Trifecta – Gladiators

Today’s Music: Hayley Sales – Just Pretend
Note on Today’s Music: Once again, John Phillips turned me on to something I’m really enjoying. Hope you do too.
Days Til Spring: 51

I don’t usually post so frequently. Feel free to blame Trifecta for this one, a request for 33 words on this picture:


Thomas Leuthard
Click image for original

I saw her nearing the arena. This time I would be ready.
Her tennis whites gave an air of nonchalance. I cleared the table, stood.
“Checkers?” I asked.
She sat.
“To the death.”

And I thank you.

144 responses to “Trifecta – Gladiators

  1. 51 days. Just 51 days. Until then, there is music.


  2. I thought this was only on weekends and the 333 word version was weekdays.


  3. Thanks for playing it forward. ™ (Both the music and the prose!)


  4. Good song choice. Nice interpretation of the picture.


  5. To the Death!
    No, to the Pain!

    Totally dug the story Guap. Sincere, a taste of the unexpected, funny and all wrapped up in an amazingly small present.

    Almost wrote small package. Too many variables on your potential reply.
    Not familiar with the tune. Ooooh goody new music. Off to Youtube…to have fun storming the castle.


  6. Remind me not to play chess with you… Thanks for the Hayley Sales song, hadn’t heard that before.


  7. Looking forward to listening to that song on a computer that doesn’t need a flash upgrade… till then, nice 33 my friend. The picture reminded me of Sunday mornings in college, when my boyfriend and I would drink cafe mochas and play chess for a couple hrs with no worries except getting homework done later. Ah. Chess to the death would’ve been a nice variation. xx


    • Nice how we used to spend free time when we had more of it.
      I’ve played chess a few times on the stone tables in some NYC parks that have them. Always fun on a warm day.

      Checkers to the death had that edge in silliness that I always try to brig to Trifecta.


  8. Wonderfully written and I cannot keep up with all your posts. You have gone mad, I tell ya…mad.


  9. Gosh, Guap. Not even Calvin played Hobbes to the death in checkers. Maybe in chess, but not checkers!


  10. This story has the makings of a new Rocky franchise. Draughty? Perhaps. Loved it.


  11. I wish my English was better, because I don’t understand :(.


  12. Spring is coming!


  13. Nice tune … .so you played checkers with Maria Sharapova?


    • I was inspired bu the Billie Jean King/Arthur Ashe closed cage checkers matches of the 70s.
      I’d never seen so much blood at a piece crowning, before or after!


  14. Beautiful 33, my friend.

    And yes, spring. Looms near.

    Can we agree to disagree on Hayley Sales? And I love all music. Just. Not. This. sorry.

    But I still love you!!


    • I enter the trifectas wehn something gloriously ridiculous comes to mind.
      Checkers to the death? Yeah, that qualifies.

      If you prefer, I have some lovely Pink Floyd covers by bluegrass legends Luther Wright and the Wrongs.
      (I kid you not.)


      • Please kid me.

        Because bluegrass might be the ONLY music I don’t love.

        And I adore Pink Floyd. As you know.

        I love most music. Music = Life. I can tell you feel the same way.


        • I kid you not. Because the world is a strange, strange place.
          Trust me though, it’s not near as bad as Pat Boone’s cover album, In A Metal Mood. (Which I am NOT linking.)


  15. Ooh, I did like that those 33 words. Plus, who could say no to checkers…


  16. Haha…..I love when I can help inspire your genius!! Full contact checkers, anyone??


  17. KymmInBarcelona

    I could hear the twang of guitar, smell the dust.
    Love it, Guapo!


  18. Always learning something from you, El G….good things, good things.
    Contact board games….who knew?


  19. You just upped the ante Mr G. Now we will have to find a burger joint that has checker boards.


  20. You’re so wonderfully sweet and eloquent. We both have our own gladiator battle story this week, don’t we? 😉


  21. Love the 33-word story! Note to self: I really have to learn to be less verbose.


  22. Nice writing, Guapo! Creative and tantalizing. I was thinking, Spin the Bottle Checkers! This would make the match that more interesting. 🙂


  23. Excellent! “To the death” sounds rather ominous. 😯


  24. Is there any other way to play checkers?
    I guess we could play “To the pain…”


  25. short and sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet


  26. What a beautiful song!

    ‘Cause I can always just pretend – Pain the picture and just jump in’

    I just read a post by a young man who was explaining how music affects our state of mind, how we feel, think behave and perceive things.

    This song makes me feel GREAT!




  27. “tennis whites gave an air of nonchalance” sharp contrast to the “to the death” Nicely done


  28. Just purchased her album, When the bird became a book. $16.99 here 🙂


  29. Excellent, indeed it is Trifecta with a capita; ‘T’ 🙂



  30. Excellent story! I loved the idea of the battle. ♥


  31. I loved ‘to the death’. Checkers is not to be taken lightly. LM x


  32. Can’t wait to see the ultimate checkers death-match in Sochi next week. Or is that a summer games sport?


  33. Checkers to the death! I would be so screwed.
    Love that song, it has been too long since I played “Pretend”.


  34. A beautiful song by Ms. Sayles! Hadn’t heard it before, but the youtube link also took me to a sweet Elvis song of the same name which I hadn’t before heard, so that was nice.

    Loved the flash fiction. The only thing I have to add here is a non-sequiter of sorts: checkers pre-dates chess. It’s obvious when you think about it, but for some reason checkers always seems newer to me.


    • I’m surprised. I always thought checkers had a devious dignity that chess lacked.

      Especially when performing a series of jumps that touch all four directions of the compass!


  35. This is a nice direction on this – I might have been more tempted to go with something along the lines of her studying for her big chess match later in the day!


  36. I love the tempo and humor in this flash. I didn’t expect the ending,


  37. Pingback: Group Therapy: January « HACKER. NINJA. HOOKER. SPY.

  38. Oodles of posts and dozens of comments; how on earth do you keep up! Rachael (and several other witty folk) stole my response: To the pain! Really love this story El Guapo. In 33 words you really give us a lovely story to dream about. Nice job!


  39. Love how you interpreted the photo!


  40. I need to get some tennis whites. I could use an air of nonchalance — especially when playing Candyland! 😀


  41. Hilarious–a checkers death match definitely should’ve been included in the Hunger Games. Major oversight.


  42. haha great work


  43. Checkers, huh? That’ not what I was thinking. ❤


  44. Combat checkers! I am sure, if those tables could talk, the battlefield stories they could share. As for tennis whites……I am wearing tennis whites right now…… the snow! It is what we do in Canada in winter. 🙂 Btw, I think this is a record of some sort for the farthest down a comment list I have had to go to find the comment box for this scintillating comment of mine. Well done, all around. Now, off I go to check out your music list. Always on the lookout for a good tune or two. 🙂


    • Thanks Cobbie.
      I’d love to know what you’re listening to also.

      And I really need to update that page.

      I’m writing this in Canada! Because nyc snow stopped my flight.


  45. I love your MacBeth version of checkers. It’s a new appreciation kinda thing you spring. And speaking of . . . 51 days till? Normally, that wouldn’t seem so bad. But with the way things have been going, it feels more like years. Dog years.


  46. I have played many a game of checkers to the death.


  47. It’s like a modern-day duel. Were they playing for their reputations as well as their lives? (Wait, of course they were…) Love seeing you at Trifecta, Guapo!


  48. I loved the way you brought the reflection into the battle. Clever, as usual.


  49. Wow! Great use of such few words! I really liked this!


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