Happy St Patricks day and Trifecta

Today’s Music: Dropkick Murphys – Fields of Athenry
Days Til Spring: 3!!!

First, and most importantly, HAPPY SAINT PATRICK’S DAY!!!
As I have noted before, I am Irish (and proudly so) by alcohol intake.
Hope all of you have a great day, and don’t do anything stupid with motor vehicles.
Feel free to do anything else stupid you like.

Chicago knows how to celebrate St Pats!

And hear are my Trifecta entries
The weekend word is Lost.

I came up with the second one first, but wrote the first in memory of some horrible times during this wonderful holiday…

Purpose Lost
The fear is overwhelming.
I search, pushing my way through the thick stifling crowd.
Their banter and joy wash past me.
My panic grows worse with each passing moment.

Battle Lost
The metallic speaker spat out the voices from far away.
“Hard to port! FIRE!!!”
“Sir, incomi–”
The speaker crackled, buzzing with a surge of static energy.
The commanders waited through the silence…

83 responses to “Happy St Patricks day and Trifecta

  1. I’ll read the second one as soon as I stop guffawing from reading the first!


  2. I read the second after your warning! aha!! Really liked it, and, laughed at the first–so, well done!


  3. Hi,
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, I know you will have a great time. 😀
    I love the green river, that is fabulous, looks incredible.

    Loved your first one, “Where is my pint” the mind boggles. 😆
    The second one was really good as well, a lot of thought put into both. 🙂


  4. Love them both so much! Don’t have too much fun today.


  5. Okay, you do not want to know how long it took me to mentally complete. “Sir, incomi-“. My brain is malfunctioning today. Two great, and very different, takes on the prompt. The first one made me laugh, too.


  6. as an Irish gal . . . bravo on the first (joke for the day – an Irish man walks OUT of a bar . . . quit laughing – it COULD happen) NOT!

    as a daughter, aunt and loving one of many who have served, thank you for the second.


  7. I like both of these, but I like the second one more! Enjoy your Guinness or Jameson or whatever Irish libation you are having tonight, my friend.


  8. Love the purpose Lost. I’m going to start giving this Trifecta thing a try.


  9. I was moved to tears by the awesome power of your words. I mean, beers. I was moved to beers.


  10. Both are premium.


  11. both terrific EG.but i am quite partial to #1. happy St Pattrick’s Day…don’t throw up! continue…


  12. Okay, I have to admit on the first one I thought the line was going to say “pants”, not “pints”….just sayin’….It took me a few tries to read the second one as it took me a few minutes to recover from the first ‘pants’ poem I had in my brain. Nicely done.


  13. Being a sailor the Battle lost got to me.


  14. Yay for Chicago! That’s my home city in case you didn’t already know! Lots of love for this post!


  15. I loved them both. I can’t decide which one I like best it’s like comparing apples and oranges! Both are so well done! And Happy St.Patricks Day, El O’Gurphy!


  16. Ach, you may need a new one poured! May it be green and frothy!


  17. I like ’em both. If I had to choose, I’d choose #2. ERIN GO BRAGH.


  18. in chicago, is that a giant pool of green beer?


  19. Ooh me head – won on th horses – Pint?


  20. I’ve never read a St. Patrick’s Day poem – yours is the first, and I love it. As for the second – more inspiration for the battle scene of my novel, though it’s not a naval battle. But still. Oh, and by your name, I would have thought you were Spanish. I’ve not met too many Irish El Guapos – again, another first. ❤


  21. whiteladyinthehood

    The first one – laughed, laughed, laughed….the second one – I thought..oh no…. – they were both so different but, equally good. I really liked them both!


  22. The first was so appropriate for St. Paddy’s Day. Nothing worse than losing your pint.


  23. I hope you had a great St Paddy’s Guapo! I did, at some point last night, manage to lift a toast to you. : )

    I really like Battle Lost, it makes me want to read more…


    • Why thank you, Alex!
      You were toasted over a Guinness (just so no one could question the authenticity of the sentiment!)


      • I thank you! And you were toasted over something the color of lime kool-aide…I have no idea what it was, but I’m pretty sure when I raised my glass and loudly proclaimed….’to El Guapo’ at least 3 guys in the bar were certain it was for them. I don’t remember much after that….


  24. PERFECT for St. Patrick’s day: “Where is my pint?” <– didn't see that coming, laughed!


  25. Because I celebrate casual lateness…

    Well played, old sport.


  26. great job G! Two for the price of one


  27. Pingback: Happy Talk from The Coffee Spot 3/18/12 | Running Naked With Scissors

  28. Love these! I hope you found your pint…. 🙂


  29. I don’t think I have anything to say that hasn;t been said…let’s see….great, funny, perfect, liked the first one best (man I could FEEL it!) ummm… something about throwing up…Irish Beer and whiskey, St Patrick;s Day……I;m Irish…. Nope I think they said it all – I gotta stop being so late to the party. Hope you had a great St. Patty’s day! next…SPRING!!!! Great entries. 🙂


  30. The first is my favorite. You perfectly capture the yearning and turmoil that such a moment would elicit. 😉


  31. Happy Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Hoorayyyy


  32. Well … late to another party as I try to catch up to from what I missed this weekend. The first one takes the prize! Hope you had a good St. Patrick’s Day!


  33. Well, I just had my first Blackand White Guinness and I can attest that I don’t know how the Irish imbibe vast quantites of the stout. Practice, I guess. Hope this finds you headache free.


  34. Haha, I love that first one. This is an entirely different panic to the one OldDogNewTits referred to in her response this week but a legitimate panic all the same!Thanks for the St Patrick’s Day greetings!


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!