Friday Foolishness – On and on and on and… Edition

Today’s Music: Warren Zevon – Werewolves of London

On a serious note before we start – to all those affected by the hurricane this week, I hope you all weathered it with your usual style and panache, and that normalcy is returning to your part of the world.
For those interested, the Red Cross is collecting to help those that were devastated by the storm.
And if there’s anything you can think of I can do to help you out, just let me know.
And away we go…

That last kit-kat did me in…

Oh, that was fun. Trees bending, tunnels filling with water. Beaches being washed away, Trumps hair seething in the rain, and all of the MTA closed for a few days.
How does one weather a hurricane? Why, by reading blogs, of course!
Here’s some of what I saw.
butimbeautiful gave us her instructions on finding happiness
Mike Calahan shared his younger selfs’ adventures in movie making, and Hasty Words wrote a great poem about coworkers.
You and everyone else made this week a little easier to get through!

Which brings us full circle to last week. The poll asked What is your Halloween costume?
And regardless of how you’re dressed on the outside, you all are hilariously outlandish on the inside!
Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are searching for candy in italics.)

Mitt Romney, now that is definitely scary… Androgoth
(But his hair is perfect. (Anyone? Anyone?))
I loathe Halloween
(That’s the spirit! Now just add moaning and a clanking chain.)
Usual night out clothes. Serial killers look like regular folks –Miss R
(You could pop your collar. That scares the crap out of me.)
Lily Munster, cause I don’t have to get changed-butimbeautiful
(You need a Herman, so you can rest your drink on his head.)
Stepping on giant spider gave me costume idea: (slutty)spider buster! –asplenia
(And your sidekick, (Slutty) Dustbuster Guy!)
Someone pretending to care that it’s Halloween.–Lily in Canada
(*Someone pretending to write a pithy response*)
A famous, published author – me! Benzeknees
(Go as a spray painter. Everyone will see your work!)
Dick Whitington, but the Cat can naff off… Androgoth
(I think Dick was just a mouthpiece for the cat.)
Well it won’t be anything like Frankenstein’s tart, she is on the next bus 😦 Androgoth
(No wearing the other revelers, Andro. hehehe…)
Myself, that is definitely scary enough I think? 🙂 Androgoth
(Aww, that’s so cute!)
The girl who’s not good at making costumes… (jillianlevi)
(Go as the Charlie Brown swiss cheese/ghost?)
A Happy Zombie (better than a depressed human) (Stacy)
(I bet the guy whose face you just ate doesn’t think so!)
A squirrel in a pink tutu..awindowintothewoods
(Beats those pink elephants I see after my morning tequila coffee…)
If Hotspur would show his face, I’ll go as HIM! – words&otherthings
BUTTON cracked button 😉 LizzieC
(How about Red Buttons?)
a big cracked butt ..LizzieC
(So a plumber then?…)
Group costume. Making life sized binders, full of women & blow up dolls. –Quirky
Someone who’s had too much candy. Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(I won’t even have to buy a new outfit for that!)
Sawed in half/ badly reattached half Romney (left side) Obama (right) –B_T
(Since it’s a political costume, you should stress the “disjointed”.)
Mother Nature (my daughter picked it)
(Next year, bring the treats, leave the tricks. And you owe us a new tree.)
Roadkill (sandylikeabeach)
(Often confused on Halloween with “buffet”…)
El Guapo in a Flying Suit with Jets (Frank)
(Leading to next years costume,El Guapo with a big grin in a full body cast!)
Noncommitted (Kanerva)
(Wait – does that mean no straitjacket?)
Donald Trump — my hair’s a mess (Elyse 54.5)
(If you’re Donald Trump, the hair is the least of your problems!)
I can’t tell you,it’s a secret but I’ll post pics. KJ
(You’re the “Where’s Waldo” of Halloweeners.)
A bored suburban housewife from Ohio. SnaapyG
(Mix it up a little. Go as a bored housewife from New Jersey.)
a person who no longer gives a fuck – Rodney Dangerfield
(Rodney Dangerfield is dead. Go as his zombie version!)

Congratulations to Quirky for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was Slutty Chewbacca. RooaAWwwrrRRrr!

So here we are at this week. Big news here is the elections. I’m voting Obama, and I hope you do the same. As Androgoth noted, Mitt Romney is scary.
But that’s not the poll.
This week is falls between the anniversary of the very first poll, and the first time it was called Friday Foolishness.
Which means that, after a year of doing these, it’s all about you. that’s right folks. We’re asking what you’ve learned from these polls!
Pour out your life lessons, and pour as often as you like, but pour them before 2359 EST on 8 Nov, because that’s when this one closes.

And until we meet again, I leave you with these.
Before he was Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson was a stand up comedian.
The first clip has stuck with me for years. Rowan Atkinson as a priest:

And Rowan Atkinson as the Devil:

Have a great week everyone. See you on the flipside…

82 responses to “Friday Foolishness – On and on and on and… Edition

  1. Hope everything is fine out your way. Have a great week!


  2. Gotta love Rowan. Strength to everyone on the east coast dealing with aftermath. …. and I hope I remember to use your response next Halloween.


  3. I love reading these. BTW Hotspur inspired and started and cowrote the coworker bit…lol. What I wouldn’t do to work with him in the office place 🙂 Rubberband fights constantly!


  4. Your polls make my Friday afternoon, the answers and the comments make my weekend – never give up 😉


  5. and you have the best music!


  6. Great selection, man. Thanks.


  7. whiteladyinthehood

    Wow, your Friday Foolishness really took off! Pretty cool, Guapo. Enjoyed the links today and the first Atkinson video (hehe). Hope you have a great weekend.


  8. Great choice – Werewolves of London is an awesome song. I love that scene from, The Color of Money… good stuff.

    I just wanted to take a second to say, that even though our political philosophies may differ, Guapo, you’ve always been so kind and patient and understanding. You care more about people at their core than you do about the externals. Those qualities speak volumes about the man you are. Your character. Lily and I were saying that you’re one of the nicest people in the whole dang blogging world. Thank you for being such a stellar person. I feel honored to call you my friend. 🙂


  9. free penny press

    Ah, my old pal Warren.. Love his music, miss him too (well not like I actually know him but you know what I mean)
    have yourself a spooktacular weekend and yes, good vibes to all affected by that nasty Sandy!!


  10. Way to go, Guap! You make life a little lighter, even during hard times. Thanks for that. ❤


  11. My thought were with you during the storm Guapo, and I hope all is well with you. Congrats on a year’s worth of Friday Foolishness! Well done! 🙂


  12. A whole year of these?! Very cool. Congrats on your popularity and consistent ability to be witty without fail. As hilarious as all the “other” choices are, you somehow manage to pull off fantastic retorts every time. I’d be thinking about those for weeks. Ya know, like when someone zings you and you don’t figure out the good comeback until you’re driving home or in the shower?

    On my win… I’d like to thank Home Depot for carrying reasonably priced cardboard, bungee cords, paint, plastic and duct tape, Spencers for carrying less expensive blow up lovers than your run-of-the-mill porn store, my office for have a photo quality printer for all of the election memes, my husband and friends for going along with the zany last minute idea, and Mitt Romney for saying completely idiotic things just in time for Halloween inspiration. Best Halloween ever. 4 human sized binders and blow up companions cost $80 total, we won weirdest costume at the party last weekend, $75 award. Net cost per person for Halloween, $1.25 baby! Woo hoo! I’ll have to get some pictures up.

    Note: I did not vote Romney. I like my lady parts too much for that.


    • EGAD! You actually made that costume, Quirky?!?
      And I’m glad to see that you’ve given credibility to the Greater Portland Pornography association.


      • Surely did. Needed to capitalize on the once in a lifetime chance. These things need to be done quickly. Portland porn has always been very credible. We have such great places. I’m just very, very glad there’s enough of them for competitive pricing. 🙂


  13. Your replies to everyone’s answers are first rate El Guapo and now that I am finally taking a greater part in your brilliance here at Guapola I know that the thrills, spills and outstanding jolliness are an infinite journey 🙂

    You have a brilliant sense of humour El Guapo and I am pleased to be a part of your reader base, you are a good friend also so I have told the Zombies to leave you alone, but there is always one that is a downright revolutionary so watch out 🙂

    Have a wicked Friday El Guapo 🙂



    • Thank you! Hope your weekend wasn’t all spent rounding up the reveling demons, Androgoth.
      It’s a pleasure to see you here, and i in fact wherever I see you – in your space, or out in the blogosphere.
      (I keep a brain in my pocket for that last zombie. Just in case…)


  14. BTW – I am voting for Obama too 🙂
    Well in theory anyway, as I am also
    a big Fraz supporter 🙂



  15. I’m so glad you didn’t float away. Have to admit that my Twitter feed was a little boring when you weren’t around during the storm.


  16. I’m pretty much thinking the Donald Trump costume is the scariest of all. For so many reasons…


  17. Guap, we’ve already chatted about the storm — so glad you made it OK. Thanks for the video — I hadn’t seen the priest routine. Eating the host was the perfect visual double entendre!


  18. Last day to early vote in the good ole’ Lone Star State…


  19. I was reading and commenting this with my coworkers, you have saved a the more agonizing time of the week, the last 30 minutes of Friday.


  20. Congrats on your anniversary Guap – mine will be coming up soon too! I would never have guessed you have only been at this for a year, you seem so polished & knowledgeable! I wish you many more years of blogging happiness & keep up the good work! Friday Foolishness is my favorite part of the week.


    • I’m really glad you like it, Benze, and I love your weekly jokes (whatever day you decide to post them.
      Congrats on your upcoming anniversary, and I’ll be there to celebrate it with you.


  21. Mmm. . . Kit Kats are healthier than I thought! Father what is the church’s attitude indeed! LOL! 😀


  22. Like my madre said, great song choice.
    I think you’re catching onto my poll answers…


  23. That poem on HastyWords perfectly describes how I’ve felt at nearly every single one of my jobs.


  24. I now have a pumpkin idea for next year. A puking pumpkin I bet the kids would think that was pretty funny. Congratulations on one year of polling. Polling Makes Fridays fun.


  25. I had my blogoversary this week. And Follies is back, too. Sandy did not blow us all away. (completely stinking missed here, the bitch). Glad to see you tonight, Guap 😉 Congrats on a year of foolishness!


  26. Deliberately Delicious

    How has it taken me so long to discover your Friday Foolishness? You’ve gotta love Rowan Atkinson 🙂 (I wish I’d opened this at work today – it would have given my co-workers a great laugh at the end of the day!)


    • Thanks Delicious! Rowan is very underrated, and the Foolishnewwisn’t so much a time as a frame of mind.
      (That I don’t really restrict to Fridays.)


  27. I didn’t have a creative answer this time – but I do love your polls 🙂


  28. Holy comment section Guapman I forgot what a pain in the ass it is to be the last to the party around here… but still well worth it.. it only took me like 20 mins to find my spot… anywho congrats on a year of foolishness – that; is awesome – I don;t think you missed a week did you? Even if you did, well damn its a year and you are still going… like the energizer bunny – takes a lickin keeps on .. wait I am messing up my .. things slogans whatever they are,,, Iwas going to answer all of the above to the poll but there is a deeper more profound – although how it could be more profound than braaaiinnnsss I am not sure- lesson I have learned frii these polls – writing myself a note to come back before Thursday.. note to self write a note –
    I forgot that the poll comes out last first see? It was suppsed to be the cracked butt first THEN the buttons.. yea you knew that right? I ended up being – get this – a crazy chick – carrying around my grandson who was a monkey and accompanied by Mr C. (5 yo ) who was an aien but couldn;t keep the mask on so then he was just a monkey’s uncle.. I am still eating chocolate – which by this many days after halloween – unheard of around here.. Have a great weekend – oh no wait – hope you had a great weekend and say hi to TMWGITU for me 😉 (really just hi) please ….
    🙂 Keep on keepin on….


  29. Woohoo! Happy First Anniversary! 😀 I’m looking forward to the Second Anniversary!


  30. I love the pumpkin pic Guap!


  31. Happy Anniversary! You’re definitely my top source for silly questions.


  32. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – East Coast Edition | Guapola

  33. I Love Rowan in his stand up routines. He is a very funny guy…


  34. Pingback: Surfing Foolishness | The M3 Blog

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