The Return Of The Son Of The Cousin Of That Guy Who’s Sister Briefly Dated The Friday Foolishness!!!

Today’s Music: The Fratellis – Flathead
Days Til Spring: 77

It's almost as cool as this guy!

It’s almost as cool as this guy!

There! In the distance, arising like a golden sore on the face of all that is sane! Do you see it? Can you feel it? Does it smell good? (Only it’s body-hair-sculptor knows for sure.)
What can it be??? Why…why…it’s the Friday Foolishness!!!

Here’s how this works. I ask the stupidest question I can think of (because lets face it, there really are such things as stupid questions), and you guys either pick an answer, or write in your own in the Other field. If you do, leave your handle, and I’ll link back to you when I post the answers ahead of the next poll, on alternating Fridays (or random tuesdays, when the mood strikes me). Someone might even win!

There will be some fun, a couple of videos that amused me, and of course, a song. But there’s always a song, so never mind that.
Oh, and I’ll babble a bit. As I tend to do.
I think in the 100+ polls I’ve ran, I’ve deleted a handful of answers, so feel free to say just about anything you want. Just remember, it’s a family blog. So leave your brother alone. He’s a little sensitive. But keep it under 4 answers, so it doesn’t look like we’re in cahoots. (I’m 17 years cahoots free!)
We’ve all just celebrated the new year. But New Years Eve fell on a tuesday this year. Which got me thinking, Tuesday is a pretty good day for a celebration, so lets keep it up all year!
But how will we celebrate it? Well, that’s this weeks poll. Get your answers in by 2359 EST, Friday, 10 Jan.
You’ve got 8 days, so no excuses.

And while you all ponder that, I’ll leave you with these.
First, that marvel of technology, the washing machine!

And finally, what the hell, let’s stick with bears. An oldie but a goodie.
(It’s a bit potty mouth)

Have a great weekend everyone!

96 responses to “The Return Of The Son Of The Cousin Of That Guy Who’s Sister Briefly Dated The Friday Foolishness!!!

  1. GAH! Do I win a prize for being the first commenter on this newly polished episode of Friday Foolishness? Huh? Do I, huh?? Yeah. Blizzard is upon us! Nothin’ to do but drink a little…or a lot. Me thinks…a lot. I sound drunk already. I’m really not. Seriously. Not.


    • Actually, everytime I see you online is like a prize for me, Kayjai!
      Sadly, I and to drag myself through the snow to get to work today. On the bright side, I got seats on both the bus and the train!


  2. NotAPunkRocker

    I hadn’t seen those two videos before. I still like the Panda Cheese commercials on YouTube, though I know pandas aren’t technically bears, when I need animals vs. human humor.

    Welcome back, you were missed! Though I could have done without the earworm (Believe it or NOT, I’m walking on AIR….) 😉


    • First I wondered how the Fratellis could be an ear worm, then remembered the theme song, and now it’s stuck in my head too.
      My girl showed me the bear/laundry video. I may have restarted the foolishness just to post that one.


  3. I had no idea it was Friday! Thanks for reminding me, and thanks for the return of Friday Foolishness! Also, thanks for that first bear video. Love it, especially the part where the bear takes a selfie. 😀

    It’s gonna be a great year Guapo!


    • Any year that starts with bears being silly has to be a good one.
      It just doesn’t have a choice against magic like that!

      (though I’m still looking forward to reading your 2013 space wrap up post.)


  4. It IS Friday! This Tuesday New year malarky has thrown me right off. And I finally get a Friday birthday shortly I’ve waited years for that. It’s all about Friday’s – Tuesdays can get stuffed!


  5. I was wondering where my Friday insanity had gone! Yay for the return of whatever all that stuph is you said up there!


  6. I am going back to my tradition of also placing my vote down here because the voting box hates me: Honestly, I forget what day it is, because I don’t have a job I have to go to at any certain time. If you remind me when it is Tuesday, I will try to party even harder.


    • As a building manager, aren’t you on call all the time?

      Your answer is in.


      • Yay… and yes… but I have a trick… I rent to foreign people… they don’t mind the small size of the apartments, and they never complain unless it is an actual emergency. I have had a French guy, a French girl and her Eastern European boyfriend, and right now I have a Spanish girl and a delightful English couple that I adore.
        Also, I get free international snacks.


  7. Hooray! I’ve missed FF the last couple of weeks… I only submitted two responses this time, so as not to let on that we are, in fact, in cahoots. (wink wink, nudge nudge)


  8. Hooray FF is back and with the Fratellis in tow!


  9. You deleted answers? Now I’m curious.
    Tuesdays are nothing to celebrate. They are the days it often rains, you never have interesting courses and everyone’s bitchy because the weekend is so far away.

    Perhaps that’s a good reason to throw in a party though!


    • I think I let the people know when I was pulling answers. there was one that was just in very bad taste. The rest were because of sheer volume.

      Sounds like Tuesdays should be celebrated for their ordinariness…


  10. Now I think about it: Tuesday used to be the perfect going out day, because I only had a class at 2 pm the next day.
    So Tuesdays stand for beer, and that’s the best way to celebrate things! Period.


  11. Ooh, it’s back! You’ll be seeing links in your sleep again. I decided to take it easy on you for this first one and selected one of the poll responses. It’s what I was thinking anyway. 🙂

    Love that Fratelli’s song!


    • My girl turned me on to the fratellis.
      The links are why this is an alternate thing for now. it was taking more effort than was fun to write these up every week.
      And if it’s not fun…


  12. The “Other” category only allows about 50 characters. I was on a roll. Your loss.

    Did you grow up reading Mad Magazine or are you too young for that? One of my favorite features was “Al Jaffee’s Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions.” Early snark.

    Posted from a mere 37 floors above me. Creepy. Unlikely.


    • My mother, way back when, worked for Mad Magazine.

      I thought it was about 250 char, abut it does allow multiple answers, so feel free to keep typing away. It will be open till next friday night.

      I’m the guy in teh flying spaghetti monster hat today.


  13. No. Fucking. Way. She was one of the Usual Gang of Idiots?! Respect.What did she do?

    I thought you were the guy with the bad odor. My mistake.


  14. Have a wonderful weekend, yourself. 🙂


  15. Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back (theme from Welcome Back Kotter playing in my head) (& now in yours!) I have missed Friday Foolishness. I put in a winning answer today, I just know it! I had seen the Shoot the Bear clip before but not the one about the bear & the washing machine. Great way to start the new year, Guaps!


    • Ha! By the second “welcome back”, that song was in my head too.
      (Much better than the Greatest American Hero song.)

      Yours is a damn good answer. We’ll have to see how the competition shapes up…


  16. My answer is make every Tuesday Fat Tuesday and I’m going to try to think of answers all year so there’s a good resolution for me. I’m up to three….answer Guap’s polls, don’t fall down, and record what books I read. Look out 2014!!!


    • I actually may have a response to your answer. I can’t write it here, in case it’s the only one I can come up with.
      And I’m honored to be a resolution!


  17. Oh my gosh! It’s fun over here today! I was so excited to see the Fratellis, only to realize it wasn’t the Fratelli’s from the Goonies movie. Still a good choice, Guap! The bear videos are great. I’m sorry to say I am not cahoot free. But I blame that on my husband.

    I’m looking forward to Friday Foolishness in 2014!!


  18. Happy new year. I look forward to the laughs and witticisms here.


  19. Haha, laughing at the bear vids! That was fun. Thanks, El Guap!


  20. Samsung bear commercial first time I’ve seen it … gotta love it … and a great way to welcome back Friday Foolishness.


  21. You realize since I saw the first photo, I’ve been humming the theme song to that show.

    Whatever happened to Christopher ‘Don’t Call Me Chris’ Cross?


  22. Don’t ever go away again, Guap.

    The first video was absolutely wonderful. Those damn front load washers ruin everything.


  23. runningonsober

    I’m not a big fan of Tuesdays. But I’m a fan of Foolishness! So I’m always down for celebrating Foolishness, and bears, and monk….well you know.
    Happy 2014 Guap!


  24. I’ve been missing Friday Foolishness! Maybe we can start a Tuesday Foolishness also! I am pretty foolish every day of the week. 🙂


  25. I always vote for things that have the word ‘hump’ in them. cheers.


  26. YAY! Friday Foolishness is back and all is right with the world! Tuesday has always been my favorite day of the week. It’s humble and never expects any special attention. I’m afraid too much attention and fame might go to its head. Let’s start celebrating Tuesday on a trial basis and if it starts acting anything like Lindsey Lohan let’s go back to celebrating Friday. Friday doesn’t have as much to lose.


    • I think we should tread softly, after Thursdays Britney-Spears-like meltdown.
      (I saw Thursdays unmentionables in that photo where it was getting off the bus.)


  27. That first video was completely unbelievable . . until it showed the polar bear. Completely plausible. And for the second video, I chose “Not” and then “Watch”….and really, I had no idea that bears were THAT into soccer. But I guess it makes sense. They’re patient creatures.


  28. I’ve driven through Manning Park and seen bears there. I always wondered how they kept their fur so soft and fluffy–they live outside like animals, but they look like the super models of the forest. Thanks for solving that mystery!


  29. love the bear waiting for the washing machine! Didn’t quite get the hunting one…I’m a bit slow!


  30. whiteladyinthehood

    Hey Guapo! I hope you enjoyed your unplugged time. Looking forward to whatever you want to post whenever you want to post it!


  31. Happy, happy new year, Guap! Will Friday foolishness now be found on Tuesdays (which makes it even more foolish, you know!)? ❤


  32. How bad is it that I played with that bottom video until it wouldn’t do what I suggested.


  33. Love the washing machine commercial. Manny needs to post that on his new blog. Have a Happy New Year, Guap! 🙂


  34. I voted for knitting. I LOVE knitting! And crochet, but that wasn’t an option


  35. AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  36. For years, I really was a proponent of the “There is no stupid question” theory. But now I have children.

    “On paper”, The Greatest American Hero should have been a favorite childhood show, but I couldn’t get into it. I’ve always been nutty for super-heroes, and I’m quite fond of blond people (much love to the brothas), but I guess I prefer a more gentle learning curve for my heroes. But then, I wasn’t really into any of the big shows of my generation: A-Team, Night Rider, Miami Vice. Admittedly, I did watch the Dukes of Hazzard until Coy & Vance came along and ruined everything.

    And your countdown to spring becomes more poignant when I think of the arctic conditions currently assailing the Northeast. It’s chilly here, too. No, it’s not quite the same, but we all do our part.


    • Sadly (fortunately?) none of those shows hold up at all. I caught an episode of Dukes of Hazzard a few years ago and was appalled that I loved that show so much as a kid.


  37. Oh crap, should of read this before today, maybe I wouldn’t have posted what I did today hahaha


  38. Definitely added something to your “other” stack. Hoping its not traceable.


  39. Ohhhhh damn – I waited for the foolishness after I saw it on Twitter then I missed it anyways? Well wTF – I guess I need to start checking my email OMG my email – its probably in there huh? well Im glad you are back!!! and um… Hi TMWGITU – ive decided this year I am only going to “hit on her” as you say but Im NOT every other day – just to give you a break. 😉


  40. Pingback: Friday Friday Fo Foolish, Banana Fana So Soolish, Me My Mo Moolish…Foolish! | Guapola

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