Friday Foolishness – Glorious Leader Edition

Today’s Music: Animaniacs – Presidents (A bit outdated. And a cartoon. But a great song!)
Days Til Spring: 31

I had an okay week – nobody got hurt, nobody died. I’ll chalk that up as a win.
There were a few posts that caught my eye this week.
H.E. Ellis had an in depth sit down with Cupid; Edward Hotspur waxed philosophical on blogging while using the longest non-technical word in the English language, floccinaucinihilipilification; and Ginger Snaap regales us with her Valentines Tweets
Thanks to you guys (and everyone else out there) for making the days a little more fun as I traveled through my week…

Oh, and we all made it through Valentine’s Day! Now I can get back to my normal irreverent frame of mind.
And for Valentine’s Day, y’all had a lot say in last weeks poll.
Here are the “Other” answers:
(As usual, my comments are in italics)
Going to the beach! Chocolate always tastes better dipped in sand.
(Um…where did you get that recipe from?)
Time to break out the special Valentines evening wear. John Phillips
(I did too! Latex – ah, the smell of it…)
I’ll be here
(And it was appreciated! Hope I didn’t syrup-overload you…)
i’m sleeping all day. –Goradde
(Nothing says romance like bed-pigging!)
Help! I’ve got 3 humans & 1 cat counting on me. Now Accepting Ideas!
(Hearts with names written on them dangling from a long string of red silk?)
I’m painting hearts with a folded toilet paper roll. No, really.
(No name with this, but I think it might have been Jell Jell – or more accurately, the adorable EB. Who does much more interesting (and acceptable) things with commode accessories than I ever did!)
(Sorry, was that blogging or flogging?)
Lots of really hot masturbation.
(So is that self abuse, or self love? And does one make the other even hotter?)
Im going to decide where to shop the next day to get 50% off stuff. Hobbler
(It’s like Christmas! But with shorter lines!)
What about chocolate covered brraaiinnnsss!!!! Linda V
(This prize is shared with ThoughtsAppear, who came so close to the same answer in the comments)

Aphrodisiac dinner and sex…you know, another Tuesday. Red
(Hey, we’re all invited to dinner at Red’s next week!!!!) (hehehe)
I’m giving her 2 tickets to the Monster Truck Rally!!! Rich Crete
(Because you are romanc- Wait – tickets for you and her, right?)
I hope to break the 358 days straight of no sex… ~flame
(I believe all of us are rooting for you! Oh, and pics or it didn’t happen. (hehehe))
All of the above (except Meg Ryan, and football, and sex – what’s that? Kanerva
(So…chocolate, and shooting people with a compound bow. Wow. PARTY AT KANERVA’S!!!)
I will ignore it in order to see if she notices.
(Oh, I can’t see that going well at all…)
I’m having sex with someTHING. I hope… G Snaap
(That line above about pictures? Yeah, ignore that one…)
Buy myself flowers and thank Hubby profusely for getting them for me!
(Better yet, thank someone else and really get his attention!)

Thank you for broadening (and occasionally assaulting) my definition of Valentine’s Day!
Congratulations to Linda and Thoughtsy on picking the winning Other answer, and the most popular of the choices offered was “I’m eating chocolate!!! Maybe I’ll even share…”
Congratulations to all of you too!

And now (continuing the series of polls that seem like they are related to something but really really aren’t), this weeks poll!
With Presidents Day coming in the US, I thought we might consider widening the scope of the holiday. So…

So, until next time, I leave you with these two videos.
I think this is a very cool thing for a President to do:

And the Presidential Oath of Office – FDR to Obama

Have a great weekend everyone, and for those that get it, enjoy your Monday off!

62 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Glorious Leader Edition

  1. We obviously don’t have President’s day, but have a nice long weekend!


  2. Could do with a long weekend, if a member of the Royal Family pops their clogs (say the Queen in a skydive accident) we may get a day off


  3. Awwww shucks- thx, my funny Guapotine!
    I lost the pics of the someTHING I had horizontal fellowship with. Damn.


  4. You’ve already mentioned the best response, Zaphod Beeblebrox, which means I now have to actually think….I’m not enjoying this….

    Animaniacs=Never outdated!

    On presidents, planes, and oaths of office…All presidents should be required to jump out of a plane as part of the whole inaugural day event thing, actually so should the new first lady, and any first children. Limos are so over-rated…and more than a little wimpy.


  5. Cool vid of Bush skydiving!


  6. Some weeks I chalk it up as a win if I don’t need to KILL somebody.

    And Aqualung. No doubt.


  7. whiteladyinthehood

    I am a fool for Friday! WooHoo! (I am off work today!) I got Monday off, too but instead – I needed the $$ and am going on a field trip to the museum of discovery…(but, evil twin is not attending…so hopefully, I will come back in one piece!) Enjoy your weekend!


  8. I remembering seeing the GHW Bush’s jump live … and anytime Robin Meade can be added … BINGO! …. and if you noticed, Mr. President said, “Where did Robin go?”


  9. It’s true, I left that comment about the toilet paper roll! Sorry for the mystery, but I am very impressed with your blog-sleuthing.


  10. February the month of inane holidays –
    Oh gosh – that’s right…. another 3 day weekend….I can always count on you to make sure I am aware… I woulda looked silly dropping the kids off at school on Monday. Wonder if they will take them anyways……. 😕
    Love the skydiving clip.
    Hahahaha the intro to Aqualung that’s funny – good one…so many choices…
    Happy Friday! And Happy 3 day weekend hope you do something fun!


  11. HIp Hip Horray!! It’s official. I am the now happiest person in world and the luckiest! I FRIGGIN” WON! (ok, ok, I had to share with Thoughtsy (which is the most perfect blog description name ever, btw!) So who better to share it with! And a crash course on the Presidents via the Animaniacs too! I just feel like the hippest Granny on the internet today! Hip Hip Horraaaa (YIkes I thought I just broke a hip!) Totally worth it though!


  12. Hi,
    I didn’t even know there was such a thing as President Day, I have learned something new. 🙂
    The answers from last weeks poll were excellent, always good for a laugh. 😀


    • The holiday originally honored George Washington, then George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, Magsx2.

      Glad you enjoyed them! I like adding the commentary to them.
      Have a great rest of your weekend!


  13. we MUST give Obama a Democratic Congress to work with. end of speech. EG your choices for “leader” are inspired…but, and just slightly nosing out Zaphod B., my vote for leader is “take me to your”…continue…


  14. I’m in love with that Heart-Adorned Cow. Perhaps you should consider the bovine leadership? Without them, they’d be no icecream…and that treat is a global delight (except to the lactose intolerant…who don’t make up a large portion of the voting base anyway).


  15. I like your weekly summaries, Guap. They’re much better than the owner of a broken heart.


  16. I like your mixing of Louis Armstrong’s, “Wonderful World” with Pres. Bush Senior’s jumping. I agree El Guapo, it is a wonderful world! Thanks for being such a coolio blogger.


  17. have to say i’m not a fan of politics. that skydive was fucking awesome, tho.


  18. Might get more out of President’s Day if it actually honored ppl who worked all year 😛

    I do happen to throw a mean party. Articles of Absurdity and I were discussing a new shindig last week. Glad for the mention for Hallmark Day, tho.

    And if Yacko ran for President, I would vote for him.


  19. Had to go with Zaphod, impossible to top him. “Some parts of my character weren’t what you’d call presidential. “


  20. Pingback: Saturday Evening Post « Momma's Money Matters

  21. Due to President’s Day, we have President’s Week, which is a week off school. In deference to our honorable leaders, we began our tribute a day early by hitting the slopes in Vermont, on newly fallen snow. George and Abe were skiiers, no?


  22. This one was all over the place – and I loved it!


  23. All I can think about is chocolate-covered brains. How can I do that? I need donor volunteers. Anyone?


  24. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Evil Edition! | Guapola

  25. HMMMM! Nobody died. I guess the win depends on how you look at it. I’m loving that cow.


  26. Pingback: Saturday Evening Post | Momma's Money Matters

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