Today’s Music: Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer – Makin Whoopee
(Alternate take: Dr. John and Rickie Lee Jones)
Days Til Spring: ZERO! ZIP!! ZILCH!!! NADA!!!!

At. Frakkin. Last.
At 12:57 EDT today, something glorious happen(s/ed). Without any speeches or announcements, without the interference or permission or approval of talking heads or governments, Spring start(s/ed).
For some of us, it still feels like winter, or it’s actually the start of autumn.
But for me, even though the weather disagrees with the calendar, today is a milestone.
90 days ago was the shortest day of the year. Today, regardless of legislated clock shennanigans, sunset begins twelve hours after sunrise. And after that, for the next 90 days, the days keep getting longer.

But today is where it starts! Two whole seasons of no jackets, bright sunshine, and green grass. How will I spend it?
Glad you asked!

Wait for your eyes to stop bleeding.  Then get your own at Wave Shoppe

Wait for your eyes to stop bleeding.
Then get your own at Wave Shoppe

The Spring and Summer Stupid
Surfing. As always, I don’t care if I stand up on a wave or not. Get on the water on my board. Paddle til I can’t feel my arms. Lie on the beach, then go out for a good meal.
Picnics. Books. Good food. Guitar. Hula hoop for The Most Wonderful Girl In The Universe. ‘Nuff said.
Road Trips. Pick a direction, roll down the windows and drive. Find a town, maybe with an event, maybe with the worlds largest ball of twine. Who cares! Just enjoy the ride, baby.
Stand Up Paddleboarding. We go down to a place on the Hudson in lower Manhattan. Paddleboarding in the middle of a major metropolis? Gives me the giggles every time.
Jet Skiing. A place opened on the same beach we surf. I expect to fall off at least once
Rock Climbing. TMWGITU (to my ecstatic surprise) loves climbing in a gym. I really want to get her on a cliff at the ‘Gunks.
NAPS!!!! If you have to ask why, we need to sit down for a long talk.
Free Music. It’s everywhere in the city. Free concerts in the park. Free concerts by the rivers. Festivals. I’m like a kid in a candy store.
Playing Guitar Outdoors. I don’t care how good I am (or not). There’s something extra joyful about sitting in a park making music. Even if it’s the same notes over and over. (And TMWGITU will probably bring her hoop for those outings too!)
Bungee Jumping. This probably won’t happen, but I discovered there’s a bridge with a 200′ drop 20 minutes outside Ottowa. How could that not be on my list?
Watching the stars. A warm quiet night with the heavens ablaze. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, try it and you’ll understand.

As always, this list is neither definitive, nor accurate. Maybe paddleboarding will get dropped in favor of the trapeze on the west side. New things will get added, others will get dropped because of time or money.
But it will be Spring and Summer, and I’ll spend it with my wife.

Looks like they will be great seasons!

209 responses to “SPROINGGGGGGG



  2. NotAPunkRocker

    Dr. John and Rickie Lee Jones? What a way to start a post! Plus, the awesome shirt of course (and that’s not even sarcasm, I love it!).

    I want to go bungee jumping so badly, but I think the kid even draws the line at that, so I would be jumping alone.

    Hooray for Spring! FINALLY.


    • I’m going to be wearing that shirt in public tonight!
      Glad you like that song. Their version is one of my favorites (but teh Gaiman/Palmer version is more fun).

      Amen for Spring. Now if we could just get the weather to match.


  3. In the words of Molly, oh my gaaahhhd (is that, right?), I love it. But more importantly, I now get what Zoe is talking about!


  4. No sharpened pencils here, El G…this is not a test…..
    Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together.


  5. Neil Gaiman sings too?! What a glutton for attention. Well…it’s almost singing. It’s joyful. I guess that’s enough.

    Not to be contrarian but, for me, Spring is not a number on the calendar. It’s 60+ degrees. 74+ degrees is Summer.

    New York does get pretty whoop-ass when the warm weather comes. We should take a lunchtime walk to The Plaza Hotel and see the sculpture that just went up. Do you get out for lunch? I think it’s there for a couple of months. More stuff like that to come.


  6. Your shirt is the BOMB and I’m getting one for my husband. That will make three for his collection. Woot!

    And nothing beats getting lost in a summer night, starry sky… with a cool telescope, too!


  7. Fantastic shirt, and even better plans ! =) TMWGITU is gonna love every minute of it, I just bet. =) Have a great first day, we are celebrating here in the den as well ! =)


    • I can’t wait for our first outing of Spring. My wife and I usually end up grinning like fools for the whole day.

      Have a fun party! (And hope you’re feeling better!)


  8. Yay Spring! My plan was to get up early and get a Happy Spring out to you first thing AND ask to see that Hawaiian shirt. Turns out that you are, among many other wonderful things, a mind reader as well!
    Happy Spring Guapola!


  9. It’s 40 degrees, Robins are bouncing around the yard, snow is melting, the dogs and horses are shedding, and the ducks are … erm … making baby ducks! Yay for spring!

    I think the shirt is awesome, but since my kids think I have the fashion sense of a blind goat my opinion may not be helpful 😉


    • I love those signs of spring!
      Your appreciation of the shirt is proof that your fashion sense is dead-on.
      I only hope your kids can appreciate it too. 😉


  10. Sounds perfect. I like star gazing, especially on a beach or dock of the bay with some wine. Ahh, reading this makes me feel refreshed already!


  11. Nice. It’s snowing where I am this morning. Again. This winter is doing nothing to counter the stereotype of the Canadian winter.


  12. El Guapo – I’m blinded by that shirt, but I’m ecstatic for your delight in the changing of the seasons…. Please make sure you get a good video or picture of the hula hooping…. we must know. Happy Sproinnnnng ~

    Of course, in the desert, I’m in mourning for the winter – hee hee…


  13. Woohoo!!! and life gets back to normal. 🙂 Happy day to you, El Guapo.


  14. That sounds like an amazing way to spend spring and summer. I’m hoping we get to enjoy some of the amazing wine and harvest festivals they have throughout the summer. Germans know how to party! And let the warm weather commence! (But please, as a side note of a request to weather gods, please let me get out of this attic apartment before you make it too hot! 🙂 )


    • That’s the magic of the Hawaiian shirt – it is both cool and hot at the same time!
      I don’t know anything about German festivals. Hope you have a great time, and tell us about them as they come!


  15. Finally! Longer days. Warmer days. Yes, sign me up.


  16. That shirt.
    Happy Spring!! Weather is finally cooling down here and I’m ecstatic!


  17. Hey, Guap, I hate to be the one to hafta tell you this, but someone threw up on your shirt. 😉


  18. Can you please blow the sunshine and warmer air up this way?
    And your shirt, well the shirt, well just God Bless your wife for loving you enough to be seen with you in the “shirt”.
    And, I just have to ask what is it with your wife and a hula hoop, is this some new New Yorkie rave?


  19. That is the most amazing shirt I have ever seen.


  20. LOVE the shirt. Don’t listen to what anybody (TwinDaddy) says about it.

    Man, I miss the city. Free EVERYTHING when it gets warm out. Music, theater…just walking the streets is a ring-side seat to the greatest show on earth.

    Did you know Amanda Palmer blogs? She’s a fierce blogger. Thanks for the Thursday morning earworm.


    • I’m aware of Amanda Palmer, more through her association with Gaiman than anything else. I’ve read some of her stuff, and found her to be very passionate.

      There are so many free shows and events in the city, the only bad thing about it is there being too much to see it all. I love when that’s my biggest problem!


  21. And beer gardens, don’t forget beer gardens


    • One does not forget the beer gardens until the morning after one has had an epic night at the beer gardens.
      And then the pieces come back slowly.
      But one never remembers exactly where one left one’s pants.

      Ah well…


  22. I love your list and your hot photo!
    Last year, we took a trip between surgeries, but in general, summer was a blur. I plan to make up for lost time this year! I’m EVEN looking forward to WEEDING!!! Okay. Not weeding, but GARDENING!!!
    Here’s a new tune for you to check out from That 70’s Show actor Danny Masterson. It’s catchy even though the drum solo is a little long. I love his site too – http://www.djmomjeans.com/ Gotta love the name!


  23. Awesome shirt


  24. I think you should come to Nashville. Okay, that suggestion was inspired by me living here and you playing guitar. Bring the guitar. 😀

    I absolutely cannot WAIT to get working in my garden(s)! So much to do – so little TIIMMMEEE!


    • Love to! do you play?
      (I think I saw you mention it on your site, but not sure.)

      At least Nashville has a nice long gardening season.


      • I do play … well, did play. For 25 years, actually. I haven’t touched those strings for about 4 months now, and it was an even longer time before that! It’s really quite sad. Maybe this weekend the weather will cooperate enough for me to take the guit-box out to the side porch and serenade hubby while he smokes an anniversary cigar! 27 years tomorrow! Woohoo! (Amazing that he’s put up with me that long … or perhaps he’s a little ‘off’?)


  25. Happy, happy first day of spring! Love the shirt and the list.


  26. You’ve inspired me to create my own list, even though yours is hard to improve upon. HAPPY SPRING to you and TMWGITU!


  27. Happy first day of spring, friend!! (although it is snowing here today….bleh.) My Facebook status summed up my feelings today – “In the epic battle of ouwit, outplay and outlast, Mother Nature proves to be a formidable opponent!”


  28. The hubs and I are so excited about Spring today we actually wished each other “Happy Spring” this morning like it’s a fuggin holiday or something! I’m SO excited. Loving your hawaiin shirt, btw. 🙂


    • My wife knows how I feel about Spring (how could she not?) and wishes me a happy season too.
      Ah, love!
      Thanks! And don’t worry, the eye-bleeding stops after a few minutes.


  29. Love the list! I guess it doesn’t really matter what the summer inspired in you, or what you aspire to, just that it happens. The “what” is secondary. However, I will say this: I want to see a picture of you hula-ing for TMWGITU. I mean, really — if she’s willing to adventure for you, you should be willing to gyrate a little for her. Fair’s fair.
    And, did you cut your luxurious locks? Or is that just the photo angle??


    • My wife has video of me hula hooping. I’ve seen it. And believe me, I was surprised to realize there was a limit to how much I was willing to embarrass myself in public! 😉

      My ponytail is still there. It’s the black stripe on the collar on the left side of the pic (right of my neck). I was thinking of cutting it off, but the last haircut place I went to, the place didn’t do locks of love donations, so I figured I’d keep it.
      (Wow, I sound like such a do-gooder lately. What’s up with that???)


      • I would pay to see that video of you and the Hoop. Maybe you should offer it as a prize one of these weeks for the winning poll answer?!
        Awesome that your ponytail has aspiration of its own, Locks of Love is a great program!


        • I’m pretty sure no one wins if I post that video.
          well, ok, I don;t win.
          Which is kind of the same thing. 😉
          The locks of love program has to be the easiest donation. I mean, if I’m going to get it cut anyway…


  30. Happy 1st day of spring EG.


  31. I am inordinately jealous of your wife’s hula hoop skills. And that shirt.. everyone should have an eye-searing shirt like that to let the world know that FUN HAS ARRIVED.
    Meanwhile, it is blizzarding here right now, but still.. time to make plans. For me, summer means getting stung by 10 000 bees.


    • You should get one of those shirts, if only to be a beacon in the blizzards!
      And maybe a long sleeved one, to protect against the bees?

      Hope the snow ends, the warm comes, and the bees find somewhere else to play.


      • Ah, the bees are my chosen hobby. Seems we all have our death defying stunts to get on with this summer!

        If this blizzarding bullhockey doesn’t end soon I am just going to start parading around the office in a bathing suit and set up a hammock in protest. Eff wintery weather.


  32. On the first day of spring, anything is possible–especially if you’re wearing an amazing technicolour shirt of awesomeness!


  33. Genius, as if it must be mentioned. Seems we both consider the existence of a higher power at certain sparkling moments of beauty. i.e. the marriage and love affair of Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman.
    Spring as indeed sprung and you are now the official harbinger of good times in the sun…
    Love and Leather!
    p.s. You wife’s hoop skills cry out for a Burning Man visit. Bring it on!


    • Ha! I think she’s too mellow for burning Man, but I’ll pitch it to her.
      Neil and Amanda’s version was the most fun one I’d found. How could I not go with it?


  34. Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been waiting for this day and have looked to you for the countdown. Thank the heavens above!!!!! I will be doing some salsa dancing – naked.


  35. Sitting on the deck of my boat, listening to my iPod on the stereo, laughing with my best friend… That’s probably my favorite summer thing, and I am soooooooo lucky I get to do that all year round. San Diego is waiting for you, this should be your home! 🙂


    • p.s. (because you love it when I do this) you have a beard? a BEARD? Really? Or is that your 5-o-clock shadow you bear of a man?


      • In all honesty (because I know how rarely I do that), I have a beard because I’m too damn lazy too shave. It started off as a goatee, then I thought “Well, why not have to shave regularly even less?”.
        I trim it all the way down every so often when it gets to the point that I’ll be security-checked at airports, then just let it grow back again.


    • I could live in San Diego. But I’d still be short a boat.

      That sounds like a great way to spend any day!


  36. Now that’s a shirt! Welcome spring! Thanks for hustling it in.


  37. My spring started with snow turned to icy rain this morning, so, yeah, that was fun. But seeing your shirt brings me hope. I think it will come, I think it will come, I think…

    Really happy you included naps in your list. One of my favorite things. Probably because I’ve missed out on so many of them over the years. I need to make up for lost time.


    • Gah! We had freezing rain yesterday, but today, the sun is shining and warm is gamely trying to make itself felt.

      Summer naps under a warm breeze are something everyone should experience.


  38. Happy for your springing and you’ll have to keep me alive during days and days of winter rain! And wow, your wife hula hoops! She’s way cooler than you, even in that magnum PI outfit!


  39. oh and loved the ‘making whoopee’


  40. oh and loved ‘making whoopee’


  41. music video (not doing very well at this comment thing tonight)


  42. Pingback: (In Just-) | Ps and Qs: Photography, Poetry and Quiet

  43. Great seasons indeed – not a moment too soon


  44. Happy schwing… uh… I mean spring…


  45. wait… is that an actual picture of you?


  46. Happy SPRING, Guap! This post made me smile…I love the list and the shirt, don’t listen to the naysayers…it is mid 60s here, everything is in bloom, awesome! Wishing you the same soon!


  47. Spring is here!


  48. Today we had sun, tomorrow we’ll have rain and only 10°C :'(. Tragic.
    That shirt certainly looks good on you! And great list – sounds like the perfect way to spend these days :).


  49. Pretty dang good list. Mine consists of: camping and backpacking… but, I still have months to wait for both of those. And I hoping to get in another trip to the snow for some boarding before it all melts.


  50. Happy first day of Spring Guaps! We had snow here, but at least it wasn’t too cold – just a few degrees celsius below zero. Hubby has 4 Hawaiian shirts to put yours to shame – yellow, aquamarine, orange & hot pink! And he loves to wear them! Great list – naps is about my speed this year!


  51. Happy Spring, my friend. It was a lovely day here (but snow on Tuesday — boo!)

    I saw this on another blog and thought of you — filmed inside a wave (?)


  52. Glad it’s spring somewhere. Cancelled our ski excursion tomorrow and Saturday. To MUCH snow.


  53. HAPPY SPRING!!!! Yay!!! It’s here at last. You have inspired me to go paddleboarding and to find a fun shirt like yours! Enjoy, Guapo.


  54. I don’t know if I can type a response my eyes are hurting so bad! AHHHHHH! NOOOOO NOOOO HAWAIIAN SHIRTS!

    I love rock climbing and here it snowed like crazy today dammit!


  55. What a list! Good luck.


  56. Methinks TMWGITU is about level pegging with myQueen, mate, bloody good onya! After weeks of 40+ (that’s REAL degrees right there) I’m officially over summer, you can have it buddy, enjoy. Oh yeah, and post all about it…


  57. The West Coast is awesome, Guap. We have 60+F weather here in Washington, at least east of the Cascades.

    This site is awesome. I was a Crazy Shirts boy for many, many years, but I’m giving this site a serious look… 4X alone is hard to find, much less 4X that fits right (and not like a bag).


  58. We’re heading into winter here – and I’m SO looking forward to it. Balmy days, cool nights, no tropical cyclones; best time of the year. Enjoy Spring! 😀


  59. I would say I’m jealous that you guys are moving into Spring, but we’re officially in Autumn and my foundation is still running down my calves. You would really enjoy Brisbane too – beautiful beaches for surfing, paddleboarding and kayaking. All things I still want to learn to do.


  60. I’d rather see a pile of mud than Eddie.
    I love your shirt.
    Neil Gaiman sings too?!


  61. At last you got your spring, Congrats I guess !!! 😀 Now be careful don’t go around breaking a leg or two in excitement !
    P.S Do I know you from another universe, because that’s all the things I would like to do as well ^^’


  62. Nobody lives as good as you do! And add in the shirt and you’re magical! There’s a guy who sits on the top of his car in the parking lot of the grocery store and plays the ukulele and sings– he’s good too – seeing him always makes me feel just that much happier! (And the stand up paddle boarding is the one that sounds the most fun of all!)


    • I think I may have a ukelele somewhere. And our supermarkets have parking lots!
      Hmm…there may be an opportunity here.

      If you take up paddleboarding, I will fly cross-country to spend a day on the water with you (and 37 if he likes it too).


      • Oh you have to get out your ukelele and find a parking lot! I don’t know if you write music, but if you do you have to write a parking lot song!

        And if we somehow got to spend the day on the water on our stand up paddle boards it would be a highlight of my life Guap!!!! 😀


  63. I’ve got spring-like things to do this year, too, so I’m actually not dreading it. It’s taken a lot of work for me to appreciate the outdoor, upbeat season, but I think I’m making progress.

    Happy, happy spring, Guap. Hope you get some warm weather soon. ❤


  64. whiteladyinthehood

    Great pic, Guapo! (and loved your list)


  65. Los Angeles is like that, re: the free music everywhere….amazing stuff, short drives, bring your own chair and: heaven! There is also the Hollywood Bowl season which, with nosebleeds seats great friends and a cheap ticket is the happiest place on earth.
    We don’t have a typical change of seasons here…but the fun starts gearing up in the spring and explodes ion summer…so we are well on our way too.


    • The free music is one of the bonuses of living in a big city.
      Almost makes up for the downsides of living in a big city. 😉

      Here’s to a great spring/summer!


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