Storie Game – 600 Words of Romance

Today’s Music: Scorpions – Rock You Like A Hurricane
Days Til Spring: 10
Vina’s Storie Book (Romance Edition) Challenge is underway. click for the Rules and Part 1
Hobbler contributed Part 2

Just a quick note – I don’t really write Romance. After reading the below, I’m pretty sure that’s a good thing.

So be it.
I tightened the leather armor around my broad, muscled chest. I drew my sword, stepping out from behind the jagged up thrust rock.
“Behold”, I announced, “I have come for my beloved.”
The tip of my sword spun decisively to the two craven fools holding her. I advanced upon them, as, sneering, they drew their weapons.
Hope cried out form within her cage – “My love!”
Was there fear in her quavering voice? I looked away from my opponents to take in her gorgeous visage, her locks of flaming red, the heaving of her bosom. The sight of her sweat besmirched décolletage, and the sadness and terror on her wide, engulfing eyes only spurred me to greater anger.
I raised my sword up high.
“Father” I bellowed. “Show yourself!”
The two guardsmen rushed at me. I dispatched one instantly with one shrewd flick of my wrist, my lean, sweat glistening limbs completing their appointed task..
His companion was more of a challenge.
We circled each other, the swarthy inner province man, his long dark hair swaying in waves as the moonlight glistened down upon us.
His eyes caught the light – glinting savagely, hungrily at me. I watched his body as his strong frame clenched, relaxed, clenched.
I found myself growing more tense as I watched for signs of what he would do, studying his handsome figure.
He came towards me, slowly.
For a moment, I was stunned, rooted to my spot by the power of his gaze.
What is this I was experiencing? What feelings were these as I imagined I could feel his hot, intamed breath against my soft cerulean skin?
I jerked my head, snapping out of it as he closed upon me.
Our swords clashed, each fighting for mastery over the other. Thrust, parry, recoil. Counterstrike.
A fluid, vital ballet, a dance with meanings layered within layers.
“Is this what you wanted?” he asked, taunting me. “Is this what love is to you? Giving your life for a woman?- I mean, a woman so easily captured?”
He stopped, unsure for a moment. My bare hand slapped at his free arm, grazing the wiry curls of hair draped on his arm. I seized his shoulder, spinning him around and coming up behind him, my arm sliding it’s sinewy way under his neck to press his back against my chest.
I heard Hope gasp. Turning to her, I saw her dainty hand covering the small moue of her raspberry red lips. The cage hadn’t been locked, and she surged out of it, her dress catching and ripping, leaving her alabaster legs exposed.
She ran over to me, fitting herself to me, under my sword arm.
She buried her head against me, the soft sound of tears muffled by the leather.
I felt my opponent writhe, seeking purchase and freedom, but I continued to overpower him. The three of us stood, our musky scents intertwining, rolling over each other.
I leaned even closer to the enemy, my hot breath on his ear.
“Where is my father?”
He stiffened, an involuntary reaction, But I felt it, his being betrayed by his own biology. I savored the moment of strength and control, the thrill of him answering to my will.
I leaned even closer, our sweat intermingling as I continued the moment of dominating intimacy.
“I’ll not ask again” I whispered, watching the thick locks of ear hair way in my breath.
Hope wriggled out from between us, her small, firm buttocks grinding against me as she escaped the overwhelming aroma of maleness.
She drew my dagger from my belt…

Part 4 is being handed off to Gillian Colbert.

78 responses to “Storie Game – 600 Words of Romance

  1. Oh your such a hustler… you can too write romance… LOVE the picture of the princess bride at the beginning 😀


  2. Ummm, yes, you DO write romance, and you write it very well. I approve- now your day is complete. Carry on with some besmirched decolletage and stuff.


  3. Now, that sounds like a romance. You should have given me some tips EG. 😉


  4. Don’t sell yourself short, Guap–you write a mean bodice-ripper!

    Today’s song of the day reminds me pleasantly of the midway from the county fair.


  5. Some songs are better left unsung.
    Some words are better left unsaid.
    Some bodices are better left buttoned.
    Some sweat is best when…not.
    Send in the clowns.
    Think about it………………..


  6. Hi,
    Wow, not bad, not bad at all, a very good read. 😀


  7. I had to stop reading cos I got the giggles after mis-reading the 1st sentence with the up thrust rock..


  8. El Guapo….. you semi-handsome devil, you…..Linda Vernon and Lizziecracked both like and recommended your blog, so I stopped by to check it out. Though you are correct (no, you shouldn’t write any more romance) your writing style and structure tell me you know what you’re about. Ergo, I am now following your blog, and look forward to seeing more…. take care out there….


    • Thank you, gigoid. I’ve seen you around but haven’t been able to get over to say hi yet.
      Thank you – and thanks for the confirmation that I shouldn’t write romance anymore. I’ll be showing this comment to anyone with the gall to say I should!


  9. Oh Guapo … you are a sensualist! Sharing this on Stumbleupon so others can discover the wielding of your “sword.”


  10. I’m giving it an A+ cause nobody swashes a bukler like this! Not no way not no how! Bravo Guapo!


    • Ah, how my bodice doth heave at such praise, Linda.
      Wait – no, I mean how my leather doth crack!
      No, that’s not it…um…



      • Ha ha! Either way sounds equally romance novel-ish! And who knows, you may be the next Fabio. I realize he just posed for the covers but you could write the novel AND pose for the cover. You’ve got the writing talent now all you need is a spool of cracked leather and you’re golden!


  11. Listening to Rock you Like a Hurricane..reading swarthy, swashbuckling, sweaty, bodice ripping romance…~sigh~ perfect end to this day… if it were over. I found it very engrossing…I was engrossed…I am impressed..write can DO that? yes me thinks you can…or at least you may…:-) Rocked me Like a Hurricane. what?….well SPring is coming and …it doesn;t take much to ..I mean the mere suggestion of sweaty masculinity and ripping bodicies – (the wife the wench and the bootblack….SNL early 90’s …for I am a Randy Wench and my Mistress trusts me Not!…lol.).I have no idea where I am going with this… so I am going … 🙂 you rock! – like the sword too…


  12. I went through a box of tissue after reading your tale, Guap. Wait, it’s not what you think…..


    • Nope, not thinking anything, EH.


    • do you have a cold EH? that’s a LOT of tissue….vitamin C lots of it!!


      • Lizzie-I have already explained to EH that vitamin c is beneficial to people in his condition,but he won’t listen. Old and set in his ways, he is.


        • old? how old? but yeah – what is Airbourne made of geez…. 🙂 wow I wish I had thought of that one….. and a shitload of other things – we coulda been rich by now.. not sure if we should bank on Guap being a top selling Romance Novelist 🙂 interesting yes…actually he would probably be on the best sellers list just for his excellent romance novel vocabulary usage…..maybe we shouldn’t bail on that yet…..


  13. Wow! Is it hot in here or is it just me? Haha! Have no fear you can write a lusty romance with the best of them. Well done!


    • Thank you, A Gripping Life!
      But I’m pretty sure I’m swearing off romances after this. I feel so tawdry, as if the prim and proper fingers of a repressed society were confining me from breaking away into the sensual ecsta–

      Nope. Stopping now…


  14. Rock on with the song! One of my fave Scorpions tunes.

    As for the romance, not my cup o’ tea. Not nearly enough sex. Yes, I know. That is porn…not romance.

    I will admit to spitting my coffee when I got to ear hair.


  15. I liked the conflict at the end best. The part where hope squirmed free was extremely plausible, but I hate to think what she’s going to do with that dagger.


    • I had 600 words, jesterqueen. I was actually sad for just a moment that I couldn’t write out what happened next. It was dastardly!
      But then I got over it…


  16. Thank you for voluntarily ending your career in romance. Alas, it is not premature. T’will be well received by many.

    As for your father, youll probably find him on the couch eating donuts. Maybe when you find him he’ll share.

    PS. I did enjoy your vignette.


  17. Ok…so maybe you shouldn’t be writing romance, but then again..really, no one should. But you definitely SHOULD BE WRITING! There is some amazingly funny stuff in your ‘Storie’, and as with anything even hinting of ‘El Guapo’, I was careful to not be eating or drinking anything while reading.
    I completely enjoyed it Guapo, well done!


  18. Pingback: Story Games Courtesy of Vina Kent « Black Door Press

  19. whiteladyinthehood

    Wow, Guapo – you are very versatile with your writing skills. It held my attention..good job! (you ole romantic, you) I loved reading your comments!


  20. Wow! That’s quite a story for my first visit here. A Frank Angle recommended your blog to me.


  21. Ah ha …. your new career and money-making gold mine … Guaponian Romance Series coming soon to bookshelves close to all!


    • Thanks Frank. But I think the only use for my romantic stylings are as a cautionary tale for anyone that wants to take up a career as a romance writer!


  22. I don’t know what was more fun, reading the post or reading the comments!
    Who am I kidding – it was the post. You had me at up thrust rock.


  23. Hey, Guap. Thanks for the standing invite to hang out. As for the romance, a very gallant attempt at a very difficult genre. I have failed miserably at the hands of a swash buckling rogue…and I can’t write romance, either… *sigh*


  24. wow, you are multi-talented to say the least. Romance is one topic I never dared to write about…yet


  25. I love Cary Elwes, and I love firm buttocks. I imagine Cary had very firm buttocks in The Princess Bride. ***Completely unable to work now. Living in fantasy land.***


  26. You’re a little Shakespeare aren’t you!! This was quite descriptive Guapster 🙂


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!