carrying Sally Ride, the first American Woman in space.
I was doing some reading and came across something on Carrie Nation (not a favorite of mine), who was a big mover in the Temperance Movement that led to Prohibition after her death.

Be impressed or annoyed, but there’s no denying that these women showed the best (and most annoying) of humankind. And to think that around the world, there was a time when they didn’t even have the vote.

My Beautiful Things

My Beautiful Things

My Beautiful Things is a blogger who’s Great Grandmother was a suffragette in England. Her ancestor lives on in MBT’s Suffragette Garden.
She’s primarily a photo blogger. Her text gives context to the photos, and brief descriptions to make them a little clearer.
I’m not sure when I started following, or why (I’m actually kind of crass in real life, so I’m as surprised as you that I follow a tasteful, well presented photo blog), but I’m glad I did.
MBT just saw the 100th anniversary of a walk her Great Grandmother participated in – a Suffragette walk. She asked if I could lend some space to publicize it a bit, and I was more than happy to agree.
She recently took part in a commemoration of that walk, and took some great pictures!
She isn’t just about that one cause though. She will also spend time updating us on what her grandkids are up to, even as she celebrates what her great grandmother and her peers achieved.
And, as the anniversary of the Great Suffragette Pilgrimage was just a couple of days ago, MBT is inordinately proud! And fortunately, she had her camera with her.

So at some point,take a moment if you’re willing to. Pause and admire, and recognize, and thank incredible women for what they’ve done for the world. And then stop by My Beautiful Things and say hi.
Her connection with history is alive, her grandkids are beautiful, and her pictures are magnificent.
And she’s one of the nicest people I’ve been privileged to hang out with here in the sphere!

58 responses to “Intro To A Blogger – My Beautiful Things

  1. Awesome 🙂 I’m gonna go check her out x


  2. Good intro to MBT …. just got back from there. Thanks.


  3. Heading over now …


  4. Thanks, Guap. She’s great.


  5. Loved MBT —- thanks for sharing!


  6. Just came from there. Thank you, Guapo for introducing MBT! Great story, pictures and adorable grandchildren! 🙂


  7. Happy to see you continue to bat 100%….MBT…brilliant!!


  8. David Bowie sucks?
    I’ll just head to My Beautiful things and forget about the rest of this.


    • I’m just surprised it took this many comments for someone to defend him!

      (I was thinking of saying something about the great musical taste of those above, but figured I should quit while I was ahead.) 😉


  9. I always check out your recommendations…’ve never steered us wrong!


  10. Love the music and agree about David Bowie entirely. Thank you for the find.


  11. I’ve been following My Beautiful Things for a while now, and you’re right, Guapo – excellent blog! Each time I visit there it’s like taking a mini-holiday in a place I’ve clearly never been before, but somehow feels familiar.


  12. Dear Guapo! When I asked for support to get the word out about Suffragettes and Suffragists and the 100 years walk, I had hoped for a one liner in your Friday post and here you’ve gone and given me a post where I’m named along with Wendy Davis and Sally Ride!

    Thank you so much! I’ve already discovered some new blogs too from the people who’ve popped over from your site. 🙂


  13. runningonsober

    I dig nice people and talented artists–I’ll love her site, thanks Guap!

    Love Tori, too, great stuff!


  14. El Guapo – you broke my heart— in two huge pieces… David Bowie does not suck. Not at ALL.


  15. Thanks for the heads up Guap


  16. Women should have the right to be just as much of an asshole as men can be. And if they end up doing it even better than we do, that is just the risk we have to take. I don’t see how this will make life better… but fair is fair, dammit!


  17. Whoa. Dude. “David Bowie sucks”?? I’m not sure we can be friends anymore.

    I’ve never seen MBT’s blog, never even heard of her! How did I miss her? I’m rectifying this now. So cool to have a real suffragette in the family.


  18. Great tip Guap, thanks!


  19. How great to meet a wonderful blogger here 😀


  20. Pingback: Courgette Flowers, Old Family Recipe and Oxygen, the Song | mybeautfulthings

  21. Surprise! Yes, I’m actually caught up enough to get to your blogs I missed! Did you miss me? I think if you know anything about me, I am a huge supporter of women who went before me to pave the road I now walk (simply because I keep blathering on about women’s rights on my blog). Missed you!


    • Always happy to see you wherever it may be, Benze!
      MBT is a great site. She isn’t overbearing, but leads by her life’s example.

      And more blathering! Hopefully one day it won’t be necessary.


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