Friday Foolishness – Take Two Of These Edition

Today’s Music: Yamit Momo – My Angel Put The Devil In Me

Here we are again, for what aspires to be the inanest way to spend a Friday on the internet! But what do I do the rest of the week? Why, read blogs of course. Here’s some of what I saw…
GingerFightBack put up another great anti-bullying post. Ristinw shared her cool pic of a life size aquarium. And McCrabass gave us some strongly worded thoughts about reality TV.
Finally, kmushbeauty nominated me for a Shine On Award! She has a great site, and I hope you all get a chance to check it out!

Thanks everyone, for another great week of reading here in the sphere.
And let’s not forgot that during the week, y’all answered the poll! Last week we (who the hell is this “we”?!?) asked you to channel your inner superhero and tell us(???) what is your kryptonite. Here’s what you said. As always, my comments are clad in italics. And spandex.)

Procrastination and poor planning. Curse my self-imposed weaknesses! –Brian
(Eh, curse it tomorrow.)
Someone who works for the gubment with a positive IQ-I would die of shock. Red.
(The smart ones don’t admit it…)
Leaving my bed. — Lily In Canada
(That makes me very curious as to what your superpower is!)
the mirror. It has no manners. butimbeautiful.
(I like to place another mirror directly across from it to confuse it into submission.)
Baptized Christian babies;overcooked. –Rachael B
(An ounce of sauce coverss a multitude of…sins…)
Algebra. Seriously. Any algebra makes me melt into a puddle of quivering flesh
(Woah! We were asking for kryptonite, not turn ons!)
Boobies!!! – Revis
(On behalf of men everywhere, Yes.)
My wife's glances – Hotspur
(Yeah! How are we supposed to have any fun when they’re always watchi- Oh…that’s sweet…)
Negativity….we're still breathing and that's a positive. (polysyllabicprofundities)
(Until you look at the air quality reports…)
A pony bearing Jameson whiskey gifts and clove cigarettes!
(But to be fair, that only happens once or twice a month.)
Good chocolate. (Addie)
(Is there any other kind?!?)
El Gaupo
(I’m so tempted to make this the winner.)
Getting into the costume. (SilkPurseProductions)
(Naked Superheroing is all the rage in Metropolis.)
blog awards.
(Wait- we can get awards for these???)
people walking slowly in crosswalks.
(If the targets are slow, the point values go waaaay down…)
I'm a superhero everyday…pshhhh… or it might be the meds- Bipolarmuse
(I’ll have what she’s having!)
A severe lack of coffee in the morning. Kayjai
(I’ll reply to this as soon as I wake up…)
existentialism on Fridays (Stacy)
(Fortunately, you’re safe here. As are the thoughts of man drifting through the tumultuous swirl of tHE COSMOS INT– Crap, sorry!)
A man in his undies running on a hamster wheel…HA! zannyro
(My god, I think you just described my life.)
the cherry on top, it's always the cherry that kills anything good! Marie Nicole
(Yeah, but if it were on the bottom, you’d never see if coming.)
egg salad and mayonnaise – it makes me FUNICULAR! Rutabaga
(Pork chops and applesauce. And I’ll take the bus.)
A naked Tiki bar … Thanks Rachael. (Frank)
(One man’s kryptonite is another man’s home away from home…)
Yellow Lederhosen! SnaapALong G.
(Can a secret desire be kryptonite?)
A wedgie. I hate those tights. Elyse 54.5
(I thought thongs were supposed to do that…)
Freeze dried icecream as served on the shuttle – Kanerva
(But think what we can get from the Martians for $4 of that!)
country western Music (SnB)
(Wait – which kind – Country or western?)

This week, no winner, just to keep you on your toes! And from the offered choices, the most popular was Kryptonite, jackass. Sheesh.. So congratulations to all you way-too-literal folks out there.

Medical technology has come so far...

Medical technology has come so far…

This week, the roving poll eye turns its attention to healthcare. Because I’m spending way too much time visiting health facilities.
But it isn’t to trash the state of medicine in the US, it’s to marvel at the technology. Yes, hospital beds! They can do all sorts of amazing things. But what else should they be able to do? Well, that’s this weeks poll.
Answer often, answer in good health. but answer by 2359 EST, on Wed 26 June,because that’s when this one closes.
And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you,and I’ll link back next week.

And as we slide off into the weekend, I’ll leave you with these.
First, keeping with the medical theme…

And finally, oh, what the hell. Lily Tomlin!

Have a great weekend everyone!

79 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Take Two Of These Edition

  1. Ah, once again my Friday is better for having visited here!! Hope you have a good weekend. 🙂


  2. Great opening tune, plus Tomlin is a classic! Meanwhile, catch a flight to Sweden for this.


  3. I love Paula Poundstone, Guapo! I’ve seen her live and she is awesome! Have a great weekend and stay away from hospital beds! 🙂


  4. Love the Lily Tomlin bit…I talk to my laundry too…the squirrels think I talk too much.


  5. You find the BEST videos!! Can you make a post of your favorite youtube finds? Would love to see!


  6. Why are there no odd numbers on the scale of pain? What if I’m a 3? Does that not matter? Will I not be helped? Am I an outcast? Wait, don’t answer that last question…


    • To be fair, if you’re in a hospital, yeah, there’s a pretty good chance you won
      t be helped.
      (I’ve grown a bit more cynical over the last couple of years.)


  7. I always wanted to be a perfect 10.


  8. Lily Tomlin is awesome. She had some great schticks.

    I never understood that pain scale, because those pictures don’t look at all like me.


    • I always pictured you as the classic “Have a Nice Day” smiley face.

      I couldn’t find a pic, but I saw one in a hospital that showed 10 as a shrieking head in a puddle of blood.
      that one looked accurate.


  9. …and it’s been said that women aren’t funny….

    Thanks for proving that wrong, Guapo! I’m going out to get some GR-R-R-R right now!!


    • Funny is funny, no matter what genitalia is attached.

      I don’t think the GRRR is a problem. Just don’t look too closely at what you’re watching!


  10. I will not cheapen this question by saying that hospital beds should all come equipped with my… you know what… This requires a thoughtful answer. They should at least be set up with those vibrating fingers massage things. If a cheap hotel bed can have it, why not a hospital bed? They should have an awesome sound system. They should be able to to drive you outside for some fresh air. Maybe some nanobots that can fix whatever is wrong with you would be nice. I wouldn’t mind if they could fly. They should dispense awesome pain meds… even if you aren’t in pain. They should rock you to sleep. And squeeze you, like a mother’s hugs.
    Good luck getting that answer in your little magic box!!!


  11. I LOVEV Lily Tomlin! That skit is hilarious! Where did you find that video?


  12. No winner??? No winner!!! How do I keep my crown from last week, defend my title, if no winner is announced? For shame, for shame… Well, I guess that means I reclaim the crown for next week by default, right? I’m okay with a default victory. Yeah, let’s go with that.


    • You are welcome to have that all printed on a t-shirt to wear around town.

      One day, in my tell-all memoir, I’ll explain how the scoring for these works.
      But only when I’m ready to go into hiding. 😉


  13. Lily Tomlin rocks! Funny, I talk about that idiotic pain scale today. What ultra maroons. I think the number one thing wrong with health care is the practitioners are not infected with a few things to prove the place where their patients really are. I think it would revolutionize health care.


  14. How are you Guapo, running around in hospitals these days?


  15. Loved the Paula Poundstone & Lily Tomlin clips! I’m so far behind in my reading I don’t think I even entered a comment for last week’s poll, so I made sure to leave one for you this week (wink)!


  16. This is more satisfying than all that freshly pressed malarkey – cheers. Lily Tomlin cracked me up – bowling indeed


  17. runningonsober

    Did you ever see Allie’s take on the pain scales?
    From her blog:

    0: Haha! I’m not wearing any pants!

    2: Awesome! Someone just offered me a free hot dog!

    4: Huh. I never knew that about giraffes.

    6: I’m sorry about your cat, but can we talk about something else now? I’m bored.

    8: The ice cream I bought barely has any cookie dough chunks in it. This is not what I expected and I am disappointed.

    10:You hurt my feelings and now I’m crying!

    None of that is medically useful and it doesn’t even have all the numbers, so I made a better one with all the numbers: (see pic on her site)

    Have a great weekend, Guap!


    • I saw a great version that I couldn’t find a pic of, that ended with something like “pain of a werewolf gnawing my leg off”.

      I’ll check out that site.


      • runningonsober

        Wouldn’t surprise me if that wasn’t hers. She added several to it, with one being like “my head is about to explode blood!” She has a couple posts on depression that are actually quite funny, but “God of Cake” is probably my favorite. Doesn’t post much anymore, but she is definitely worth checking out.
        PS–Sheryl Crow was awesome tonight. Long set, great crowd interaction, pretty strong voice. Had a really good time!


        • Nice! I saw her once open for Clapton years ago. Only caught a little bit of the show, but I thought she was good. (My friend wasn’t a fan in a big way.)

          Trombone Shorty next Sunday in Central Park. Looking forward to it!


  18. whiteladyinthehood

    Great Friday Foolishness, Guapo! Loved your replies to the poll answers – too funny. (and the Lily Tomlin clip was HILARIOUS!) Have a good one!


    • I think so far, Lily, Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett are the most enjoyed clips I’ve used so far.
      going to have to find more stylish comedienne clips!


  19. Nicely done, as usual Guap and Happy Friday. Have a good weekend!


  20. Dance the weekend away, El G!!


  21. Lily was and is comic genius. Thanks for the clip, good sir!


  22. What??! No winner?! I’m in shock, Guap. How come? Too many good ones? Loved the clips. I should be able to think of something this week about hospital beds. I had to go to ER with my mom, so I have seen one rather recently. Have a great weekend!


    • Every so often, the selection committee gets caught up in the weekly judging party and is too much of a mess the net day to pick a winner.

      Hope your mom is alright!


      • Oh, I didn’t realize that you had a committee that did the judging. Sounds like a pretty big process!

        Mom is doing better and is home. She had to go the ER twice. It was a rough week for her.


        • Oh, I just blame it on a committee whenever I screw up.

          Glad to hear! It’s also too bad that they don’t figure the stress of going into the ER into the overall condition,because that’s never fun.
          (Though my last experience when I lopped off part of a finger was surprisingly not unpleasant.)


          • Guapo, only you could say that lopping off your finger would not be unpleasant!! I’m guessing they gave you some good drugs!

            My mom also had good drugs. Morphine! Actually, this ER wasn’t too bad. She got right in with no wait. A miracle!


            • I did mine right at the start of a holiday weekend, so they were quiet and saw me right away. Plus, I was bleeding all over their floor.
              I found the oxycontin to be disappointing, though it did at least help me sleep the first night or two.

              Morphine? I think I might be jealous!


  23. Thank you for sharing my life size aquarium picture here on your post! 😀
    So happy that you like it! 😀
    Have a great weekend!!


  24. Pingback: Saturday Evening Post | The M3 Blog

  25. Hahahaha! Woke up brain dead this morning then I read this! So much fun all the way through! And then when Lily left us with Billy isn’t yours! Well now I feel almost normal! 😀


  26. I really thought today was Friday. How sad is that? ❤


  27. I voted for the fridge full of edible food. And to the two people who voted to autoredial the nurse until he or she shows? If that autoredialer is ever invented it will end up up your arse.


  28. Spider Man is going to be sooooo jealous when he sees that pic of Batman and the Man of Steel.


  29. Dear Man on a Hampster Wheel: That first vid was hi-larious! And, of course, I totally reveled in reading your italics to the poll answers… hope it’s been a good balancer to the submersion in the medical environment. One tsp covers a multitude of sins… sick! But I laughed anyway 😉


  30. Oh I have spent waaaaaayyy too much time in hospital beds. They should have an eject button that will send the patient home or onwards or to anyplace but their hospital room.

    Paula Poundstone’s bit was hilarious. But I am pissed. I’ve had Crohn’s for 40 years and cannot, apparently be considered heroic for getting out of bed. Damn it.


  31. Thinking of alternative uses for hospital beds reminds me of the classic MASH episode, featuring gurney races on Kentucky Derby Day and a thrilling win by Bouncing Betty.

    Sadly, I couldn’t find a video clip of it.


  32. Lily Tomlin cracks me up!! I love(d) her. I know she’s still alive, I just never see her anymore.
    I think Steve Jobs was going to create the hospital iBed next. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what he was working on before he passed. Just think of the apps for that!


  33. Hello! I’m here to ask a favour!

    I would be so pleased if you could promote some of my recent posts about The Great Suffrage Pilgrimage of 1913 and the play that has been written to celebrate it and the fact that, though we now have the vote, women still have battles to fight re child poverty, domestic violence and having fair representation.

    I know these issues are dear to your heart and want the world to know what the suffragists and the suffragettes fought for and that we still have battles to fight!

    Thank you from the Great Granddaughter of a Suffragette who was imprisoned and force-fed for her actions to support the cause.


  34. Sorry you are spending so much time in medical facilities. Not fun!


  35. Great videos, great answers. Thanks for mentioning mine 😉 Will send more money next time.
    As for hospital beds… oh baby do I have some stories. As we ALL should.


  36. Great thoughts and videos.Does bring forth different perspectives of hospital beds…



  37. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Cookout Edition | Guapola

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