Looking Sideways. And a Haiku!

Today’s Music: Iron Maiden – Run To The Hills
Days Til Spring: 57

From the inestimable Gary Larson. Please don't sue me.

Says it all... (From the inestimable Gary Larson. Please don't sue me.)

Wow. this is the 100th time I’m setting virtual pen to pixelated paper.
I don’t really have any ideas for this momentous occasion. Really, the only thing I have special for it is at the bottom, in the closing remark, and that isn’t even my idea. It came from the comments section of this post.

Mostly right now, I’m feeling more in tune with the post of another blogger, Sandylikeabeach in her post about prayer. (Though i imagine I could draw some excellent allegories from Hotspur too, but it would probably just go to his head.)
But that’s just because it was an exceptionally long day. This too shall pass I guess…

So, 100 down, god-knows-how-many to go. So far I’ve enjoyed myself. I’ve met some great bloggers, had some deeper conversations than I ever thought I would online, and mostly just amused the hell out of myself.
There have been limericks and polls (see the last two categories in the header), there’s been music every day (some of it good). There’s been some serious stuff, and a whole lot of silliness.
A nice blend, methinks. And if nothing else, a few days a week, I actually have to organize my thoughts. Doesn’t actually stay organized when it runs through my fingers, but still, it’s the thought that counts. (See what I did there?)

So stay tuned, keep the volume turned up, and put in as much or as little effort as you like as you browse.
Let me know what you’re listening to, or what concerts you’re going to see (I’ve updated the Concert Log page above), and what books you’re reading. I read all the comments (even the one that just said pornbeer.com and the other, posted by user1, I am the worlds best user!) and answer them too!
So, a bit of looking back. Some looking forwards. Mostly (and as always), just looking sideways…

And as promised, to commemorate the inanity of commemorating my 100th post, I give you
The Gopher Haiku
Did he ever get the girl?
The shorts look ridiculous
Welcome to Washington, Congressman.

PLUS!!! An older Dick Shawn and Bobby Short on the same cruise?!?

You’re welcome. Look on the bright side – the next 100 can’t get any worse!

64 responses to “Looking Sideways. And a Haiku!

  1. Congrats on the 100th post! I always smile when I see one of your posts in my inbox as I know I’m in for an enjoyable ride whether it is a limerick or a rock climbing adventure or in the case of today’s post – my favorite Far Side strip which I paraphrase every time I try to pull open a door that says “Push.”


  2. Congrats on your 100th…can’t wait to read more…


  3. Nice, 100. Iron Maiden, wow, hadn’t heard that in a while. Keep on posting, we’ll keep on coming.


  4. YES!!! A GOPHER HAIKU!!! Now do Sheriff Lobo.


  5. Oh great….now I’ll be singing The Love Boat theme all freaking day….
    Congrats on your 100th! You are appreciated (obviously!).

    And loooove won’t hurt anymore…..well, wheres the fun in that!?


  6. LOL! Nude romance?! Gopher would go for that….casting his shorts into the sea…


  7. ….did you then swallow?


  8. whiteladyinthehood

    Congratulations on your 100th post! That’s awesome. I’m sure the next 100 posts will be super!
    (I have seen Iron Maiden in concert before! lol When I was a kid..they came with two other groups called Fastway and Saxxon (?) I think…it was a loooong time ago)
    Love your blog Guapo!


  9. Keep ’em coming – Iron Maiden!


  10. Congrats! This is a great milestone to reach! You are very entertaining and funny, so I GUESS I’ll stick around for the next 100. ; )


  11. Hi,
    Congrats on your 100th post, and I’m sure there will be plenty more posts for me to read and enjoy, keep up the good work. đŸ˜€


  12. Wow! 100,000 posts! That’s amazing! I too love that I never know what I’m going to get when I open your page but I know I’m always going to go away with a smile, a laugh or a good (or horrible song like the Love Boat theme song) that gets stuck in my head! And maybe even experience a new thrill such as like suba diving or rock climbing at least in my mind anyway. Anyway congratulations like I said on your 100,000 post at this rate it’s not going to be long until you reach 1,000,000 . . . unless I read wrong.


  13. Congrats on your 100th!! I love Gary Larson!! I have every single one of his books!!
    Andrea!! (it seemed unsymmetrical to not add another after my name ;))


    • My absolute favorite is from Prehistory of the Far Side – an unpublished drawing of a snake with it’s head and tail sticking out of a babys crib, and a big rounded belly.
      The snake looks guilty, and the caption is “No you didn’t see this. Turn the page”

      Asymmetrical looks good on you, Andrea!


  14. lol That one is hilarious, one of my favorites is Shakespeare in a parking garage “2B or not 2B”


  15. Congrats on 100, and here’s to 100 more! I didn’t realize there were so many guest stars on a single episode of The Love Boat.


  16. I always enjoy reading your blog, it never fails to entertain. Thanks for making to your 100th post, and I’m looking forward to the next 100. Great job!


  17. therecoveringbrit

    Congrats on 100 posts!! Looking forward to the coming 100……And I love The Far Side – shame it’s not so prominent out there these days. Hilarious stuff. One of my other faves (being a scientist, of course) is a prehistoric scene where a caveman is looking down a giant microscope at a mammoth underneath it, and he’s saying to his buddy nearby “It’s a mammoth”. Pure ridiculousness.


  18. YAY!! YOU!! 100 posts that is awesomness with a coolness side dish thrown in for free – kinda like the haiku đŸ™‚ Rock on El Guapo – I can’t wait to read the next hundred!! (so really rock on fast and get em done lol – jk of course) but I so look forward to your – Pointless on the Internet – with music that is turns out isn’t at all pointless – with music.
    đŸ™‚ Peace and happy blogging!


  19. Congratulations. I just put the Love Boat theme in my last post — I hope you, like me, managed to celebrate 100 without hearing the song!


  20. Gratz on 100 posts, Guap! It’s not easy to do, you know. But with Iron Maiden inspiring you to go where eagles dare, you’ll die with your boots on after a flight of Icarus. Those were the worst song puns ever. I was going to comment on how the last line in your haiku had too many syllables, but it’s about the government and we all know how bloated the government is. Not as bloated as this comment, but still….

    Congratulations, and I hope you do at least 100 more! Or, wait, like 1000 more! However more you want to…. okay, just thanks for writing things down for us to peruse. Sorry, this comment sucks, but I was just realizing – white man came across the sea? Must have been doing Kegels or something.


  21. Congrats on #100! That’s awesome!
    On a stranger note…. The Love Boat is constantly stuck in my head for some reason. Now this is a legit reason, but for the rest of the days when I’m not watching reruns or living in the 70s….not so sure. Although, if I may, I SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO wish I would have been 24 in 1978 and single. DEAR GOD WOULD THAT HAVE BEEN THE BEST OR WHAT?!


  22. your haiku is truly the spirit of Zen. terrific. continue…


  23. 100! You must be doing something right to get so many people commenting, liking, and coming back for more. Congrats!


  24. Congrats and great job on the prose!


  25. i’m happy you included a haiku

    i’m also happy you have a spring season countdown


  26. I have finally found the boneless chicken ranch. Whew! I was afraid I was going to starve.

    First Iron Maiden concert…1976. I can admit it.


  27. Couldn’t let your century post go by without a comment.


  28. I have that picture on a coffee mug. I love The Far Side. Shocking, I know.


  29. Writing Haiku
    How Relaxing
    Until you run out of syl


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!