A Literary Limerick (And Haiku!) – Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Today’s Music: Blues Traveler – Runaround

We continue our epic saga of love and war, fathers and sons, brothers and- no, forget that last one. (For part one, go here.)

Suffice it to say that we are up to our second of three installments in our Star Wars Limerick epic. So without further complaints about being subjected to still more of this, we now proudly present, in both haiku and limerick form, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.

Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back

Seek out Yoda, you will

Rescue your friends, you will try

Learn grammar, you will not

Yes Brain, but if I marry Pippy Longstocking, what will the children look like?

On Dagobah, Luke learned about living.
“I love you.” “I know.”, began Leia’s grieving
Finding out Vader’s his dad
Almost drove poor Luke mad.

And it makes for an awkward Thanksgiving.

We hope you enjoyed this trashing of two literary forms and beloved film.
Now i just need to figure out how to end this…

53 responses to “A Literary Limerick (And Haiku!) – Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

  1. You are so very good at these!


  2. I must, must MUST quit telling you I love you. You’ll begin to think bad ass nasty things about JOTS. Not Not NOT, please. Just think you are funnier and wittier than everyone I know…and don’t know. I’m done….and will begin to look for a life. Maybe even today.


  3. “Learn grammar, you will not.”

    I lost it right there, dude. I am totally going to harass my kids today by following them around saying that. Thank you for this.


  4. Masterpieces all, they are! An awkward Thanksgiving! That’s for sure! And anybody that will even attempt a haiku using the language of Yoda has my vote! Even if you’re not running for anything thing, I’m voting for you anyway!!


  5. Great poems! I loved the Haiku, because I read it using my mental Yoda voice. Just because I wasn’t a fan of the movies doesn’t mean I don’t adore Yoda…


  6. Omg! This cracked me up! Yoda’s cryptic language is a natural for Haiku! haha!


  7. More great ones. But I think the most profound theme hanging over today’s work was alluded to, but never named directly: sister-kissin’!


  8. I thought there was no try, only do or do not, but I loved the haiku and limerick.


  9. Why end it! Keep going Guap!


  10. You’re awesomeness you know that ?


  11. You end like epic tales always end: Ewoks.


  12. There is no try. There is only eat.


    • But know not one does what one ill enjoy til after trying one does of the food.

      I hope I’ve managed to confuse you enough with that one to make mey escape, Asplenia!


  13. Awesome!

    Sadness, Empire is / Life shortened, Obi Wan’s was / Saber of Light by.

    Yeah, I know, I’ll go home now.


  14. Another excellent offering El Guapo
    if only I could get here sooner for some
    of your earlier postings…

    I will be back 🙂



    • A pleasure to se you whenever you come by,Androgoth!

      And I hope you have excellent plans for the weekend, with plenty of gauze and sutures. You know, if necessary… 😉


  15. Yoda is my master in all things grammar! You Guap, my young padawan, are a worthy apprentice. FANTASTIC 🙂 more please !


  16. Arrrr…. I really need to watch those movies just to understand your creative creations more…


  17. whiteladyinthehood

    The force is truly with you! “Learn grammar, you will not” – that was so funny, Guapo! I’m still laughing!


  18. Ummm…I was only away for a little over two weeks, and this is what I come back to? Hmmm….May the force be with you, my friend…and all that. Yeah. Thanks for the lesson in limerickery…


  19. Haha this was a good one! Maybe I should start watching Star Wars so I actually get it? I mean, I understood the yoda lingo, but I should probably figure out what the movie is about as well…


  20. Mystified am I
    by Pippi Longstocking spawn
    Pippi no have sex!

    (Why does talking like Yoda also make me sound like a Spammer?)


    • I stole that line from Pinky and the Brain, L&L. It was just too good to not use.

      As long as you don’t write an email asking me to help smuggle out the fortune of your poor Uncle who passed away in the fight at the Imperial Senate or the destruction of Alderaan, I don’t think WP will block you…


  21. The last line really made me laugh. Keep the Limericks and Haiku coming!
    Enjoyed the music choice today as well. I know I will be whistling this later.


  22. Ha.ha.ha…. luckily for me, i never was a big star whores fan….


  23. Pingback: A Literary Limerick (And Haiku!) – Star Wars: Return of the Jedi | Guapola

  24. I love this limerick, Guap, because I have a soft spot for this movie. It’s so dark and cool.
    ‘Vader’s his WH-WH-WHAT?!’ I lost my poop during that scene.

    Would you do limericks regarding… oh… fzked-up politicians?


    • Ha! Politicians never occurred to me. Books and movies are static – they don’t change.
      Politicians are always coming up with new ways to appall us. I don’t know how I’d keep them current.


      • I see what you mean. You would have to write limericks every 10 minutes just to keep up with their bullshit. That’s a whole, lotta limericks.


  25. Oh my — an awkward Thanksgiving indeed! o.O


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