Friday Foolishness – Cookout Edition

Today’s Music: Love And Rockets – So Alive

Round and round we go, where it stops, no one knows. But it does leave plenty of time (amid the frustrations) to read blogs! Here’s some of what I saw…
Jots From A Small Apartment is continuing to make great art. I Saw Bob Dylan In A Speedo is livin’ life, and Sharp Little Pencil started posting again after her move, with a fun, beautiful poem.
Oh, and some time at the beginning of next week, AFrankAngle, having done the themed “Time The Musical”, not once, not twice, but three times(!), will return with the fourth installment! When it posts, you can find it here, along with all his other great writings.

Thanks all, for a great week of reading, and the promise of greatness to come!
Last week, Our poll wasn’t so much greatness as it was inane. Which is exactly what aim for around here. We asked about that technological marvel, the hospital bed, should do. And how it could be made even more…technologically marvelous. Your answers made me wonder what you could all do if you had medical degrees! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are on life support in italics.)

do the Orgasmatron thang from the old Woody Allen film -~Miss R
(Just make sure the IV has extra fluids…)
Yes they should, but would anyone be interested? 🙂 Andro
(I’d only be interested if it came with a demerol stash!)
Change nappies and make the sandwiches, but not at the same time 😦 Andro
(Just make sure whoever restocks the bed is very very careful of what goes in which bin!)
show me boobies!!! – Revis
(Ok, but the ones in hospital beds are not near as attractive with tubes coming out of them.)
(Or oozing…)

Have apps. They’ll be iBeds before long – mark my words. Grippy
(So my doctor disappeared because he was using Apple Maps?)
Send you home lickety-split-ly. Elyse 54.5
(It was the splits that put me in the hospital in the first place!)
Get to 70 in 4 seconds. Duh! (Stacy)
(A hospital bed that ages you that fast doesn’t sound like an improvement…))
refigured so they can be pulled behind a ski boat.
(On the spot aid for those inevitable “Chasing Loch Ness Monster” accidents!)
Eggs over easy with Canadian bacon. (SilkPurseProductions)
(Keep up that diet, and you’ll need a hospital bed.)
Resemble something close to being comfortable–Addie
(I thought the discomfort let you know you were healing?)
…stop Tea-Party members from breeding. JOTS
(So a hospital bed with lights so they have to look at each other?)
Teleport the sick person to the future where they will instantly be cured. JOTS
(Dammit KJ! I’m a doctor, not a – oh…nevermind.)
have auto download of El Guapo’s blog for my laptop! Benzeknees
(Hospitals block my blog as a virus.)
hug you healthy and give you nice dreams starring unicorns. NBI
(I see the words, but it reads as “give better drugs”…)
accept a quarter so the bed can vibrate. That will get the pulse moving. WG
(Wait – so that dingy room downtown I…heard of…was a hospital???)
be a trebucet. patients will hurl themselves onto unsuspecting medical staff WG
fly, like a magic carpet. thematticuskingdom
(That’s not the bed. It’s the drugs.)
Vibrate. Red.
(No, that’s just a phone the last patient left behind.)
Armrests and a cup holder!
(Woah – Yugo doesn’t share that technology with just anyone!)
Vibrate…Wheee (SnB)
(Someone is still high from the anesthetic…)
…go home with you, cus after all – you’ve paid for it! Alex A
(I can think of better souvenirs. Like the money I spent…)
Interviewing private nurses for extra duties. Wink wink, say no more. Andro
(The privacy curtains are a separate feature.)
Double up as an F1 car so that I can not only watch, but take part in the race at Silverstone Andro
(Are IV tubes fire resistant?)
shut off the noises from the ward and cocoon you to sleep MyBeautifulThings
(Wait – you don’t like the inconsistent pinging of beeps and alrams throught the night???))
Scratch that one part of your back you just can’t reach. Twindaddy
(As long as it isn’t the part where the sun don’t shine!)
administer GOOD drugs – Rutabaga
(After a certain point, even the cheap stuff works!)
Have a hole so you can go #1 & #2 without getting up! says, brickhousechick🙂
(Oh, people do that anyway.)
Bear Jameson whiskey gifts … thanks unknown (Frank)
(Sounds like you’re self medicating…)

Congratulations to WG for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was Have a built in fridge. Stocked with edible food.. Because Mystery Meatloaf is rarely good. Despite them saying it’s good for you.

That Star Spamgled Banner still waves.

That Star Spamgled Banner still waves.

This week, the world prepares to celebrate the 4th of Jul-
Not the whole world enjoys it? I mean, besides England…
Oh…ok…So this week, the United States prepares to celebrate the 4th of July, a holiday that is all about the birth of this nation, and its traditions. So this week, we’re asking how you’ll spend it.
Answer as often as you like, but do it before 2359 EST, 3 July,because that’s when this one ends.
And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you,and I’ll link back next week.

And until next week, enjoy these.
First, a classic!

And because one is never enough…

Have a great week, and I’ll see you when the clock spins ’round again.

70 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Cookout Edition

  1. Got my Friday smile on now!! Have a great weekend.


  2. Wonderful clips of the great George Burns …. and cheers to Gracie!

    Thanks for the plug about Time: The Musical, which is especially for music lovers. Act 4 will be about songs with month/months/monthly or a specific month in the title, so I invite music lovers to stop to post a tune.

    Reminder: World Naked Bike Riding Month is nearing an end.


  3. I hope you have a great 4th, Guapo!


  4. I have zero plans for the 4th — so far I’ve successfully staved off every invite. Wish me luck to keep it up! Have a great weekend Guap!


  5. I’m celebrating Canada Day by camping in the United States in the rain with anticipated flash-flood warnings. There’s a metaphor there somewhere. Love & Rockets indeed!


  6. Top of the Mornin’, El G….nice to see you on my balcony, coffee cup in hand…Jots


  7. Happy 4th! For some reason that in case of emergency sign still has me laughing.


  8. Oh, I love George and Gracie — haven’t seen them for a while. Thanks Guap, have a great weekend!


  9. Thanks for the shout out! Or the Ping Back as we call it here in Blogland. You rock Guap!


  10. Nice foolishness, Guap especially George. Take care and have a great weekend. We Canadians are celebrating our July 1st this weekend, so a long one for me! Yay!


  11. Okay, so hafta reload the page to get the vids. I love George. My grandfather had dinner with him once and the laughs went on for more than a month. (Provided it is a Burns clip.)

    Happy Fourth to you and TMWGITU a bit early. My guess is I will talk to you before then, but stranger things have exploded in my kitchen.


  12. I guess my bed answer was too long to make the list… so I am going back to my standard answer… the Fourth will be spent with my penis!!!


  13. Great choice of clips, Guap. Ha.


  14. Oh, I love George and Gracie!! They wer witty, had perfect tempo and so in love! Thanks, dear friend!

    As for the fourth, no plans aside from a possible BBQ over at Anne’s house. I will bring my (in)famous potato salad. You and the Missus feel free to join us


  15. Thanks for the pingback, Guapo! I am very interested in this type of bed with a hole because I was in a hospital bed once and was not allowed to move due to my condition at the time. I buzzed and buzzed and buzzed that Nurse’s button and she NEVER CAME! Needless to say, I had to lay on a warm pool of pee. 😦 But, the nurse got in big trouble. 🙂 Have a great weekend!


    • Sadly, they don’t get in so much trouble for that anymore unless a family members lays into them and gets the head of nursing or someone like that.


  16. LMFAO at the trebuchet idea! Definitely a winner!


  17. You’re right, George Burns and Gracie Allen really did have style. I haven’t seen them for years. I have new appreciation for how good they were. Have a happy and safe fourth! 😀


    • I think they may become my fallback when I can’t find other videos to post.
      (This week, I couldn’t find any other videos to post.)

      Happy fourth!


  18. Those hospital bed answers are way too clever for me! I should spend a little more time with the convalescing to be inspired… have a great 4th! Maybe I can do something clever and put it in the poll, but if now… I’m glad I misread the answer about stuffing firecrackers in dogs…. been spending too much time around an injured animal 😉


  19. OMIGOD! I can’t believe I won! What an honor! I can’t wait for the award certificate to come in the mail…or maybe it will come by courier. With a prize…WITH A PRIZE! I’m so excited…SO EXCITED! I’ll have to dry clean my special dress and polish my shoes and have my nails and hair done. I’ll need to know when to expect the courier. Is it a scheduled time? Because I have a flexible schedule. You can give me a three hour window like the cable company does, only they aren’t reliable. They don’t show up when they say they will be here. Your courier is reliable, right? I can’t get all gussied up for the courier with the video camera and then wait and wait and wait and they won’t be on time and I have to go to the grocery store and what if I need to pick my kids up from camp and the courier is supposed to be here but then I need to rush out. Wait a second…you aren’t the courier are you? ARE YOU THE COURIER? WILL MY CASH PRIZE AND AWARD CERTIFICATE BE DELIVERED BY EL GUAPO HIMSELF????? Ohno…if this is what stress feels like, I don’t ever want to win an academy award. What if I trip in my fancy dress as I’m going up the stairs. Think of the embarrassment. I would be mortified! I can’t take it. I miss my life of anonimity! No more cameras and interviews and autographs!!! No more being recognized in my tattered jeans when I run out of hemorrhoid cream and I need to get more from Walmart and they stare at me on the express lane with my cream and the other 17 items and yell “hey you weenie! Get out of the express lane, you have too many things!” Oh, the pain of it all!!!

    I thank you humbly for this most wonderful award.


  20. 70 in 4 seconds is way too fast to age. You’re right. What was I thinking? ❤


  21. Why have I never heard of firecrackers in hot dogs before?? I have been an American my whole life and never knew….BTW…is a firecracker a really hot cracker?…can you put cheese on it instead of eating it with a hotdog? I’m thinking maybe avocado slices on top with some guacamole….I’m liking the sound of these firecrackers…(no pun intended)…well actually…(pun intended)..Have a great 4th Guapo!!


  22. Love the old Burns & Allen clips. Ahhhh, Gracie, you are a delight.
    I must go now and enjoy my Canadian Bacon with Maple Syrup for Canada Day. There will be a lot of us needing that hospital bed after this weekend.
    Enjoy your 4th of July!


  23. “Say goodnight, Gracie.”
    “Goodnight, Gracie.”


  24. Gray Dawster

    This is another brilliant line up with lots of laughter and mayhem from the resident can’t get enough of Guapola and his many freaks, of course me included it was a fun read from top to bottom, as always 🙂

    I managed to get that poll working too, noooo I said poll 🙂 Okay time to dash it’s almost time for the Zombies to arrive and we haven’t set all the traps yet 😦 Have a great weekend Guap and thank you for such a wicked Friday Foolishness 🙂



  25. whiteladyinthehood

    Happy 4th, Guapo!


  26. Thanks for another entertaining episode. Happy 4th of July! 🙂


  27. Be sure to celebrate our independence by blowing up lots of shit!


  28. Love Tori and Bowie. And me.
    So there you have it!
    Great piece Guap 🙂


  29. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Blood Sucker Edition | Guapola

  30. Way too late for the poll, but I certainly love George & Gracie!


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