An Annual List

Today’s Music: Bronze Radio Return – Shake, Shake, Shake

Once again, my wife (The Most Wonderful Girl In The Universe) asked me what I’d like for my birthday.
– World Peace.
– More common sense. For everyone.
(She thinks empathy should be added in, I think “common sense” implies empathy.)
– Empathy.
(What? When TMWGITU asks you for something, you do it.)
– A new bike.
– The ability to play guitar.
– More time to sleep.
– More hours in the day.
– The ability to understand stupid people.
– Fewer stupid people.
– A winning lottery ticket.
– The next season of Dr Who.
– A long weekend with TMWGITU, spent entirely in bed.

In a few days, I’ll wake up a whole year older.
And as long as I’ve got my girl beside me, the rest of the stuff on that list can wait.

113 responses to “An Annual List

  1. As I mentioned elsewhere, I’ve never actually seen Dr. Who. However, such is the show’s impact upon pop culture that I know a bit about it without having ever seen it (I should note that while this is a fortunate exception, this pop-culture bleed-off isn’t typically from quality shows; I can name each of the six “Friends” despite never having seen a full episode of that “television show”). I do like the reincarnation premise (I think that’s how it works), because you really can have a new show and new actor every few years and without requiring a tremendous leap of faith by your audience.

    And in regard to your birthday wants, I’d say a lack of critical thinking skills poses a greater danger than does simple stupidity. Not thinking critically makes otherwise-intelligent people into idiots.


  2. And if you win that lottery ticket…you can hire a driver to bring you North to spend a weekend in the comfort of a cozy Muskoka Lodge!! 😉 Happy early birthday.


  3. whiteladyinthehood

    Dang Guapo! No fair! I was going to be the first one to wish you Happy Birthday and I got redirected to a page that wanted to sell me car insurance, weirdpress got mad at me and stopped responding and then I had to reboot my computer. That was an awful lot of drama to get here!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a great one!


  4. NotAPunkRocker

    Happy Early Birthday, Guap! Here’s to you and your lady having another great year 🙂


  5. Wishing you all of your wishes, Guap! Happiest of birthdays!


  6. Awww, Happy Birthday, Sweet Guap!


  7. Happy birthday, Guap. Enjoy that bed.


  8. “And as long as I’ve got my girl beside me, the rest of the stuff on that list can wait.”—That’s good, because it will be a long, long time before anyone can “understand stupid people.” At least that’s what my husband thinks. I like to hold out hope…


  9. You continue to hold the Crown of Toot’s Potatoes and all the awards, certificates and trophies for the Happiest Birthdays. For ever..and..ever…hallelujah…hallelujah. Hal…le…lu…jah!! (Sing to that catchy tune……)

    Sorry, Guap, I got carried away with the celebrating in bed thing…and the cake with candles…lots of candles…oodles of candles…oodles and oodles of……..

    Happy Birthday to my wonderful Friend.


  10. Technically, you’ll wake up just a day older, which may be just old enough to slap around smart-ass sticklers like me. So Haaaaaappy Birthdaaaaaay, feller.


  11. Awwwww!!! So sweet! If TMWGITU reads this post, your weekend in bed wish will be sure to come true! Feliz Cumpleanos Guapo!!!


  12. We are suffering a massive societal dumb down. You will not gain understanding. There is nothing to understand.


  13. It sounds like you already will have a very Happy Birthday. 🙂


  14. Happy Birthday, Guapo!! Have a wonderful day doing whatever you like…as much as you can anyway.


  15. When you can spend your time in bed with the person you love most, well, everything else is just gravy. Happy birthday, Guap. Whenever it is.


  16. Dude… we just watched the Dr. Who with the three doctors… that was awesome!


  17. A fine list – a weekend in my bed with Ma FIghtback does me just fine too.


  18. I tried watching Dr Who – once, it didn’t work. I was probably doing it wrong. 😉

    Have a very happy birthday, Guapo, I hope you get everything on your list. I mean, everything within reason….


  19. Happy birthday, Guap. May you find empathy in understanding stupid people, so you can spending more time buying a winning lottery ticket and watching Dr Who. Or something like that!


  20. We should organise a giant party for you, with a lot of pies (as in, MANY pies) and good music and nice people, because all bloggers should come.
    If only we can find a sponsor, that would be great ;).

    I like your list and totally ask for the same things (more or less – the part about your girl, yeah, well). Let’s hope someday someone will hear our prayers ;).


  21. And happy birthday! Of course. In a few days. I wanted to say that on your birthday until I realised ‘in a few days’ can mean a lot :).


  22. Feliz cumpleanos, E.G.! I love your list, especially the part about why the rest can wait. You’ve also given me a reason to check out Dr. Who. I have missed entire pop culture phenomena, like that, and also Breaking Bad. I’m planning to start 2014 by staying in more often, and you might have just helped the cause. Glad to see you back in the blogosphere!


  23. Happy birthday, Guap!!


  24. Happy Birthday Guapola! I hope you get all of those things, complete with a soundtrack to your life playing along wherever you go.


  25. I guess World Peace implies fewer stupid people.
    Happy Birthday!


  26. Less stupid people, nice!

    But they give us something to joke about, so, I dunno. We all have our purposes, haha, like cake. Cake has a very nice purpose, especially on birthdays. Candles, not so much. Or parfaits, everyone loves parfaits, to quote Donkey from Shrek. But now I’m sounding like one of those stupid people, so I guess I better shut up now and go back to writing Santa for a monkey.

    Happy Birthday, hope you are still in bed, remember to hydrate.


  27. Happy birthday, Guap! I’ll soon be a year older, too. I asked for a fire pit in the yard. And world peace. ha! ❤


  28. When you focus thinking on that lottery ticket think: $1,000,000+ winning ticket. I had a winning ticket last week: $4.00.


  29. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Great list. I think in order to understand stupid people you have to be one. I don’t think you should go there. Although stupid people do always seem happy. Maybe there’s something in that?


  30. It’s time for our birthdays once again Guaps! And so happy to see you posting something again. I’m the 4th, you’re the 6th or the 8th, right? Have a great weekend with TMWGITU!


  31. Happy Birthday! 🙂 I’m with you in regards on the Dr. Who and definitely with the Mrs. in regards to more empathy– I love the whole list, in fact! xo!


  32. I would so give you the ability to play guitar if I were able… Happy (early) birthday 🙂


  33. Definitely some cool wishes going on
    here Guap, and I hope you get all of them 🙂



  34. All the best to you on your big day. Happy Birthday!


  35. The world is always an easier place to figure out when you wake up with the best part of it every morning. Good stuff, handsome. And Happy Birthday, young man.


  36. Happy (belated?) Birthday to one of my favourite people in blogtown!! Have the most wonderful weekend x


  37. I’m soooo late to this party Guap, but happiest of happies to you. I hope you receive, or continue to receive, the most important item on your list. Congratulations on another year well-lived. xxLaura


  38. Happy Birthday Guap! Another wonderful year down the drain, but look at it this way, the drain’s much better off for it. Wishing you another wonderful year — with less stupid people!


    • “down the drain” is a much better description of another year passed then my usual “shot to hell”.
      Plus, it looks coll as they swirl down the drain!

      Thank Linda!


  39. hope it was an awesome day and that you got spoiled


  40. Happy Belated Birthday my dear! If only I’d known you’d have a brand new sonic screwdriver by now. Hope you’re still celebrating with TMWGITU.
    Fuck empathy. Bring me Stephan Moffat and we’ll get his ass on fire to finish the next season.
    My daughter and I went to see Day of the Doctor in the theater…. IN 3D!
    Hope you caught it too.
    Be Good. Be Happy. Be Holden (but stay away from the bourbon and end tables)


    • Thanks so much, Miss B!
      (Day of the Doctor was brilliant.)

      I prefer to drink my bourbon under the end table. Easier to get teh travelling out of the way at the start.


  41. A big Happy Birthday to Guapola! Hope you have a good one! Maybe a poll on what your birthday gift was


  42. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Birthday. Hope this one is the best one yet! Celebrate all weekend!


  43. That’s a good list. Even one of those would be an awesome birthday gift. At least there’s a Who Christmas Special coming up!


  44. Happy Birthday EG. I’m sure your next year will be full of adventure. You seem to have a knack for creating and inspiring it.


  45. Happy Birthday love. I hope you had an amazing day.


  46. Late to the party, nonetheless, Happy Birthday and cheers to TMWGITU! Hope you had nothing but the best on that day … meanwhile, Time: The Musical returns this week as I try to resume my regular programming.


  47. I hope your Friday Foolishness kicks in again
    sometime soon, it’s always a scream around
    here on Fridays 🙂 Have a wicked afternoon 🙂



  48. Enjoy each other and Happy Birthday.


  49. Happy Hump Day Guap 🙂 😉



  50. I get that you’re handsome and all that… but don’t act conceited! if you’re gonna get Dr. Who… at least think of EVERYBODY and get all of those LOST Episodes…

    But… I guess it’s YOUR Birthday… so get what you really want….


  51. I would love to have the ability to play guitar as well 😀


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