A Literary Limerick – Sorcerer’s (Philosopher’s) Stone

Today’s Music: The Eels – Hey Man
Days ’til Spring: 76
Today’s Question: Why the hell is there a nail clipper in the pocket of my ski jacket?!?

Alright folks, I got nothing. I was going to go with the first naked bar dance, but I actually need to write that down before I post it. Be patient.
So instead, as a way to separate the weak from the strong (read that as the sane from the not), you’re getting a Harry Potter limerick.

Remember, I’m doing this for your own good.
Because it certainly isn’t for mine.

Don’t worry, I’ve left you an amusing video at the bottom as brain bleach.

*If Warner Brothers, JK Rowling, or Bloomsbury have an issue with this for some bizzarro copyright reason, let me know and I”ll take it down. Really, you’d be doing the world a favor…

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
A young boy with a scar on his head
His parents, both sadly were dead
When he reached age eleven,
thought he’d been admitted to heaven

But had to fight the “2 headed” teacher instead.

You’re welcome.

44 responses to “A Literary Limerick – Sorcerer’s (Philosopher’s) Stone

  1. LOL! I love that potter pals episode.


  2. Hilarious, as usual!


    • Thanks Dan!
      Confirming once again my anecdotal evidence that all of us who ever enjoyed working in the restaurant business are slightly…off…


        • Didn’t know you’d done time in restaurants, John. Or do you just know a lot of people who did?


          • Owned a coffee house in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. We roasted our own coffee and had a small lunch and breakfast menu as well. 24/7/365, way to much work. It was called Joe Beans Coffee Roasting Company, which is why I have Joe Beans scattered about my profile etc.


            • Yeah, the total commitment is why I’ve never really considered owning my own place.
              Very cool. I wondered what the Joe Beans was.
              Was the romanticism of having your own place why you opened it? Or was it the only opportunity at the time?


              • John phillips

                L earned 2 things. Don’t open a restaurant and don’t have partners. It was an opportunistic want. We tried it didn’t work. Hindsigh.we should have done wholesale only and not do the coffeehouse


  3. Capricious waggishness and silly goofiness you just got it all kinds of going on with the limericks – and brave too! Oh my goodness I didn’t know he was supposed to go to heaven at eleven? You always teach me something new and I am never disappointed when I leave here. Befuddled – wait not – surprised? – nooooooo – enlightened and enriched? hmmmmm yes! I feel enlightened and enriched and go ahead and throw befuddled in just for shits and giggles and because I am feeling it today. I haven’t decided yet if I came to that from your limerick or I picked it up somewhere else. I’ll keep you updated. Anyways you Rock! Of course and always,. and it was a lovely way to start my morning along with my coffee. Almost as good as a donut. – ALmost 🙂 Peace


  4. Oh dear. I shudder at the enlightenment this stuff is bringing you. I think it’s more likely for you being sick today…
    Limerick as good as a donut? High praise, Lizziecracked!


  5. Now this is the kind of puppet show that restores my faith in the human race. well, that and a cool Harry Potter Limmerick.


  6. This is great! Now do Porky’s.


  7. Hi,
    Fantastic limerick, and that video is hilarious, good one. 😀


  8. Fab limerick my friend.
    Oh dear god that video killed me rotflmao.
    As to the nail clippers is your ski jacket: don’t worry. I once found a mitten in one of my ski jacket’s pockets. It wasn’t mine.


    • Thanks Rachael. The song in that video is a perfect example of the sort of singsong mayhem that goes through my brain when I’m not using it.
      Which is most of the time…


  9. Oh no … now I will be In Search of Potter Pals for my Monday Morning Entertainment feature that resumes next week.


  10. Snape, Snape, Severus Snape (Dumbledore!)


  11. therecoveringbrit

    Haven’t heard the EEls for many years! Thanks for the memory – love their stuff. The limericks just keep getting better…..


  12. 1. It may be 76 days until spring but it’s only 4 days till skiing and 4 1/2 days till the great western trek (which includes skiing).

    2. Thanks for the limerick. Don’t quit your day job.



  13. Being a HP fan, I just gotta LOVE that limerick 🙂


  14. I like today’s Limerick. Captures that book quite well in 35 words. Great music today, too! And the Mysterious Ticking Noise has long been among my kids’ all time favorite YouTube videos. You got yourself a winning post right here.


    • Surprisingly, this one came together kind of easily. Got lucky. Hope the rest work, but doubt they will…
      That’s a go-to comfort video in our house too, Brian


  15. whiteladyinthehood

    Would you believe me if I said I had actually seen that HP clip before? haha – I have several young nephews who are big fans..I’ve never read the books but have to secretly admit that I own most of the movies….haha (and just watched the “last” one this past weekend)…you have a fun bloghome over here!!!


    • I’d believe you – I think that clip has a lot of virtual miles on it…
      Your secret is safe with me – and the movies keep pretty close to the books, so you aren’t missing any big themes, but some of the details are better in the books (like crazy cat lady form 5)
      Thanks for the compliment, whiteladyinthehood! You’re welcome to hang out whenever you like.
      Bear and wine coolers are in the fridge, homemade bread and lasagna on the counter, and tequila is currently banned.
      But it will be back soon enough…


  16. ha! puppets! they always save the day. or a blog post 😉


  17. Just when I thought the internet had become a wasteland.

    I love the link, by the way. That sketch/song was stuck in my head for most of 2008, especially the “Dumbledore!”


  18. Becoming Bitter

    I love the Harry Potter Puppet Pals videos. They have a new channel too.
    Nice Limerick.


  19. 😀 mad talent you have sir ,mad talent. :p


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!