Daily Archives: 5 July, 2013

Friday Foolishness – Blood Sucker Edition

Today’s Music: Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings – This Land Is Your Land

What a week! Canada Day! The 4th of July! I stubbed my toe! Truly, a week of celebration. And what else was there to celebrate? Why, blogs of course! Here’s some of what I saw…
Rutabaga went to Mexico. Steph Rogers is making tea cozies, and Michelle is practicing self-defense.
Oh, and from the great news department, Nicole Marie got married!!!

Thanks to them and all of you for what was truly a great week of tales from the ‘sphere.

That Star Spangled Banner still waves.

That Star Spangled Banner still waves.

But last week, we also wondered about the big US celebration, Independence Day. Specifically, we asked how you were going to spend it. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are sparkly in italics.)

Having a few beers and eating chocolates πŸ™‚ Andro
(So nothing special then…)
Kissing everyone else’s wives πŸ˜‰ Andro
(And the private investigators their husbands hired will thank you for it!)
Waving flags and licking naspberry ripples, oh I mean raspbe You know? πŸ™‚ Andro
(Wow, how much jelly did you dribble on yourself?)
Gobbling things, well the ladies seem to enjoy it so why complain? πŸ™‚ Andro
(Nah, they just like watching guys stuff hot dogs down their throats. Hubba hubba.)
modifying legal fireworks to be otherwise. thematticuskingdom
(That’s not a firework. THIS is a firework.)
Singing! It’s Thursday!
(Gah! Karaoke night AGAIN???)
Enjoying watching other people violate the law.
(It’s more fun to watch when they get caught!)
Imagining you in a red, white & blue lederhosen. SnaapyG
(There’s a thin line between patriotism and treason…)
Eating jelly and peanut butter sandwiches πŸ™‚ Andro
(Okay, white bread and blue jelly. Where’s the red?)
Kicking ass and chewing bubble gum πŸ™‚ Andro
(And you’re all out of kick- no, wait…)
Checking out all the available crumpet πŸ˜‰ Andro
(Nono, in this country, they’re “muffins”.)
hiding from alien invaders and waiting for Will Smith to save me – Revis
(Sadly, only Hitch showed up…)
I’ll be crying my eyes out. Wait wrong question. (Marie Nicole)
(It’s not often I can’t think of a reply. But when I do, it’s to an answer like this. Stay thirsty weird, my friend.)
Bloated, sweating, jealous of people drinking, but on a boat! Quirky
(Aren’t there enough drinking people to be jealous of, on land?)
We’ll be dressing up like the founding fathers for the traditional quill hunt. Linda Vernon
(Won’t it be too warm for diapers and bonnets and- Ohhhh…thought you said “foundling”…)
Is it July already? (Addie)
(Don’t tell anyone. Maybe we can get another June out of ’em…)
Practicing arson, like everyone else. Red.
(Only the truly gifted use fireworks to practice self-mutilation!)
Except you do not get caught when you do it properly. *grins* Red.
(I prefer an elaborate ruse so others are blamed. I start planning in February.)
apparently w/o sex b/c it’s already spent….Rutabaga
(Is this a euphemism for “fireworks”?)
doing typical Thursday things…In Canada we celebrate our anniversary on July 1
(So much for the positive influences of the US…)
I will be at work on July 4th. Yay me and ma Canadian ways! Kayjai
(Wow, those Canada Day hangovers end fast!!)
Peeling the ‘made in china’ stickers off all those little US flags BrainTomahawk
If you can remember it then you didn’t have enough fun in the first place – Revis
(Fortunately, the police report filled in all the blanks…)
Wondering how we mutated from our genetic base of cool dudes. Elyse 54.5
(And now I’m just depressed.)

Congratulations to BrainTomahawk for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was the same as July 3rd. What? I’m not American. (Bloody Yanks…). So congratulations, all you foreigners!
Now that we’re deep into summer (even our friends from Norwegia), it’s time to deal with a problem close to all our hearts. Or at least, our veins.
They’re everywhere. And in this poll too. So what we want to know is what are your tried and true methods for dealing with them?
Answer as often as you like, but do it by 2359 EST on Wednesday, 10 July, because that’s when this one ends.
(And if you leave an β€œOther” answer, leave a way to identify you,and I’ll link back next week.)

And until next time, enjoy this.
(And for those I’ve just met, Yes. Id be stupid enough to try this.
As the pilot or the jumper.)