Tag Archives: note

Random Notes

Today’s Music: The Wombats

Haven’t posted in a few days.
Just thought I’d throw out some of what’s going on.

The Wombats are again Today’s music. I had tickets to see them last night. Couldn’t make it. A little grumpy about that.


The sick relative has been moved to a post-op facility and is getting better. Doesn’t mean they are good yet, just not quite as bad.
That means that instead of trekking out to Long island every night and on weekends, I will be hauling to the wilds of Queens.
On the bright side, there is the chance of a good restaurant nearby, so that’s something anyway.

And my wife (most wonderful girl in the universe) is getting over a cold* that only lasted 2 days. For her, that is ridiculously short. And there was only a minimum of chasing her under the blankets or up to bed. (mostly because I’m exhausted and probably just barely holding off a cold myself).

*Her being sick and me almost being sick has not stopped me from kissing her. Some risks are just worth the reward.


Still going with the “cook like hell” on Sunday so my girl and I have food to eat during the running around weeks of work and healthcare visits.
Cooking 3 or 4 meals at once on the weekend makes it a lot easier during the week. It’s nice to know that we will have something good to eat when we get home, and I prefer bringing my lunch to work so that A – I don’t throw away 10 bucks for a bad sandwich, and B – I know what I’m eating.
I believe there is beef stew and chicken soup (yes, from scratch) on next weeks menu…


You know, I’m kind of run down.
It’s not just the sick relative. Work has been busy and the peanut gallery has been getting more worked up than usual. I’ve gotten to the point where I pretty much ignore everything they say
unless it is directly related to work. Which means I’m ignoring about 95 percent of the noise they make. They are in a different office, but close enough that they don’t have to go to far out of their way to try and piss me off.
There’s a reason I don’t own firearms folks.
I’m also a bit concerned about money. We’ve bought many of the prescriptions the sick relative needs, we were driving out to see him daily when the rel was on long Island, and there have been too many days/nights where we had no prepared food, so lunch and or dinner had to be bought.
We aren’t falling behind or on the verge of going broke, but I do worry about it…

Bright Spots

I have my health (such as it is).
The rel is getting better
The wife is getting over her cold
The weekend is coming and surf conditions might be good if the wind comes down a bit
Doctor Who Series 6will be out on DVD next month
I have been subjected to almost no Kardashian/Gaga/Michael Jackson/Britney news lately, and Lindsey Lohan should be fading from the spotlight again shortly.

Now if we could just make the politicians be civil, that would be fantastic….

Hopefully I’ll be a bit more coherent after Friday and will be back posting, updating, and above all, babbling more regularly soon.

How has your week been?

Be back soon…

Been very busy, but I’ve got a great post coming for you –