Friday Foolishness – Idling Edition

Today’s Music: KISS – New York Groove
Note on Today’s Music: Yep. I’m back.

Where does the time go? the holiday season is upon us, winter is coming, and the calendar is about to tick the completed box on another year. What is a net junkie to do?
Why, read blogs of course! Here’s some of what I saw this week:
Madame Weebles is offering to reveal herself for a good cause. Live Clay found the next place I want to live, and SandyLikeABeach worked her magic (in her 200th post!) in picture form.
Finally, blame this link on the sciencey influence of Alex and Frank: a Wired article about the future of space exploration with Humans and Robots.

And thank you all for an exceptional week of reads. I wish I could link them all.

Hurricane Isabel (More dramatic than Sandy, but same kind of thing.)

But if I did, you’d all be busy reading those, and never make it to the big question: What about last weeks poll?!?
We asked Why does Mother Nature hate the Northeast? And wow, did your answers storm in! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments lie in ruins in italics.)
it doesn’t have a tail.. lizzie
(But it certainly was monkeying around.)
she is farting in your general direction..the winds will change.. lizziec
(Someone needs to talk to her about changing her diet!)
she’s pissed that I moved to the Midwest.
(We’ll have to ask her to take it up with you. In the mid-west. Hmph.)
porkroll! (words&otherthings)
(Next time, Can we turn her on to whatever food Minnesota is known for ?)
she upgraded to iOS6 and the map says she’s in Texas! (Kanerva)
Because Jim Cantore needs a reason to visit NYC.
(Doesn’t he know he can order those LL Bean jackets online?)
she adores seeing Christie in his “Christie” stenciled jacket. sandylikeabeach
(She could have just taken Mario Cantore’s)
To make you ask that question. x,Becca
(I’d rather have to ask why delicious donuts hate NYC. Mmmm…)
Because the NE is a good booger, and all good boogers need to be picked. (Frank)
(Well, you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but…)
She is opposed to the Nanny State infringing on her credentials. Red
(Could she be a little less “Mommy Dearest” about it?)
She desperately wants Trump to cut his hair by blowing it around Benzeknees
(She can’t make it look scarier than Trump already has…)
of Snooki. Or big hair. One of the two. Signed, former Jersey girl
(Next time, she could just drive up in an IROC-Z and smack her…)
She is trying to fix Mr. Trump’s hair! Your Royal GingerSnaapness
(Or destroy everything around it to make the hair look good by comparison.)
She’s mad that the Soprano’s canceled. Michelle
She’s hoping to finally see the Statue of Liberty in a pair of highwaters.- LindaV
(Wet steel toga contest!)
Northwest is the BEST. (Lily in Canada)
(Got it. 30 feet of snow, first prize. Hurricane, second prize..)
17% of US population live in 2% of land area. People disperse! Quirky
(That’s positively spacious compared to Tokyo)
Dear People, Megalopolis’ suck. Love, Mother Nature. – Quirky again
(Can’t she just suck her teeth and shake her head at us disappointedly, like a normal mom?)
Is it megalopolis’, megalopoli, megalopolises…? – Quirky (I’m done)
(Actually, it’s pronounced Guapolopolis.)
I think she wanted to lay off the south for once – Becca 25tofly
(She could have at least blown some good bbq up here…)
Could it be the quality of your beer?
(But Brooklyn Brewery makes a delicious tasty palatable chocolate beer!)
Mother Nature hates all of us. (Stacy)
(But then why would she give us the natural wonder of Twinkies?)
Donald Trump lives there. I was hoping he’d get blown away. (sandylikeabeach)
(I’m blown away every time he says something. And not in a good way either.)
She knows that Northeasterners can take it (sadly) Elyse 54.5
(Actually, the Northeast took it (angrily).)

Not El Guapo.

Congratulations to Kanerva for this weeks winning answer! (She’s been racking up wins. Is this thing rigged?) And from the offered choices, the most popular was Canada is too polite to get angry at. So congratulations to everyone who picked our way-too-kind friends from the north!

This week, we are deep into fall. It’s almost time for the spring countdown clock to go up. Right now, I’m idling, waiting for winter to start in earnest so i have something to do. Because the halloween mazes are down. Apple picking season ended. There’s nothing to do.
So I put it to you, people of the sphere, What’s an adrenaline junkie to do? Yep, that’s this weeks question. And I’m pretty sure you’re up to the challenge.
If you leave a write in answer, leave a way to recognize you so I can link back to you next week. But answer the challenge by 2359 EST, 22 Nov, because that’s when this one ends.

In closing, I’ve been relatively absent from the sphere of late. I’m still not 100% sure what was bothering me, but I seem to have gotten over it. There should be some new stuff coming along soon.
So on this Friday of Foolishness, let me send you on your way to a hopefully fantastic weekend with one of the goofiest videos I’ve seen in a while.
A Pakistani coworker sent me this video. The song is Punjabi, and is supposed to be an affirming kind of thing.
Hope you enjoy what these guys do to it.

Have a great weekend everyone!

78 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Idling Edition

  1. Idling is doing something, too, right, Guap? So doing nothing, in essence, is doing something. I just don’g think it’s your style.

    Yay, me. I got the first comment!


  2. YAHOOOOOO! You didn’t ruin my Friday, Guap!! You are my hero!


  3. Hmmm, Kinerva appears to be catching up to me in wins (or past me). Time to rev up the answer machine.


  4. Woo hoo!!! First to Like! Love the Isabel pic. Kanerva is becoming Special K! … and she had a great answer! Great science article, so thanks for the shoutout. Enjoy your weekend!


  5. I think this video illustrates perfectly how I feel after reading your posts – energized and ready to tackle the world. I usually do this dance, or one like it, when I’m finished reading.
    Let’s see, what should you do with all that adrenaline…
    For this I reference, “The Five Chinese Brothers” – remember the one who could hold the ocean in his mouth? I think you should suck up all the remaining flood water from Sandy and spit it back into the ocean where it belongs. I think you’ll have just enough time before Christmas to get this done.


    • I would pay serious money to see you doing that dance, Grippy!

      My girl and I are going to try to get over to the Rockaways to help out this weekend. It would be a miracle if that place was squared away by the end of the year.


  6. Um…I can’t believe I missed that poll! Ugh…I think it’s one of the only times I missed…so sorry…hmm…welcome back, though!! I believe I submitted an answer to this poll..I hope it went through. If I think of another answer I’ll submit again to make up for last week!


  7. Those anthropologist guys are talented. They have successfully created an accurate portrayal of what life is like at my home. Spoiler alert: Friday only comes once a week.


  8. I would have said that the government used weather control to try to sway the election, but then I would have either gotten weird looks or murdered. Neither are desirable obviously.


  9. free penny press

    Wahoo.. looks like Le Weather influenced many things these past weeks.. Lots of new info and also some blogs I want to check out because if EG puts his seal of approval on them, hell they gotta be cool.

    have a good weekend and do whatever you’re not supposed to do..


  10. I’m greatly appreciative to all those who dissed The Donald in your “Why does Mother Nature hate the Northeast” poll. One less thing for me to do today.


  11. Local 138 has double chocolate stouts (young’s I think) $3 for Happy Hour (they also have the worst bathrooms ever)


  12. whiteladyinthehood

    Hahaha! The last video gave me a pretty good chuckle! (I couldn’t get the science video to load, I’ll come back later and try and view it again)
    Great answers to the polls this week. Have a great weekend, thanks for the laugh and just in case you don’t get a post in before next Friday – I hope you and TMBGITU have a wonderful holiday break – Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂


  13. Gingersnap for me Guap – must say I have known all the songs you are listing for quite a few weeks now – I’m licking the keyboard in honour of dem Kiss boys. From thirty feet away.


  14. Thanks for the mention, my friend. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  15. I do something similar to the dance, only I don’t get off my sofa. My upper body has tons of rhythm–my legs? Not so much.


  16. That picture of Hurricane Isabel is stunning. Love it.


  17. Just take it at your own pace. Everyone here knows you can’t force it when it’s not there. It’s still always good to see you when you are around.

    (And don’t worry. I have no idea what I’m talking about either…)


  18. Oh, Guapiani, let me recover from laughing at that video before thanking you for the shout out! Thanks! Much appreciated. And that VID, Oh, my. LOVED. I don’t know what was more disorienting, the choreography or the singing/lip synching. Or the vaguely gay overtones that so beautifully tied it all together. Thanks for making my Friday a great one! xx


  19. Glad you’re feeling better or, at least, feeling less ‘eff the internet’. I look forward to these Friday posts. Sincerely.


  20. Right on, Kanerva–that was a really good answer. And thanks for the mention, Guap. This really is a boring time of year. Apple picking is over, and orange & grapefruit season really isn’t in full swing yet. But have a good weekend anyway.


  21. are either of those guys single? Its not so much their looks you understand but the fact that they had no porblem doing their happy dance for all the world to see…. a guy like that would n;t mind having a cracked gf… so ya know if you have any idea…now as far as your down time – enjoy it. It;s life.. how often does that happen – do what you wanna do – what moves you… it’s a gift…just make sure you post about it here 😀 …. seriously Dude..

    wait.. .who am I kidding I can;t do serious.. but guess what ? I am going to have to think about the poll and come back – but I am on a rill I did it last week – TWICE 🙂
    Lizzie ❤


  22. Why does Mother Nature hate the East Coast? Because she knows something we don’t.

    Speaking of knowing–surely you know that KISS stands for “Knights in Satan’s Service?” (Alternately “Kids In Satan’s Service). There’s another cool urban legend that the KISS logo actually says “KILL.” I live for this kind of nonsense!


  23. Hahaha, I LOVED that video!! omg it made my day. I think I have to watch that a few more times. (Before I played it, I looked almost exactly like the pic before it!)


  24. Haha! The only thing that could improve the video would be El Guapo Underroos.


  25. 2 toe tapping vids, what a great Friday! Really enjoyed the video of 2 guys dancing. Normally I would find the music droning, but their dance did much to alleviate the boredom. Loved seeing KISS too, used to listen to them a lot. Glad to hear you are feeling better & feeling more like blogging again – that is such great news, you have been missed!
    Luucy you have some splainin to do!


  26. Tips the red hat to Kanerva. Laugh out loud answer…from a BlackBerry owner. *grins*

    Apparently spring break looks the same in every language. Meh.

    Glad you are looking for something to lift the funk, but considering what the weather is destined to do…well, I answered the poll 😉

    Happy Turkey Day if I do not see you. I am planning to be AWOL and leave M3 to whoever stole the keys last time. ‘Rents are coming to town. Shopping will happen.

    Kisses to TMWGITU for keeping you sane enough to get back.


  27. I was an illustrator back in the day, but haven’t mastered (or bought) Photoshop. I would love to know how to make images like that guy on the keyboard. That cracked me up!
    This does seem like a weird time of year especially since Thanksgiving is nearly a week early. The temps will be in the 50-60s all dang week. Bring on the snow I say!


  28. That dance was so inspiring. Can I get trained in that?
    Finally, I am on the balls with the poll thingy. I mean….on the ball.


  29. That video was way better than any scene in Magic Mike (I think. I didn’t actually see the movie.) But pshew, I’m tired just watching those guys. They need to phase Zumba out and replace with their routine, it’s catchy!

    And because I’m into silly dance videos today, here’s one for you:
    (Glad you got your mojo back!)


  30. Glad you’re planning to make a comeback!


  31. I thought my happy dance was pretty good, these guys take the cake 🙂

    While I think Mr. Phillips is well in front on the leaderboard, I think I might have to change my name to Special K (I love the song: thank you Frank ❤

    The weekend is over… and the working week well begun. Have a good one 🙂


  32. That video – sometimes I wonder why people want to put that out there. But I was impressed when the one guy was dancing on the ceiling for a bit – so I guess that’s probably why they do it… Was a rather uplifting song 🙂


  33. I hope that you’ve had plenty of
    stuffing over the holiday El Guapo 😉



  34. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Day Old Edition | Guapola

  35. Great dance clip. I even found my shoulder shaking in time in parts…and they’re not Indian! Jen


  36. just love the dancing! These guys should hit Bollywood!


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