Another Sunday

Today’s Music: Shelby Lynne – Gotta Get Back

The sky was pretty clear this morning. I got up around eight. No idea why so early. As I’m writing this, TMWGITU is still asleep. I’ve been doing stuff all morning.
I spent some time reading on my Kindle. I’m on an email list that sends me a few free links from Amazon every day (Pixel Of Ink), so I usually have something for my commute. Finished a good story about bad military helicopters. I’ll be checking if the author has anything else, since it was a surprisingly well built tale.

After I finished, I spent a bit of time on my laptop.

The blog emails pile up fast.

The blog emails pile up fast.

See what some of those I follow have to say today.

Then I was hungry. No, I still haven’t had breakfast. Waiting for my girl for that! But I did want a snack. And then I thought, “What kind of snack?” “Why, sesame sticks of course!” “But you don’t have sesame sticks, Guap.” “No, but I have something better – ingredients and an internet connection!”
Sesame Sticks
So the house smells of cumin and sesame oil. Good thing I like both those smells.

At some point during the day, I’ll pick up a guitar.

Best when used daily

Best when used daily

I don’t know that I’ll play anything worth hearing. But I enjoy it, and it generally keeps me out of trouble.

One thing I haven’t worked on in a while is the model railroad
Model Railroad
As you can see, it needs lots of attention. That means there will probably be soldering. So if you hear cursing, that’s me.

And then there are the usual chores – ironing, cooking, paying bills. Maybe some research on available adventures. It’s getting warm enough for a weekend road trip in the near future, so we should see what general direction we want to go in…

And then we’ll clean up, get our work stuff together and go to bed to get ready for another day of work.
Not a “scaling cliffs” kind of day, but still fun.

And you?

70 responses to “Another Sunday

  1. Love this glimpse into your Sunday Guapo :). Today, I cooked, and that is rare for me. Downloaded some music videos, chatted to my friends. Enjoyed the rain. Easy Sunday 🙂


  2. I love seeing pictures of people’s homes. I like to see how they live. Sounds like a good Sunday.


    • I tried to aim the lens to avoid most of the mess, Becca.
      We have a good feeling of mellow going on here today.


      • Ahhh everyone has a mess, some is just things some it’s choices. I used to think everyone was neater than me. The thing is, I am the first person people call when there is an emergency. I found out over the year, most people are messy and hide things before company comes.


  3. Just kickin’ back with my boys today. Maybe we’ll try a new restaurant. Mama doesn’t feel like cooking…


  4. Your day sounds much more exciting than mine. I’m in my office at the moment…yes, on a Sunday! Playing hooky – reading some blogs, but still stuck behind the desk. Hope you and TMWGITU enjoy the rest of your Sunday. 🙂


  5. Have fun, Guap! Sounds like you have plenty of choices.


  6. cumin and sesame oil, yum….I should eat something too, pull myself out of the garden and into the kitchen. Happy guitar playing and sesame sticks, Guap.


  7. OMG, ironing? I want to see pic of you ironing. really. I gotta have it.
    Your sesame sticks sound amazing. recipe link, please! Have a lovely and enjoyable day. Nice guitars, too!


  8. runningonsober

    For some reason I’m in a Cyndi Lauper sort of mood today. And cinnamon rolls. And concocting some home-made dog food for Miss Spot after learning of yet-another-Natura recall. And the final chapters of a Greg Isles (sp?) book on riverboat gambling. And thinking of writing a letter. Watched CBS Sunday Morning–great segment on What Would You Say If and on regret (mentioned a blog I must find) and encouraged the act of letter-writing and saying what you need to say (to pphrase John Mayer). And maybe a mindless, rambling walk to match my mindless, rambling thoughts…. Maybe I’ll listen to Cyndi. For some reason I’m in a Cyndi mood today. And cinnamon rolls.
    Happy Sunday Guap, thanks for the glimpse to your world. Play anything fun on the guitar?


    • Lately I’ve just been doing a nice simple 1 bar walking blues, with leads over that. I have a looping pedal with a few riffs in it, and some audio files I recorded on my laptop so I can accompany myself.
      And listening to the recordings, I think it might be time to take lessons again.


      • runningonsober

        Sounds pretty cool. Had a friend back in college give me a few lessons–learned to play “Tangerine”, but that’s about it. I listen to guitar far better than I play.


  9. What a nice, relaxing day, Guap – just the right kind of day for a Sunday. Norm taught me how to use the riding mower this morning. It was fun – next best thing to a go-cart! ❤


  10. It’s fun to have this insight in your life :). With the pictures, you know. Always interesting to see.
    I’ll be working for school, vocabulary… Yay.


    • Studying on the weekend is good, especially if it isn’t last-second cramming. Relaxed studying probably makes it easier to actually absorb the stuff.
      I should make the model railroad pic my screensaver so I remember to work on it.


  11. whiteladyinthehood

    Sounds like a nice Sunday! I’m making spaghetti.


  12. Deliberately Delicious

    Some days, cliff scaling isn’t necessary. It sounds like you’ve got a good, relaxing day planned. I intended to power wash my patio today. I love power washing. But then it started hailing even though we’d been promised sun. A good excuse to write and read and clean my house a little. Happy Sunday to you!


  13. Sounds like a great day, Guap!
    Love that you made yourself some sesame sticks.
    Mine was spent reading the Boston Globe from front to back, trying to make sense of the madness, and then going to Fenway to watch my Sox lose a ballgame. Still sweet to be in Boston, though, smiling at everyone around me and realizing that nothing has really changed.


    • That sounds like a really good day, Momshieb. Especially if it was warm at Fenway.
      Did you grab a watermelon beer from the place across from the stadium?


      • Ugh, seriously? Fruit and beer? (shiver) Some things were not meant to be!!
        It was freezing at the park, but we were prepared….just nice to be there, giving Big Papi a standing O and eating some peanuts. Good to be in the city.
        But watermelon beer? Never!
        On the other hand, maple pecan stout is delicious!


  14. A life in the day…that’s very revealing. It’s interesting to see what the Guapo does on Sundays. You’re evidently a man of many interests!


  15. Spunds and looks like a pretty chill Sunday. The best part of this, other than the cool model railroad, is the fact that you were waiting for Mrs. Guapo to awake from her sweet slumber before you would eat. You’re a good Man Charlie Brown. She’s a lucky gal. 🙂


  16. We need to play guitar together. And you need to meet Uncle Bet… he has a model train set that will blow your mind. At his old house he had a real caboose moved into his yard.


  17. B-52’s and the Commitments plus a a lot Aretha thrown in for good Sunday measure…..The Church of Music. Thank you for sharing your Sunday. Lots of smiles….


  18. Guapo, I didn’t know you played the guitar. That’s cool! Sounds like a swell Sunday…I’m sure you’re off to la la land already. Thanks for sharing your day!


  19. Ooph – those blog emails pile up SO fast! And you can’t delete them because you have to read them all! Like pokemon – only better. And no catching I guess. So kind of seriously unlike pokemon… but you get the picture…

    And good luck with the soldering. Don’t burn anything off!


    • I feel your pain on the blog emails, Giggles.
      Fortunately, I didn’t burn anything but the french fries. The twice cooked thing I was thinking of didn’t quite work out,


  20. You sound really handy in the kitchen El! The rail road looks good, would love to see the end result. 🙂


  21. Seeing the model railway has given me an idea………!


  22. Love the peek into the start of your day and the potential ahead … but I wonder, how did the day turn out?


  23. This was a totally fun glimpse into the real El Guapo!! Which guitar do you like to play the most? Do you play your guitar while watching your train go around (looks like a little trouble with the track in a few places, but tell you something you don’t already know, right?) I get the feeling there’s never a dull moment around your house, Guap!! 😀 I hope your sticks turned out yummy!


    • Sadly, there isn’t enough room for the guitar in the train room. but the bathroom has excellent acoustics!
      My girl got me the guitar on the left when I said I wanted a cut-away acoustic, so that’s the one I play most (there are 3 other guitars not in teh picture. Waaay too many for someone who can barely play. At least, that’s what I tell myself to keep from getting more.)


  24. I like this side of you, too. You should offer up a bit more every once in awhile!


  25. I like this side of you also like the previous commenter said – I enjoy hearing about what’s going on in El Guap’s world. Maybe we can coax a guitar vid out of you one day. 🙂


  26. With the warmer weather heading in, the model trains may have to wait just a little bit longer.


  27. Eric Murtaugh

    So how’d the sesame sticks turn out? Easy to make? Homemade sesame sticks seems like something I could impress my wife with. “Snacks? No problem. Be right back with Guapo inspired sesame sticks.”

    Your model railroad looks pretty rad as is. It looks like a post-apocalyptic zombie train depot. Which you may or may not be going for, but hey. Pretty much every neglected spot in my house looks like a post-apocalyptic zombie train depot.


  28. I keep my guitar inside the box…I hope I’m not wasting it…Guitar is hard to play … learned a few lessons and learned some chords. But at the end I could not at least play a song that I like, that’s why I put it in a box and play other instrument instead … 😀


  29. Hubby used to have model railroads. Thankfully, it was long before my time since we’ve never had the time to do anything with them since we met. But we carried around a couple of large heavy boxes for all these years.


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