Friday Foolishness – Sugar Rush Edition

Today’s Music: James Taylor – Sun On The Moon

What a week! It was long, it was cold, and I was really tempted to say bad things to whoever was in charge so i could get fired. So how did I keep it together? Why, by reading blogs! Here’s some of what I saw…
Roller Giraffe hit a milestone. Kimberliah was thinking too much, and Ashley had some strong thoughts on child-rearing.
And to top all that off, Revis Edgewater (well known from StuphBlog, but also with his own corner of the sphere), graced me with the Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness! (That’s as cool to get as it is hard to type!)
Thanks to them, and all of you for a great week of reads!
Of course, this past week also saw a poll. This time, we asked what your favorite feature of smartphones was. And wow, do you know how to make full use of technology! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments drain batteries in italics.)

The welts they leave when you throw them at stupid people.
(It’s not a welt! It’s an iPod shaped birthmark. Hmph.)
The timer that went off on March 21 at 23:58 EST ~Maddie
(You should find out what app the entry above you used!)
being able to take 197948679476 pix of myself! (nicolemarie)
(Yeah, but 90% of them are blocked by a big blurry finger.)
I can internet on road trips and it vibrates. x, Becca
(How did you get your internet to vibrate?)
Coaster app! (Set drink on phone, say goodbye to coffee table rings.) –Brian
I can drunk text and still make sense…sort of. Rogue
(You’ve never tried to reread those in the morning, have you…)
Girlfriend great during ball games and hockey!
(Better find an erase app so she doesn’t see that line!)
Did someone mention Angry Birds? 🙂 lol Andro
(Waaaaay too many people…)
I know this isn’t funny, but I love Google maps… PMAO
(You’re only saying that because they’re watching you. Right now!)
Weather, Baby. I drive a convertible , that sh!t is important!
(My phone can barely take a call, let alone control the weather!)
The “reject” list!!! Michelle
(Hey, that’s what I call the responses I get from social apps too!)
Their Darwinian nature: they will either save or be the demise of us (rollergiraffe)
(And help some people win Darwin Awards along the way!)
I can pretend I know how to use one. Addie
(Just furrow your brow and curse. People will think you’re a pro!)
I think it’s pretty special that Siri sets my alarm for me. The Bumble Files
(I find Siri pretty alarming too!)
Open heart surgery app- Linda Vernon Humor
(Heart surgery? When you could be playing Fruit Ninja???)
Dorcas, the bossy bitch who narrates the Navigation app. Amy Bar Lib, SLPencil
(I don’t think she likes your tone…)
Being able to make fun of people that don’t have smartphones.-Lily In Canada
(Yeah, but they don’t have the app that tells them they’re being mocked.)
SmartAssPhones? Smartphones make me look like an idiotic perv. (UndercoverL)
(That’s what happens when you stick it in your pocket and forget it’s on vibrate.)
(Trust me.)
(And don’t ask…)

My app that lets me poll dance with El Guapo wherever I am. Delicious
(Those darned Creative Commons licenses.)
Word Press in the bathroom. Duh! Elyse (54.5)
(You obviously don’t have a twitter account.)
Being able to read Guap’s posts anytime, anywhere. Carrie Rubin
(Wait – is this another bathroom joke?)
I don’t have one! MBT
(Well you don’t have to rub it in.)
What’s a smart phone? Benzeknees
(A brick with a battery that lasts 8.2 seconds. If you’re lucky.)
The Happy Hour app, of course! Alex A
(Only if it’s happy hour at 10 am. Because my battery is dead by then.)
The ability to read blogs while pooping. TwinDaddy
(I suppose that’s better than blogs about pooping…)
Speakerphone & Bluetooth. I have better things to do with my hands. Red.
(You mean checking the ne- Ohhhh…nevermind.)
The Invisibility App……zannyro
(How would you be able to see it to use it?)
I still have a dumb phone, so can’t answer. (Stacy)
(So do the rest of us. We just don’t realize it…)
it’s smarter than some of the people I work with (polysyllabicprofundities)
(To be fair, all your coworkers used to work for… )
Rutabaga: Um….I don’t even text….
SEXTING! snaapy, OH!
(Your’e spouse also thinks it’s sexy when you send the shopping list?)
Stalking! Snaaperella
(You have Facebook mobile too?!?)

Congratulations to Brian for this week’s winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was Why do we still call them “phones”?!? Does anyone still use them for calls!?!, so congratulations to all you who wonder about the same things I do. I wonder if we can get a group rate on therapy…
Monster Cupcake
This week, The Guapian Eye turns to something we all love -CUPCAKES!!! And we ask the most important question: What should they be filled with?
So have at it! Answer with filling on your hands, answer with crumbs on your shirt! (or is that just me?) But answer by 2359 EST on 28 March, because that’s when this one ends. (And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to recognize you and I’ll link back next week.)

And to finish up this week, enjoy a modern retelling of the Passover story.

See you all when next we see each other!

99 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Sugar Rush Edition

  1. Ah, now my Friday can truly begin!! Brilliance once again. Hope your weekend is better than your past week. 🙂


  2. I don’t use the FaceBook mobile app anymore, I just use my Ginger senses, Guap.


  3. Now I want a cupcake…have a great weekend, Guap!


  4. Yes, my inability to even cope with my work’s telephone system is pretty ‘showoffish’ too 🙂


  5. I’m famous! Haha Happy Friday, Guap!


  6. I miss my parents’ kitchen phone on the long cord I could wrap myself in while stammering nonsense to a girlfriend who was quickly losing interest.


  7. My phone is smart enough to do some things, but not others. Is there a name for that? Cupcakes… it’s been a dog’s age! What would I put in there… thinkin thinkin thinkin


  8. I NEVER win, dammit!


  9. whiteladyinthehood

    Hope things get better at work, Guapo! Enjoy the weekend!


    • Me too, whitelady, for a value of better that means win an ungodly amount of money in the lottery and never have to go back…
      Hope your weekend is fun!


  10. Bwahaha! Loved the video! I have zero problem seeing any of that and knowing about 65% of the Internet would believe it.

    Hope the job front begins to look springy… even if you need to do the frog impression and hop to a new desk… at a new company.

    Have a great weekend.


    • Yeah, this video was more bitter than usual, Red. The older ones are very funny.
      I’m hoping I can find something at a company that actually does something worthwhile. And where I can blog (openly) from my desk.


  11. Thank you for your post…..I’ve run off the rails and “funny” isn’t happening, so I’m glad that you’re still on the crazy train….give me a boost, I’ll sleep in the train car that has the giraffes.


  12. Moses was a lad wasn’t he! nice flute in the video – like a circumcised Jethro Tull. It must be Friday!


  13. Guap, got to love that retelling. I like the chocolate covered locusts and 10 ways to make the world a better place. Ha! Maybe my cupcakes will be filled with chocolate covered locusts…no? I’ll try to think of something else! Have a great weekend. Hope you see some spring sunshine!


  14. “Open heart surgery app” by Linda Vernon Humor—Haha! That’s great. I hope there’s one for brain surgery, too. I’ve always wanted to try that.


  15. Wait… I want to change my answer… they should be filled with crack and crank, so we can stay up for days and eat more cupcakes. Yay.


  16. runningonsober

    Cupcakes? Did someone say cupcakes? I swear my cupcake radar was going off! (Yes, I have an actual cupcake radar–there’s an app for that you know.)


  17. Thanks for doing all the cyber leg work, my friend!


  18. Ahh whenever I come over here I’m happy because it’s friday. I love that Passover video–very informative!


  19. James Taylor…. always reminds me of being a kid. My mom loved him!


  20. LOL!! I’m going to be laughing at crushed dreams and vodka for the rest of the day! 😀


  21. Thanks for the shout-out Guap! I hardly have two synapses to rub together from starting work this week, but on the plus side now I really want a cupcake. And maybe a chocolate covered locust. Comfort food, you know? Have a great weekend!


  22. Oh Guaps, you have a lot of ‘splainin to do – now you’ve got me craving cupcakes! For some strange reason I have been having a lot of cravings for a cigarette this week & now I want cupcakes. You’re trying to kill me, I swear!


  23. I love cupcakes!!! I just can’t resist to have a bite!


  24. I’m going to make cupcakes this weekend. Thanks for the suggestion. ❤


  25. Your joke about getting fired made me think of a news story I read recently about a dude in Maine who started a fire a naval shipyard so that he could leave work early. He’s in jail now.

    Loved the CNN piece on the pre-Exodus. Silly Pharaoh, don’t you know the Man has a thing for His people?


    • I think in a small town with a comfortable jail cell, that wouldn’ be so bad, Smak.
      But then, I’m incredibly lazy.


      • I know a little of what you speak. As a youngster, I spent 30 days in juvie, a significant portion of which I did in solitary (which I don’t think is the same thing as solitary in “real” prison, but I was in my cell for 22.5 hours every day). Also, I could do a lot of pushups. Also, with someone looking in every 3-5 minutes to make sure you don’t hang yourself (SOP–I wasn’t particularly a risk), you get over certain privacy issues real quick, too.

        Being in solitary wasn’t that bad, actually, I preferred it, as I didn’t really fit in with the kids downstairs (gen pop), although nobody really gave me any shit–I learned the rules & tried not to stick out, knew when to pretend toughness and when to back down. And when I say “Being in solitary wasn’t that bad” I mean the actual physical experience of being there. The intangibles–the fear, uncertainty, shame, boredom, etc.,–made it a place to which I didn’t want to return.

        On the plus side, I got a ton of reading done.


  26. Wow, thanks for honoring me with the Best Friday Foolishness Response Award! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go update my resume with this prestigious accomplishment.

    Can’t hardly wait ’til they come out with a Guapola app–I’ll then have TWO uses for my smart phone.


  27. I sat staring at your post for 10 minutes trying to think of a clever cupcake filling, and all I could think of was something really gross which I WILL NOT type and definitely would NOT want in my cupcakes. I think I need a lobotomy.


  28. free penny press

    Well It’s Sunday so I assume Friday foolishness can still apply? I’m a day late this week.. ugh.. I love i want some 🙂


  29. Sorry to be so late Guap I have been taking a bit of time out on te WordPress scene, you know sort of enjoying the start of Spring, snowboarding seems to Spring to mind here, oh and, and, and and frozen nuts of course you know, that kind of winter wonderland type of Spring that everybody loves grrrrr 😦

    Actually I have been doing sweet FA but in between have had the occasional snow shovel and snowball in my hand, a sort of loony busman’s holiday for frozen scarecrows and icicle sneezes, that kind of Spring 😦 Never mind it can only get better and these cupcakes are cheering me up already 🙂 Yum 🙂 Have a funtastic evening followed by a ghoulishly enjoyable snow-free Monday Guap 🙂


  30. HAD to add this to my Facebook page. The Locust recipes in the video, how it all moves so fast, the music, FABOO! The perfect irreverence for pastor’s wife Holy Week. I love every cell of your being, Guap. Amy


  31. Thanks to the amazingly interesting posts that grace this page, you have been nominated for the The Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness. To claim your award, please follow the link provided:


  32. Couldn’t comment last Friday morning, so I had to return. Love the cupcake pic, which would be an interesting gravatar. Meanwhile, Donald Trump as pharaoh is a fitting image.


  33. Haha. I love that video! 🙂 Time go share it with my Jewish friends who posted about their seders last night. :


  34. Pingback: Tryst Award Show Pt 1 ~ Tryst News | ღ Think. Speak. Tryst. ღ

  35. Owning a smart phone means never getting a good night’s rest, because I swear the sonofabitch is waiting for just the right moment to pounce on my jugular. I can’t tell my therapist about this theory because I don’t want to lose custody of my kids. Not yet, anyway.


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