Friday Foolishness – Culinary Edition

Today’s Music: The Cat Empire Sly
And so, I emerge from the spreadsheet hell where I spent most of my week. But not all of my week. I also managed to read some blogs. Here’s some of what I saw…
Christopher De Voss contemplated going to his high school reunion, Christine MacDonald took a failure as a personal challenge and kept on going.
And in that same vein, there were a lot of reflections on Monday’s events in Boston. Running On Sober related to it in the context of her own running, and Cayman Thorns conclusion pretty much summed it up.
Thanks to everyone for another great week of reading and comments.
But there was some commenting last week too. Specifically, your comments in response to last week’s poll. And from what your answers, I’m secure in the knowledge that nitrous and anesthesia are still in heavy use. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are drilled in italics.)

banging the other four. – Revis
(Open wider…)
Regular brushing. What? It’s boring, but it’s true.
(Do dentists have teachers pets?)
The soundtrack to Little Shop of Horrors. D. Delicious
(I prefer the sound of John Denver while getting my mouth pummeled.)
Getting dentures (Addie)
(Hold out for the iTeeth.)
Eating garlic before instead of afterwards… Andro
(Dr. Acula says he can no longer see you.)
Goofy looking dentures… Andro
(Wait – are the mini disco balls too much?)
Pulling hers down instead of his… Who said that? Andro
(That was Dr. Arthur Tootherton, in his seminal work Moving the Lips to Access Bicuspids Two and Four)
Smoking Grass Not Kissing Ass… Andro
(Depending on the company, one can lead to the other…)
Skinny Dipping Hillbilly Parties… Andro
(Do hillbillys have enough teeth to use dentists?)
Reading El Guapo every week while soaking dentures – Benzeknees
(I find it much easier to read this while soaking in tequila…)
… that those other four losers get a life! –Kwyjibo Brian, D.D.S.
(Dentists, like teeth, are so clique-y)
not having teeth – Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(Then how will they pay for their vacation homes?)
Not going to dental school. SO MUCH WORK. –Lily In Canada
(Wait – some dentists get trained first???)
Chicklets. – The Waiting
(The orange ones, or the green?)
sugar! (Stacy)
(He just wants more work.)
Using your teeth as tools & getting a degree from a cereal box. (UndercoverL)
(Well, since many cavities come from those cereal boxes, why not the fix too?)
just tying a string to a doorknob and slam! – calahan
(the Bob Vila school of dentistry!)
using your teeth as a bottle opener…….zannyro
(Have to. My friend won’t let me use his anymore.)
there is no 5th dentist – its a herring..lizziec
(But can it chop down the largest tree in the forest?)
That I show up from time to time Elyse 54.5
(I stop in from time to time just to see the fish tank.)
Not brushing at all so you spend more money. X, Becca
(But I save so much in toothpaste!)
Ignoring the other 4 guys and think for yourself- Rogue
(If he tells you to think for yourself, should you give in to the pressure?)
to pull out your teeth? NBI
(Sure, it’s an expensive procedure. But there’s no repeat business.)
an oral cleaning and protein shot. twindaddy
(Wasn’t there a court case about that recently?)
Psychotherapy. Red.
(If only therapists used nitrous…)
Dentures. Carrie Rubin
(If only wooden teeth were as valuable as wooden nickels…)
…to do whatever you want. We’ll all die anyways. –Marie Nicole
(Zen dentistry at its finest.)
Rutabaga– a diet rich in glass shards and fish gravel
(Sure, it gets your teeth clean, but will it help with gingivitis?)
the YOLO philosophy – Speaker 7
(That’s why the other four won’t hang out with him anymore.)
Visiting the 4 other dentists? – Doggy’s Style
(Nah, he hates those jerks.)
THIS (from Asplenia)

(He waited til the camera was off to smell his butt.)
Peanut butter and jelly (Frank)
(Four out of five dentists prefer the scents of pickle and liver sandwiches from their patients who eat sandwiches.)
replacing missing teeth with chicklets (SnB)
(Swallowing a filling never tasted so good.)

Congratulations to you all, for making laugh during another long week. And from teh offered choices, the most popular was using the nitrous before the patients come in. So congratulations to all you light-headed people too!
This week, our thoughts turn to food. And what to handle it with. So here’s your chance to find new and unusual ways to play with your food! Dig in all you like, but dig in by 2359 EST on 25 April, because that’s when this one ends.
(And if you leave an “other” answer, leave some ID too and I’ll link back to you next week.)

Well, that about wraps it up. So I’ll leave you with these, two fun songs from Garfunkel and Oates (yeah, I did a doubletake too when I saw the names).
First, this is for medicinal use.

And second…never mind. I don’t know what to say.

Have a great week, y’all, and keep on keepin on.

69 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Culinary Edition

  1. Have a great weekend, Guap. Hope to see you around more often. Take care..


  2. That second video was a scream!! Absolutely priceless! Thanks for the laugh on a day when I really need it (Baby B still very poorly) Will have to share this one around! Thanks again 🙂


  3. “…to do whatever you want. We’ll all die anyways.”—Ha! A wonderfully fatalistic but realistic view.

    Fun post. Loved the monkey clip!


  4. Oh, my oh my! Laughing out loud at this week’s vids, Guap! I’ve seen the British voiceover animals before, but not that one… hilarious! Thanks for starting my Friday off doubled over in pain from laughing. 🙂


  5. LOLOLOL!!! “I don’t understand job” was just what I needed this morning!! Thanks Guapo. Along the same lines, my favorite utensil is my very own, versatile hand/fingers — Our hands are the best utensils (they can pinch, flip, cup, sift, flatten, pound, shape, blend, etc.) That’s quite a utensil. I’m pretty sure that even the cavemen used their hands to flip dinosaur burgers.


    • We were in a Moroccan restaurant in Atlanta. They sat us on comfortable cushions and draped heavy cotton towels on our shoulders. We didn’t understand until they served us delicious food on nice plates.
      And no silverware.
      A memorable evening. And that was before the belly dancer came out!
      Oh! I just remembered the name – The Imperial Fez.


  6. The monkey dentist was a hoot … and thanks for introducing me to Garfunkel and Oates. BTW: 40+ tunes in yesterday’s Act 2.


  7. runningonsober

    And see….. I wasn’t going to go there this time. Really. Truly! I’m not just monkeying around this time! But that video…..! Hilarious! The monkeys are taking over the asylum! Just keep them away from my teeth.

    (Thanks for the mention my friend, much appreciated. Hope you have a great week!)


  8. Okay, I guess comments don’t count in the voting thing, so I will try using the box.


  9. The button didn’t seem to work… I still see my words in the little box, and the button just turned gray. So I will say it again here… my favorite dinner utensil is my penis. No, I am not going to explain why, that would be sick and wrong.


  10. Guapamole…. you credited Stacy with my comment. You wish I were dead, don’t you? Just admit it! You regret the day you met me! You wish that I would be thrown in front of a train again, don’t you? I knew it. I just knew it!

    Then again, that comment was lame. Stacy, you can keep the credit for it. I forgive you, Guapamole.


    • And one more thing: I almost watched Garfunkel and Oates in gymnastics. I am glad I resisted because we would have been booted from the gym for realsies. Too funny! (I am going to get my card next week.)


    • I updated it as soon as I saw your comment, so all proper credit would be reflected on you!
      And no, not thrown. “Gently wafted” perhaps?
      Just kidding! Without you, how would I know where Big Vegetable was spending their money/ HOW?!?


      • You wouldn’t. You also would have spent the rest of your life not knowing that the average ant lives 12 years. (Not the ants I found in my kitchen today, though. They met untimely sudden deaths at the hands of Clorox.) But now you know. I hope I don’t wear out my usefulness, though.


  11. Awww man I have to leave in a few seconds and want to watch those vids – will have to check back! Have a great weekend Guap.


  12. I love those girls. They crack me up every time I see them.


  13. Ahahaha! What a wonderful Friday Foolishness! OMG between the answers in italics, the monkeys and Garfunkel and Oates! LOLing BT (big time). Another barrel of fun! 😀


  14. Sorry, you had to hang out with those spread sheets all week. I think those gays need to chill and smoke some pot, medicinal of course! That was a hoot! Have a great weekend, Guapo.


  15. Did I miss something – I didn’t see a winner?


  16. Guap, just been on a coach for 5 hours listening to a man slurp down a fuck off carton of soup, minestrone by the smell of it. If I had asked him he would have slobbered diced carrot over me. Not really an answer but I thought I would tell you. Braveheart is on telly and Mel has started slicing people. Lovely way to end the day!


  17. whiteladyinthehood

    Loved the Dr.Monkey video and ahem, the last video… Holy Smokes, I will be laughing at that the rest of the weekend! Have a great one, Guapo!


  18. Oh, boo! I missed last week’s poll. I’m in this week. The Cat Empire Sly was a little “head-bangy” for me, but that monkey video was hilarious! Have a good weekend, El Guapo!


    • That song is one of my go-tos for turning a bad mood around.
      I’m sorry you didn’t like it, but glad you gave it a listen.


      • Guap, there isn’t anything that I “don’t” like. After you said you liked the song for turning a bad mood around, I listened to it again. I don’t know what I was smokin’ when I first played it, but it is definitely a dance around the room song. The horns in it are stellar. It must have been the drums that got me at first, because I’m chucking now that I thought any of it would have given me that “head-bangy” vibe. I looked the band up at YouTube, and LOL on the Car Song. I might have to put that one on my mp3 player. 🙂


  19. O.K. Who the hell was videotaping me during my last dental appointment?


  20. Glad you made it out of spreadsheet hell to put smiles on our faces, Guap! ❤


  21. Good thing they do not know how. I hear it is why men get carpal tunnel 2-1 to women. IJS.

    If your psychotherapist is not using nitrous or at least some form of anesthetic, why go? I think for $350/hr there should be Xanax in the candy dish.

    Spreadsheets are bad for your health. Have a better week.


    • If this keeps up, I’ll be so on edge that the spreadsheets will end up being bad for someone elses health.
      Specifically, the person who comes to me with sheet updates.


  22. Deliberately Delicious

    Even if it’s Sunday foolishness for me, your post – as always – has me giggling. Given the themes of the videos you’ve shared – animal behaviour, drug use, and sex – here is a little gift for you from the National Film Board of Canada…


  23. My breath is always minty fresh and my teeth good as new right before a dental appt….you’re right! But what about a dental hygienist with bad breath? That happened to me last year, very unfortunate thing it was. Hey, thanks on the link, handsome.


  24. Hilarious post, Guap! I love the monkey dentist. My first profession – dental assistant. hahaha 🙂


  25. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Idyllic Edition | Guapola

  26. Gray Dawster

    Have a wicked Thursday Guap 🙂 🙂



    • You’re already deep into your weekend aren’t you?
      Well, and possibly other things too…

      Thanks Gray, and hope you’re having as much as fun as legally possible!


      • Gray Dawster

        Yes I try to limit my wickedness these days but after years of naughtiness it’s difficult 🙂 lmao

        I hope that your weekend
        has a thrilling edge Guap 🙂



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