Monthly Archives: April 2013

Friday Foolishness – Idyllic Edition

Today’s Music: Allen Stone – Sleep

If it wasn’t for taking a day off this week, I don’t think I’d have had any time to myself. Fortunately, I had some good company in the sphere. Here’s some of what I saw.
Sofia Leo gave a flat out NO! to the narc. World According to Scarp spent some quality time with her son. And one of my favorites, Barb Froman popped back in!
Also, Susan gave me the WordPress Family Award.
Thanks to them, and everyone else for another fine week blogging!

Last week was all about the cooking! Or rather, what you use to cook. And from the answers. y’all have some interesting kitchens! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are stirring in italics.)
Utensil? I just grab food with my grubby paws. –Brian from U by C
(Grubby seasoned grub…)
A hairless male torso to use as a plate (preferably attached to a body) polysyllabicprofundities
(And the navel is a built in sauce cup!)
It’s supper round here. Butter knife with the little notches bbbatez
(I have mementos of the meals I’ve killed too…)
your momma!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!
(She’s just glad you’re not using your fingers.)
“I can’t live without my microwave” sung by RunningOnSober channeling LL Cool J
(“Those irradiated donuts are a copkiller!” sung by El Guapo channeling Ice T)
SPORK!!! Twindaddy
(Another combo that should never have happened, like death & taxes…acid & jeans…)
Dinner at my house: That metal thing? It’s called a fork. Use it. DD
(Dinner at our house: If we order in, I don’t have to wash dishes!)
Chopsticks. Red. No, not as an accompaniment.
(Of course not. Those are used for drumming on the soufle.)
my wooden spoon (boring, but true) Stacy
(Sounds like you’re not using that spoon in the right room…)
your mother. she never screams when it’s hot ~R (or Miss R to you!)
(No, that’s fine, you just go out for dinner. She’ll sit and nurse her burns.)
Tortilla chips. Everything tastes better on a tortilla chip. ~Maddie Cochere
(Which is why the top chip in a pile looks so nervous…)
My penis (PMAO)
(Do they make teflon coated condoms?)
BOOBIES!!!!! Revis
(They’re what’s for dinner!)
Does a wine glass count? Elyse 54.5
(Well, if you can still count, you aren’t…eating enough.)
A shot glass. GingerTini
(Can’t fit much of a taco in that…)
What’s a utensil? Snaap
(It’s the bicycle the Chinese Food guy delivers on.)
My index finger – best thing for pudding! Benzeknees
(Have you met PMAO?)
My hands, and the stickier, the better. The Bumble Files
(Are we still talking about food?)
Gotta be the corkscrew. Not just for kitchens anymore. (UndercoverL)
(Used to keep a corkscrew in my car! Then they made the lights shorter.)
I use a lightbulb. I find I don’t eat as much that way. Linda Vernon
Another piece of food, like celery you can dip that into anything. SPP
(That might be the only acceptable use for beef jerky.)
Some sort of modified funicular – I like a lot of food….Rutabaga
(Just roll the food right down the hill into your mouth!)
My mouth. Without it, everything else is useless~~Addie
my fingers of course SnB
(They’re much better as an ingredient!)
Food Fight!! Raising The Curtain
(Are the pickles stabbing the olives again?)
My hands, but with my pinkies up…I’m a lady, you know! Rogue
(Pinkies are the first thing I look for in a lady!)

Congratulations to Addie for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was A spatula. So I can flip it. Flip it good.. So congratulations to everyone who thought I should use Devo for Today’s Music!
This week, I once again thought about how I’d like to get away from it all. But if you were stranded on a desert island, what would you want? Well, that’s the question.
Answer as often as you like, but do it by 2359 EST, 2 May, because that’s when this one ends. (And if you leave an “other” answer, leave some ID too and I’ll link back to you next week.)

Well, to wrap up the foolishness until next week, since last weeks second video was so popular, I hope you all enjoy this.

And enjoy this too. My wife and I just came across it, and she got a kick out of it.

well,that about does it for me.
See you out there!

Another Sunday

Today’s Music: Shelby Lynne – Gotta Get Back

The sky was pretty clear this morning. I got up around eight. No idea why so early. As I’m writing this, TMWGITU is still asleep. I’ve been doing stuff all morning.
I spent some time reading on my Kindle. I’m on an email list that sends me a few free links from Amazon every day (Pixel Of Ink), so I usually have something for my commute. Finished a good story about bad military helicopters. I’ll be checking if the author has anything else, since it was a surprisingly well built tale.

After I finished, I spent a bit of time on my laptop.

The blog emails pile up fast.

The blog emails pile up fast.

See what some of those I follow have to say today.

Then I was hungry. No, I still haven’t had breakfast. Waiting for my girl for that! But I did want a snack. And then I thought, “What kind of snack?” “Why, sesame sticks of course!” “But you don’t have sesame sticks, Guap.” “No, but I have something better – ingredients and an internet connection!”
Sesame Sticks
So the house smells of cumin and sesame oil. Good thing I like both those smells.

At some point during the day, I’ll pick up a guitar.

Best when used daily

Best when used daily

I don’t know that I’ll play anything worth hearing. But I enjoy it, and it generally keeps me out of trouble.

One thing I haven’t worked on in a while is the model railroad
Model Railroad
As you can see, it needs lots of attention. That means there will probably be soldering. So if you hear cursing, that’s me.

And then there are the usual chores – ironing, cooking, paying bills. Maybe some research on available adventures. It’s getting warm enough for a weekend road trip in the near future, so we should see what general direction we want to go in…

And then we’ll clean up, get our work stuff together and go to bed to get ready for another day of work.
Not a “scaling cliffs” kind of day, but still fun.

And you?

Friday Foolishness – Culinary Edition

Today’s Music: The Cat Empire Sly
And so, I emerge from the spreadsheet hell where I spent most of my week. But not all of my week. I also managed to read some blogs. Here’s some of what I saw…
Christopher De Voss contemplated going to his high school reunion, Christine MacDonald took a failure as a personal challenge and kept on going.
And in that same vein, there were a lot of reflections on Monday’s events in Boston. Running On Sober related to it in the context of her own running, and Cayman Thorns conclusion pretty much summed it up.
Thanks to everyone for another great week of reading and comments.
But there was some commenting last week too. Specifically, your comments in response to last week’s poll. And from what your answers, I’m secure in the knowledge that nitrous and anesthesia are still in heavy use. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are drilled in italics.)

banging the other four. – Revis
(Open wider…)
Regular brushing. What? It’s boring, but it’s true.
(Do dentists have teachers pets?)
The soundtrack to Little Shop of Horrors. D. Delicious
(I prefer the sound of John Denver while getting my mouth pummeled.)
Getting dentures (Addie)
(Hold out for the iTeeth.)
Eating garlic before instead of afterwards… Andro
(Dr. Acula says he can no longer see you.)
Goofy looking dentures… Andro
(Wait – are the mini disco balls too much?)
Pulling hers down instead of his… Who said that? Andro
(That was Dr. Arthur Tootherton, in his seminal work Moving the Lips to Access Bicuspids Two and Four)
Smoking Grass Not Kissing Ass… Andro
(Depending on the company, one can lead to the other…)
Skinny Dipping Hillbilly Parties… Andro
(Do hillbillys have enough teeth to use dentists?)
Reading El Guapo every week while soaking dentures – Benzeknees
(I find it much easier to read this while soaking in tequila…)
… that those other four losers get a life! –Kwyjibo Brian, D.D.S.
(Dentists, like teeth, are so clique-y)
not having teeth – Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(Then how will they pay for their vacation homes?)
Not going to dental school. SO MUCH WORK. –Lily In Canada
(Wait – some dentists get trained first???)
Chicklets. – The Waiting
(The orange ones, or the green?)
sugar! (Stacy)
(He just wants more work.)
Using your teeth as tools & getting a degree from a cereal box. (UndercoverL)
(Well, since many cavities come from those cereal boxes, why not the fix too?)
just tying a string to a doorknob and slam! – calahan
(the Bob Vila school of dentistry!)
using your teeth as a bottle opener…….zannyro
(Have to. My friend won’t let me use his anymore.)
there is no 5th dentist – its a herring..lizziec
(But can it chop down the largest tree in the forest?)
That I show up from time to time Elyse 54.5
(I stop in from time to time just to see the fish tank.)
Not brushing at all so you spend more money. X, Becca
(But I save so much in toothpaste!)
Ignoring the other 4 guys and think for yourself- Rogue
(If he tells you to think for yourself, should you give in to the pressure?)
to pull out your teeth? NBI
(Sure, it’s an expensive procedure. But there’s no repeat business.)
an oral cleaning and protein shot. twindaddy
(Wasn’t there a court case about that recently?)
Psychotherapy. Red.
(If only therapists used nitrous…)
Dentures. Carrie Rubin
(If only wooden teeth were as valuable as wooden nickels…)
…to do whatever you want. We’ll all die anyways. –Marie Nicole
(Zen dentistry at its finest.)
Rutabaga– a diet rich in glass shards and fish gravel
(Sure, it gets your teeth clean, but will it help with gingivitis?)
the YOLO philosophy – Speaker 7
(That’s why the other four won’t hang out with him anymore.)
Visiting the 4 other dentists? – Doggy’s Style
(Nah, he hates those jerks.)
THIS (from Asplenia)

(He waited til the camera was off to smell his butt.)
Peanut butter and jelly (Frank)
(Four out of five dentists prefer the scents of pickle and liver sandwiches from their patients who eat sandwiches.)
replacing missing teeth with chicklets (SnB)
(Swallowing a filling never tasted so good.)

Congratulations to you all, for making laugh during another long week. And from teh offered choices, the most popular was using the nitrous before the patients come in. So congratulations to all you light-headed people too!
This week, our thoughts turn to food. And what to handle it with. So here’s your chance to find new and unusual ways to play with your food! Dig in all you like, but dig in by 2359 EST on 25 April, because that’s when this one ends.
(And if you leave an “other” answer, leave some ID too and I’ll link back to you next week.)

Well, that about wraps it up. So I’ll leave you with these, two fun songs from Garfunkel and Oates (yeah, I did a doubletake too when I saw the names).
First, this is for medicinal use.

And second…never mind. I don’t know what to say.

Have a great week, y’all, and keep on keepin on.

Birthday Drinks: The NutMegan Highland

Today’s Music: Sophie and the Exciters – Heard It Through The Grapevine
Note on Today’s Music: Sophie and the Exciters hail from East Yorkshire, much like the birthday girl!

Everyones favorite psychopathic mother-figure, H.E. Ellis, thought that for Megans birthday, a drink menu would be nice.
It isn’t like Megan doesn’t have her degree. It isn’t like she isn’t building her own life out there in the real world in the wilds of England.
And nothing was said about how well she writes. I’ve been in the sphere about a year and a half. I met Megan early on in my time here. In all that time, she’s been posting her fiction on her blog. Musings, serials, stories that just flowed and stuff she had to work hard at to make as good as it is.
We weren’t asked to mention all of that.
We were asked to make drinks.


I’d like to say I did this because H.E. asked.
And she scares the crap out of me.
But the truth is, I’m honored to asked to help celebrate Megan’s birthday here.
So pull up an easy chair by the fire, go read some of her stories, and enjoy a fine drink.

*Whatever you do after is not my fault.

The Birthday Girl at Disneyland!

The Birthday Girl at Disneyland!

The Appetizer
The Buzzer (This drink was actually made and named for me. How cool is that?)
To start…
Pour 3 parts rum over ice (I like Pussers. Not only does its history tie back to the British Navy, defenders of Megans home, but if I run out of gas after a night of drinking it, I can always vomit in my tank and move on.)
Fill glass with Ginger Ale
Add a splash of Amaretto
Add a cherry.
Sip, enjoy, and repeat until warm all over..

Now that you’re warmed up a bit, lets move on to something to round you out nicely.
One of the things the greater UK(Scotland specifically) is known for is its Scotch.
The history, the techniques, the flavors.
But how to combine this treasure from Megans general part of the world for a concoction worthy of celebrating the anniversary of such a wonderful woman’s birth?
Royal Lochnager had a Royal Warrant to distill for the Queen.
Now, their product is used in Johnny Walker Blue and Black labels.
The Main Course
The NutMegan Highland
Pour one part JWB
Add a dash of bitters (Angostura, because really, how many bitters makers are there?)
Add a splash of orange juice
A few drops of sweet vermouth

Gently float in a touch of lime juice. (You may want to make a batch of these before you start drinking, Megan, or the dashing and splashing may get a bit out of hand.)
Scratch a bit of nutmeg dust on top.

Since we’ve been to the Caribbean and toured the Highlands of Megan’s land, lets wrap up in one of my favorite distilling parts of the world, Mexico, for
At this point, you probably can’t feel your lips. Or your feet. The room is spinning. Your liver has crawled out your ear to have a serious talk with you, but got caught up in the drinking songs and camaraderie, and now it wants to do shots.

I remember the cactus being greener. Oh, wait. That was me.

I remember the cactus being greener.
Oh, wait. That was me.

Shot glass filled with Tequila
I recommend Porfidio Cactus. Not only does it taste great, but when you’re this drunk, you can spend hours wondering how they got that little glass cactus in the bottle.)
(If everyone is drinking the same as you, it is totally acceptable to throw the condiments at any and all.)
Three empty pint glasses/one large empty pitcher (The bartender will appreciate your foresight in having receptacles to throw up in.)

Don’t worry if tomorrow you can’t remember what happened. I’m pretty sure many of your friends have recorded it and uploaded it to you tube!

Happy Birthday, Megan, and happy every day after.
And I hope you find everything you’re looking for!

If you’re still thirsty, have some more delicious beverages here.
Just don’t drive…
H.E. Ellis
Sandy Like A Beach
H.R. Nightmare
Archon’s Den

Friday Foolishness – Canine Edition

Today’s Music: Lynyrd Skynyrd – Edge of Forever

Despite it feeling like at least 10 days since last we met, it’s only been a week. How do I get through such a long slogging stretch? By reading blogs! Here’s some of what I saw…
For a Trifecta challenge, Marie Nicole put a great piece of magic. Red waxed wisely on getting writing help.
And sandylikeabeach is officially retired!

They, and you, made it a great week for reading blogs.

Hey, it's more than just words to me,

Hey, it’s more than just words to me,

But last week was all about getting better here. And thanks to all your advice, I know now that I will just lock myself in a room with tears running down my face.
Because your answers made me laugh that hard! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are the best that they can be in italics.)
*One note – Polldaddy was a bit wonky, so I sincerely apologize if I missed someones’ answer, and the omission was not deliberate.
You do polls? John Phillips
(I like to think of them as existential thought exercises…)
self improvement is masturbation – brad pitt
(Then I don’t understand why so many people get advice on it from Dr. Phil.)
change nothing because he’s AWESOME! (nicolemarie)
(They broke the mold. And beat up the moldmaker.)
Provide either ‘shrooms or more nudity. Either works. (UndercoverL)
(Since I’m naked, I’m guessing you don’t want to know where the shrooms are hidden…)
Offer virtual cake to each voter! MBT
(You can probably find some fruitcakes in the comments…)
angry birds
(grumpy bloggers)
Quit his day job and concentrate on polls!! (polysyllabic)
(Wait – exactly what do you think I do at at work?)
I don’t know but it has something to do with a new Pollguappy platform (Live Clay)
(Only if I get to use the word “Pollguappy”)
Wait a minute! This isn’t Hooters! Where the hell am I? – A Bad Influence
(If you still have your pants, then definitely not Hooters.)
Hold my hand while I do this scary polling thing –Marie Nicole
(I’m already holding two severed hands from a different poll. MUAHAHAHA!!!)
Serve more ravioli and wine. Red.
(I used all the wine in the recipe.)

Change the color from gray to pink, of course. ~Maddie
(I am secure enough in my manliness to not be afraid of pink. Or feel the need to prove it.)

Add an interactive Pole…! SnaapALicious
(Is Lech Walesa still available?)
remember that the only good polls are stripper poles. Revis
(Which makes these polls a bunch of overweight mailmen.)
Offer free Jelly and Peanut Butter sandwiches 🙂 Andro

Hand out chocolates and pancakes to everyone 🙂 Andro
(You think I’m made of dough? (See what I did there?))
realize that the only thing that ever improves anything is an explosion. Revis
(Jim Henson knew it well.)

Guapo, you should make dinner for all of us! The Bumble Files
(With fava beans and a nice chianti?)
Poll the poll on what it thinks. – The Waiting
Make them more literary by including the word “hath” in every choice. lindavernon
(I was hoping to make them more cartoony…)
Bare all! Okay…that was a joke. Hey! Where’s the ‘It’s Just a Joke’ button?
(I left the button in my clothes. Back there somewhere. Oops…)
The polls are already perfect. Awww-Lily In Canada
(Your check is in the mail.)
Serve them with a side of fries….zannyro
(Serving fries! At last, the full realization of my Liberal Arts education!)
do nothing. Like Guapo, they’re perfect just the way they are. sandylikeabeach
(Who is this “Guapo” and how do I live up to his standard?)
Take up single Malt. You’re drinking for two now ~R
(When did I cut down?)
never elect another one. quitters.~R
(Or just write in Big Bird.)
Poll readers for the best poll questions. Elyse 54.5
(I asked on Twitter, but everyone kept telling me about those pictures of me on Facebook.)
channel his inner Orson Welles. And sell no wine before its time.
(Rosebud Vineyards! Confusing to its dying drop.)
Love your work! Starving Activist
(Ah, you must be new here.) 😉
keep doing exactly what he’s been doing Benzeknees
(Isn’t that part of the definition of insanity?)
Record his responses in a video blog dressed as a superhero. Carrie Rubin
(Wow, a lot of responses calling for nudity this week.)
Like a Chanel handbag, YES!
(Like the price tag, NO!)
There is no way I could ever be better than I already am… sigh… PMAO
(Um…I think they said you “wouldn’t” get better, not “couldn’t”…)
Add pink food coloring. Rogue
(I prefer plaid.)
Rutabaga: I like a special channel & FUNICULAR!
(If you mean a funicular railway, I’m afraid this train is already waaay off the rails…)
add music videos and hot models …Ya Baby (SnB)
(Are Tiny Tim and the “Where’s The Beef” lady still available?)
all of the above (Stacy)
(So lots and lots of improvement needed.)
Have a beer cooler available those responding (Frank)
(I don’tthink the beer would stay in the cooler long enough to get cold. And it certainly wouldn’t last til the respondents came! 😉 )
Let someone else host them. Twindaddy
(Sadly, no one will take my calls anymore.)

Congratulations to Emily @ The Waiting for this weeks winning answer. And from the offered choices, the most popular was a tie between Give substantial, valuable prizes. and always pick me as the winner!. But would you want there to be substantial prizes if I didn’t pick you?
Now that you’ve stretched your pondering muscles on that, consider this: For everything that is brought to dentists for their recommendations – toothpastes, teeth whiteners, Slim Whitman albums – 4 out of 5 do recommend them.
But I’ve always wondered, what does the fifth dentist recommend? Well, that’s this weeks poll for you to sink your teeth into.
So bite hard, bite often, but bite before 2359 EST on 18 April, because that’s when this one ends.
And if you leave your name in an “Other” answer, I’ll link back to you next week.

And as we head off into what will hopefully feel like a longer weekend and shorter week, enjoy these.
First, I was turned on to this by a young friend, whose parents then had to explain to her what bestiality was.

And since we’re already changing lyrics to songs, hears the Literal Video version of aHa. It always gets a laugh out of me, if only for “assful of pipe wrench”.

Have a great weekend everyone, and I’ll see you when next we meet.