Friday Foolishness – Evil Edition!

Today’s Music: Talking Heads – Psycho Killer
Days Til Spring: 25

*A note: Today’s poll is evil. Really, it is insiduous and may very well scar you for the greater part of the afternoon.
You’ve been warned.

Yes, Van Halen rocked.
No, I have no idea why I went to Indianapolis to see them.
But I did have a blast. More on that to come…

Her’s a few posts that caught my attention from around the ‘sphere this week:
SightsnBytes told us about his friend Josh. Brian Westbye threw up another great short piece, this time mocking hipsters.
And Eric Murtaugh embraced the nervousness of his first time.
You should check them all out, then mosey on through their blogs. It’s all good stuff!
But not right now.

Because what you really want to know is the answers your fellow commenters came up with for last weeks poll, Who should be honored on President’s Day.
Well ask no more! Here are the other answers. (Comments in italics, as always, are mine).
John Q. Shopping…that’s why everything is on sale.
(With the amount of sales throughout the year, he’s got to be the most honored man in history!)
Thomas Crapper…for bringing all the crap inside. Red.
(Thanks Red – I had him confused with WC Flushington)
Me, of course! Mrs. Cap’n Firepants, future President of the United States
(How would you direct the Secret Service to respond to Wonderbutt?)
Masterchief. Nuff said.
(Cortana would still be the woman behind the man.)
Charles Nelson Riley — LindaV
(I should have known you were a Matching game fan!)
Add Thomas Jefferson and James K Polk because they had the most BRRAAIIINNSSS!
(Wait – had as in “possessed” or as in “ate”?)
Guapola – for his coolness…whitelady
(Thank you whitelady! but there’s no way I’d survive the background checks.)

Captain James T Kirk
(Sure, he’ll get the green woman vote, but how does he do with the rest of the population?)
The Brain (No, not BRRAAIINNS, but The Brain, from Pinky and The Brain. Alex A.
(THE WINNER!!! I wish I’d though of this!)
Congratulations Alex! And from the list of answers in the poll,the most popular was Zaphod Beebelbrox. Just more proof of how cool you all really are.

But now it’s time to move on. I’ve talked several times about my girl on this blog. But the reason I love her and think she’s so fantastic is summed up in today’s poll. Because it was her idea.
And again, I have to say that if anyone has anything even remotely productive they want to do today, don’t read any further
There is no “Other” answer this week. Leave your choice in the comments so everyone can suffer enjoy them without having to wait.
You’re welcome!

And until next time (when I do the concert review), here’s a song I don’t mind having stuck in my head.
From the show I was at. Seriously, most of the concert is on You Tube…

98 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Evil Edition!

  1. Sammy Hagar is the biggest bottle of Summer’s Eve in the world.


  2. Are you kidding me? This is like the handicap parking I didn’t have to go too far at ALL – the early bird definitely does get the worm although not the last word – or maybe so…..So yes you warned us but Cmon It;s a Small World? I thought we were friends… πŸ˜• hahahaha jk now you know my answer and I feel a little less guilty for tagging you while you were gone πŸ™‚ I have been computerless for a bit but all will be right with the world soon and I think I should match your ITS A SMALL WORLD AFTERALL DAMMT in a mental moment….. today πŸ™‚


    • Just sharing the love, lizziec!
      And trust me, I’ve had all of these stuck in my head at some point while writing this damn post…


      • well i am starting to understand why you said evil – I mean even Small World afTERALL isn’t evil…really but I had to read kayjai’s comment and I now realize that my whole will be spent on one of these lovelys or another….. that. is. evil. Why did this have to be the week I was the worm – I mean I was the bird oh hell I got here early! ah who cares totally worth it. πŸ™‚ now I gotta go squish that itsy bitsy spider scuse me – hope you have been over them enough to banish them already no use in all of us suffering at once ….. hey I here a donut calling – (to the tune of Beth by Kiss) πŸ˜€


  3. “Oh, Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey!” Great…now it’s stuck…I think I’ll see if I can find a version of the Ting Ting’s to listen to…


  4. Come on Barbie, lets go party. aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


  5. whiteladyinthehood

    Oh crap! I didn’t think I recognized the ‘Mickey’ song until kayjai started singing it…shoot…now it’s stuck…(can’t wait to hear about the concert!)


    • Sorry whitelady.
      Ok, yeah, not very though…

      I was thinking of changing the warning to red letters, but there’s no reason we shouldn’t share the pain with everyone else.


  6. …with lyrics just in case you want to sing along!


  7. All very annoying, but I nominate “Come on Eileen” I mentioned this on another blog recently, it’s always on at someones wedding I go to, and then they wonder how their cake ended up being knocked over


  8. Okay… have I mentioned what a silly fool I am for Van Halen???!!! AND! I am *totally* going to see them when they come here in May. SO CRAZY EXCITED!
    But… this new album is missing something.
    Admittedly, I am a Van Hagar fan, through-and-through. But their time with Dave was awesome! And I love that stuff, as well. Their new music is missing the magic. Whatever it was that captivated us is noticeably absent. And no Michael Anthony? *sigh* He was my favorite. (I sorta had/have a crush on him.)

    Not the point. The point is that I can’t WAIT to read your review. Can’t. Wait!

    And… this song is way worse than anything you can proffer up today.


    • It was a great show, flame. No, the sheer volume of alcohol consumed doesn’t affect my judgement at all. And there were no Hagar era songs in the set.
      An that’s a good song! I will be referring to that link to get the others out of my head…


  9. Also… I have no real idea how to embed videos. I’m such a dummy. ~flame


  10. I’m back my friend πŸ˜€
    Confession time: I voted twice πŸ™‚


  11. Gee, thanks. Now I’m going to have “Mickey” going through my head all day! πŸ˜†


  12. Mine is actually a mashup.

    Thank you SO much.


  13. OOOOOOOOOO the itsty bitsy spider went up the waterspout down came the rain and washing the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again!—sum total of every thought I will have for the rest of the day. I’ll get you El Guapo! Your little spider too!!


  14. Van Halen in Indy? Sounds like a good time! Psycho Killer…what a good song! Ahh musical bonding. I don’t think I get to celebrate president’s day over her in Canada land 😦


  15. OMG “It’s a small world” is horrible and just READING that got it lodged in my head! I blame that torturously long line at Disney World way back. It scarred me for life.


    • Asplenia, I’m not convinced that there isn’t a subliminal message in that song that Disney will use one day to take over the world. Seriously, no one likes it, but everyone knows it…


  16. Television shows and movies should use your parental advisory instead. It’s way better than “This show may not be suitable for some audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.” Boooring.


  17. I don’t dig Van Halen but I dig you. I tagged you in my post today. Check it out if you like!


  18. I flippin’ love the La La song. It came out while I was serving in Kuwait in ’01. All the tracks that were constantly replayed during that 6 months are held fondly in my heart. πŸ™‚


  19. Hi,
    Not a great way to start my weekend with not only itsy bitsy spider running around in my head, but also Mickey. 😑
    But the video helped to sort it out, fantastic song. πŸ™‚


  20. Not only do I not know, but why am I here?


  21. Another great choice for song of the day–other than Oui and Non, the only French I know comes from that song.

    Also, although Captain JT Kirk seems like a good choice, as the All-American captain was born in Iowa, he is most famously portrayed by a (gasp!) Canadian.


  22. The Mr. Softee song.

    Enough said.


  23. I LOVE the Mr. Softee song! But only because it means I’m in NY, and that is an entirely too rare occurrence.

    And of course, if I can’t go other, I have to go Mickey. Damn you, Toni Basil. Damn you to fragrant, great on pizza and pasta hell!


  24. Hotspur didn’t vote, because Tattoo is not on the list. Nor was Love You Like A Love Song by Selena Bieber

    Or Mexican Radio. Or Tubthumping.


  25. After entirely too many years of sentenced working overnight in the big box demonic retail temple, I have to beg for a case of ear worms every stinking time I hear “Why Can’t We Be Friends?” And since BBDRT has an eight hour loop of every band who has every done (I refuse to acknowledge this song as material worthy of being “redone”.) in its entire miserable history.

    We cannot be friends because this song is utterly vile and atrocious.


  26. shoot EG, how did i miss the president’s day contest? oh well… my nomination for the song i’d least like to have stuck in my head is… “the lion sleeps tonight” – which song i absolutely positively HATE! Mickey is a VERY close second, followed by “Deutschland ΓΌber Alles” – but that’s just me. continue…


    • Honestly Tony, I like The Lion Sleeps Tonight. I have a lot of fond memories of that song…
      Strongly agree with the other two though.


    • Tony: oh dear god I Detest Mickey. Hated it form the day it was released on an unsuspecting public. As for Deutschland ΓΌber Alles? I just run run run run run so far away ai ai ai…
      My landlord -when I was living in LA- was the cinematographer for the film ‘Stop Making Sense.’
      EG: this is the best live version I’ve come across of this song. Of course I’d see them again if they toured. Saw them in ’84 while living in NYC.
      Great show.


  27. Greta post and kudos to your daughter for the idea.
    True evil..especially the insertion of those videos. The horror. The horror.
    Nightmares will ensue. No amount of Ambian will release the carnage inflicted by the Van Halen video -shudder-. Hope your happy!
    I am -grin-


  28. I only wanna comment on Psycho Killer. I always enjoy your song picks and this one is no exception. It reminds me of my youth – Can’t remember how old I was– 19 or 20?
    Which do you prefer, the live version or the other?


    • Honestly, El Guapo prefers the recorded version, Lisa. Live versions he’s seen are too heavy on the bass and just seem to him to drone a bit more than the album version.
      That being said, if they ever tour again, Guapo plans to be there, and they can play it however they want.


  29. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Extra Bright Edition | Guapola

Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!