Friday Foolishness – State Edition

Today’s Music: The Beautiful South – Rotterdam
Days Til Spring: 54

Well, it’s been a long week. No one got hurt. Nobody died.
Not much of anything happened, really. Mostly, I was just feeling out of sorts, and a bit discombobulated. Lets chalk it up to cabin fever.

There were some interesting things on some of the blogs I follow. Here’s a few:
Barking In The Dark put up yet another lovely ballad to the ladies… for the political season.
lizziecracked wrote an excellent eulogy to Joe Paterno
The Recovering Brit (I didn’t even know she was sick!) put up some spectacular pics of Yosemite
And whiteladyintehhood sent me to Australia!

Thank you, and thanks to everyone else out there. You made my week a little brighter, and a little more thoughtful.

In other business, last week’s poll asked what you would do if the Internet shut down.
Here are the other answers (italics are mine)
Re-enter the convent
(Sure, with no internet, they wouldn’t be able to see what you’d been doing before they let you back in!)
go back to making latchhook rug toilet seat covers – whatimeant2say
(dear god – please don’t let the internet go down!!!)
get less news about the GOP crazies … which is a damn good thing!
(Yes, because sometimes knowledge isn’t power. Sometimes it’s just sad.)
have even MORE time to drink!
(if you can’t find enough time (and incentive) to drink while surfing the web, you might be doing it wrong…)
Be forced to reveal my true identity and save the day by chaining myself naked t??? they will see the light and we will be back in no time! lizziecracked
(Not sure what you were going to chain yourself to, but definitely would have been something to see!)
Make my own version of it 🙂
(You’re going to need a lot of pictures of cats and bacon to match today’s standards…)
Have to start paying attention to the children again. GingerSnaap
(dear god – please don’t let the internet go down!!!)
Become the World Busiest Pen Pal – Linda Vernon
(Snail mail?!? the horror!!!)
Get back to working on my cookbook, Joy of Soylent Green – Linda Vernon
(Companion to To Serve Mankind)
return to in-person stalking which is more consuming but less rewarding.
(Getting back to your roots?)
get Sandylikeabeach’s phone number so I can hold on to the inspiration.
(Is this from the stalker above?)
have way more time for sex and drugs and rock and roll – YAY! sandylikeabeach
(Have you met the commenter above, Sandy?)

For those of you that agreed on something, the most common answer was
Read a book. Like, with pages. Paper pages…
I concur. Well chosen.

Before we start this weeks poll, I just wanted to ask you:
If a tree falls on a mime, does anybody care?

And with that, Guapola continues its tradition of topical polls with this week’s big event, The State Of The Union.
The poll will be open until thursday at midnight. If you leave your name next to your other answer, you could see it in linkback next week!

So until next time, I leave you with this.

Be well and have fun. Hell, have some of mine. I ain’t using it…

56 responses to “Friday Foolishness – State Edition

  1. I can not even believe I blew it like that! It’s the equivalent of a bad connection and at the most important words all you hear is static – how did I ever not get that right – I certainly pondered over the right thing to do for long enough…sigh…chain myself to the steps of congress – providing there are guard rails or something there to chain to of course – if not I would adapt …I am utterly deflated and hoping it wont get worse by this comment going straight to the spam box – if it does I may just give up…..Gonna think about the poll and return …. otherwise love the Friday foolishness as usual – it makes my Friday and look I am early today and thanks so much for the mention and picking Joe Paterno….You, as always, rock with awesomeness….


  2. The whole place is pickled, the people are pickles for sure. Like the commets on the video say, crappy video, nice song. Thanks for the Marx Bros.


    • That song makes me want to get really drunk in the Netherlands and have a picture of it, John.
      Hey, inspiration is where you find it. And can always be found in teh Marx Brothers!


  3. Is it Friday again…….


  4. whiteladyinthehood

    Sorry about your discombobulation with cabin fever…where I live its twenty degree’s one day and sixty five the next so you can always get outside some of the time and enjoy it! Loved your Foolishness today..your italic comments were exceptionally witty..and made me laugh…thanks!!


  5. I voted for the fallout shelter stocked with lots and lots of SPAM!!!


  6. Emigration to Canada duhhh. Everyone better move out here and comfort me!


  7. If a tree falls on a mime. . . I’m replacing counting sheep with trees falling on mimes!


  8. One of my most favorite movies!

    And about your question – what kind of tree was it and how old? It’s always sad when an old tree falls.


  9. What IS your state of the Union? If all of ye are coming up to Canadia, make sure that you watch out for us! We’ll be the ones drinking beer and eating snow cones….


    • Wait- at the same time, kayjai? I thought the snowcones were to recover from the drinking?
      Besides, I’m pretty sure I could keep up. At least for a little while…


  10. Hi,
    We have our State election coming up soon just for Queensland, and the good ol political spin has already started, I may have to migrate somewhere for the next couple of months. 🙂

    Loved some of the answers to last week poll, and your thoughts on them as well. 😀


  11. I get the sense you do not want me to send you a latch hook rug toilet seat cover.


    • Of course I do, whatmeant2say.
      In fact I’d like to order 374 of them right now. Just send them COD to my home address at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
      Can’t wait to see them! (Please use a very high thread count – I have a sensitive bottom.)


  12. If the internet went down, I’d be out of business. Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing!


  13. I like reading your stuff, sure beats work!!


  14. You’re the Walter Cronkite of WordPress, Guap.


  15. He does have fine ears……they’s go nicely with Newt’s gob.


  16. i agree politics should be dogs.


  17. i’ll see my lawyer about this as soon as he graduates from law school!

    i ❤ duck soup


  18. I have not seen “To Serve Mankind” in ages…and I love Duck Soup…both kinds. But not soy. Eww. If I told you what I would do without internet, I could be thrown off now.


    • Last time I saw that Twilight Zone, I bellowed for my wife to come watch it with me.
      Since they haven’t shut down the internet, you can just film and post it, Red. You’ll make a killing!


    • Red, just watched a ‘fan favorites’ dvd of Twilight Zone. do you know what was NOT on it? To Serve Man. WTF?! One of my ultimate favorites.
      Back in the day, when I lived in LA (heh I’m a Longfellow) was the Thanksgiving Twilight Zone Marathon. Don’t know if it’s still done, but loved it for years.


  19. Heh. Saw my answer in there; and dammit I’m not doin’ it wrong!
    The problem is that I actually design f**king websites. If the Internet were down think of the good times! Well, actually you could think of them because I’d be in a black-out.

    Just watched Duck Soup on Netflix last week, Been a Marxist since the age of 12. Great clip. Fab taste, Cheers!


    • I think the internet is way in the category of “How did we do without”, Rachael. Kind of like indoor plumbing. Even though there’s a lot more crap on the internet than in the plumbing…


  20. So I found your blog today and I really like you’re style. Totally fun, and not too serious. Looks like you’ve got a pretty sweet following working too! Keep up the good work! 🙂


  21. Am I aloud to vote for 2? Because I voted for 2. Brains (extended) and “four letter word.” Both equally as appropriate. Well, even if I’m not “allowed” the software let me. So there. Nanny, nanny, boo, boo.


  22. the State of the Union speech made me think, as i looked at the shots of republican faces, that they’re even BIGGER assholes than i thought they were – if that’s at all possible. that – and (my entry is) i LOVE Boehner’s new shade of orange. well done EG as usual. continue…


  23. Pingback: Happy Talk from The Coffee Spot 1/28/12 « Running Naked With Scissors

  24. I was thinking. I wonder what good programming I might be missing.


  25. therecoveringbrit

    LOL! Some say I’ll never recover…….Glad you enjoyed my Yosemite pics! I’m now so behind in my blog reading after a busy 10 days of two jobs….will try and catch up later….


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