Friday Foolishness – Statuary Edition

Today’s Music: The Kings – This Beat Goes On/Switchin’ to Glide
Note on Today’s Music: Because really, nothing matters but the weekend. From any point of view.

What a week! Work, errands, chores, and to top it off, I chopped off a piece of my finger too.
So how does one distract oneself from the pain?
Why, by reading blogs of course! Here’s some of what I saw.
Alex Autin showed me how my old commute wasn’t near as bad as our collective commute. I Thought This Would Be Easier may finally have time to pee, and and Helene Troy had some strong feelings about fat.

Also, Edward Hotpur bestowed a Versatile Blogger Award on me! (How cool is that?)

Thanks to them, and all of you, for a great week of reads!
What else was read? Well ,last week, a bunch of you read the poll, where we ask what you do the day after Valentines Day. And from the answers, love means many things to many people. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are ardent in italics.)

I hunt down a good bone 🙂 Wolf
(Say it with me, everyone: THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID!)
If I had a Valentine like that I wouldn’t need the talcum powder…. ~Miss R
(I like the talcum with the added rash powder. Ahhhh…)
Have a good long rest 🙂 Gray Dawster
(Takes a while to get over the embarrassments…)
Spend hours trying to find somewhere to put all my cards 🙂 lol Gray Dawster
(Don’t lose them. Like I did my marbles…)
Need More Chocolates 🙂 Gray Dawster
(A box of chocolates hides a multitude of sins! (And the wrappers hide the bodies…))
Take down last years xmas decorations, and start putting up next year’s. B_T
(If you leave the tree til easter, maybe it will be resurrected! (Too soon?))
Just keep drinking…~Amy @BettyRants
(Oh, I don’t need a holiday for that!)
realize that my “subtle” hints to my husband for gifts would work better if I paid for commercial time on the Golf Channel ~whatimeant2say
(Only if you want a polo shirt. Or a putter…)
just to clarify, the last two were from me, ~whatimeant2say
(Yay, moment of clarity!)
and probably should be put together ~whatimeant2say
(like peanut butter and chocolate! And tequila…)
because they really make no sense if split apart ~whatimeant2say
(Trust me, things stopped making sense here a loooong time ago…)
ok. I’ll stop now. ~whatimeant2say
(Wait! I had a good comeback on the way! Really! Hmph.)
started planning for Christmas because ya can’t commercialize too early. Elyse 54.5
(I’m selling t-shirts with that exact same message!)
Mow down crowds at the drug store for 50% chocolates (Madame Weebles)
(Don’t forget your rewards card – 2 for 1 points for each screaming kid!)
finally leave the house again, open Internet, open my eyes. NBI
(Cupid saw you while you were sleeping, He saw you while you were awa- Wait, no- wrong holiday.)
have gained a pound from all the candy (nicolemarie)
(Just a pound? Slacker!)
Allowed hubby to describe all the pics in the SI Swimsuit Edition to me. ~Maddie Cochere
(I’m not sure he’s looking at the swimsuits…)
Sneak to the store to buy my own chocolates at 1/2 price! benzeknees
(Watch out for Madame Weebles! (She’s the crazy one with the lawnmower.))
Make a paper-chain to count down until next Valentine’s Day. (Undercover L)
(Make the chain from old Valentines Day cards!)
resolve to have at least one body to bury next V Day. butimbeautiful
(Wait til the Christmas sales. You’ll find plenty. That deserve it.)
Show my man how much I love him in addition to every day of the year. Michelle
great day to buy next year’s valentines day card…at half price (SnB)
(But what if the sentiments change by next year?)
Realize I have a gigantic food baby. At least it’s not a real baby! – Lily In Canada
(Wait – real babies aren’t food?!?)
(No, I didn’t just say that…)

there was a Valentines Day? Damn I missed it again (JackieP)
(You were caught up in the Presidents Day excitement too!!!)
take my undergarments from my purse after the long walk of shame
(Is it more shameful if they’re someone elses undergarments? Asking for a friend…)
Bodies? I ground the bones to make my pancakes. Trick Q? ~Red
(Can’t wait to hear your syrup recipe!)
Laugh at the chick whose first date overran her second & went home alone. Red.
(Why didn’t she hit on the ambulance driver?)
It isn’t the bodies I mind cleaning up… it is the assorted fluids… PMAO
(Those chocolate fillings are a bitch to get out of leather boxers…)
I get to go out for my Valentine’s Day dinner. (The Bumble Files)
(Leftover heart shaped desserts! Half off!)
Swept the remains of my broken heart from the floor. Twindaddy
(“A Honey Boo Boo Valentine” has that effect on me too…)
Am oh so happy it’s Friday. Over this week. Quirky
(That’s how I feel every week…)
Rutabaga: put away the trapeze equipment before the family visits
(But wouldn’t they all enjoy a ride in- Ohhhhhhhh…)
Change the sheets. You know because I rolled around in chocolate. KBar3
(Is that what the kids are calling it these days?)
What? It was Valentine’s Day? Carrie Rubin
(But according to my Hallmark calendar, it’s the most important day of the year!)

Congratulations to Michelle for this weeks winning answer,and keeping love and romance alive all year long! And from the offered choices, the most popular was “Make delicious recipes. With the bodies.” Because y’all don’t wast anything! (except the time spent here!)

Oscar as a young man.(He was a rebel before he became the establishment.)

Oscar as a young man.
(He was a rebel before he became the establishment.)

This week,we’re polling again on the topical events of the week. Because we’re lazy. (And couldn’t figure out a good “bloody appendage” poll.)
So butter your popcorn and fill your 70 oz soft drink! And cast your ballots in this weeks poll. But do it by 2359 on 28 Feb, because that’s when this one ends. (If you leave a way for me to recognize you in your answer, I’ll link back to you next week.)

That about wraps it up for this week. And in parting, enjoy these.
First, the theme song from a piece of cinema veritae that won NO awards.
I know, I can’t believe it either!

And finally, since both Easter and Christmas were referenced above, what the hell, lets throw in some of the devil.

Have a great week y’all. See you on the bounceback…

83 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Statuary Edition

  1. Oh, how I love Friday Foolishness!! I can’t believe I forgot to put in some sarcastic remark!! Have a great weekend, Guap!! Hope your finger, knees, head, etc are all feeling better!! I’m still thinking bubble wrap for you. 😉


  2. whiteladyinthehood

    You chopped off a piece of your finger! Ouch! (hope you are okay!!) Yeah for the weekend and for Foolishness – have a great one, Guapo!


  3. Two great video links, I love them both


  4. Woke up, read on my phone, and am laughing so hard! Thats how every morning should start. .:-) Aren’t we watching the Oscars together?

    Happy Friday beautiful one. Thanks for starting my day off brilliantly!


  5. How weird is that?…Some bartender showed me his chopped off middle finger this week!…..WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF???


  6. OH!! And I’m not making that up…he really did!


  7. Ahh…Friday. Time for some foolishness and a good ol’ snowstorm. Snowed in today and still in my jammies. I love snow days…and Friday Foolishness…thanks Guap. Hope your finger gets better and you are able to enjoy your weekend.


  8. How’s your finger feeling? Did it take twice as long to type this? Feel better fast. I don’t think chicken soup regrows limbs but it’s worth a try. 🙂


  9. Guap – never heard of the music so off to check it out – I thought the bone was a good answer and isn’t Weebles a tad scary! I washed up the day after – nice bit o’fish though.


  10. Bahahahahaha, I love Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!!! It’s a wonder it never did win any awards.


  11. I think Time Bandits is a brilliant solution to Oscars. People really watch that? Le Sigh.

    Take care of the wounded flipper. What appliance did you misuse to do that?


  12. I just can’t get caught up in the hype around this over-inflated ego bowl.


  13. I think you got caught up in President’s Day and Valentine’s Day, Guap. You completely glossed over Mardi Gras!! ❤


  14. Time Bandits? What a blast from the past!


  15. I hope the part you chopped off wasn’t critical to your surfing ability. Obviously you’re still able to type. If you can type, surf, and cook without it, what good was it? If not, then oh, let’s pray it grows back!


  16. My empathy is showing. I always feel for you when you put these posts together. Do you start adding links in your dreams?…


  17. WOOP! I caught it this week. Yay! Who needs v-day when you have Friday Foolishness?


  18. Ooh, your poor finger. IT work is getting dangerous, apparently.


  19. My future valentines days will be so image-rich now, thanks to that poll! Oh, what’s a girl to do but say thanks, Guap, and I hope you find your missing finger. Part. Or not. Did I ever tell you about the “clam” that appeared in the seafood salad (Hyatt Chicago) the same day that one of the chefs sliced off the tip of her finger…??


    • Ouch! Sounds like a memorable meal, Laura.
      My missing piece just looked sort of pasty and sad lying on the cuttiing board…


      • That’s gross. Luckily, I was not a diner, but a server at the time of the “mysterious clam incident” at the Hyatt… not THE server, just one who heard about the spectacle second-hand. Or finger… finger tip, really…. I just grossed myself out.


  20. Loved the Kings song! I chair danced the entire song! Luckily I am at home so there was no one to see it. What did you do to your finger? Poor boo, boo.


    • Yes! no one saw it, Benze.
      That glint was from the sun, not a long range telephoto lens.

      I whacked a piece off my finger making dinner. We finished the dish, but ended up eating something else that night.


  21. El Guapo, I hope your finger feels better. What happened? Yikes. Rest up this weekend! Maybe I’ll go see a movie since I’ve seen none of them. I miss seeing movies.


  22. I was a teenage poll dancer.


  23. I have my own thought on what is Oscar Night, and it has nothing to do with awards. 😉 Can’t remember the last time I watched it.

    And stop playing with sharp knives Guapo…seriously! I hope it heals quickly….also seriously. Loved the Time Bandits scene! (Seriously!)


  24. My brother hates tomatoes with a passion. He would probably be scared of that clip. Haha! What are your Oscar predictions Guap?


  25. Yumm! Peanut butter, chocolate, and tequila! I can’t believe I have never tried this combo before!


  26. Sorry to hear about the finger, I hope the aftermath was not literally giving someone the finger. A few Aussies up for Oscar gongs this year, makes it slightly more interesting. BTW young Oscar certainly had a lot more hair as a kid!


  27. Time Bandits would likely make my Top Ten Movie List of All Time. You are so woefully free of the ravages of intelligence!


  28. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes should have won for best screenplay at least. Still makes me sad.


  29. Deliberately Delicious

    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! I thought I was the only person who knew about this movie! (Really, who needs to watch classics like The African Queen when there are quality movies like AKT?) My favourite scene is when they attack people in the water with the Jaws music playing…


  30. Great… now I have the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes theme song stuck in my head.
    Bad Guap!


  31. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Angry Cat Edition | Guapola

  32. Okay, I’m getting here late (when I start getting tardy you know I’m at the beginning or the end of a job), but did you really slice off part of your finger? Did I miss something? Are you all right? (although I guess you can type).

    And I know this is my problem, and not yours, but I can’t see the word “statuary” without seeing “statutory.” It’s something I’m working on.

    Damn, hope your finger gets better.


    • I lopped off a piece finger while failing to slice a potato a few weeks ago, Smak. It’s healed to the point where there’s just a little bit of oozing, and they assure me the missing bits will grow back.

      Also, I’ve learned that Oxycodone isn’t near as great as people make it out to be.


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