Speak Now, Or Forever Hold Your Foolishness

Today’s Music: Taj Mahal – Stagger Lee

Take a week, Throw it in a blender. Add confusion, paperwork and flourescent lighting, and what do you have? Relief that it’s finally Friday!!! And while you’re at it, add great blogs to the mix to help you get through the week. Here’s some of what I saw…
Are You Finished Yet talked about Gender Stereotypes. The Preschool Mentor discussed Children’s Dreams vs Their Parents, and Cayman Thorn reflected on the Boston Marathon. Oh, and Budget Cooking Blog finally vanquished his culinary nemesis, Brown Rice!
They, and all of you made a very good week of reading.
But last week, we were focused not just on Friday, but on how to make the very best Friday! And wow, do you people love avoiding work. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are waiting for 5pm in italics.)

Would only be 2 hours working long so we could get to the weekend sooner! Benzeknees
(Wait – I’m supposed to actually do work at work on Fridays???)
be followed by “Punch A CoWorker Monday” Samara
(And then, an exciting “Post Bail Tuesday”!)
not celebrate a man getting beaten, tortured and then nailed to a cross. Samara
(Hey, even fetishists deserve a special da- Oh…nevermind…)
flow in jazz-flavored sharpsexy tones of a muted trumpet.
(I hadn’t realized Miley released a new album.)
be BFF, Best Friend Friday. We’d both get to ditch work (and still get paid) to Jessica
(Fridays off are the best use of sick days.)
be when you give up guilt for Lent and eat bacon donuts all day! (Miz Yank)
(Better than giving up donuts and lending bacon all day.)
not involve a human sacrifice.
(Nono – those are Tuesdays.)
be every day of the week SnB
(I don’t think I can do a daily Foolishness.)
(Well, not in blog form, anyway.)

The one where I win the lottery. Elyse 54.5
(As long as you win enough for the whole class…)
be “stay home, and wear your pajamas and eat Nutella out of the jar all day” day radiochick74
(What if you sleep in your birthday suit?)
…be clouded by purple haze. And wine! (LVital7019)
(Fill the humidifier with Merlot. Win-win!)
(Zoe) Have me win this pool, geeze what does it take? Do you need bowing too?
(Lets be honest, does anyone ever really win these?)
(Zoe) See Guaps become famous
(Someone would have to give evidence against me for that to happen…)
(Zoe) Be the beginning of the end of ever having to work again cause rich
(And then we could afford grammar lessons!)
do a Rebecca Roll — jaklumen
(It’s like a Turkey Roll, but with less flavor!)
would be ..better? Lizzie C
Have to fulfill my every desire… lol Andro
(Several of your desires are against the law.)
(And the health code.)

Did someone mention orgy? Oh… Andro
(Sorry, typo. Should have been “ogre”. Still interested? 😉 )
Be a picnic after midnight with… Hey nosy 🙂 Andro
(That’s a terrible nickname for your picnic partner.)
be filled with bacon. Not that bullshit Canadian bacon (it’s NOT Canadian!) NancyTex
(You’ll cheer up when spring thaw comes to Canada.)
(In August.)

The day I tell my boss to go fuck himself … twice. KBar3
(Double Jeopardy precludes you telling him to fuck himself twice for the same thing.)
Come with a butler and personal hair stylist. The Sailor’s Woman
(The butler did (hair)do it!)
Best Friday would take place on the beach with margaritas! Susie Lindau
(I’d prefer it if that were an average Wednesday.)
allow me to think of a quick & good answer to these questions (Frank)
(There are no good answers, Frank. At least, not in italics anyway.)
be Saturday … all the time! –Judah First
(But SNL has enough trouble being funny one night a week…)
Live music of all my favorite musicians/bands…for free…in my yard. Rutabaga
(Careful – I hear Karen Carpenter hogs all the snacks.)

Congratulations to Lizzie C for this weeks simple, eloquent answer. (Plus I’m pretty sure this week’s winner will just confuse Zoe even more, so bonus!) And from the offered choices, the most popular was be chocolate covered!!!. So I guess the fetishists know how to spend this day after all.

He's in shock over how badly they play.

He’s in shock over how badly they play.

This week, calendar wise anyway, we are deep into Spring, which brings us to the joys of Baseball. Unless you’re a Mets fan. If you are, then what do you do? Well, that’s this week’s poll.
Take a swing at an answer often, but do it soon, because this one closes at 2359 EDT on Tuesday, 22 April. Try and keep yourself to three Other answers if you do write-ins, and if you do leave an Other, add a way to recognize you at the end, and I’ll link back to you next week.

And to send you on your way, enjoy Simpsons Lego!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

162 responses to “Speak Now, Or Forever Hold Your Foolishness

  1. I’m also happy it is finally Friday 🙂


  2. Ahhhh….LOVE baseball!The Mets don’t belong to me but had to chime in anyway.
    Our guys never play your guys, but I always root for the Mets when I catch them on TV–especially against the Yankees.
    Happy Happy Friday!


  3. Holy cow! Thanks for the shout-out! And that Lego short is awesome! Happy Friday El Guapo!


  4. Sorry, bro, but Samara’s response did it for me. That’s your winner.

    Oh, yeah? Try being a CLEVELAND INDIANS fan all your life! See what that does to your self esteem.

    I see that all the regalia in front of the building for the Spider-Man premier has been cleaned up. Did you happen to see it when they’re were done with construction? I’ve never seen anything like it. Christ, I sure hope the movie doesn’t suck.


    • Sorry, the answer-bots pick who the answer-bots pick, and their decisions are above us all.

      I missed the mayhem, but was just happy to get out of the building yesterday. I probably won’t see the movie until it’s on some form of tv.


  5. The year my son was born – 1969 – was the Miracle Mets. I nursed my baby and watched them go all the way. Now, long in Massachusetts, we watch the insane gyration of the Sox and wonder … just wonder. Last year they won. The year before, they were tragic, horrendous. This year? Not looking good. Very Mets-ish.


  6. NotAPunkRocker

    We’re going to see the O’s this weekend. I may have a different answer to this week’s question depending on that game.


  7. Looks like Mr. Met has a broken heart. Do they put that in a cast?


  8. Brown Rice remains beyond me. Love the photo of the mascot!


  9. Go Red Sox!!!! Mets…blah… happy weekend to you!


  10. Well, well, well, we only have a 2 day week next week, suckers! The 27th is Freedom Day (the day ALL South Africans voted for the first time), but as it falls on a Sunday we have Monday off. Whoo hoo! And then we have Worker’s Day on the 1st of May. God, we have it soooo goood I might have to do some work to appreciate it. So many fridays that i think I may just pee in my wetsuit…..


    • There are only two kinds of people – those who pee in their wetsuits, and those who lie and say they’ve never peed in their wetsuits.

      Enjoy your days off! I’ll be enjoying them vicariously.


      • I’m cautious about what I do out on the backline. The only guy to be bitten by a shark twice was having a pee both times. (A swimmer). Though there is no scientific evidence, that I know of, to support this, it is at the back of my mind….


  11. Okay, first off, your Other input needs to allow more characters. What I wanted to say was, “be filled with bacon. “Not that bullshit Canadian bacon (it’s NOT Canadian! Nor is it bacon.)”

    And B) I’ll have you know the snow melted an hour ago. So there.


  12. Haha… Oh, how I enjoy your Friday posts. It makes Fridays suck far less than they can partially suck–aw, crap.
    So much for being clever. I’m sleepy.


  13. Proof once more, of how foolish we all are! 🙂 Have a great weekend! Sent you a little photo on Twitter. 🙂


  14. Soccer… we’ll have words… 😐

    My FOOTBALL team, Liverpool, are owned by the guys who own the Boston Red Sox, that is all I know of Baseball, that and it was in Brewsters Millions and some ladies played it in that film with Madonna in it.


    • See my above comment on back bacon.

      Football varies depending on where you live. You don’t see Australia saying “Aussie-rules” over and over on their tele, do you? Nope, they just say “football” like we don’t say “American football” on our tele.

      Personally, however, I prefer rugby. I view it as a nice happy medium between American football and international football. Didn’t get to play it enough when I was in shape to do so, but I found it fun to play AND watch.


    • What about The Natural with Robert Redford
      Have you no culture over there???


  15. Orioles fan over here…I feel your pain.


  16. Oh, my, I didn’t think you’d have that Karen Carpenter joke in you. Must be practicing your mean tough guy act in preparation for your biker days. 😉


  17. Guap, if you thought your eyes were bleeding before, try this.


  18. Haha! No, the OTHER purple haze! Goes great with multiple glasses of merlot, btw. Thanks! 🙂


  19. Happy Friday, Guap!! We still have sucky weather…I’m hoping it will warm up sometime before July…wish me luck!


  20. I don’t do well with sports so I didn’t know how to respond to your foolishness. But I did want to say hello! So, Hello Guap! Long time no see!


  21. Wow! thank you so much mentioning me in your post. It was a much needed boost after a very long week. TGIF, for sure. Thank you again and enjoy the weekend.


    • Your welcome. I enjoy posting a few links every Friday. Pity I can’t post them all.

      Hope people check out your post, and that you have a relaxation filled weekend!


  22. Wonder of this will work:


  23. And you were worried about how to come up with an answer to my write-in! You are so clever Guaps! I hope you like this week’s write-in!


  24. Have a great weekend!


  25. Friday is the best. Look forward to a Margarita which I serve up in a pint mason jar.


  26. FYI…what you refer to as ‘Canadian Bacon’…we refer to as ‘Frying Ham’. bacon for Canadians is the same stuff you guys eat. we don’t call it ‘American Bacon’ we call it ‘Bacon’. Now for a big bowl of bacon ice cream with Canadian Maple Syrup…yummmy


  27. Ah, Friday! I’ve missed you. Have a great weekend.


  28. Yahooooo it’s Fantastic Friday Again 🙂
    have a superb one with lots of wicked
    moments Guap 🙂

    And the weekend too, how brilliant is that 🙂



    • Thank you, Sir, and a warm, dry weekend to you!


      • Thank you Guap, by the way I haven’t forgot
        about your email I have been indulging in the
        delights of G+ and haven’t been on here very
        much, even my emails are stacking up a little,
        not that I ever get many of course 😦 lol

        Have a superb rest of weekend Guap 🙂



  29. I’m Canadian – we’re not allowed to talk about baseball. But I hear it’s been berry berry good to some. Happy weekend to the normies out there. It’s Saturday – my work week starts today – yipee!


  30. As good as that post was…it was worth every second for the caption on that ambulance picture alone. BRILLIANT.


  31. Happy Friday, Guap! Sorry I’m a little late on this one but I hope you’re having a lovely weekend 😀


  32. Guap, somehow I missed the whole poll last week, and it is sad, because I. LOVE. FRIDAYS. So much. 🙂

    But even though baseball bores the crap out of me, I did answer this weeks’ poll.

    I hope your weekend continued to be wonderful! Mine has been so far. 😀


  33. Still new-ish at voting in polls, but here is a link to a blog that contains a cartoon of the mascot I was envisioning for the Mets. 😛



  34. Dude, I pretty much spit up my beer at that video. I loved the Lego Movie (more than my kids did).

    I gotta take exception to NancyTex’s response above… Canadian bacon is soooo Canadian. It might be the only thing we have that is Canadian. Canadian pigs. Canadian butchers. Canadian knives and processing equipment, strung together with various chemicals and voila! Canadian-made heaven. Round and chewy on your plate.


  35. Guapo, even though it’s been MANY years since I had to suffer through a Frenzied Friday work day (and, might I add, a Miserable Monday?), I certainly empathize! You can make anyone go from a frown to a big smile, anytime. 🙂


  36. You are so much fun, Guapo! Sorry I have been absent from your blog this week. I’m dealing with principals and school and stuff! You always take a load off. I would love to just watch a baseball game, I don’t even care who! Have a great weekend.


    • There’s something about being at the stadium – the grass is always greener than tv, the crack of the bat so much more electrifying.
      And if it’s good weather, even better!


  37. Holy Best Friday Guapman.. Really? .YAY! Okay you kinda stumped me on that one .. But I’m glad the panel liked my answer. Thanks :-). So I actually went to a baseball game tonight ..Diamondbacks /Phillies. The poll could very easily apply to the dbacks too.. It was bobblehead night /little league recognition.. Bubbsy got to walk on the field with a ton of other kids but it was great fun.. Cept they gave up a five run lead in the eighth and lost by one. I should stick to hockey and football but I love me some baseball too. Going to the games is fun..too expensive but fun.
    I’m apparently rambling… (No not from beer unfortunately ..). Just being me..
    Have a great rest of the weekend .. 😉


  38. The Simpsons just exhaust me. I know nothing about baseball, so will refrain from commenting. Enjoy your Sunday. 🙂


  39. Forgot to say that I really loved the ‘Savage Chicken’ funny. 🙂


  40. I adore the Mets, just because they make the teams I root for look so good. I also adore the foolishness which, unlike the Mets, never disappoints.


  41. It was a really, really foolish week, Guap. Glad I stopped by to get my head screwed on straight again.xo


  42. I never thought that changing Orgy to Ogre
    would be so entertaining, you had me giggling
    like a Ghoul in a nunnery with one Guap 😉 lol

    There are always so many levels of joviality on
    your Friday Foolishness postings and most of those
    are from your witty answers 🙂 Bravo…

    I love this place 🙂



  43. Lizzie winning and Zoe confused. AND a Simpsons video!! The only way it could get better is if there were donuts! Doh!


  44. I see I’m not the only one who gets to Friday Foolishness on Sunday!
    Better late than never.

    I agree with Nancy – Canadian bacon is NOT real bacon.
    And Exile. I agree with him. About my answer.

    The Mets? Seriously?


    • Yeah, but Nancy is Canadian, so she might be biased.

      I was a Yankees fan before I knew any better. Not that the Mets are any better, but in the days before cable, all you could really see were your local teams.


  45. I wonder which is worse …. rooting for a team that’s going nowhere or rooting for a team with high expectations that ain’t going anywhere?


  46. I seriously love you. I’m looking for a great guest blogger for my Mother’s Day series in a few weeks. Interested in providing a submission? The theme is “Embarrassing Stories I Hope My Mom Never Hears About Me.” Thought you might enjoy that!


    • Thanks so much for the honor! Hmm…let me think about it for a day or two. I’ve been exceptionally dry lately, so let me see if I can shake something loose.


      • That’s cool. I really admire your work and thought it would be cool to feature you on my site.

        You can’t force writing, I know, so if you’d rather not, or if you are uninspired, I understand.

        Let me know when you can.


  47. I loved the Lego Movie. My husband thought it was awful, but no problems, “Everything is Awesome! 🙂 Enjoyed the Simpson clip, too, Great post, Guap. 🙂


  48. Pingback: Give My Creation…FOOLISHNESS!!! | Guapola

  49. I think I missed this one…


  50. Great version of “Stagger Lee!” But you know, I don’t know if I’ve heard a version of Stagger Lee/Stack-o-Lee that I didn’t like.

    I actually sing it to my kids sometimes. The lyrics I learned are fairly similar to this version:

    In an alley, on a dark and drizzly night
    Billy Lyons & Stagger Lee had one hell of a fight
    all about that John B. Stetson Hat.

    Stagger Lee walked into the barroom, and he called for a glass of beer,
    Stagger Lee pointed at Billy Lyons and said, What are you doin’ here?

    Waitin’ for a train, please let me go on home.
    Oh Stagger Lee Oh Stagger Lee please don’t take my life
    I got three little children and a weeping waiting wife
    you’re a bad man, you’re a bad man Stagger Lee.

    And so on.

    It’s cool because there are so many different versions. It occurs to me now that someone wrote a book or comic book about the origins of the song, which I think date back to somewhere around 1890-1910.


    • Raising your kids right!
      There are multiple versions of most of the blues from the early days. Everyone was learning them from everyone else on the road, and tweaking the lyrics at each show. You could probably spend a whole day listening to alternate versions of one song.


  51. Fucking Mets, look at what they’re doing to Mr. Met’s health! I hope things get better for the Mets. If those young arms can stay healthy and come together next season, and if they can get some hitting and if their general manager can stop giving his credit card number to everybody and . . .
    Let’s go Mets!


    • Surprisingly, they’re doing better than I expected so far this season.
      It just means the disappointment will be that much stronger later on…


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