Friday Foolishness – Turquoise Edition

Today’s Music: Julie Ruin – Stay Monkey
Note on Today’s Music: Because it has the word “monkey”, I have to ask you to check out the great new home of Words For The Weekend.
It’s a contractual thing.
Don’t ask.

Sun rises, sun sets. 7 times, in fact, since the last time we did one of these. And in that week, I had a lot of fun bouncing around reading blogs. Here’s some of what I saw.
Momshieb dialed it down. Cayman Thorn and his son discussed Fenway Park, and GingerFightBack did something about institutionalized bullying.
Oh, and LifeConfusions gave me a Versatile Blogger Award! (She really deserved it. I got it from her because of tithing. She has a great site, and I hope you guys check her out.)

Thanks to them and everyone else for some time well spent reading this week!
Oh what I could have read if I were immortal. But what would you have done? That’s what we asked in last weeks poll. And now, your answers are burned into my brain forever. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are eternal in italics.)

see Hangover 13: We Promise, Last One sometime.
(Some things just don’t improve with age.)
piss on the front steps of several politicians, then knock the door.
(If you were a politician, it would be knock on the door, then piss on whoever answered.)
Sleep some. Then some more. Then maybe a nap. butimbeautiful
(Even immortality wouldn’t give me enough time for all the beauty sleep I need.)
…try to kill myself around the age of 120.
(Is that thousand or million?)
Amass enough wealth to visit all my blogging friends – Benzeknees
(At my current income, I’ll be dead by then.)
I would learn to tap dance without falling in the sink… Andro
(Maybe you should learn to tap dance outside the kitchen…)
Live a very long time 🙂 Andro
(You call this living?)
…guide humanity towards greatness. – Hotspur
(At last! Hot dogs and buns in the same size packages!)
probably commit suicide – calahan
(I don’t think you understand how this works…)
Grow a ZZ Top beard (Frank)
(I’m already doing that with my ear hair!)
brickhousechick says, eat as many mac n cheese burgers as possible
(Immortality means you’ll be able to live with the indigestion. For a long long time.)
read every book ever written (I’d be an immortal nerd) Stacy!!
(Because of a similar mindset, WE HAVE A WINNER!!!)
Start my diet in 6,999 years…zannyro
(What’s the rush?)
Eat poison straight from the jar. Linda Vernon
(80s music comes in jars?)
show up at Vera Farmiga’s door with flowers every night until she said yes
(You realize she isn’t immortal, right?)
want to die.
(Umm…it’s good to have goals?)
Try one of those convenience store hot dogs, till then – forget it – Alex A
(Half the great taste comes from the risk of death!?)
Have more time to write stuff clever enough to get posted here… PMAO
(Wait – clever stuff gets posted here?!?)
Take a nap. If I’m going to be around that long I want to be at my best. (SPP)
(Just outlive anyone who says you don’t look great. Suckers!)
Have lots of sex with strangers… wait IMMORTAL or IMMORAL? (UndercoverL)
(If you’re having sex with them, they probably aren’t strangers anymore.)
does that mean that you are not? (SnB)
(Ask me in one thousand years.)
Spend more time on this answer than what I just have. Kayjai
(I’d probably still not spend any time coming up with these answers.)
Continue to avoid Dostoyevsky.~~Addie
(Crap! Is he immortal too???)
Still not bother reading depressing Russian lit. Elyse 54.5
(Ah, so you’ll be reading Chekov instead)
finally win at blogging. thematticuskingdom
(That’s just crazy talk. Next you’ll want to win these polls.)
hide away from the world so as not to be studied like a lab rat. thematticuskingdom
(*puts away cameras and hides cheese*)
hate reinventing myself every generation. thematticuskingdom
(You could just join the Rolling Stones.)
take some heads while saying “there can be only one.” thematticuskingdom
(Where would you hide your sword when you’re naked?)
I would BASE jump off the roof of my house- Susie Lindau
(More rewarding than laying second BASE for the Rockies!)
be immoral. Rutabaga
(I was supposed to wait to be immortal for that?!?)
Start rock climbing and conquer “impossible” climbs. Immortal means you bounce?
(Sounds like you’re planning less on “climbing” and more on “falling”…)

Congratulations to Stacy for an excellent use of immortality! And from the offered choices, the most popular were I don’t know. But I could afford to do it sloooowwwwwly… and DO THESE POLLS FOREVER!!!!!!. So congratulations to all of you who take your time answering these. I really do appreciate it.

I'm on a quest!

I’m on a quest!

Next week, I’m going to disappear. Not in a David Copperfield “where’s the elephant” kind of way. My girl and I are going to make up for a crappy summer by condensing ours into one week in the Caribbean. And the internet where well be is apparently so bad that I’ll be completely offline until we return.
Fortunately, The Most Wonderful Girl In The Universe and I won’t be leaving til after this post goes up, so you have plenty of time to make suggestions!
And just to give you something to do, this one will be open late than usual, until Tuesday, 5 November, 2359 EST.
(And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you, and I’ll link back to you next week.)

And until we meet again, enjoy these.
In honor of Apple releasing yet more iStuff:

And I was reminded of this while reading the latest post from Lily In Canada. Because the classics never die.

For those in the US, don’t forget to change your clocks on the 2nd. Revel in that extra hour, and have fun until we meet again!

100 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Turquoise Edition

  1. Have a supergroovy trip. Looking forward to the dreadlocks!


  2. Haha…I assure you that was NOT due to tithing…that was because you deserved it! 🙂

    I’ve to admit your decision for the winner was a little biased. you know with similar interest and stuff 😛 just kidding !

    And as always I think this polling thing is an awesome idea 🙂

    Have fun in the Caribbean !!!


  3. Enjoy your vacation!!


  4. Enjoy your vacation and being without internet can be a refreshing break. Then you will get back and cuddle your laptop at night. 🙂
    It’s chilly by me so please drop some sun my way.


  5. Enjoy your trip …. and many thanks for the BBC comedy clip! … Now I wonder if you will get a chance to correct that poll closed date …. then again, we know what you mean.


  6. No Hawaiian shirts! Have a brilliant time 🙂


  7. The islands are only place where “no return” is the sought after prize. Have a great time


  8. Aw….hope you and TMWGITU have a fantastic holiday. Lots of rum drinks with umbrellas, lots of books and lots of missing your blogging friends!! Enjoy your trip!! 🙂


  9. Have a wonderful vacation. You’ve earned it. All that tweeting from work must be exhausting! 😉


  10. NotAPunkRocker

    I hope y’all have a great time!


  11. Ahh the classics–just like the Goonies–they never die. Great post Guap!


  12. Cheers and have a good break


  13. Avoid sand in your crotch. Not that it’s happened to me.


  14. “80’s music comes in jars?” A keeper, El Guapo…Fun and safe (but not too safe) travels!


  15. Have fun!
    And the feet one is mine, forgot to add the name.


  16. This answer is not the same as the one I put in the little votey box thing, but obviously as long as you are there, you should join my pirate crew. We are going to pillage greedy politicians and Wall Street investment bankers.


  17. Guap, have a WONDERFUL time. Don’t drown. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Or alternatively, have fun.


  18. Smart that you’re tipping out the second the weather turned chilly. Have a great vacay!!


  19. Gone for a whole week! Who will run Guapo Labs? Can I if I promise not to let squirrels near the nitroglycerin?

    I sincerely hope you and tmwgitu have a the best vacation ever! (I will miss your smiling gravatar!)


    • I’m bringing the squirrels with me! Hopefully I can convince the island Governor to give me a job rounding them up.

      Thanks, and the Lab is yours.


  20. I got those braids the last time I was in the Caribbean – they don’t really suit blondes unless you’re “10!” Have the greatest time! We’ll miss you!


  21. Have a great time! Ah, the sun, the sand, the alcohol..what could be better? Hope the weather is warm!


  22. Playing Julie Ruin makes you my best friend forever

    Have fun on vacation…hope you have a blast…bring the weather back, it’s cold in jawjuh


    • Ticketmaster puts out a list of tickets $25 and under. I’ve been going through that to find new stuff to listen to.
      Winter feels like it wants to come on with a vengeance.


  23. EG, the answers you provide for people to choose from in your contests are always really funny…like the nose hair dreads – enjoy the Caribbean. continue…


  24. So excited for you!!!! Not because I want to track you down or anything, but where in the tropics will you be????? It will make my suggestion more applicable. Have a blast! 🙂


  25. whiteladyinthehood

    Enjoy being unplugged, Guapo and have a fantastic vacation! (take us some pictures)


  26. Wow, have a wonderful time with your girl, Guapo! I’ll try not to be jealous. Just forget all about us. Seriously, have fun!


  27. I think I forgot to say thanks for the shout out last week!


  28. Still shaking my head at the fact we both abide by the “Popcorn Rules”. Oh . . sorry. I forgot. The first rule of Popcorn Club . . we do not talk about Popcorn Club.
    Love the tunes, as per usual.
    Enjoy the tropics, you crazy kids.


  29. Not fair. First Ginger, then You – stupid tropics.


  30. Stay here goddammit! What are we supposed to do without the polls!?
    No, really, I suggest that while you’re there, you relax a whole lot and you enjoy stuff there. Stuff as in life and fresh water.
    Have fun :D!


  31. Have a great time Guap, I am sure that there
    will be lots to tell us about on your return, oh and
    we will want plenty of photographs too 🙂 lol



  32. You guys have a great time! I’m terribly, terribly, envious!


  33. No! Don’t leave! What are we going to do without you? You don’t really need a vacation, do you? I tell you what, just come down to Texas. It’s a great place to relax.


  34. I wanna go to the Caribbean!! TAke lots of pictures, won’t you, and have a great time. And maybe don’t listen to DReadlock holiday – although it is a really good song!


  35. For someone like me who does not have much time to read books, the winning answer is a good idea.

    Happy vacation to both of you!


  36. The Caribbean!!! Paradise of sun and beaches 😀 Enjoy your trip!


  37. Have a wonderful time, Guap. See you when you get back! ❤


  38. I hope you are three sheets to the wind already, my friend. Plant your ass in the sand and have a couple for me too.

    Thanks for the mention–one down, 99 to go! Oh wait, I got it confused with that bottle of beer song.

    Cayman’s Fenway piece rocked, good choice.

    And any song that mentions not only monkeys, but ice cream too!, is an instant favorite of mine.

    Welcome home! I hope you’re not too sunburned.


  39. I’m hoping that the most important decision you have to make this week is whether your afternoon should begin with a beer, or with a daiquiri. May your only responsibility be to keep sunscreen on.


  40. I hope that you haven’t got
    lost in the jungle Guap 😦 lol

    How do you mean what jungle? 😉



  41. Woohoo!! Have an amazing time with the wifey, Guap! My husband and I are FINALLY taking a honeymoon!! We will be in Disney from the 4th to the 7th 🙂


    • Sorry for nudging in, but have a lovely belated
      honeymoon, it will be wicked and wonderful me
      thinks 🙂 🙂 Say hello to Goofy for me…



  42. Are you back yet Guap? 🙂
    Well I only asked… lmao



  43. Pingback: This Month’s Jaw-Drop Comments « Hacker. Ninja. Hooker. Spy.

  44. Thanks for calling by Guap 🙂
    Have a wickedly exciting Friday
    and a long weekend of non-stop
    thrills my great friend 🙂



    • Thank you.
      Looking forward to chores and naps.

      Hope your weekend is horrifyingly entertaining!


      • Yes hopefully it will be 🙂 lol
        The napping sounds a lot better
        than the chores, though after
        saying that there could be some
        wicked treats involved so let’s
        hope that there is if the chores
        option is chosen 🙂 lol

        Have a good one Guap 🙂



  45. Like you (apparently), I could grow an impressive ear-hair beard if I completely (as opposed to mostly) lacked a sense of style. However, unlike you, I can’t grow a mustache to save my life. Fortunately, one’s ability to grow a mustache rarely gets down to “life and death.” Fortunately for me, we’re not living in a world where everybody’s a porn star or a cop.


  46. Funny post El Guapo. Hope you had a great trip. Sounds like fun. Take care. 🙂


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